using ARMeilleure.CodeGen.X86; using ARMeilleure.Decoders; using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.State; using ARMeilleure.Translation; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitHelper; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operand.Factory; namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions { using Func1I = Func; using Func2I = Func; using Func3I = Func; static class InstEmitSimdHelper { #region "Masks" public static readonly long[] EvenMasks = new long[] { 14L << 56 | 12L << 48 | 10L << 40 | 08L << 32 | 06L << 24 | 04L << 16 | 02L << 8 | 00L << 0, // B 13L << 56 | 12L << 48 | 09L << 40 | 08L << 32 | 05L << 24 | 04L << 16 | 01L << 8 | 00L << 0, // H 11L << 56 | 10L << 48 | 09L << 40 | 08L << 32 | 03L << 24 | 02L << 16 | 01L << 8 | 00L << 0, // S }; public static readonly long[] OddMasks = new long[] { 15L << 56 | 13L << 48 | 11L << 40 | 09L << 32 | 07L << 24 | 05L << 16 | 03L << 8 | 01L << 0, // B 15L << 56 | 14L << 48 | 11L << 40 | 10L << 32 | 07L << 24 | 06L << 16 | 03L << 8 | 02L << 0, // H 15L << 56 | 14L << 48 | 13L << 40 | 12L << 32 | 07L << 24 | 06L << 16 | 05L << 8 | 04L << 0, // S }; public const long ZeroMask = 128L << 56 | 128L << 48 | 128L << 40 | 128L << 32 | 128L << 24 | 128L << 16 | 128L << 8 | 128L << 0; public static ulong X86GetGf2p8LogicalShiftLeft(int shift) { ulong identity = (0b00000001UL << 56) | (0b00000010UL << 48) | (0b00000100UL << 40) | (0b00001000UL << 32) | (0b00010000UL << 24) | (0b00100000UL << 16) | (0b01000000UL << 8) | (0b10000000UL << 0); return shift >= 0 ? identity >> (shift * 8) : identity << (-shift * 8); } #endregion #region "X86 SSE Intrinsics" public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PaddInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Paddb, Intrinsic.X86Paddw, Intrinsic.X86Paddd, Intrinsic.X86Paddq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PcmpeqInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pcmpeqb, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpeqw, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpeqd, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpeqq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PcmpgtInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pcmpgtb, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpgtw, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpgtd, Intrinsic.X86Pcmpgtq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PmaxsInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pmaxsb, Intrinsic.X86Pmaxsw, Intrinsic.X86Pmaxsd, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PmaxuInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pmaxub, Intrinsic.X86Pmaxuw, Intrinsic.X86Pmaxud, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PminsInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pminsb, Intrinsic.X86Pminsw, Intrinsic.X86Pminsd, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PminuInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pminub, Intrinsic.X86Pminuw, Intrinsic.X86Pminud, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PmovsxInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pmovsxbw, Intrinsic.X86Pmovsxwd, Intrinsic.X86Pmovsxdq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PmovzxInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Pmovzxbw, Intrinsic.X86Pmovzxwd, Intrinsic.X86Pmovzxdq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PsllInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { 0, Intrinsic.X86Psllw, Intrinsic.X86Pslld, Intrinsic.X86Psllq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PsraInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { 0, Intrinsic.X86Psraw, Intrinsic.X86Psrad, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PsrlInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { 0, Intrinsic.X86Psrlw, Intrinsic.X86Psrld, Intrinsic.X86Psrlq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PsubInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Psubb, Intrinsic.X86Psubw, Intrinsic.X86Psubd, Intrinsic.X86Psubq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PunpckhInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Punpckhbw, Intrinsic.X86Punpckhwd, Intrinsic.X86Punpckhdq, Intrinsic.X86Punpckhqdq, }; public static readonly Intrinsic[] X86PunpcklInstruction = new Intrinsic[] { Intrinsic.X86Punpcklbw, Intrinsic.X86Punpcklwd, Intrinsic.X86Punpckldq, Intrinsic.X86Punpcklqdq, }; #endregion public static void EnterArmFpMode(EmitterContext context, Func getFpFlag) { if (Optimizations.UseSse2) { Operand mxcsr = context.AddIntrinsicInt(Intrinsic.X86Stmxcsr); Operand fzTrue = getFpFlag(FPState.FzFlag); Operand r0True = getFpFlag(FPState.RMode0Flag); Operand r1True = getFpFlag(FPState.RMode1Flag); mxcsr = context.BitwiseAnd(mxcsr, Const(~(int)(Mxcsr.Ftz | Mxcsr.Daz | Mxcsr.Rhi | Mxcsr.Rlo))); mxcsr = context.BitwiseOr(mxcsr, context.ConditionalSelect(fzTrue, Const((int)(Mxcsr.Ftz | Mxcsr.Daz | Mxcsr.Um | Mxcsr.Dm)), Const(0))); // X86 round modes in order: nearest, negative, positive, zero // ARM round modes in order: nearest, positive, negative, zero // Read the bits backwards to correct this. mxcsr = context.BitwiseOr(mxcsr, context.ConditionalSelect(r0True, Const((int)Mxcsr.Rhi), Const(0))); mxcsr = context.BitwiseOr(mxcsr, context.ConditionalSelect(r1True, Const((int)Mxcsr.Rlo), Const(0))); context.AddIntrinsicNoRet(Intrinsic.X86Ldmxcsr, mxcsr); } else if (Optimizations.UseAdvSimd) { Operand fpcr = context.AddIntrinsicInt(Intrinsic.Arm64MrsFpcr); Operand fzTrue = getFpFlag(FPState.FzFlag); Operand r0True = getFpFlag(FPState.RMode0Flag); Operand r1True = getFpFlag(FPState.RMode1Flag); fpcr = context.BitwiseAnd(fpcr, Const(~(int)(FPCR.Fz | FPCR.RMode0 | FPCR.RMode1))); fpcr = context.BitwiseOr(fpcr, context.ConditionalSelect(fzTrue, Const((int)FPCR.Fz), Const(0))); fpcr = context.BitwiseOr(fpcr, context.ConditionalSelect(r0True, Const((int)FPCR.RMode0), Const(0))); fpcr = context.BitwiseOr(fpcr, context.ConditionalSelect(r1True, Const((int)FPCR.RMode1), Const(0))); context.AddIntrinsicNoRet(Intrinsic.Arm64MsrFpcr, fpcr); // TODO: Restore FPSR } } public static void ExitArmFpMode(EmitterContext context, Action setFpFlag) { if (Optimizations.UseSse2) { Operand mxcsr = context.AddIntrinsicInt(Intrinsic.X86Stmxcsr); // Unset round mode (to nearest) and ftz. mxcsr = context.BitwiseAnd(mxcsr, Const(~(int)(Mxcsr.Ftz | Mxcsr.Daz | Mxcsr.Rhi | Mxcsr.Rlo))); context.AddIntrinsicNoRet(Intrinsic.X86Ldmxcsr, mxcsr); // Status flags would be stored here if they were used. } else if (Optimizations.UseAdvSimd) { Operand fpcr = context.AddIntrinsicInt(Intrinsic.Arm64MrsFpcr); // Unset round mode (to nearest) and fz. fpcr = context.BitwiseAnd(fpcr, Const(~(int)(FPCR.Fz | FPCR.RMode0 | FPCR.RMode1))); context.AddIntrinsicNoRet(Intrinsic.Arm64MsrFpcr, fpcr); // TODO: Store FPSR } } public static int GetImmShl(OpCodeSimdShImm op) { return op.Imm - (8 << op.Size); } public static int GetImmShr(OpCodeSimdShImm op) { return (8 << (op.Size + 1)) - op.Imm; } public static Operand X86GetScalar(ArmEmitterContext context, float value) { return X86GetScalar(context, BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value)); } public static Operand X86GetScalar(ArmEmitterContext context, double value) { return X86GetScalar(context, BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value)); } public static Operand X86GetScalar(ArmEmitterContext context, int value) { return context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(value)); } public static Operand X86GetScalar(ArmEmitterContext context, long value) { return context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(value)); } public static Operand X86GetAllElements(ArmEmitterContext context, float value) { return X86GetAllElements(context, BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value)); } public static Operand X86GetAllElements(ArmEmitterContext context, double value) { return X86GetAllElements(context, BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value)); } public static Operand X86GetAllElements(ArmEmitterContext context, short value) { ulong value1 = (ushort)value; ulong value2 = value1 << 16 | value1; ulong value4 = value2 << 32 | value2; return X86GetAllElements(context, (long)value4); } public static Operand X86GetAllElements(ArmEmitterContext context, int value) { Operand vector = context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(value)); vector = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, vector, vector, Const(0)); return vector; } public static Operand X86GetAllElements(ArmEmitterContext context, long value) { Operand vector = context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(value)); vector = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Movlhps, vector, vector); return vector; } public static Operand X86GetElements(ArmEmitterContext context, long e1, long e0) { return X86GetElements(context, (ulong)e1, (ulong)e0); } public static Operand X86GetElements(ArmEmitterContext context, ulong e1, ulong e0) { Operand vector0 = context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(e0)); Operand vector1 = context.VectorCreateScalar(Const(e1)); return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpcklqdq, vector0, vector1); } public static int X86GetRoundControl(FPRoundingMode roundMode) { return roundMode switch { #pragma warning disable IDE0055 // Disable formatting FPRoundingMode.ToNearest => 8 | 0, // even FPRoundingMode.TowardsPlusInfinity => 8 | 2, FPRoundingMode.TowardsMinusInfinity => 8 | 1, FPRoundingMode.TowardsZero => 8 | 3, _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid rounding mode \"{roundMode}\"."), #pragma warning restore IDE0055 }; } public static Operand EmitSse41RoundToNearestWithTiesToAwayOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand n, bool scalar) { Debug.Assert(n.Type == OperandType.V128); Operand nCopy = context.Copy(n); Operand rC = Const(X86GetRoundControl(FPRoundingMode.TowardsZero)); IOpCodeSimd op = (IOpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; if ((op.Size & 1) == 0) { Operand signMask = scalar ? X86GetScalar(context, int.MinValue) : X86GetAllElements(context, int.MinValue); signMask = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pand, signMask, nCopy); // 0x3EFFFFFF == BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(0.5f) - 1 Operand valueMask = scalar ? X86GetScalar(context, 0x3EFFFFFF) : X86GetAllElements(context, 0x3EFFFFFF); valueMask = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Por, valueMask, signMask); nCopy = context.AddIntrinsic(scalar ? Intrinsic.X86Addss : Intrinsic.X86Addps, nCopy, valueMask); nCopy = context.AddIntrinsic(scalar ? Intrinsic.X86Roundss : Intrinsic.X86Roundps, nCopy, rC); } else { Operand signMask = scalar ? X86GetScalar(context, long.MinValue) : X86GetAllElements(context, long.MinValue); signMask = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pand, signMask, nCopy); // 0x3FDFFFFFFFFFFFFFL == BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(0.5d) - 1L Operand valueMask = scalar ? X86GetScalar(context, 0x3FDFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) : X86GetAllElements(context, 0x3FDFFFFFFFFFFFFFL); valueMask = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Por, valueMask, signMask); nCopy = context.AddIntrinsic(scalar ? Intrinsic.X86Addsd : Intrinsic.X86Addpd, nCopy, valueMask); nCopy = context.AddIntrinsic(scalar ? Intrinsic.X86Roundsd : Intrinsic.X86Roundpd, nCopy, rC); } return nCopy; } public static Operand EmitCountSetBits8(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op) // "size" is 8 (SIMD&FP Inst.). { Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I32 || op.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand op0 = context.Subtract(op, context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(op, Const(1)), Const(op.Type, 0x55L))); Operand c1 = Const(op.Type, 0x33L); Operand op1 = context.Add(context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(op0, Const(2)), c1), context.BitwiseAnd(op0, c1)); return context.BitwiseAnd(context.Add(op1, context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(4))), Const(op.Type, 0x0fL)); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst32, Intrinsic inst64) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Intrinsic inst = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? inst64 : inst32; Operand res = context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n); if ((op.Size & 1) != 0) { res = context.VectorZeroUpper64(res); } else { res = context.VectorZeroUpper96(res); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst32, Intrinsic inst64) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Operand m = GetVec(op.Rm); Intrinsic inst = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? inst64 : inst32; Operand res = context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n, m); if ((op.Size & 1) != 0) { res = context.VectorZeroUpper64(res); } else { res = context.VectorZeroUpper96(res); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst32, Intrinsic inst64) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Intrinsic inst = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? inst64 : inst32; Operand res = context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n); if (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd64) { res = context.VectorZeroUpper64(res); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst32, Intrinsic inst64) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Operand m = GetVec(op.Rm); Intrinsic inst = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? inst64 : inst32; Operand res = context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n, m); if (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd64) { res = context.VectorZeroUpper64(res); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static Operand EmitUnaryMathCall(ArmEmitterContext context, string name, Operand n) { IOpCodeSimd op = (IOpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; MethodInfo info = (op.Size & 1) == 0 ? typeof(MathF).GetMethod(name, new Type[] { typeof(float) }) : typeof(Math).GetMethod(name, new Type[] { typeof(double) }); return context.Call(info, n); } public static Operand EmitRoundMathCall(ArmEmitterContext context, MidpointRounding roundMode, Operand n) { IOpCodeSimd op = (IOpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; string name = nameof(Math.Round); MethodInfo info = (op.Size & 1) == 0 ? typeof(MathF).GetMethod(name, new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(MidpointRounding) }) : typeof(Math).GetMethod(name, new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(MidpointRounding) }); return context.Call(info, n, Const((int)roundMode)); } public static Operand EmitGetRoundingMode(ArmEmitterContext context) { Operand rMode = context.ShiftLeft(GetFpFlag(FPState.RMode1Flag), Const(1)); rMode = context.BitwiseOr(rMode, GetFpFlag(FPState.RMode0Flag)); return rMode; } public static Operand EmitRoundByRMode(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op) { Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.FP32 || op.Type == OperandType.FP64); Operand lbl1 = Label(); Operand lbl2 = Label(); Operand lbl3 = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand rN = Const((int)FPRoundingMode.ToNearest); Operand rP = Const((int)FPRoundingMode.TowardsPlusInfinity); Operand rM = Const((int)FPRoundingMode.TowardsMinusInfinity); Operand res = context.AllocateLocal(op.Type); Operand rMode = EmitGetRoundingMode(context); context.BranchIf(lbl1, rMode, rN, Comparison.NotEqual); context.Copy(res, EmitRoundMathCall(context, MidpointRounding.ToEven, op)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl1); context.BranchIf(lbl2, rMode, rP, Comparison.NotEqual); context.Copy(res, EmitUnaryMathCall(context, nameof(Math.Ceiling), op)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl2); context.BranchIf(lbl3, rMode, rM, Comparison.NotEqual); context.Copy(res, EmitUnaryMathCall(context, nameof(Math.Floor), op)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl3); context.Copy(res, EmitUnaryMathCall(context, nameof(Math.Truncate), op)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } public static Operand EmitSoftFloatCall(ArmEmitterContext context, string name, params Operand[] callArgs) { IOpCodeSimd op = (IOpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; MethodInfo info = (op.Size & 1) == 0 ? typeof(SoftFloat32).GetMethod(name) : typeof(SoftFloat64).GetMethod(name); context.ExitArmFpMode(); context.StoreToContext(); Operand res = context.Call(info, callArgs); context.LoadFromContext(); context.EnterArmFpMode(); return res; } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpByElemF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElemF op = (OpCodeSimdRegElemF)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand n = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); Operand m = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), op.Index); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(n, m), 0)); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpByElemF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElemF op = (OpCodeSimdRegElemF)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand d = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rd), 0); Operand n = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); Operand m = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), op.Index); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(d, n, m), 0)); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand n = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size); Operand d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), emit(n), 0, op.Size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand n = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size); Operand m = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rm, 0, op.Size); Operand d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), emit(n, m), 0, op.Size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand n = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size); Operand d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), emit(n), 0, op.Size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand n = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size); Operand m = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, 0, op.Size); Operand d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), emit(n, m), 0, op.Size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand d = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rd, 0, op.Size); Operand n = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size); Operand m = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, 0, op.Size); d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), emit(d, n, m), 0, op.Size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand n = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(n), 0)); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand n = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); Operand m = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), 0); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(n, m), 0)); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryRaOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand a = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Ra), 0); Operand n = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); Operand m = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), 0); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(a, n, m), 0)); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(ne), index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), index); Operand me = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(ne, me), index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rd), index); Operand ne = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), index); Operand me = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(de, ne, me), index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElemF op = (OpCodeSimdRegElemF)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), index); Operand me = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), op.Index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(ne, me), index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpByElemF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElemF op = (OpCodeSimdRegElemF)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rd), index); Operand ne = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), index); Operand me = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), op.Index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(de, ne, me), index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rm, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size); Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rm, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size); Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElem op = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rm, op.Index, op.Size); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElem op = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, op.Index, op.Size); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpByElemZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { OpCodeSimdRegElem op = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); Operand me = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rm, op.Index, op.Size); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size); Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, ne, me), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorImmUnaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { OpCodeSimdImm op = (OpCodeSimdImm)context.CurrOp; Operand imm = Const(op.Immediate); Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(imm), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorImmBinaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdImm op = (OpCodeSimdImm)context.CurrOp; Operand imm = Const(op.Immediate); Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtractZx(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, imm), index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = 8 >> op.Size; int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size + 1, signed); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, part + index, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size + 1); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOp(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOp(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = 8 >> op.Size; int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, part + index, op.Size, signed); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, part + index, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size + 1); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOp(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOp(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int elems = 8 >> op.Size; int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size + 1, signed); Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, part + index, op.Size, signed); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, part + index, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, ne, me), index, op.Size + 1); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorWidenBinaryOpByElemSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenBinaryOpByElem(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenBinaryOpByElemZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorWidenBinaryOpByElem(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorWidenBinaryOpByElem(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdRegElem op = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, op.Index, op.Size, signed); int elems = 8 >> op.Size; int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, part + index, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(ne, me), index, op.Size + 1); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorWidenTernaryOpByElemSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { EmitVectorWidenTernaryOpByElem(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenTernaryOpByElemZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit) { EmitVectorWidenTernaryOpByElem(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorWidenTernaryOpByElem(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdRegElem op = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, op.Index, op.Size, signed); int elems = 8 >> op.Size; int part = op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128 ? elems : 0; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size + 1, signed); Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, part + index, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(de, ne, me), index, op.Size + 1); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorPairwiseOp(context, emit, signed: true); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorPairwiseOp(context, emit, signed: false); } private static void EmitVectorPairwiseOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, bool signed) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int pairs = op.GetPairsCount() >> op.Size; for (int index = 0; index < pairs; index++) { int pairIndex = index << 1; Operand n0 = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, pairIndex, op.Size, signed); Operand n1 = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, pairIndex + 1, op.Size, signed); Operand m0 = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, pairIndex, op.Size, signed); Operand m1 = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rm, pairIndex + 1, op.Size, signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(n0, n1), index, op.Size); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, emit(m0, m1), pairs + index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitSsse3VectorPairwiseOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic[] inst) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Operand m = GetVec(op.Rm); if (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd64) { Operand zeroEvenMask = X86GetElements(context, ZeroMask, EvenMasks[op.Size]); Operand zeroOddMask = X86GetElements(context, ZeroMask, OddMasks[op.Size]); Operand mN = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpcklqdq, n, m); // m:n Operand left = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufb, mN, zeroEvenMask); // 0:even from m:n Operand right = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufb, mN, zeroOddMask); // 0:odd from m:n context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.AddIntrinsic(inst[op.Size], left, right)); } else if (op.Size < 3) { Operand oddEvenMask = X86GetElements(context, OddMasks[op.Size], EvenMasks[op.Size]); Operand oddEvenN = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufb, n, oddEvenMask); // odd:even from n Operand oddEvenM = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufb, m, oddEvenMask); // odd:even from m Operand left = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpcklqdq, oddEvenN, oddEvenM); Operand right = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpckhqdq, oddEvenN, oddEvenM); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.AddIntrinsic(inst[op.Size], left, right)); } else { Operand left = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpcklqdq, n, m); Operand right = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Punpckhqdq, n, m); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.AddIntrinsic(inst[3], left, right)); } } public static void EmitVectorAcrossVectorOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorAcrossVectorOp(context, emit, signed: true, isLong: false); } public static void EmitVectorAcrossVectorOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorAcrossVectorOp(context, emit, signed: false, isLong: false); } public static void EmitVectorLongAcrossVectorOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorAcrossVectorOp(context, emit, signed: true, isLong: true); } public static void EmitVectorLongAcrossVectorOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitVectorAcrossVectorOp(context, emit, signed: false, isLong: true); } private static void EmitVectorAcrossVectorOp( ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, bool signed, bool isLong) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size; Operand res = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, 0, op.Size, signed); for (int index = 1; index < elems; index++) { Operand n = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size, signed); res = emit(res, n); } int size = isLong ? op.Size + 1 : op.Size; Operand d = EmitVectorInsert(context, context.VectorZero(), res, 0, size); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitVectorAcrossVectorOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Debug.Assert((op.Size & 1) == 0 && op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128); Operand res = context.VectorExtract(OperandType.FP32, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); for (int index = 1; index < 4; index++) { Operand n = context.VectorExtract(OperandType.FP32, GetVec(op.Rn), index); res = emit(res, n); } Operand d = context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), res, 0); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), d); } public static void EmitSse2VectorAcrossVectorOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Debug.Assert((op.Size & 1) == 0 && op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128); const int SM0 = 0 << 6 | 0 << 4 | 0 << 2 | 0 << 0; const int SM1 = 1 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 0; const int SM2 = 2 << 6 | 2 << 4 | 2 << 2 | 2 << 0; const int SM3 = 3 << 6 | 3 << 4 | 3 << 2 | 3 << 0; Operand nCopy = context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rn)); Operand part0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, nCopy, Const(SM0)); Operand part1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, nCopy, Const(SM1)); Operand part2 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, nCopy, Const(SM2)); Operand part3 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, nCopy, Const(SM3)); Operand res = emit(emit(part0, part1), emit(part2, part3)); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), context.VectorZeroUpper96(res)); } public static void EmitScalarPairwiseOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; OperandType type = (op.Size & 1) != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; Operand ne0 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 0); Operand ne1 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), 1); Operand res = context.VectorInsert(context.VectorZero(), emit(ne0, ne1), 0); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitSse2ScalarPairwiseOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand n = GetVec(op.Rn); Operand op0, op1; if ((op.Size & 1) == 0) { const int SM0 = 2 << 6 | 2 << 4 | 2 << 2 | 0 << 0; const int SM1 = 2 << 6 | 2 << 4 | 2 << 2 | 1 << 0; Operand zeroN = context.VectorZeroUpper64(n); op0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufd, zeroN, Const(SM0)); op1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Pshufd, zeroN, Const(SM1)); } else /* if ((op.Size & 1) == 1) */ { Operand zero = context.VectorZero(); op0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Movlhps, n, zero); op1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Movhlps, zero, n); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), emit(op0, op1)); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; OperandType type = sizeF != 0 ? OperandType.FP64 : OperandType.FP32; int pairs = op.GetPairsCount() >> sizeF + 2; for (int index = 0; index < pairs; index++) { int pairIndex = index << 1; Operand n0 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), pairIndex); Operand n1 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rn), pairIndex + 1); Operand m0 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), pairIndex); Operand m1 = context.VectorExtract(type, GetVec(op.Rm), pairIndex + 1); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(n0, n1), index); res = context.VectorInsert(res, emit(m0, m1), pairs + index); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitSse2VectorPairwiseOpF(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { OpCodeSimdReg op = (OpCodeSimdReg)context.CurrOp; Operand nCopy = context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rn)); Operand mCopy = context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rm)); int sizeF = op.Size & 1; if (sizeF == 0) { if (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd64) { Operand unpck = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Unpcklps, nCopy, mCopy); Operand zero = context.VectorZero(); Operand part0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Movlhps, unpck, zero); Operand part1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Movhlps, zero, unpck); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), emit(part0, part1)); } else /* if (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128) */ { const int SM0 = 2 << 6 | 0 << 4 | 2 << 2 | 0 << 0; const int SM1 = 3 << 6 | 1 << 4 | 3 << 2 | 1 << 0; Operand part0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, mCopy, Const(SM0)); Operand part1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Shufps, nCopy, mCopy, Const(SM1)); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), emit(part0, part1)); } } else /* if (sizeF == 1) */ { Operand part0 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Unpcklpd, nCopy, mCopy); Operand part1 = context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.X86Unpckhpd, nCopy, mCopy); context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), emit(part0, part1)); } } public enum CmpCondition { // Legacy Sse. Equal = 0, // Ordered, non-signaling. LessThan = 1, // Ordered, signaling. LessThanOrEqual = 2, // Ordered, signaling. UnorderedQ = 3, // Non-signaling. NotLessThan = 5, // Unordered, signaling. NotLessThanOrEqual = 6, // Unordered, signaling. OrderedQ = 7, // Non-signaling. // Vex. GreaterThanOrEqual = 13, // Ordered, signaling. GreaterThan = 14, // Ordered, signaling. OrderedS = 23, // Signaling. } [Flags] public enum SaturatingFlags { None = 0, ByElem = 1 << 0, Scalar = 1 << 1, Signed = 1 << 2, Add = 1 << 3, Sub = 1 << 4, Accumulate = 1 << 5, } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingUnaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(context, emit, SaturatingFlags.Scalar | SaturatingFlags.Signed); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingUnaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit) { EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(context, emit, SaturatingFlags.Signed); } public static void EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I emit, SaturatingFlags flags) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); bool scalar = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Scalar) != 0; int elems = !scalar ? op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size : 1; for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtractSx(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size); Operand de; if (op.Size <= 2) { de = EmitSignedSrcSatQ(context, emit(ne), op.Size, signedDst: true); } else /* if (op.Size == 3) */ { de = EmitUnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(context, emit(ne)); } res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, de, index, op.Size); } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit = null, SaturatingFlags flags = SaturatingFlags.None) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(context, emit, SaturatingFlags.Scalar | SaturatingFlags.Signed | flags); } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, SaturatingFlags flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(context, null, SaturatingFlags.Scalar | flags); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingBinaryOpSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit = null, SaturatingFlags flags = SaturatingFlags.None) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(context, emit, SaturatingFlags.Signed | flags); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingBinaryOpZx(ArmEmitterContext context, SaturatingFlags flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(context, null, flags); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingBinaryOpByElemSx(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(context, emit, SaturatingFlags.ByElem | SaturatingFlags.Signed); } public static void EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I emit, SaturatingFlags flags) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; Operand res = context.VectorZero(); bool byElem = (flags & SaturatingFlags.ByElem) != 0; bool scalar = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Scalar) != 0; bool signed = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Signed) != 0; bool add = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Add) != 0; bool sub = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Sub) != 0; bool accumulate = (flags & SaturatingFlags.Accumulate) != 0; int elems = !scalar ? op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size : 1; if (add || sub) { for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de; Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size, signed); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, ((OpCodeSimdReg)op).Rm, index, op.Size, signed); if (op.Size <= 2) { Operand temp = add ? context.Add(ne, me) : context.Subtract(ne, me); de = EmitSignedSrcSatQ(context, temp, op.Size, signedDst: signed); } else /* if (op.Size == 3) */ { if (add) { de = signed ? EmitBinarySignedSatQAdd(context, ne, me) : EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQAdd(context, ne, me); } else /* if (sub) */ { de = signed ? EmitBinarySignedSatQSub(context, ne, me) : EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQSub(context, ne, me); } } res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, de, index, op.Size); } } else if (accumulate) { for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand de; Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size, !signed); Operand me = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rd, index, op.Size, signed); if (op.Size <= 2) { Operand temp = context.Add(ne, me); de = EmitSignedSrcSatQ(context, temp, op.Size, signedDst: signed); } else /* if (op.Size == 3) */ { de = signed ? EmitBinarySignedSatQAcc(context, ne, me) : EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQAcc(context, ne, me); } res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, de, index, op.Size); } } else { Operand me = default; if (byElem) { OpCodeSimdRegElem opRegElem = (OpCodeSimdRegElem)op; me = EmitVectorExtract(context, opRegElem.Rm, opRegElem.Index, op.Size, signed); } for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size, signed); if (!byElem) { me = EmitVectorExtract(context, ((OpCodeSimdReg)op).Rm, index, op.Size, signed); } Operand de = EmitSignedSrcSatQ(context, emit(ne, me), op.Size, signedDst: signed); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, de, index, op.Size); } } context.Copy(GetVec(op.Rd), res); } [Flags] public enum SaturatingNarrowFlags { Scalar = 1 << 0, SignedSrc = 1 << 1, SignedDst = 1 << 2, ScalarSxSx = Scalar | SignedSrc | SignedDst, ScalarSxZx = Scalar | SignedSrc, ScalarZxZx = Scalar, VectorSxSx = SignedSrc | SignedDst, VectorSxZx = SignedSrc, VectorZxZx = 0, } public static void EmitSaturatingNarrowOp(ArmEmitterContext context, SaturatingNarrowFlags flags) { OpCodeSimd op = (OpCodeSimd)context.CurrOp; bool scalar = (flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.Scalar) != 0; bool signedSrc = (flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedSrc) != 0; bool signedDst = (flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedDst) != 0; int elems = !scalar ? 8 >> op.Size : 1; int part = !scalar && (op.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Simd128) ? elems : 0; Operand d = GetVec(op.Rd); Operand res = part == 0 ? context.VectorZero() : context.Copy(d); for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++) { Operand ne = EmitVectorExtract(context, op.Rn, index, op.Size + 1, signedSrc); Operand temp = signedSrc ? EmitSignedSrcSatQ(context, ne, op.Size, signedDst) : EmitUnsignedSrcSatQ(context, ne, op.Size, signedDst); res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, temp, part + index, op.Size); } context.Copy(d, res); } // long SignedSignSatQ(long op, int size); public static Operand EmitSignedSignSatQ(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op, int size) { int eSize = 8 << size; Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I64); Debug.Assert(eSize == 8 || eSize == 16 || eSize == 32 || eSize == 64); Operand lbl1 = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand maxT = Const((1L << (eSize - 1)) - 1L); Operand minT = Const(-(1L << (eSize - 1))); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), zeroL); context.BranchIf(lbl1, op, zeroL, Comparison.LessOrEqual); context.Copy(res, maxT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl1); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op, zeroL, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); context.Copy(res, minT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // private static ulong UnsignedSignSatQ(ulong op, int size); public static Operand EmitUnsignedSignSatQ(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op, int size) { int eSize = 8 << size; Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I64); Debug.Assert(eSize == 8 || eSize == 16 || eSize == 32 || eSize == 64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand zeroUL = Const(0UL); Operand maxT = Const(ulong.MaxValue >> (64 - eSize)); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), zeroUL); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op, zeroUL, Comparison.LessOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, maxT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // TSrc (16bit, 32bit, 64bit; signed) > TDst (8bit, 16bit, 32bit; signed, unsigned). // long SignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(long op, int size); ulong SignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(long op, int size); public static Operand EmitSignedSrcSatQ(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op, int sizeDst, bool signedDst) { int eSizeDst = 8 << sizeDst; Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I64); Debug.Assert(eSizeDst == 8 || eSizeDst == 16 || eSizeDst == 32); Operand lbl1 = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand maxT = signedDst ? Const((1L << (eSizeDst - 1)) - 1L) : Const((1UL << eSizeDst) - 1UL); Operand minT = signedDst ? Const(-(1L << (eSizeDst - 1))) : Const(0UL); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), op); context.BranchIf(lbl1, op, maxT, Comparison.LessOrEqual); context.Copy(res, maxT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl1); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op, minT, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); context.Copy(res, minT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // TSrc (16bit, 32bit, 64bit; unsigned) > TDst (8bit, 16bit, 32bit; signed, unsigned). // long UnsignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int size); ulong UnsignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int size); public static Operand EmitUnsignedSrcSatQ(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op, int sizeDst, bool signedDst) { int eSizeDst = 8 << sizeDst; Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I64); Debug.Assert(eSizeDst == 8 || eSizeDst == 16 || eSizeDst == 32); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand maxT = signedDst ? Const((1L << (eSizeDst - 1)) - 1L) : Const((1UL << eSizeDst) - 1UL); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), op); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op, maxT, Comparison.LessOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, maxT); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // long UnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(long op); private static Operand EmitUnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op) { Debug.Assert(op.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand minL = Const(long.MinValue); Operand maxL = Const(long.MaxValue); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), op); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op, minL, Comparison.NotEqual); context.Copy(res, maxL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // long BinarySignedSatQAdd(long op1, long op2); public static Operand EmitBinarySignedSatQAdd(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand minL = Const(long.MinValue); Operand maxL = Const(long.MaxValue); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand add = context.Add(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), add); Operand left = context.BitwiseNot(context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(op1, op2)); Operand right = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(op1, add); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, context.BitwiseAnd(left, right), zeroL, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); Operand isPositive = context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(op1, zeroL); context.Copy(res, context.ConditionalSelect(isPositive, maxL, minL)); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAdd(ulong op1, ulong op2); public static Operand EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQAdd(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand maxUL = Const(ulong.MaxValue); Operand add = context.Add(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), add); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, add, op1, Comparison.GreaterOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, maxUL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // long BinarySignedSatQSub(long op1, long op2); public static Operand EmitBinarySignedSatQSub(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand minL = Const(long.MinValue); Operand maxL = Const(long.MaxValue); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand sub = context.Subtract(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), sub); Operand left = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(op1, op2); Operand right = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(op1, sub); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, context.BitwiseAnd(left, right), zeroL, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); Operand isPositive = context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(op1, zeroL); context.Copy(res, context.ConditionalSelect(isPositive, maxL, minL)); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQSub(ulong op1, ulong op2); public static Operand EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQSub(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand sub = context.Subtract(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), sub); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op1, op2, Comparison.GreaterOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, zeroL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // long BinarySignedSatQAcc(ulong op1, long op2); private static Operand EmitBinarySignedSatQAcc(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lbl1 = Label(); Operand lbl2 = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand maxL = Const(long.MaxValue); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand add = context.Add(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), add); context.BranchIf(lbl1, op1, maxL, Comparison.GreaterUI); Operand notOp2AndRes = context.BitwiseAnd(context.BitwiseNot(op2), add); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, notOp2AndRes, zeroL, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); context.Copy(res, maxL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl1); context.BranchIf(lbl2, op2, zeroL, Comparison.Less); context.Copy(res, maxL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl2); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, add, maxL, Comparison.LessOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, maxL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } // ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAcc(long op1, ulong op2); private static Operand EmitBinaryUnsignedSatQAcc(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op1, Operand op2) { Debug.Assert(op1.Type == OperandType.I64 && op2.Type == OperandType.I64); Operand lbl1 = Label(); Operand lblEnd = Label(); Operand maxUL = Const(ulong.MaxValue); Operand maxL = Const(long.MaxValue); Operand zeroL = Const(0L); Operand add = context.Add(op1, op2); Operand res = context.Copy(context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I64), add); context.BranchIf(lbl1, op1, zeroL, Comparison.Less); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, add, op1, Comparison.GreaterOrEqualUI); context.Copy(res, maxUL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lbl1); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, op2, maxL, Comparison.GreaterUI); context.BranchIf(lblEnd, add, zeroL, Comparison.GreaterOrEqual); context.Copy(res, zeroL); SetFpFlag(context, FPState.QcFlag, Const(1)); context.Branch(lblEnd); context.MarkLabel(lblEnd); return res; } public static Operand EmitFloatAbs(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand value, bool single, bool vector) { Operand mask; if (single) { mask = vector ? X86GetAllElements(context, -0f) : X86GetScalar(context, -0f); } else { mask = vector ? X86GetAllElements(context, -0d) : X86GetScalar(context, -0d); } return context.AddIntrinsic(single ? Intrinsic.X86Andnps : Intrinsic.X86Andnpd, mask, value); } public static Operand EmitVectorExtractSx(ArmEmitterContext context, int reg, int index, int size) { return EmitVectorExtract(context, reg, index, size, true); } public static Operand EmitVectorExtractZx(ArmEmitterContext context, int reg, int index, int size) { return EmitVectorExtract(context, reg, index, size, false); } public static Operand EmitVectorExtract(ArmEmitterContext context, int reg, int index, int size, bool signed) { ThrowIfInvalid(index, size); Operand res = default; switch (size) { case 0: res = context.VectorExtract8(GetVec(reg), index); break; case 1: res = context.VectorExtract16(GetVec(reg), index); break; case 2: res = context.VectorExtract(OperandType.I32, GetVec(reg), index); break; case 3: res = context.VectorExtract(OperandType.I64, GetVec(reg), index); break; } if (signed) { switch (size) { case 0: res = context.SignExtend8(OperandType.I64, res); break; case 1: res = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I64, res); break; case 2: res = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, res); break; } } else { switch (size) { case 0: res = context.ZeroExtend8(OperandType.I64, res); break; case 1: res = context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I64, res); break; case 2: res = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, res); break; } } return res; } public static Operand EmitVectorInsert(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand vector, Operand value, int index, int size) { ThrowIfInvalid(index, size); if (size < 3 && value.Type == OperandType.I64) { value = context.ConvertI64ToI32(value); } switch (size) { case 0: vector = context.VectorInsert8(vector, value, index); break; case 1: vector = context.VectorInsert16(vector, value, index); break; case 2: vector = context.VectorInsert(vector, value, index); break; case 3: vector = context.VectorInsert(vector, value, index); break; } return vector; } public static void ThrowIfInvalid(int index, int size) { if ((uint)size > 3u) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size)); } if ((uint)index >= 16u >> size) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)); } } } }