using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory; using System; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed { /// <summary> /// Draw manager. /// </summary> class DrawManager { // Since we don't know the index buffer size for indirect draws, // we must assume a minimum and maximum size and use that for buffer data update purposes. private const int MinIndirectIndexCount = 0x10000; private const int MaxIndirectIndexCount = 0x4000000; private readonly GpuContext _context; private readonly GpuChannel _channel; private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> _state; private readonly DrawState _drawState; private bool _topologySet; private bool _instancedDrawPending; private bool _instancedIndexed; private bool _instancedIndexedInline; private int _instancedFirstIndex; private int _instancedFirstVertex; private int _instancedFirstInstance; private int _instancedIndexCount; private int _instancedDrawStateFirst; private int _instancedDrawStateCount; private int _instanceIndex; private const int VertexBufferFirstMethodOffset = 0x35d; private const int IndexBufferCountMethodOffset = 0x5f8; /// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the draw manager. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">GPU context</param> /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param> /// <param name="state">Channel state</param> /// <param name="drawState">Draw state</param> public DrawManager(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> state, DrawState drawState) { _context = context; _channel = channel; _state = state; _drawState = drawState; } /// <summary> /// Marks the entire state as dirty, forcing a full host state update before the next draw. /// </summary> public void ForceStateDirty() { _topologySet = false; } /// <summary> /// Pushes four 8-bit index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void VbElementU8(int argument) { _drawState.IbStreamer.VbElementU8(_context.Renderer, argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes two 16-bit index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void VbElementU16(int argument) { _drawState.IbStreamer.VbElementU16(_context.Renderer, argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes one 32-bit index buffer element. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void VbElementU32(int argument) { _drawState.IbStreamer.VbElementU32(_context.Renderer, argument); } /// <summary> /// Finishes the draw call. /// This draws geometry on the bound buffers based on the current GPU state. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawEnd(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { DrawEnd(engine, _state.State.IndexBufferState.First, (int)_state.State.IndexBufferCount); } /// <summary> /// Finishes the draw call. /// This draws geometry on the bound buffers based on the current GPU state. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="firstIndex">Index of the first index buffer element used on the draw</param> /// <param name="indexCount">Number of index buffer elements used on the draw</param> private void DrawEnd(ThreedClass engine, int firstIndex, int indexCount) { ConditionalRenderEnabled renderEnable = ConditionalRendering.GetRenderEnable( _context, _channel.MemoryManager, _state.State.RenderEnableAddress, _state.State.RenderEnableCondition); if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False || _instancedDrawPending) { if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False) { PerformDeferredDraws(); } _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } return; } _drawState.FirstIndex = firstIndex; _drawState.IndexCount = indexCount; engine.UpdateState(); bool instanced = _drawState.VsUsesInstanceId || _drawState.IsAnyVbInstanced; if (instanced) { _instancedDrawPending = true; int ibCount = _drawState.IbStreamer.InlineIndexCount; _instancedIndexed = _drawState.DrawIndexed; _instancedIndexedInline = ibCount != 0; _instancedFirstIndex = firstIndex; _instancedFirstVertex = (int)_state.State.FirstVertex; _instancedFirstInstance = (int)_state.State.FirstInstance; _instancedIndexCount = ibCount != 0 ? ibCount : indexCount; var drawState = _state.State.VertexBufferDrawState; _instancedDrawStateFirst = drawState.First; _instancedDrawStateCount = drawState.Count; _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } return; } int firstInstance = (int)_state.State.FirstInstance; int inlineIndexCount = _drawState.IbStreamer.GetAndResetInlineIndexCount(); if (inlineIndexCount != 0) { int firstVertex = (int)_state.State.FirstVertex; BufferRange br = new BufferRange(_drawState.IbStreamer.GetInlineIndexBuffer(), 0, inlineIndexCount * 4); _channel.BufferManager.SetIndexBuffer(br, IndexType.UInt); _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(inlineIndexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance); } else if (_drawState.DrawIndexed) { int firstVertex = (int)_state.State.FirstVertex; _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(indexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance); } else { var drawState = _state.State.VertexBufferDrawState; _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(drawState.Count, 1, drawState.First, firstInstance); } _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } } /// <summary> /// Starts draw. /// This sets primitive type and instanced draw parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawBegin(int argument) { bool incrementInstance = (argument & (1 << 26)) != 0; bool resetInstance = (argument & (1 << 27)) == 0; if (_state.State.PrimitiveTypeOverrideEnable) { PrimitiveTypeOverride typeOverride = _state.State.PrimitiveTypeOverride; DrawBegin(incrementInstance, resetInstance, typeOverride.Convert()); } else { PrimitiveType type = (PrimitiveType)(argument & 0xffff); DrawBegin(incrementInstance, resetInstance, type.Convert()); } } /// <summary> /// Starts draw. /// This sets primitive type and instanced draw parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="incrementInstance">Indicates if the current instance should be incremented</param> /// <param name="resetInstance">Indicates if the current instance should be set to zero</param> /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology</param> private void DrawBegin(bool incrementInstance, bool resetInstance, PrimitiveTopology topology) { if (incrementInstance) { _instanceIndex++; } else if (resetInstance) { PerformDeferredDraws(); _instanceIndex = 0; } UpdateTopology(topology); } /// <summary> /// Updates the current primitive topology if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="topology">New primitive topology</param> private void UpdateTopology(PrimitiveTopology topology) { if (_drawState.Topology != topology || !_topologySet) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetPrimitiveTopology(topology); _drawState.Topology = topology; _topologySet = true; } } /// <summary> /// Sets the index buffer count. /// This also sets internal state that indicates that the next draw is an indexed draw. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void SetIndexBufferCount(int argument) { _drawState.DrawIndexed = true; } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawIndexedSmall(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { DrawIndexedSmall(engine, argument, false); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawIndexedSmall2(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { DrawIndexedSmall(engine, argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements, /// while also pre-incrementing the current instance value. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { DrawIndexedSmall(engine, argument, true); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements, /// while also pre-incrementing the current instance value. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance2(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance(engine, argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements, /// while optionally also pre-incrementing the current instance value. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> /// <param name="instanced">True to increment the current instance value, false otherwise</param> private void DrawIndexedSmall(ThreedClass engine, int argument, bool instanced) { PrimitiveTypeOverride typeOverride = _state.State.PrimitiveTypeOverride; DrawBegin(instanced, !instanced, typeOverride.Convert()); int firstIndex = argument & 0xffff; int indexCount = (argument >> 16) & 0xfff; bool oldDrawIndexed = _drawState.DrawIndexed; _drawState.DrawIndexed = true; engine.ForceStateDirty(IndexBufferCountMethodOffset * 4); DrawEnd(engine, firstIndex, indexCount); _drawState.DrawIndexed = oldDrawIndexed; } /// <summary> /// Performs a texture draw with a source texture and sampler ID, along with source /// and destination coordinates and sizes. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void DrawTexture(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { static float FixedToFloat(int fixedValue) { return fixedValue * (1f / 4096); } float dstX0 = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureDstX); float dstY0 = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureDstY); float dstWidth = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureDstWidth); float dstHeight = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureDstHeight); // TODO: Confirm behaviour on hardware. // When this is active, the origin appears to be on the bottom. if (_state.State.YControl.HasFlag(YControl.NegateY)) { dstY0 -= dstHeight; } float dstX1 = dstX0 + dstWidth; float dstY1 = dstY0 + dstHeight; float srcX0 = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureSrcX); float srcY0 = FixedToFloat(_state.State.DrawTextureSrcY); float srcX1 = ((float)_state.State.DrawTextureDuDx / (1UL << 32)) * dstWidth + srcX0; float srcY1 = ((float)_state.State.DrawTextureDvDy / (1UL << 32)) * dstHeight + srcY0; engine.UpdateState(ulong.MaxValue & ~(1UL << StateUpdater.ShaderStateIndex)); _channel.TextureManager.UpdateRenderTargets(); int textureId = _state.State.DrawTextureTextureId; int samplerId = _state.State.DrawTextureSamplerId; (var texture, var sampler) = _channel.TextureManager.GetGraphicsTextureAndSampler(textureId, samplerId); srcX0 *= texture.ScaleFactor; srcY0 *= texture.ScaleFactor; srcX1 *= texture.ScaleFactor; srcY1 *= texture.ScaleFactor; float dstScale = _channel.TextureManager.RenderTargetScale; dstX0 *= dstScale; dstY0 *= dstScale; dstX1 *= dstScale; dstY1 *= dstScale; _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawTexture( texture?.HostTexture, sampler?.GetHostSampler(texture), new Extents2DF(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1), new Extents2DF(dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1)); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed or non-indexed draw. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology</param> /// <param name="count">Index count for indexed draws, vertex count for non-indexed draws</param> /// <param name="instanceCount">Instance count</param> /// <param name="firstIndex">First index on the index buffer for indexed draws, ignored for non-indexed draws</param> /// <param name="firstVertex">First vertex on the vertex buffer</param> /// <param name="firstInstance">First instance</param> /// <param name="indexed">True if the draw is indexed, false otherwise</param> public void Draw( ThreedClass engine, PrimitiveTopology topology, int count, int instanceCount, int firstIndex, int firstVertex, int firstInstance, bool indexed) { UpdateTopology(topology); ConditionalRenderEnabled renderEnable = ConditionalRendering.GetRenderEnable( _context, _channel.MemoryManager, _state.State.RenderEnableAddress, _state.State.RenderEnableCondition); if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False) { _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; return; } if (indexed) { _drawState.FirstIndex = firstIndex; _drawState.IndexCount = count; _state.State.FirstVertex = (uint)firstVertex; engine.ForceStateDirty(IndexBufferCountMethodOffset * 4); } else { _state.State.VertexBufferDrawState.First = firstVertex; _state.State.VertexBufferDrawState.Count = count; engine.ForceStateDirty(VertexBufferFirstMethodOffset * 4); } _state.State.FirstInstance = (uint)firstInstance; _drawState.DrawIndexed = indexed; _drawState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters = true; engine.UpdateState(); if (indexed) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(count, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance); _state.State.FirstVertex = 0; } else { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(count, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance); } _state.State.FirstInstance = 0; _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; _drawState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters = false; if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } } /// <summary> /// Performs a indirect draw, with parameters from a GPU buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology</param> /// <param name="indirectBufferAddress">Address of the buffer with the draw parameters, such as count, first index, etc</param> /// <param name="parameterBufferAddress">Address of the buffer with the draw count</param> /// <param name="maxDrawCount">Maximum number of draws that can be made</param> /// <param name="stride">Distance in bytes between each entry on the data pointed to by <paramref name="indirectBufferAddress"/></param> /// <param name="indexCount">Maximum number of indices that the draw can consume</param> /// <param name="drawType">Type of the indirect draw, which can be indexed or non-indexed, with or without a draw count</param> public void DrawIndirect( ThreedClass engine, PrimitiveTopology topology, ulong indirectBufferAddress, ulong parameterBufferAddress, int maxDrawCount, int stride, int indexCount, IndirectDrawType drawType) { UpdateTopology(topology); ConditionalRenderEnabled renderEnable = ConditionalRendering.GetRenderEnable( _context, _channel.MemoryManager, _state.State.RenderEnableAddress, _state.State.RenderEnableCondition); if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False) { _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; return; } PhysicalMemory memory = _channel.MemoryManager.Physical; bool hasCount = (drawType & IndirectDrawType.Count) != 0; bool indexed = (drawType & IndirectDrawType.Indexed) != 0; if (indexed) { indexCount = Math.Clamp(indexCount, MinIndirectIndexCount, MaxIndirectIndexCount); _drawState.FirstIndex = 0; _drawState.IndexCount = indexCount; engine.ForceStateDirty(IndexBufferCountMethodOffset * 4); } _drawState.DrawIndexed = indexed; _drawState.DrawIndirect = true; _drawState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters = true; engine.UpdateState(); if (hasCount) { var indirectBuffer = memory.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(indirectBufferAddress, (ulong)maxDrawCount * (ulong)stride); var parameterBuffer = memory.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(parameterBufferAddress, 4); if (indexed) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexedIndirectCount(indirectBuffer, parameterBuffer, maxDrawCount, stride); } else { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndirectCount(indirectBuffer, parameterBuffer, maxDrawCount, stride); } } else { var indirectBuffer = memory.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(indirectBufferAddress, (ulong)stride); if (indexed) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer); } else { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndirect(indirectBuffer); } } _drawState.DrawIndexed = false; _drawState.DrawIndirect = false; _drawState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters = false; if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } } /// <summary> /// Perform any deferred draws. /// This is used for instanced draws. /// Since each instance is a separate draw, we defer the draw and accumulate the instance count. /// Once we detect the last instanced draw, then we perform the host instanced draw, /// with the accumulated instance count. /// </summary> public void PerformDeferredDraws() { // Perform any pending instanced draw. if (_instancedDrawPending) { _instancedDrawPending = false; bool indexedInline = _instancedIndexedInline; if (_instancedIndexed || indexedInline) { if (indexedInline) { int inlineIndexCount = _drawState.IbStreamer.GetAndResetInlineIndexCount(); BufferRange br = new BufferRange(_drawState.IbStreamer.GetInlineIndexBuffer(), 0, inlineIndexCount * 4); _channel.BufferManager.SetIndexBuffer(br, IndexType.UInt); } _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed( _instancedIndexCount, _instanceIndex + 1, _instancedFirstIndex, _instancedFirstVertex, _instancedFirstInstance); } else { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw( _instancedDrawStateCount, _instanceIndex + 1, _instancedDrawStateFirst, _instancedFirstInstance); } } } /// <summary> /// Clears the current color and depth-stencil buffers. /// Which buffers should be cleared can also be specified with the argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void Clear(ThreedClass engine, int argument) { Clear(engine, argument, 1); } /// <summary> /// Clears the current color and depth-stencil buffers. /// Which buffers should be cleared can also specified with the arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> /// <param name="layerCount">For array and 3D textures, indicates how many layers should be cleared</param> public void Clear(ThreedClass engine, int argument, int layerCount) { ConditionalRenderEnabled renderEnable = ConditionalRendering.GetRenderEnable( _context, _channel.MemoryManager, _state.State.RenderEnableAddress, _state.State.RenderEnableCondition); if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False) { return; } int index = (argument >> 6) & 0xf; int layer = (argument >> 10) & 0x3ff; engine.UpdateRenderTargetState(useControl: false, layered: layer != 0 || layerCount > 1, singleUse: index); // If there is a mismatch on the host clip region and the one explicitly defined by the guest // on the screen scissor state, then we need to force only one texture to be bound to avoid // host clipping. var screenScissorState = _state.State.ScreenScissorState; // Must happen after UpdateRenderTargetState to have up-to-date clip region values. bool clipMismatch = (screenScissorState.X | screenScissorState.Y) != 0 || screenScissorState.Width != _channel.TextureManager.ClipRegionWidth || screenScissorState.Height != _channel.TextureManager.ClipRegionHeight; bool clearAffectedByStencilMask = (_state.State.ClearFlags & 1) != 0; bool clearAffectedByScissor = (_state.State.ClearFlags & 0x100) != 0; bool needsCustomScissor = !clearAffectedByScissor || clipMismatch; // Scissor and rasterizer discard also affect clears. ulong updateMask = 1UL << StateUpdater.RasterizerStateIndex; if (!needsCustomScissor) { updateMask |= 1UL << StateUpdater.ScissorStateIndex; } engine.UpdateState(updateMask); if (needsCustomScissor) { int scissorX = screenScissorState.X; int scissorY = screenScissorState.Y; int scissorW = screenScissorState.Width; int scissorH = screenScissorState.Height; if (clearAffectedByScissor && _state.State.ScissorState[0].Enable) { ref var scissorState = ref _state.State.ScissorState[0]; scissorX = Math.Max(scissorX, scissorState.X1); scissorY = Math.Max(scissorY, scissorState.Y1); scissorW = Math.Min(scissorW, scissorState.X2 - scissorState.X1); scissorH = Math.Min(scissorH, scissorState.Y2 - scissorState.Y1); } float scale = _channel.TextureManager.RenderTargetScale; if (scale != 1f) { scissorX = (int)(scissorX * scale); scissorY = (int)(scissorY * scale); scissorW = (int)MathF.Ceiling(scissorW * scale); scissorH = (int)MathF.Ceiling(scissorH * scale); } Span<Rectangle<int>> scissors = stackalloc Rectangle<int>[] { new Rectangle<int>(scissorX, scissorY, scissorW, scissorH) }; _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetScissors(scissors); } if (clipMismatch) { _channel.TextureManager.UpdateRenderTarget(index); } else { _channel.TextureManager.UpdateRenderTargets(); } bool clearDepth = (argument & 1) != 0; bool clearStencil = (argument & 2) != 0; uint componentMask = (uint)((argument >> 2) & 0xf); if (componentMask != 0) { var clearColor = _state.State.ClearColors; ColorF color = new ColorF(clearColor.Red, clearColor.Green, clearColor.Blue, clearColor.Alpha); _context.Renderer.Pipeline.ClearRenderTargetColor(index, layer, layerCount, componentMask, color); } if (clearDepth || clearStencil) { float depthValue = _state.State.ClearDepthValue; int stencilValue = (int)_state.State.ClearStencilValue; int stencilMask = 0; if (clearStencil) { stencilMask = clearAffectedByStencilMask ? _state.State.StencilTestState.FrontMask : 0xff; } if (clipMismatch) { _channel.TextureManager.UpdateRenderTargetDepthStencil(); } _context.Renderer.Pipeline.ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil( layer, layerCount, depthValue, clearDepth, stencilValue, stencilMask); } if (needsCustomScissor) { engine.UpdateScissorState(); } engine.UpdateRenderTargetState(useControl: true); if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.Host) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.EndHostConditionalRendering(); } } } }