// https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/cpp-docs/blob/master/docs/build/exception-handling-x64.md using ARMeilleure.CodeGen.Unwinding; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ARMeilleure.Translation.Cache { static partial class JitUnwindWindows { private const int MaxUnwindCodesArraySize = 32; // Must be an even value. private struct RuntimeFunction { public uint BeginAddress; public uint EndAddress; public uint UnwindData; } private struct UnwindInfo { public byte VersionAndFlags; public byte SizeOfProlog; public byte CountOfUnwindCodes; public byte FrameRegister; public unsafe fixed ushort UnwindCodes[MaxUnwindCodesArraySize]; } private enum UnwindOp { PushNonvol = 0, AllocLarge = 1, AllocSmall = 2, SetFpreg = 3, SaveNonvol = 4, SaveNonvolFar = 5, SaveXmm128 = 8, SaveXmm128Far = 9, PushMachframe = 10, } private unsafe delegate RuntimeFunction* GetRuntimeFunctionCallback(ulong controlPc, IntPtr context); [LibraryImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] private static unsafe partial bool RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback( ulong tableIdentifier, ulong baseAddress, uint length, GetRuntimeFunctionCallback callback, IntPtr context, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string outOfProcessCallbackDll); private static GetRuntimeFunctionCallback _getRuntimeFunctionCallback; private static int _sizeOfRuntimeFunction; private unsafe static RuntimeFunction* _runtimeFunction; private unsafe static UnwindInfo* _unwindInfo; public static void InstallFunctionTableHandler(IntPtr codeCachePointer, uint codeCacheLength, IntPtr workBufferPtr) { ulong codeCachePtr = (ulong)codeCachePointer.ToInt64(); _sizeOfRuntimeFunction = Marshal.SizeOf(); bool result; unsafe { _runtimeFunction = (RuntimeFunction*)workBufferPtr; _unwindInfo = (UnwindInfo*)(workBufferPtr + _sizeOfRuntimeFunction); _getRuntimeFunctionCallback = new GetRuntimeFunctionCallback(FunctionTableHandler); result = RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback( codeCachePtr | 3, codeCachePtr, codeCacheLength, _getRuntimeFunctionCallback, codeCachePointer, null); } if (!result) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failure installing function table callback."); } } private static unsafe RuntimeFunction* FunctionTableHandler(ulong controlPc, IntPtr context) { int offset = (int)((long)controlPc - context.ToInt64()); if (!JitCache.TryFind(offset, out CacheEntry funcEntry, out _)) { return null; // Not found. } var unwindInfo = funcEntry.UnwindInfo; int codeIndex = 0; for (int index = unwindInfo.PushEntries.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { var entry = unwindInfo.PushEntries[index]; switch (entry.PseudoOp) { case UnwindPseudoOp.SaveXmm128: { int stackOffset = entry.StackOffsetOrAllocSize; Debug.Assert(stackOffset % 16 == 0); if (stackOffset <= 0xFFFF0) { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.SaveXmm128, entry.PrologOffset, entry.RegIndex); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(stackOffset / 16); } else { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.SaveXmm128Far, entry.PrologOffset, entry.RegIndex); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(stackOffset >> 0); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(stackOffset >> 16); } break; } case UnwindPseudoOp.AllocStack: { int allocSize = entry.StackOffsetOrAllocSize; Debug.Assert(allocSize % 8 == 0); if (allocSize <= 128) { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.AllocSmall, entry.PrologOffset, (allocSize / 8) - 1); } else if (allocSize <= 0x7FFF8) { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.AllocLarge, entry.PrologOffset, 0); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(allocSize / 8); } else { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.AllocLarge, entry.PrologOffset, 1); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(allocSize >> 0); _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = (ushort)(allocSize >> 16); } break; } case UnwindPseudoOp.PushReg: { _unwindInfo->UnwindCodes[codeIndex++] = PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp.PushNonvol, entry.PrologOffset, entry.RegIndex); break; } default: throw new NotImplementedException($"({nameof(entry.PseudoOp)} = {entry.PseudoOp})"); } } Debug.Assert(codeIndex <= MaxUnwindCodesArraySize); _unwindInfo->VersionAndFlags = 1; // Flags: The function has no handler. _unwindInfo->SizeOfProlog = (byte)unwindInfo.PrologSize; _unwindInfo->CountOfUnwindCodes = (byte)codeIndex; _unwindInfo->FrameRegister = 0; _runtimeFunction->BeginAddress = (uint)funcEntry.Offset; _runtimeFunction->EndAddress = (uint)(funcEntry.Offset + funcEntry.Size); _runtimeFunction->UnwindData = (uint)_sizeOfRuntimeFunction; return _runtimeFunction; } private static ushort PackUnwindOp(UnwindOp op, int prologOffset, int opInfo) { return (ushort)(prologOffset | ((int)op << 8) | (opInfo << 12)); } } }