using ChocolArm64.Memory; using Ryujinx.Audio; using Ryujinx.Audio.Adpcm; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Ipc; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel; using Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Aud.AudioRenderer { class IAudioRenderer : IpcService, IDisposable { //This is the amount of samples that are going to be appended //each time that RequestUpdateAudioRenderer is called. Ideally, //this value shouldn't be neither too small (to avoid the player //starving due to running out of samples) or too large (to avoid //high latency). private const int MixBufferSamplesCount = 960; private Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> m_Commands; public override IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> Commands => m_Commands; private KEvent UpdateEvent; private MemoryManager Memory; private IAalOutput AudioOut; private AudioRendererParameter Params; private MemoryPoolContext[] MemoryPools; private VoiceContext[] Voices; private int Track; private PlayState PlayState; public IAudioRenderer( Horizon System, MemoryManager Memory, IAalOutput AudioOut, AudioRendererParameter Params) { m_Commands = new Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest>() { { 0, GetSampleRate }, { 1, GetSampleCount }, { 2, GetMixBufferCount }, { 3, GetState }, { 4, RequestUpdateAudioRenderer }, { 5, StartAudioRenderer }, { 6, StopAudioRenderer }, { 7, QuerySystemEvent } }; UpdateEvent = new KEvent(System); this.Memory = Memory; this.AudioOut = AudioOut; this.Params = Params; Track = AudioOut.OpenTrack( AudioConsts.HostSampleRate, AudioConsts.HostChannelsCount, AudioCallback); MemoryPools = CreateArray<MemoryPoolContext>(Params.EffectCount + Params.VoiceCount * 4); Voices = CreateArray<VoiceContext>(Params.VoiceCount); InitializeAudioOut(); PlayState = PlayState.Stopped; } // GetSampleRate() -> u32 public long GetSampleRate(ServiceCtx Context) { Context.ResponseData.Write(Params.SampleRate); return 0; } // GetSampleCount() -> u32 public long GetSampleCount(ServiceCtx Context) { Context.ResponseData.Write(Params.SampleCount); return 0; } // GetMixBufferCount() -> u32 public long GetMixBufferCount(ServiceCtx Context) { Context.ResponseData.Write(Params.MixCount); return 0; } // GetState() -> u32 private long GetState(ServiceCtx Context) { Context.ResponseData.Write((int)PlayState); Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceAudio, $"Stubbed. Renderer State: {Enum.GetName(typeof(PlayState), PlayState)}"); return 0; } private void AudioCallback() { UpdateEvent.ReadableEvent.Signal(); } private static T[] CreateArray<T>(int Size) where T : new() { T[] Output = new T[Size]; for (int Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) { Output[Index] = new T(); } return Output; } private void InitializeAudioOut() { AppendMixedBuffer(0); AppendMixedBuffer(1); AppendMixedBuffer(2); AudioOut.Start(Track); } public long RequestUpdateAudioRenderer(ServiceCtx Context) { long OutputPosition = Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position; long OutputSize = Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Size; MemoryHelper.FillWithZeros(Context.Memory, OutputPosition, (int)OutputSize); long InputPosition = Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position; StructReader Reader = new StructReader(Context.Memory, InputPosition); StructWriter Writer = new StructWriter(Context.Memory, OutputPosition); UpdateDataHeader InputHeader = Reader.Read<UpdateDataHeader>(); Reader.Read<BehaviorIn>(InputHeader.BehaviorSize); MemoryPoolIn[] MemoryPoolsIn = Reader.Read<MemoryPoolIn>(InputHeader.MemoryPoolSize); for (int Index = 0; Index < MemoryPoolsIn.Length; Index++) { MemoryPoolIn MemoryPool = MemoryPoolsIn[Index]; if (MemoryPool.State == MemoryPoolState.RequestAttach) { MemoryPools[Index].OutStatus.State = MemoryPoolState.Attached; } else if (MemoryPool.State == MemoryPoolState.RequestDetach) { MemoryPools[Index].OutStatus.State = MemoryPoolState.Detached; } } Reader.Read<VoiceChannelResourceIn>(InputHeader.VoiceResourceSize); VoiceIn[] VoicesIn = Reader.Read<VoiceIn>(InputHeader.VoiceSize); for (int Index = 0; Index < VoicesIn.Length; Index++) { VoiceIn Voice = VoicesIn[Index]; VoiceContext VoiceCtx = Voices[Index]; VoiceCtx.SetAcquireState(Voice.Acquired != 0); if (Voice.Acquired == 0) { continue; } if (Voice.FirstUpdate != 0) { VoiceCtx.AdpcmCtx = GetAdpcmDecoderContext( Voice.AdpcmCoeffsPosition, Voice.AdpcmCoeffsSize); VoiceCtx.SampleFormat = Voice.SampleFormat; VoiceCtx.SampleRate = Voice.SampleRate; VoiceCtx.ChannelsCount = Voice.ChannelsCount; VoiceCtx.SetBufferIndex(Voice.BaseWaveBufferIndex); } VoiceCtx.WaveBuffers[0] = Voice.WaveBuffer0; VoiceCtx.WaveBuffers[1] = Voice.WaveBuffer1; VoiceCtx.WaveBuffers[2] = Voice.WaveBuffer2; VoiceCtx.WaveBuffers[3] = Voice.WaveBuffer3; VoiceCtx.Volume = Voice.Volume; VoiceCtx.PlayState = Voice.PlayState; } UpdateAudio(); UpdateDataHeader OutputHeader = new UpdateDataHeader(); int UpdateHeaderSize = Marshal.SizeOf<UpdateDataHeader>(); OutputHeader.Revision = IAudioRendererManager.RevMagic; OutputHeader.BehaviorSize = 0xb0; OutputHeader.MemoryPoolSize = (Params.EffectCount + Params.VoiceCount * 4) * 0x10; OutputHeader.VoiceSize = Params.VoiceCount * 0x10; OutputHeader.EffectSize = Params.EffectCount * 0x10; OutputHeader.SinkSize = Params.SinkCount * 0x20; OutputHeader.PerformanceManagerSize = 0x10; OutputHeader.TotalSize = UpdateHeaderSize + OutputHeader.BehaviorSize + OutputHeader.MemoryPoolSize + OutputHeader.VoiceSize + OutputHeader.EffectSize + OutputHeader.SinkSize + OutputHeader.PerformanceManagerSize; Writer.Write(OutputHeader); foreach (MemoryPoolContext MemoryPool in MemoryPools) { Writer.Write(MemoryPool.OutStatus); } foreach (VoiceContext Voice in Voices) { Writer.Write(Voice.OutStatus); } return 0; } public long StartAudioRenderer(ServiceCtx Context) { Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceAudio, "Stubbed."); PlayState = PlayState.Playing; return 0; } public long StopAudioRenderer(ServiceCtx Context) { Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceAudio, "Stubbed."); PlayState = PlayState.Stopped; return 0; } public long QuerySystemEvent(ServiceCtx Context) { if (Context.Process.HandleTable.GenerateHandle(UpdateEvent.ReadableEvent, out int Handle) != KernelResult.Success) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Out of handles!"); } Context.Response.HandleDesc = IpcHandleDesc.MakeCopy(Handle); return 0; } private AdpcmDecoderContext GetAdpcmDecoderContext(long Position, long Size) { if (Size == 0) { return null; } AdpcmDecoderContext Context = new AdpcmDecoderContext(); Context.Coefficients = new short[Size >> 1]; for (int Offset = 0; Offset < Size; Offset += 2) { Context.Coefficients[Offset >> 1] = Memory.ReadInt16(Position + Offset); } return Context; } private void UpdateAudio() { long[] Released = AudioOut.GetReleasedBuffers(Track, 2); for (int Index = 0; Index < Released.Length; Index++) { AppendMixedBuffer(Released[Index]); } } private unsafe void AppendMixedBuffer(long Tag) { int[] MixBuffer = new int[MixBufferSamplesCount * AudioConsts.HostChannelsCount]; foreach (VoiceContext Voice in Voices) { if (!Voice.Playing) { continue; } int OutOffset = 0; int PendingSamples = MixBufferSamplesCount; float Volume = Voice.Volume; while (PendingSamples > 0) { int[] Samples = Voice.GetBufferData(Memory, PendingSamples, out int ReturnedSamples); if (ReturnedSamples == 0) { break; } PendingSamples -= ReturnedSamples; for (int Offset = 0; Offset < Samples.Length; Offset++) { MixBuffer[OutOffset++] += (int)(Samples[Offset] * Voice.Volume); } } } AudioOut.AppendBuffer(Track, Tag, GetFinalBuffer(MixBuffer)); } private unsafe static short[] GetFinalBuffer(int[] Buffer) { short[] Output = new short[Buffer.Length]; int Offset = 0; // Perform Saturation using SSE2 if supported if (Sse2.IsSupported) { fixed (int* inptr = Buffer) fixed (short* outptr = Output) { for (; Offset + 32 <= Buffer.Length; Offset += 32) { // Unroll the loop a little to ensure the CPU pipeline // is always full. Vector128<int> block1A = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 0); Vector128<int> block1B = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 4); Vector128<int> block2A = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 8); Vector128<int> block2B = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 12); Vector128<int> block3A = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 16); Vector128<int> block3B = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 20); Vector128<int> block4A = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 24); Vector128<int> block4B = Sse2.LoadVector128(inptr + Offset + 28); Vector128<short> output1 = Sse2.PackSignedSaturate(block1A, block1B); Vector128<short> output2 = Sse2.PackSignedSaturate(block2A, block2B); Vector128<short> output3 = Sse2.PackSignedSaturate(block3A, block3B); Vector128<short> output4 = Sse2.PackSignedSaturate(block4A, block4B); Sse2.Store(outptr + Offset + 0, output1); Sse2.Store(outptr + Offset + 8, output2); Sse2.Store(outptr + Offset + 16, output3); Sse2.Store(outptr + Offset + 24, output4); } } } // Process left overs for (; Offset < Buffer.Length; Offset++) { Output[Offset] = DspUtils.Saturate(Buffer[Offset]); } return Output; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing) { AudioOut.CloseTrack(Track); } } } }