using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types; using System; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image { /// <summary> /// Texture manager. /// </summary> class TextureManager : IDisposable { private readonly GpuContext _context; private readonly TextureBindingsManager _cpBindingsManager; private readonly TextureBindingsManager _gpBindingsManager; private readonly Texture[] _rtColors; private readonly ITexture[] _rtHostColors; private Texture _rtDepthStencil; private ITexture _rtHostDs; /// <summary> /// The scaling factor applied to all currently bound render targets. /// </summary> public float RenderTargetScale { get; private set; } = 1f; /// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the texture manager. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">GPU context that the texture manager belongs to</param> /// <param name="channel">GPU channel that the texture manager belongs to</param> public TextureManager(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel) { _context = context; TexturePoolCache texturePoolCache = new TexturePoolCache(context); _cpBindingsManager = new TextureBindingsManager(context, channel, texturePoolCache, isCompute: true); _gpBindingsManager = new TextureBindingsManager(context, channel, texturePoolCache, isCompute: false); _rtColors = new Texture[Constants.TotalRenderTargets]; _rtHostColors = new ITexture[Constants.TotalRenderTargets]; } /// <summary> /// Rents the texture bindings array of the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="count">The number of bindings needed</param> /// <returns>The texture bindings array</returns> public TextureBindingInfo[] RentComputeTextureBindings(int count) { return _cpBindingsManager.RentTextureBindings(0, count); } /// <summary> /// Rents the texture bindings array for a given stage on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="stage">The index of the shader stage to bind the textures</param> /// <param name="count">The number of bindings needed</param> /// <returns>The texture bindings array</returns> public TextureBindingInfo[] RentGraphicsTextureBindings(int stage, int count) { return _gpBindingsManager.RentTextureBindings(stage, count); } /// <summary> /// Rents the image bindings array of the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="count">The number of bindings needed</param> /// <returns>The image bindings array</returns> public TextureBindingInfo[] RentComputeImageBindings(int count) { return _cpBindingsManager.RentImageBindings(0, count); } /// <summary> /// Rents the image bindings array for a given stage on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="stage">The index of the shader stage to bind the images</param> /// <param name="count">The number of bindings needed</param> /// <returns>The image bindings array</returns> public TextureBindingInfo[] RentGraphicsImageBindings(int stage, int count) { return _gpBindingsManager.RentImageBindings(stage, count); } /// <summary> /// Sets the texture constant buffer index on the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The texture constant buffer index</param> public void SetComputeTextureBufferIndex(int index) { _cpBindingsManager.SetTextureBufferIndex(index); } /// <summary> /// Sets the texture constant buffer index on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The texture constant buffer index</param> public void SetGraphicsTextureBufferIndex(int index) { _gpBindingsManager.SetTextureBufferIndex(index); } /// <summary> /// Sets the current sampler pool on the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="gpuVa">The start GPU virtual address of the sampler pool</param> /// <param name="maximumId">The maximum ID of the sampler pool</param> /// <param name="samplerIndex">The indexing type of the sampler pool</param> public void SetComputeSamplerPool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId, SamplerIndex samplerIndex) { _cpBindingsManager.SetSamplerPool(gpuVa, maximumId, samplerIndex); } /// <summary> /// Sets the current sampler pool on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="gpuVa">The start GPU virtual address of the sampler pool</param> /// <param name="maximumId">The maximum ID of the sampler pool</param> /// <param name="samplerIndex">The indexing type of the sampler pool</param> public void SetGraphicsSamplerPool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId, SamplerIndex samplerIndex) { _gpBindingsManager.SetSamplerPool(gpuVa, maximumId, samplerIndex); } /// <summary> /// Sets the current texture pool on the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="gpuVa">The start GPU virtual address of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="maximumId">The maximum ID of the texture pool</param> public void SetComputeTexturePool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId) { _cpBindingsManager.SetTexturePool(gpuVa, maximumId); } /// <summary> /// Sets the current texture pool on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="gpuVa">The start GPU virtual address of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="maximumId">The maximum ID of the texture pool</param> public void SetGraphicsTexturePool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId) { _gpBindingsManager.SetTexturePool(gpuVa, maximumId); } /// <summary> /// Check if a texture's scale must be updated to match the configured resolution scale. /// </summary> /// <param name="texture">The texture to check</param> /// <returns>True if the scale needs updating, false if the scale is up to date</returns> private bool ScaleNeedsUpdated(Texture texture) { return texture != null && !(texture.ScaleMode == TextureScaleMode.Blacklisted || texture.ScaleMode == TextureScaleMode.Undesired) && texture.ScaleFactor != GraphicsConfig.ResScale; } /// <summary> /// Sets the render target color buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The index of the color buffer to set (up to 8)</param> /// <param name="color">The color buffer texture</param> /// <returns>True if render target scale must be updated.</returns> public bool SetRenderTargetColor(int index, Texture color) { bool hasValue = color != null; bool changesScale = (hasValue != (_rtColors[index] != null)) || (hasValue && RenderTargetScale != color.ScaleFactor); if (_rtColors[index] != color) { _rtColors[index]?.SignalModifying(false); if (color != null) { color.SynchronizeMemory(); color.SignalModifying(true); } _rtColors[index] = color; } return changesScale || ScaleNeedsUpdated(color); } /// <summary> /// Sets the render target depth-stencil buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthStencil">The depth-stencil buffer texture</param> /// <returns>True if render target scale must be updated.</returns> public bool SetRenderTargetDepthStencil(Texture depthStencil) { bool hasValue = depthStencil != null; bool changesScale = (hasValue != (_rtDepthStencil != null)) || (hasValue && RenderTargetScale != depthStencil.ScaleFactor); if (_rtDepthStencil != depthStencil) { _rtDepthStencil?.SignalModifying(false); if (depthStencil != null) { depthStencil.SynchronizeMemory(); depthStencil.SignalModifying(true); } _rtDepthStencil = depthStencil; } return changesScale || ScaleNeedsUpdated(depthStencil); } /// <summary> /// Gets the first available bound colour target, or the depth stencil target if not present. /// </summary> /// <returns>The first bound colour target, otherwise the depth stencil target</returns> public Texture GetAnyRenderTarget() { return _rtColors[0] ?? _rtDepthStencil; } /// <summary> /// Updates the Render Target scale, given the currently bound render targets. /// This will update scale to match the configured scale, scale textures that are eligible but not scaled, /// and propagate blacklisted status from one texture to the ones bound with it. /// </summary> /// <param name="singleUse">If this is not -1, it indicates that only the given indexed target will be used.</param> public void UpdateRenderTargetScale(int singleUse) { // Make sure all scales for render targets are at the highest they should be. Blacklisted targets should propagate their scale to the other targets. bool mismatch = false; bool blacklisted = false; bool hasUpscaled = false; bool hasUndesired = false; float targetScale = GraphicsConfig.ResScale; void ConsiderTarget(Texture target) { if (target == null) return; float scale = target.ScaleFactor; switch (target.ScaleMode) { case TextureScaleMode.Blacklisted: mismatch |= scale != 1f; blacklisted = true; break; case TextureScaleMode.Eligible: mismatch = true; // We must make a decision. break; case TextureScaleMode.Undesired: hasUndesired = true; mismatch |= scale != 1f || hasUpscaled; // If another target is upscaled, scale this one up too. break; case TextureScaleMode.Scaled: hasUpscaled = true; mismatch |= hasUndesired || scale != targetScale; // If the target scale has changed, reset the scale for all targets. break; } } if (singleUse != -1) { // If only one target is in use (by a clear, for example) the others do not need to be checked for mismatching scale. ConsiderTarget(_rtColors[singleUse]); } else { foreach (Texture color in _rtColors) { ConsiderTarget(color); } } ConsiderTarget(_rtDepthStencil); mismatch |= blacklisted && hasUpscaled; if (blacklisted || (hasUndesired && !hasUpscaled)) { targetScale = 1f; } if (mismatch) { if (blacklisted) { // Propagate the blacklisted state to the other textures. foreach (Texture color in _rtColors) { color?.BlacklistScale(); } _rtDepthStencil?.BlacklistScale(); } else { // Set the scale of the other textures. foreach (Texture color in _rtColors) { color?.SetScale(targetScale); } _rtDepthStencil?.SetScale(targetScale); } } RenderTargetScale = targetScale; } /// <summary> /// Commits bindings on the compute pipeline. /// </summary> public void CommitComputeBindings() { // Every time we switch between graphics and compute work, // we must rebind everything. // Since compute work happens less often, we always do that // before and after the compute dispatch. _cpBindingsManager.Rebind(); _cpBindingsManager.CommitBindings(); _gpBindingsManager.Rebind(); } /// <summary> /// Commits bindings on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> public void CommitGraphicsBindings() { _gpBindingsManager.CommitBindings(); UpdateRenderTargets(); } /// <summary> /// Gets a texture descriptor used on the compute pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="poolGpuVa">GPU virtual address of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="bufferIndex">Index of the constant buffer with texture handles</param> /// <param name="maximumId">Maximum ID of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="handle">Shader "fake" handle of the texture</param> /// <param name="cbufSlot">Shader constant buffer slot of the texture</param> /// <returns>The texture descriptor</returns> public TextureDescriptor GetComputeTextureDescriptor(ulong poolGpuVa, int bufferIndex, int maximumId, int handle, int cbufSlot) { return _cpBindingsManager.GetTextureDescriptor(poolGpuVa, bufferIndex, maximumId, 0, handle, cbufSlot); } /// <summary> /// Gets a texture descriptor used on the graphics pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="poolGpuVa">GPU virtual address of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="bufferIndex">Index of the constant buffer with texture handles</param> /// <param name="maximumId">Maximum ID of the texture pool</param> /// <param name="stageIndex">Index of the shader stage where the texture is bound</param> /// <param name="handle">Shader "fake" handle of the texture</param> /// <param name="cbufSlot">Shader constant buffer slot of the texture</param> /// <returns>The texture descriptor</returns> public TextureDescriptor GetGraphicsTextureDescriptor( ulong poolGpuVa, int bufferIndex, int maximumId, int stageIndex, int handle, int cbufSlot) { return _gpBindingsManager.GetTextureDescriptor(poolGpuVa, bufferIndex, maximumId, stageIndex, handle, cbufSlot); } /// <summary> /// Update host framebuffer attachments based on currently bound render target buffers. /// </summary> public void UpdateRenderTargets() { bool anyChanged = false; if (_rtHostDs != _rtDepthStencil?.HostTexture) { _rtHostDs = _rtDepthStencil?.HostTexture; anyChanged = true; } for (int index = 0; index < _rtColors.Length; index++) { ITexture hostTexture = _rtColors[index]?.HostTexture; if (_rtHostColors[index] != hostTexture) { _rtHostColors[index] = hostTexture; anyChanged = true; } } if (anyChanged) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetRenderTargets(_rtHostColors, _rtHostDs); } } /// <summary> /// Forces all textures, samplers, images and render targets to be rebound the next time /// CommitGraphicsBindings is called. /// </summary> public void Rebind() { _gpBindingsManager.Rebind(); for (int index = 0; index < _rtHostColors.Length; index++) { _rtHostColors[index] = null; } _rtHostDs = null; } /// <summary> /// Disposes the texture manager. /// It's an error to use the texture manager after disposal. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { _cpBindingsManager.Dispose(); _gpBindingsManager.Dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < _rtColors.Length; i++) { _rtColors[i]?.DecrementReferenceCount(); _rtColors[i] = null; } _rtDepthStencil?.DecrementReferenceCount(); _rtDepthStencil = null; } } }