using Ryujinx.Audio.Integration;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp.Command;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Utils;
using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp
    public class AudioProcessor : IDisposable
        private const int MaxBufferedFrames = 5;
        private const int TargetBufferedFrames = 3;

        private enum MailboxMessage : uint

        private class RendererSession
            public CommandList CommandList;
            public int RenderingLimit;
            public ulong AppletResourceId;

        private Mailbox<MailboxMessage> _mailbox;
        private RendererSession[] _sessionCommandList;
        private Thread _workerThread;

        public IHardwareDevice[] OutputDevices { get; private set; }

        private long _lastTime;
        private long _playbackEnds;
        private readonly ManualResetEvent _event;

        private ManualResetEvent _pauseEvent;

        public AudioProcessor()
            _event = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        private static uint GetHardwareChannelCount(IHardwareDeviceDriver deviceDriver)
            // Get the real device driver (In case the compat layer is on top of it).
            deviceDriver = deviceDriver.GetRealDeviceDriver();

            if (deviceDriver.SupportsChannelCount(6))
                return 6;

            // NOTE: We default to stereo as this will get downmixed to mono by the compat layer if it's not compatible.
            return 2;

        public void Start(IHardwareDeviceDriver deviceDriver)
            OutputDevices = new IHardwareDevice[Constants.AudioRendererSessionCountMax];

            uint channelCount = GetHardwareChannelCount(deviceDriver);

            for (int i = 0; i < OutputDevices.Length; i++)
                // TODO: Don't hardcode sample rate.
                OutputDevices[i] = new HardwareDeviceImpl(deviceDriver, channelCount, Constants.TargetSampleRate);

            _mailbox = new Mailbox<MailboxMessage>();
            _sessionCommandList = new RendererSession[Constants.AudioRendererSessionCountMax];
            _lastTime = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedNanoseconds;
            _pauseEvent = deviceDriver.GetPauseEvent();



            if (_mailbox.ReceiveResponse() != MailboxMessage.Start)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio Processor Start response was invalid!");

        public void Stop()

            if (_mailbox.ReceiveResponse() != MailboxMessage.Stop)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio Processor Stop response was invalid!");

            foreach (IHardwareDevice device in OutputDevices)

        public void Send(int sessionId, CommandList commands, int renderingLimit, ulong appletResourceId)
            _sessionCommandList[sessionId] = new RendererSession
                CommandList = commands,
                RenderingLimit = renderingLimit,
                AppletResourceId = appletResourceId,

        public bool HasRemainingCommands(int sessionId)
            return _sessionCommandList[sessionId] != null;

        public void Signal()

        public void Wait()
            if (_mailbox.ReceiveResponse() != MailboxMessage.RenderEnd)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio Processor Wait response was invalid!");

            long increment = Constants.AudioProcessorMaxUpdateTimeTarget;

            long timeNow = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedNanoseconds;

            if (timeNow > _playbackEnds)
                // Playback has restarted.
                _playbackEnds = timeNow;

            _playbackEnds += increment;

            // The number of frames we are behind where the timer says we should be.
            long framesBehind = (timeNow - _lastTime) / increment;

            // The number of frames yet to play on the backend.
            long bufferedFrames = (_playbackEnds - timeNow) / increment + framesBehind;

            // If we've entered a situation where a lot of buffers will be queued on the backend,
            // Skip some audio frames so that playback can catch up.
            if (bufferedFrames > MaxBufferedFrames)
                // Skip a few frames so that we're not too far behind. (the target number of frames)
                _lastTime += increment * (bufferedFrames - TargetBufferedFrames);

            while (timeNow < _lastTime + increment)

                timeNow = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedNanoseconds;

            _lastTime += increment;

        private void StartThread()
            _workerThread = new Thread(Work)
                Name = "AudioProcessor.Worker",


        private void Work()
            if (_mailbox.ReceiveMessage() != MailboxMessage.Start)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Audio Processor Start message was invalid!");


            Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, "Starting audio processor");

            while (true)

                MailboxMessage message = _mailbox.ReceiveMessage();

                if (message == MailboxMessage.Stop)

                if (message == MailboxMessage.RenderStart)
                    long startTicks = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedNanoseconds;

                    for (int i = 0; i < _sessionCommandList.Length; i++)
                        if (_sessionCommandList[i] != null)
                            _sessionCommandList[i] = null;

                    long endTicks = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedNanoseconds;

                    long elapsedTime = endTicks - startTicks;

                    if (Constants.AudioProcessorMaxUpdateTime < elapsedTime)
                        Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, $"DSP too slow (exceeded by {elapsedTime - Constants.AudioProcessorMaxUpdateTime}ns)");


            Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, "Stopping audio processor");

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)