using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ARMeilleure.CodeGen.RegisterAllocators
    unsafe readonly struct LiveInterval : IComparable<LiveInterval>
        public const int NotFound = -1;

        private struct Data
            public int End;
            public int SpillOffset;

            public LiveRange FirstRange;
            public LiveRange PrevRange;
            public LiveRange CurrRange;

            public LiveInterval Parent;

            public UseList Uses;
            public LiveIntervalList Children;

            public Operand Local;
            public Register Register;

            public bool IsFixed;

        private readonly Data* _data;

        private ref int End => ref _data->End;
        private ref LiveRange FirstRange => ref _data->FirstRange;
        private ref LiveRange CurrRange => ref _data->CurrRange;
        private ref LiveRange PrevRange => ref _data->PrevRange;
        private ref LiveInterval Parent => ref _data->Parent;
        private ref UseList Uses => ref _data->Uses;
        private ref LiveIntervalList Children => ref _data->Children;

        public Operand Local => _data->Local;
        public ref Register Register => ref _data->Register;
        public ref int SpillOffset => ref _data->SpillOffset;

        public bool IsFixed => _data->IsFixed;
        public bool IsEmpty => FirstRange == default;
        public bool IsSplit => Children.Count != 0;
        public bool IsSpilled => SpillOffset != -1;

        public int UsesCount => Uses.Count;

        public LiveInterval(Operand local = default, LiveInterval parent = default)
            _data = Allocators.LiveIntervals.Allocate<Data>();
            *_data = default;

            _data->IsFixed = false;
            _data->Local = local;

            Parent = parent == default ? this : parent;
            Uses = new UseList();
            Children = new LiveIntervalList();

            FirstRange = default;
            CurrRange = default;
            PrevRange = default;

            SpillOffset = -1;

        public LiveInterval(Register register) : this(local: default, parent: default)
            _data->IsFixed = true;

            Register = register;

        public void Reset()
            PrevRange = default;
            CurrRange = FirstRange;

        public void Forward(int position)
            LiveRange prev = PrevRange;
            LiveRange curr = CurrRange;

            while (curr != default && curr.Start < position && !curr.Overlaps(position))
                prev = curr;
                curr = curr.Next;

            PrevRange = prev;
            CurrRange = curr;

        public int GetStart()
            Debug.Assert(!IsEmpty, "Empty LiveInterval cannot have a start position.");

            return FirstRange.Start;

        public void SetStart(int position)
            if (FirstRange != default)
                Debug.Assert(position != FirstRange.End);

                FirstRange.Start = position;
                FirstRange = new LiveRange(position, position + 1); 
                End = position + 1;

        public int GetEnd()
            Debug.Assert(!IsEmpty, "Empty LiveInterval cannot have an end position.");

            return End;

        public void AddRange(int start, int end)
            Debug.Assert(start < end, $"Invalid range start position {start}, {end}");

            if (FirstRange != default)
                // If the new range ends exactly where the first range start, then coalesce together.
                if (end == FirstRange.Start)
                    FirstRange.Start = start;

                // If the new range is already contained, then coalesce together.
                else if (FirstRange.Overlaps(start, end))
                    FirstRange.Start = Math.Min(FirstRange.Start, start);
                    FirstRange.End = Math.Max(FirstRange.End, end);
                    End = Math.Max(End, end);

                    Debug.Assert(FirstRange.Next == default || !FirstRange.Overlaps(FirstRange.Next));

            FirstRange = new LiveRange(start, end, FirstRange);
            End = Math.Max(End, end);

            Debug.Assert(FirstRange.Next == default || !FirstRange.Overlaps(FirstRange.Next));

        public void AddUsePosition(int position)

        public bool Overlaps(int position)
            LiveRange curr = CurrRange;

            while (curr != default && curr.Start <= position)
                if (curr.Overlaps(position))
                    return true;

                curr = curr.Next;

            return false;

        public bool Overlaps(LiveInterval other)
            return GetOverlapPosition(other) != NotFound;

        public int GetOverlapPosition(LiveInterval other)
            LiveRange a = CurrRange;
            LiveRange b = other.CurrRange;

            while (a != default)
                while (b != default && b.Start < a.Start)
                    if (a.Overlaps(b))
                        return a.Start;

                    b = b.Next;

                if (b == default)
                else if (a.Overlaps(b))
                    return a.Start;

                a = a.Next;

            return NotFound;

        public ReadOnlySpan<LiveInterval> SplitChildren()
            return Parent.Children.Span;

        public ReadOnlySpan<int> UsePositions()
            return Uses.Span;

        public int FirstUse()
            return Uses.FirstUse;

        public int NextUseAfter(int position)
            return Uses.NextUse(position);

        public LiveInterval Split(int position)
            LiveInterval result = new(Local, Parent);
            result.End = End;

            LiveRange prev = PrevRange;
            LiveRange curr = CurrRange;

            while (curr != default && curr.Start < position && !curr.Overlaps(position))
                prev = curr;
                curr = curr.Next;

            if (curr.Start >= position)
                prev.Next = default;

                result.FirstRange = curr;

                End = prev.End;
                result.FirstRange = new LiveRange(position, curr.End, curr.Next);

                curr.End = position;
                curr.Next = default;

                End = curr.End;

            result.Uses = Uses.Split(position);


            Debug.Assert(!IsEmpty, "Left interval is empty after split.");
            Debug.Assert(!result.IsEmpty, "Right interval is empty after split.");

            // Make sure the iterator in the new split is pointing to the start.

            return result;

        private void AddSplitChild(LiveInterval child)
            Debug.Assert(!child.IsEmpty, "Trying to insert an empty interval.");


        public LiveInterval GetSplitChild(int position)
            if (Overlaps(position))
                return this;

            foreach (LiveInterval splitChild in SplitChildren())
                if (splitChild.Overlaps(position))
                    return splitChild;
                else if (splitChild.GetStart() > position)

            return default;

        public bool TrySpillWithSiblingOffset()
            foreach (LiveInterval splitChild in SplitChildren())
                if (splitChild.IsSpilled)

                    return true;

            return false;

        public void Spill(int offset)
            SpillOffset = offset;

        public int CompareTo(LiveInterval interval)
            if (FirstRange == default || interval.FirstRange == default)
                return 0;

            return GetStart().CompareTo(interval.GetStart());

        public bool Equals(LiveInterval interval)
            return interval._data == _data;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj is LiveInterval interval && Equals(interval);

        public static bool operator ==(LiveInterval a, LiveInterval b)
            return a.Equals(b);

        public static bool operator !=(LiveInterval a, LiveInterval b)
            return !a.Equals(b);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return HashCode.Combine((IntPtr)_data);

        public override string ToString()
            LiveInterval self = this;

            IEnumerable<string> GetRanges()
                LiveRange curr = self.CurrRange;

                while (curr != default)
                    if (curr == self.CurrRange)
                        yield return "*" + curr;
                        yield return curr.ToString();

                    curr = curr.Next;

            return string.Join(", ", GetRanges());