using Ryujinx.Common; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Applets.SoftwareKeyboard; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Am.AppletAE; using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Applets { internal class SoftwareKeyboardApplet : IApplet { private const string DefaultText = "Ryujinx"; private const long DebounceTimeMillis = 200; private const int ResetDelayMillis = 500; private readonly Switch _device; private const int StandardBufferSize = 0x7D8; private const int InteractiveBufferSize = 0x7D4; private const int MaxUserWords = 0x1388; private SoftwareKeyboardState _foregroundState = SoftwareKeyboardState.Uninitialized; private volatile InlineKeyboardState _backgroundState = InlineKeyboardState.Uninitialized; private bool _isBackground = false; private bool _alreadyShown = false; private volatile bool _useChangedStringV2 = false; private AppletSession _normalSession; private AppletSession _interactiveSession; // Configuration for foreground mode. private SoftwareKeyboardConfig _keyboardForegroundConfig; // Configuration for background (inline) mode. private SoftwareKeyboardInitialize _keyboardBackgroundInitialize; private SoftwareKeyboardCalc _keyboardBackgroundCalc; private SoftwareKeyboardCustomizeDic _keyboardBackgroundDic; private SoftwareKeyboardDictSet _keyboardBackgroundDictSet; private SoftwareKeyboardUserWord[] _keyboardBackgroundUserWords; private byte[] _transferMemory; private string _textValue = ""; private bool _okPressed = false; private Encoding _encoding = Encoding.Unicode; private long _lastTextSetMillis = 0; public event EventHandler AppletStateChanged; public SoftwareKeyboardApplet(Horizon system) { _device = system.Device; } public ResultCode Start(AppletSession normalSession, AppletSession interactiveSession) { _normalSession = normalSession; _interactiveSession = interactiveSession; _interactiveSession.DataAvailable += OnInteractiveData; _alreadyShown = false; _useChangedStringV2 = false; var launchParams = _normalSession.Pop(); var keyboardConfig = _normalSession.Pop(); if (keyboardConfig.Length == Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardInitialize>()) { // Initialize the keyboard applet in background mode. _isBackground = true; _keyboardBackgroundInitialize = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardInitialize>(keyboardConfig); _backgroundState = InlineKeyboardState.Uninitialized; return ResultCode.Success; } else { // Initialize the keyboard applet in foreground mode. _isBackground = false; if (keyboardConfig.Length < Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardConfig>()) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"SoftwareKeyboardConfig size mismatch. Expected {Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardConfig>():x}. Got {keyboardConfig.Length:x}"); } else { _keyboardForegroundConfig = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardConfig>(keyboardConfig); } if (!_normalSession.TryPop(out _transferMemory)) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, "SwKbd Transfer Memory is null"); } if (_keyboardForegroundConfig.UseUtf8) { _encoding = Encoding.UTF8; } _foregroundState = SoftwareKeyboardState.Ready; ExecuteForegroundKeyboard(); return ResultCode.Success; } } public ResultCode GetResult() { return ResultCode.Success; } private InlineKeyboardState GetInlineState() { return _backgroundState; } private void SetInlineState(InlineKeyboardState state) { _backgroundState = state; } private void ExecuteForegroundKeyboard() { string initialText = null; // Initial Text is always encoded as a UTF-16 string in the work buffer (passed as transfer memory) // InitialStringOffset points to the memory offset and InitialStringLength is the number of UTF-16 characters if (_transferMemory != null && _keyboardForegroundConfig.InitialStringLength > 0) { initialText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(_transferMemory, _keyboardForegroundConfig.InitialStringOffset, 2 * _keyboardForegroundConfig.InitialStringLength); } // If the max string length is 0, we set it to a large default // length. if (_keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMax == 0) { _keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMax = 100; } var args = new SoftwareKeyboardUiArgs { HeaderText = _keyboardForegroundConfig.HeaderText, SubtitleText = _keyboardForegroundConfig.SubtitleText, GuideText = _keyboardForegroundConfig.GuideText, SubmitText = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_keyboardForegroundConfig.SubmitText) ? _keyboardForegroundConfig.SubmitText : "OK"), StringLengthMin = _keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMin, StringLengthMax = _keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMax, InitialText = initialText }; // Call the configured GUI handler to get user's input if (_device.UiHandler == null) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "GUI Handler is not set. Falling back to default"); _okPressed = true; } else { _okPressed = _device.UiHandler.DisplayInputDialog(args, out _textValue); } _textValue ??= initialText ?? DefaultText; // If the game requests a string with a minimum length less // than our default text, repeat our default text until we meet // the minimum length requirement. // This should always be done before the text truncation step. while (_textValue.Length < _keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMin) { _textValue = String.Join(" ", _textValue, _textValue); } // If our default text is longer than the allowed length, // we truncate it. if (_textValue.Length > _keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMax) { _textValue = _textValue.Substring(0, (int)_keyboardForegroundConfig.StringLengthMax); } // Does the application want to validate the text itself? if (_keyboardForegroundConfig.CheckText) { // The application needs to validate the response, so we // submit it to the interactive output buffer, and poll it // for validation. Once validated, the application will submit // back a validation status, which is handled in OnInteractiveDataPushIn. _foregroundState = SoftwareKeyboardState.ValidationPending; _interactiveSession.Push(BuildResponse(_textValue, true)); } else { // If the application doesn't need to validate the response, // we push the data to the non-interactive output buffer // and poll it for completion. _foregroundState = SoftwareKeyboardState.Complete; _normalSession.Push(BuildResponse(_textValue, false)); AppletStateChanged?.Invoke(this, null); } } private void OnInteractiveData(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Obtain the validation status response. var data = _interactiveSession.Pop(); if (_isBackground) { OnBackgroundInteractiveData(data); } else { OnForegroundInteractiveData(data); } } private void OnForegroundInteractiveData(byte[] data) { if (_foregroundState == SoftwareKeyboardState.ValidationPending) { // TODO(jduncantor): // If application rejects our "attempt", submit another attempt, // and put the applet back in PendingValidation state. // For now we assume success, so we push the final result // to the standard output buffer and carry on our merry way. _normalSession.Push(BuildResponse(_textValue, false)); AppletStateChanged?.Invoke(this, null); _foregroundState = SoftwareKeyboardState.Complete; } else if(_foregroundState == SoftwareKeyboardState.Complete) { // If we have already completed, we push the result text // back on the output buffer and poll the application. _normalSession.Push(BuildResponse(_textValue, false)); AppletStateChanged?.Invoke(this, null); } else { // We shouldn't be able to get here through standard swkbd execution. throw new InvalidOperationException("Software Keyboard is in an invalid state."); } } private void OnBackgroundInteractiveData(byte[] data) { // WARNING: Only invoke applet state changes after an explicit finalization // request from the game, this is because the inline keyboard is expected to // keep running in the background sending data by itself. using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { InlineKeyboardRequest request = (InlineKeyboardRequest)reader.ReadUInt32(); InlineKeyboardState state = GetInlineState(); long remaining; Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Keyboard received command {request} in state {state}"); switch (request) { case InlineKeyboardRequest.UseChangedStringV2: _useChangedStringV2 = true; break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.UseMovedCursorV2: // Not used because we only reply with the final string. break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.SetUserWordInfo: // Read the user word info data. remaining = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (remaining < sizeof(int)) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received invalid Software Keyboard User Word Info of {remaining} bytes"); } else { int wordsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); int wordSize = Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardUserWord>(); remaining = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (wordsCount > MaxUserWords) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received {wordsCount} User Words but the maximum is {MaxUserWords}"); } else if (wordsCount * wordSize != remaining) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received invalid Software Keyboard User Word Info data of {remaining} bytes for {wordsCount} words"); } else { _keyboardBackgroundUserWords = new SoftwareKeyboardUserWord[wordsCount]; for (int word = 0; word < wordsCount; word++) { byte[] wordData = reader.ReadBytes(wordSize); _keyboardBackgroundUserWords[word] = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardUserWord>(wordData); } } } _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.ReleasedUserWordInfo(state)); break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.SetCustomizeDic: // Read the custom dic data. remaining = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (remaining != Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardCustomizeDic>()) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received invalid Software Keyboard Customize Dic of {remaining} bytes"); } else { var keyboardDicData = reader.ReadBytes((int)remaining); _keyboardBackgroundDic = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardCustomizeDic>(keyboardDicData); } _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.UnsetCustomizeDic(state)); break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.SetCustomizedDictionaries: // Read the custom dictionaries data. remaining = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (remaining != Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardDictSet>()) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received invalid Software Keyboard DictSet of {remaining} bytes"); } else { var keyboardDictData = reader.ReadBytes((int)remaining); _keyboardBackgroundDictSet = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardDictSet>(keyboardDictData); } _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.UnsetCustomizedDictionaries(state)); break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.Calc: // The Calc request tells the Applet to enter the main input handling loop, which will end // with either a text being submitted or a cancel request from the user. // NOTE: Some Calc requests happen early in the process and are not meant to be shown. This possibly // happens because the game has complete control over when the inline keyboard is drawn, but here it // would cause a dialog to pop in the emulator, which is inconvenient. An algorithm is applied to // decide whether it is a dummy Calc or not, but regardless of the result, the dummy Calc appears to // never happen twice, so the keyboard will always show if it has already been shown before. bool forceShowKeyboard = _alreadyShown; _alreadyShown = true; // Read the Calc data. remaining = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (remaining != Marshal.SizeOf<SoftwareKeyboardCalc>()) { Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Received invalid Software Keyboard Calc of {remaining} bytes"); } else { var keyboardCalcData = reader.ReadBytes((int)remaining); _keyboardBackgroundCalc = ReadStruct<SoftwareKeyboardCalc>(keyboardCalcData); // Check if the application expects UTF8 encoding instead of UTF16. if (_keyboardBackgroundCalc.UseUtf8) { _encoding = Encoding.UTF8; } // Force showing the keyboard regardless of the state, an unwanted // input dialog may show, but it is better than a soft lock. if (_keyboardBackgroundCalc.Appear.ShouldBeHidden == 0) { forceShowKeyboard = true; } } // Send an initialization finished signal. state = InlineKeyboardState.Ready; SetInlineState(state); _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.FinishedInitialize(state)); // Start a task with the GUI handler to get user's input. new Task(() => { GetInputTextAndSend(forceShowKeyboard, state); }).Start(); break; case InlineKeyboardRequest.Finalize: // The calling process wants to close the keyboard applet and will wait for a state change. _backgroundState = InlineKeyboardState.Uninitialized; AppletStateChanged?.Invoke(this, null); break; default: // We shouldn't be able to get here through standard swkbd execution. Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Invalid Software Keyboard request {request} during state {_backgroundState}"); _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.Default(state)); break; } } } private void GetInputTextAndSend(bool forceShowKeyboard, InlineKeyboardState oldState) { bool submit = true; // Use the text specified by the Calc if it is available, otherwise use the default one. string inputText = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_keyboardBackgroundCalc.InputText) ? _keyboardBackgroundCalc.InputText : DefaultText); // Compute the elapsed time for the debouncing algorithm. long currentMillis = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedMilliseconds; long inputElapsedMillis = currentMillis - _lastTextSetMillis; // Reset the input text before submitting the final result, that's because some games do not expect // consecutive submissions to abruptly shrink and they will crash if it happens. Changing the string // before the final submission prevents that. InlineKeyboardState newState = InlineKeyboardState.DataAvailable; SetInlineState(newState); ChangedString("", newState); if (inputElapsedMillis < DebounceTimeMillis) { // A repeated Calc request has been received without player interaction, after the input has been // sent. This behavior happens in some games, so instead of showing another dialog, just apply a // time-based debouncing algorithm and repeat the last submission, either a value or a cancel. inputText = _textValue; submit = _textValue != null; Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "Debouncing repeated keyboard request"); } else if (!forceShowKeyboard) { // Submit the default text to avoid soft locking if the keyboard was ignored by // accident. It's better to change the name than being locked out of the game. inputText = DefaultText; Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Application, "Received a dummy Calc, keyboard will not be shown"); } else if (_device.UiHandler == null) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "GUI Handler is not set. Falling back to default"); } else { // Call the configured GUI handler to get user's input. var args = new SoftwareKeyboardUiArgs { HeaderText = "", // The inline keyboard lacks these texts SubtitleText = "", GuideText = "", SubmitText = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_keyboardBackgroundCalc.Appear.OkText) ? _keyboardBackgroundCalc.Appear.OkText : "OK"), StringLengthMin = 0, StringLengthMax = 100, InitialText = inputText }; submit = _device.UiHandler.DisplayInputDialog(args, out inputText); inputText = submit ? inputText : null; } // The 'Complete' state indicates the Calc request has been fulfilled by the applet. newState = InlineKeyboardState.Complete; if (submit) { Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, "Sending keyboard OK"); DecidedEnter(inputText, newState); } else { Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, "Sending keyboard Cancel"); DecidedCancel(newState); } _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.Default(newState)); // The constant calls to PopInteractiveData suggest that the keyboard applet continuously reports // data back to the application and this can also be time-sensitive. Pushing a state reset right // after the data has been sent does not work properly and the application will soft-lock. This // delay gives time for the application to catch up with the data and properly process the state // reset. Thread.Sleep(ResetDelayMillis); // 'Initialized' is the only known state so far that does not soft-lock the keyboard after use. newState = InlineKeyboardState.Initialized; Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.ServiceAm, $"Resetting state of the keyboard to {newState}"); SetInlineState(newState); _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.Default(newState)); // Keep the text and the timestamp of the input for the debouncing algorithm. _textValue = inputText; _lastTextSetMillis = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedMilliseconds; } private void ChangedString(string text, InlineKeyboardState state) { if (_encoding == Encoding.UTF8) { if (_useChangedStringV2) { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.ChangedStringUtf8V2(text, state)); } else { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.ChangedStringUtf8(text, state)); } } else { if (_useChangedStringV2) { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.ChangedStringV2(text, state)); } else { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.ChangedString(text, state)); } } } private void DecidedEnter(string text, InlineKeyboardState state) { if (_encoding == Encoding.UTF8) { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.DecidedEnterUtf8(text, state)); } else { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.DecidedEnter(text, state)); } } private void DecidedCancel(InlineKeyboardState state) { _interactiveSession.Push(InlineResponses.DecidedCancel(state)); } private byte[] BuildResponse(string text, bool interactive) { int bufferSize = interactive ? InteractiveBufferSize : StandardBufferSize; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(new byte[bufferSize])) using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { byte[] output = _encoding.GetBytes(text); if (!interactive) { // Result Code writer.Write(_okPressed ? 0U : 1U); } else { // In interactive mode, we write the length of the text as a long, rather than // a result code. This field is inclusive of the 64-bit size. writer.Write((long)output.Length + 8); } writer.Write(output); return stream.ToArray(); } } private static T ReadStruct<T>(byte[] data) where T : struct { GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { return Marshal.PtrToStructure<T>(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()); } finally { handle.Free(); } } } }