From f09bba82b9366e5912b639a610ae89cbb1cf352c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gdkchan <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 21:10:34 -0300
Subject: Geometry shader emulation for macOS (#5551)

* Implement vertex and geometry shader conversion to compute

* Call InitializeReservedCounts for compute too

* PR feedback

* Set clip distance mask for geometry and tessellation shaders too

* Transform feedback emulation only for vertex
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL/Capabilities.cs           |   6 +
 .../Engine/GPFifo/GPFifoProcessor.cs               |  16 +-
 .../Threed/ComputeDraw/VertexInfoBufferUpdater.cs  | 141 +++++
 .../Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsCompute.cs      |  96 +++
 .../Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeContext.cs      | 648 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeState.cs | 535 +++++++++++++++++
 .../Engine/Threed/DrawManager.cs                   | 142 +++--
 .../Engine/Threed/DrawState.cs                     |  16 +
 .../Engine/Threed/SpecializationStateUpdater.cs    |  16 +-
 .../Engine/Threed/StateUpdater.cs                  |  31 +-
 .../Engine/Threed/ThreedClass.cs                   |  29 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/GpuChannel.cs             |   1 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/FormatTable.cs      | 102 ++++
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferManager.cs   |  49 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferUpdater.cs   | 123 ++++
 .../Memory/SupportBufferUpdater.cs                 |  85 +--
 .../Shader/CachedShaderProgram.cs                  |  23 +
 .../Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheGpuAccessor.cs       |   2 +-
 .../Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheHostStorage.cs       |  25 +-
 .../Shader/DiskCache/ParallelDiskCacheLoader.cs    |  16 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessor.cs     |   8 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessorBase.cs |  41 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderAsCompute.cs |  20 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderCache.cs     | 156 +++--
 .../Shader/ShaderInfoBuilder.cs                    |  63 +-
 .../Shader/ShaderSpecializationList.cs             |   9 +-
 .../Shader/ShaderSpecializationState.cs            |  35 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs      |   2 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/OpenGLRenderer.cs      |   2 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/AttributeType.cs       |   8 +-
 .../CodeGen/Glsl/Declarations.cs                   |  20 +-
 .../CodeGen/Glsl/Instructions/IoMap.cs             |   1 +
 .../CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs                |  15 -
 .../CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs                  |   4 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/IoMap.cs |   1 +
 .../CodeGen/Spirv/SpirvGenerator.cs                |  12 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Constants.cs           |   6 -
 .../Decoders/DecodedProgram.cs                     |   5 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/Decoder.cs    |  35 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/InputTopology.cs       |  13 +
 .../Instructions/InstEmitAttribute.cs              |   2 +-
 .../IntermediateRepresentation/IoVariable.cs       |   1 +
 .../ResourceReservationCounts.cs                   |  22 +
 .../ShaderIdentification.cs                        |   8 -
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderProgramInfo.cs   |  15 +-
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/SupportBuffer.cs       |  25 +-
 .../Translation/AttributeConsts.cs                 |   2 +
 .../Translation/EmitterContext.cs                  | 195 ++++++-
 .../Translation/EmitterContextInsts.cs             |   5 +
 .../Translation/FeatureFlags.cs                    |   4 +
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/IoUsage.cs |  28 +
 .../Translation/ResourceManager.cs                 |  46 +-
 .../Translation/ResourceReservations.cs            | 186 ++++++
 .../Translation/ShaderDefinitions.cs               |  59 +-
 .../Translation/ShaderIdentifier.cs                | 187 ------
 .../Translation/TransformContext.cs                |   3 +
 .../Translation/Transforms/GeometryToCompute.cs    | 378 ++++++++++++
 .../Translation/Transforms/TexturePass.cs          |   8 +-
 .../Translation/Transforms/TransformPasses.cs      |   2 +
 .../Translation/Transforms/VertexToCompute.cs      | 364 ++++++++++++
 .../Translation/Translator.cs                      |  41 +-
 .../Translation/TranslatorContext.cs               | 279 +++++++--
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/VertexInfoBuffer.cs    |  59 ++
 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/VulkanRenderer.cs      |   2 +
 src/Ryujinx.ShaderTools/Program.cs                 |  18 +-
 65 files changed, 3908 insertions(+), 589 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VertexInfoBufferUpdater.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsCompute.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeContext.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeState.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferUpdater.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderAsCompute.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ResourceReservationCounts.cs
 delete mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderIdentification.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/IoUsage.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
 delete mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderIdentifier.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/GeometryToCompute.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/VertexToCompute.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/VertexInfoBuffer.cs

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL/Capabilities.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL/Capabilities.cs
index d41f8e59..75642204 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL/Capabilities.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL/Capabilities.cs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
         public readonly bool SupportsShaderBarrierDivergence;
         public readonly bool SupportsShaderFloat64;
         public readonly bool SupportsTextureShadowLod;
+        public readonly bool SupportsVertexStoreAndAtomics;
         public readonly bool SupportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation;
         public readonly bool SupportsViewportMask;
         public readonly bool SupportsViewportSwizzle;
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
         public readonly float MaximumSupportedAnisotropy;
         public readonly int ShaderSubgroupSize;
         public readonly int StorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
+        public readonly int TextureBufferOffsetAlignment;
         public readonly int GatherBiasPrecision;
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
             bool supportsShaderBarrierDivergence,
             bool supportsShaderFloat64,
             bool supportsTextureShadowLod,
+            bool supportsVertexStoreAndAtomics,
             bool supportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation,
             bool supportsViewportMask,
             bool supportsViewportSwizzle,
@@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
             float maximumSupportedAnisotropy,
             int shaderSubgroupSize,
             int storageBufferOffsetAlignment,
+            int textureBufferOffsetAlignment,
             int gatherBiasPrecision)
             Api = api;
@@ -139,6 +143,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
             SupportsShaderBarrierDivergence = supportsShaderBarrierDivergence;
             SupportsShaderFloat64 = supportsShaderFloat64;
             SupportsTextureShadowLod = supportsTextureShadowLod;
+            SupportsVertexStoreAndAtomics = supportsVertexStoreAndAtomics;
             SupportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation = supportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation;
             SupportsViewportMask = supportsViewportMask;
             SupportsViewportSwizzle = supportsViewportSwizzle;
@@ -152,6 +157,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL
             MaximumSupportedAnisotropy = maximumSupportedAnisotropy;
             ShaderSubgroupSize = shaderSubgroupSize;
             StorageBufferOffsetAlignment = storageBufferOffsetAlignment;
+            TextureBufferOffsetAlignment = textureBufferOffsetAlignment;
             GatherBiasPrecision = gatherBiasPrecision;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/GPFifo/GPFifoProcessor.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/GPFifo/GPFifoProcessor.cs
index 6ba1bc22..180e2a6b 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/GPFifo/GPFifoProcessor.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/GPFifo/GPFifoProcessor.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.GPFifo
     /// <summary>
     /// Represents a GPU General Purpose FIFO command processor.
     /// </summary>
-    class GPFifoProcessor
+    class GPFifoProcessor : IDisposable
         private const int MacrosCount = 0x80;
         private const int MacroIndexMask = MacrosCount - 1;
@@ -327,5 +327,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.GPFifo
+        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                _3dClass.Dispose();
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VertexInfoBufferUpdater.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VertexInfoBufferUpdater.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65f556fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VertexInfoBufferUpdater.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Vertex info buffer data updater.
+    /// </summary>
+    class VertexInfoBufferUpdater : BufferUpdater
+    {
+        private VertexInfoBuffer _data;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new instance of the vertex info buffer updater.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="renderer">Renderer that the vertex info buffer will be used with</param>
+        public VertexInfoBufferUpdater(IRenderer renderer) : base(renderer)
+        {
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets vertex data related counts.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="vertexCount">Number of vertices used on the draw</param>
+        /// <param name="instanceCount">Number of draw instances</param>
+        /// <param name="firstVertex">Index of the first vertex on the vertex buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="firstInstance">Index of the first instanced vertex on the vertex buffer</param>
+        public void SetVertexCounts(int vertexCount, int instanceCount, int firstVertex, int firstInstance)
+        {
+            if (_data.VertexCounts.X != vertexCount)
+            {
+                _data.VertexCounts.X = vertexCount;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexCountsOffset, sizeof(int));
+            }
+            if (_data.VertexCounts.Y != instanceCount)
+            {
+                _data.VertexCounts.Y = instanceCount;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexCountsOffset + sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
+            }
+            if (_data.VertexCounts.Z != firstVertex)
+            {
+                _data.VertexCounts.Z = firstVertex;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexCountsOffset + sizeof(int) * 2, sizeof(int));
+            }
+            if (_data.VertexCounts.W != firstInstance)
+            {
+                _data.VertexCounts.W = firstInstance;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexCountsOffset + sizeof(int) * 3, sizeof(int));
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets vertex data related counts.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="primitivesCount">Number of primitives consumed by the geometry shader</param>
+        public void SetGeometryCounts(int primitivesCount)
+        {
+            if (_data.GeometryCounts.X != primitivesCount)
+            {
+                _data.GeometryCounts.X = primitivesCount;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.GeometryCountsOffset, sizeof(int));
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets a vertex stride and related data.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="index">Index of the vertex stride to be updated</param>
+        /// <param name="stride">Stride divided by the component or format size</param>
+        /// <param name="componentCount">Number of components that the format has</param>
+        public void SetVertexStride(int index, int stride, int componentCount)
+        {
+            if (_data.VertexStrides[index].X != stride)
+            {
+                _data.VertexStrides[index].X = stride;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexStridesOffset + index * Unsafe.SizeOf<Vector4<int>>(), sizeof(int));
+            }
+            for (int c = 1; c < 4; c++)
+            {
+                int value = c < componentCount ? 1 : 0;
+                ref int currentValue = ref GetElementRef(ref _data.VertexStrides[index], c);
+                if (currentValue != value)
+                {
+                    currentValue = value;
+                    MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexStridesOffset + index * Unsafe.SizeOf<Vector4<int>>() + c * sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets a vertex offset and related data.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="index">Index of the vertex offset to be updated</param>
+        /// <param name="offset">Offset divided by the component or format size</param>
+        /// <param name="divisor">If the draw is instanced, should have the vertex divisor value, otherwise should be zero</param>
+        public void SetVertexOffset(int index, int offset, int divisor)
+        {
+            if (_data.VertexOffsets[index].X != offset)
+            {
+                _data.VertexOffsets[index].X = offset;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexOffsetsOffset + index * Unsafe.SizeOf<Vector4<int>>(), sizeof(int));
+            }
+            if (_data.VertexOffsets[index].Y != divisor)
+            {
+                _data.VertexOffsets[index].Y = divisor;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.VertexOffsetsOffset + index * Unsafe.SizeOf<Vector4<int>>() + sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets the offset of the index buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="offset">Offset divided by the component size</param>
+        public void SetIndexBufferOffset(int offset)
+        {
+            if (_data.GeometryCounts.W != offset)
+            {
+                _data.GeometryCounts.W = offset;
+                MarkDirty(VertexInfoBuffer.GeometryCountsOffset + sizeof(int) * 3, sizeof(int));
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Submits all pending buffer updates to the GPU.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void Commit()
+        {
+            Commit(MemoryMarshal.Cast<VertexInfoBuffer, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref _data, 1)));
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsCompute.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsCompute.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbbfd251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsCompute.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader;
+using System;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader draw manager.
+    /// </summary>
+    class VtgAsCompute : IDisposable
+    {
+        private readonly GpuContext _context;
+        private readonly GpuChannel _channel;
+        private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> _state;
+        private readonly VtgAsComputeContext _vacContext;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new instance of the vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader draw manager.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="context">GPU context</param>
+        /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param>
+        /// <param name="state">3D engine state</param>
+        public VtgAsCompute(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> state)
+        {
+            _context = context;
+            _channel = channel;
+            _state = state;
+            _vacContext = new(context);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Emulates the pre-rasterization stages of a draw operation using a compute shader.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">Vertex shader converted to compute</param>
+        /// <param name="geometryAsCompute">Optional geometry shader converted to compute</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexPassthroughProgram">Fragment shader with a vertex passthrough shader to feed the compute output into the fragment stage</param>
+        /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology of the draw</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Index or vertex count of the draw</param>
+        /// <param name="instanceCount">Instance count</param>
+        /// <param name="firstIndex">First index on the index buffer, for indexed draws</param>
+        /// <param name="firstVertex">First vertex on the vertex buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="firstInstance">First instance</param>
+        /// <param name="indexed">Whether the draw is indexed</param>
+        public void DrawAsCompute(
+            ThreedClass engine,
+            ShaderAsCompute vertexAsCompute,
+            ShaderAsCompute geometryAsCompute,
+            IProgram vertexPassthroughProgram,
+            PrimitiveTopology topology,
+            int count,
+            int instanceCount,
+            int firstIndex,
+            int firstVertex,
+            int firstInstance,
+            bool indexed)
+        {
+            VtgAsComputeState state = new(
+                _context,
+                _channel,
+                _state,
+                _vacContext,
+                engine,
+                vertexAsCompute,
+                geometryAsCompute,
+                vertexPassthroughProgram,
+                topology,
+                count,
+                instanceCount,
+                firstIndex,
+                firstVertex,
+                firstInstance,
+                indexed);
+            state.RunVertex();
+            state.RunGeometry();
+            state.RunFragment();
+            _vacContext.FreeBuffers();
+        }
+        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                _vacContext.Dispose();
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeContext.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeContext.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9b754ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeContext.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader context.
+    /// </summary>
+    class VtgAsComputeContext : IDisposable
+    {
+        private const int DummyBufferSize = 16;
+        private readonly GpuContext _context;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Cache of buffer textures used for vertex and index buffers.
+        /// </summary>
+        private class BufferTextureCache : IDisposable
+        {
+            private readonly Dictionary<Format, ITexture> _cache;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Creates a new instance of the buffer texture cache.
+            /// </summary>
+            public BufferTextureCache()
+            {
+                _cache = new();
+            }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Gets a cached or creates and caches a buffer texture with the specified format.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <param name="renderer">Renderer where the texture will be used</param>
+            /// <param name="format">Format of the buffer texture</param>
+            /// <returns>Buffer texture</returns>
+            public ITexture Get(IRenderer renderer, Format format)
+            {
+                if (!_cache.TryGetValue(format, out ITexture bufferTexture))
+                {
+                    bufferTexture = renderer.CreateTexture(new TextureCreateInfo(
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        1,
+                        format,
+                        DepthStencilMode.Depth,
+                        Target.TextureBuffer,
+                        SwizzleComponent.Red,
+                        SwizzleComponent.Green,
+                        SwizzleComponent.Blue,
+                        SwizzleComponent.Alpha));
+                    _cache.Add(format, bufferTexture);
+                }
+                return bufferTexture;
+            }
+            protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+            {
+                if (disposing)
+                {
+                    foreach (var texture in _cache.Values)
+                    {
+                        texture.Release();
+                    }
+                    _cache.Clear();
+                }
+            }
+            public void Dispose()
+            {
+                Dispose(true);
+                GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Buffer state.
+        /// </summary>
+        private struct Buffer
+        {
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Buffer handle.
+            /// </summary>
+            public BufferHandle Handle;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Current free buffer offset.
+            /// </summary>
+            public int Offset;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Total buffer size in bytes.
+            /// </summary>
+            public int Size;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Index buffer state.
+        /// </summary>
+        private readonly struct IndexBuffer
+        {
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Buffer handle.
+            /// </summary>
+            public BufferHandle Handle { get; }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Index count.
+            /// </summary>
+            public int Count { get; }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Size in bytes.
+            /// </summary>
+            public int Size { get; }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Creates a new index buffer state.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <param name="handle">Buffer handle</param>
+            /// <param name="count">Index count</param>
+            /// <param name="size">Size in bytes</param>
+            public IndexBuffer(BufferHandle handle, int count, int size)
+            {
+                Handle = handle;
+                Count = count;
+                Size = size;
+            }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Creates a full range starting from the beggining of the buffer.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <returns>Range</returns>
+            public readonly BufferRange ToRange()
+            {
+                return new BufferRange(Handle, 0, Size);
+            }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Creates a range starting from the beggining of the buffer, with the specified size.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <param name="size">Size in bytes of the range</param>
+            /// <returns>Range</returns>
+            public readonly BufferRange ToRange(int size)
+            {
+                return new BufferRange(Handle, 0, size);
+            }
+        }
+        private readonly BufferTextureCache[] _bufferTextures;
+        private BufferHandle _dummyBuffer;
+        private Buffer _vertexDataBuffer;
+        private Buffer _geometryVertexDataBuffer;
+        private Buffer _geometryIndexDataBuffer;
+        private BufferHandle _sequentialIndexBuffer;
+        private int _sequentialIndexBufferCount;
+        private readonly Dictionary<PrimitiveTopology, IndexBuffer> _topologyRemapBuffers;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Vertex information buffer updater.
+        /// </summary>
+        public VertexInfoBufferUpdater VertexInfoBufferUpdater { get; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new instance of the vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader context.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="context"></param>
+        public VtgAsComputeContext(GpuContext context)
+        {
+            _context = context;
+            _bufferTextures = new BufferTextureCache[Constants.TotalVertexBuffers + 2];
+            _topologyRemapBuffers = new();
+            VertexInfoBufferUpdater = new(context.Renderer);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the number of complete primitives that can be formed with a given vertex count, for a given topology.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="primitiveType">Topology</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Vertex count</param>
+        /// <returns>Total of complete primitives</returns>
+        public static int GetPrimitivesCount(PrimitiveTopology primitiveType, int count)
+        {
+            return primitiveType switch
+            {
+                PrimitiveTopology.Lines => count / 2,
+                PrimitiveTopology.LinesAdjacency => count / 4,
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineLoop => count > 1 ? count : 0,
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip => Math.Max(count - 1, 0),
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineStripAdjacency => Math.Max(count - 3, 0),
+                PrimitiveTopology.Triangles => count / 3,
+                PrimitiveTopology.TrianglesAdjacency => count / 6,
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip or
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or
+                PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => Math.Max(count - 2, 0),
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStripAdjacency => Math.Max(count - 2, 0) / 2,
+                PrimitiveTopology.Quads => (count / 4) * 2, // In triangles.
+                PrimitiveTopology.QuadStrip => Math.Max((count - 2) / 2, 0) * 2, // In triangles.
+                _ => count,
+            };
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the total of vertices that a single primitive has, for the specified topology.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="primitiveType">Topology</param>
+        /// <returns>Vertex count</returns>
+        private static int GetVerticesPerPrimitive(PrimitiveTopology primitiveType)
+        {
+            return primitiveType switch
+            {
+                PrimitiveTopology.Lines or
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineLoop or
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip => 2,
+                PrimitiveTopology.LinesAdjacency or
+                PrimitiveTopology.LineStripAdjacency => 4,
+                PrimitiveTopology.Triangles or
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip or
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or
+                PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => 3,
+                PrimitiveTopology.TrianglesAdjacency or
+                PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStripAdjacency => 6,
+                PrimitiveTopology.Quads or
+                PrimitiveTopology.QuadStrip => 3, // 2 triangles.
+                _ => 1,
+            };
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a cached or creates a new buffer that can be used to map linear indices to ones
+        /// of a specified topology, and build complete primitives.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="topology">Topology</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Number of input vertices that needs to be mapped using that buffer</param>
+        /// <returns>Remap buffer range</returns>
+        public BufferRange GetOrCreateTopologyRemapBuffer(PrimitiveTopology topology, int count)
+        {
+            if (!_topologyRemapBuffers.TryGetValue(topology, out IndexBuffer buffer) || buffer.Count < count)
+            {
+                if (buffer.Handle != BufferHandle.Null)
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.DeleteBuffer(buffer.Handle);
+                }
+                buffer = CreateTopologyRemapBuffer(topology, count);
+                _topologyRemapBuffers[topology] = buffer;
+                return buffer.ToRange();
+            }
+            return buffer.ToRange(Math.Max(GetPrimitivesCount(topology, count) * GetVerticesPerPrimitive(topology), 1) * sizeof(uint));
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new topology remap buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="topology">Topology</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Maximum of vertices that will be accessed</param>
+        /// <returns>Remap buffer range</returns>
+        private IndexBuffer CreateTopologyRemapBuffer(PrimitiveTopology topology, int count)
+        {
+            // Size can't be zero as creating zero sized buffers is invalid.
+            Span<int> data = new int[Math.Max(GetPrimitivesCount(topology, count) * GetVerticesPerPrimitive(topology), 1)];
+            switch (topology)
+            {
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Points:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Lines:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.LinesAdjacency:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Triangles:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.TrianglesAdjacency:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Patches:
+                    for (int index = 0; index < data.Length; index++)
+                    {
+                        data[index] = index;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.LineLoop:
+                    data[^1] = 0;
+                    for (int index = 0; index < ((data.Length - 1) & ~1); index += 2)
+                    {
+                        data[index] = index >> 1;
+                        data[index + 1] = (index >> 1) + 1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip:
+                    for (int index = 0; index < ((data.Length - 1) & ~1); index += 2)
+                    {
+                        data[index] = index >> 1;
+                        data[index + 1] = (index >> 1) + 1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip:
+                    int tsTrianglesCount = data.Length / 3;
+                    int tsOutIndex = 3;
+                    if (tsTrianglesCount > 0)
+                    {
+                        data[0] = 0;
+                        data[1] = 1;
+                        data[2] = 2;
+                    }
+                    for (int tri = 1; tri < tsTrianglesCount; tri++)
+                    {
+                        int baseIndex = tri * 3;
+                        if ((tri & 1) != 0)
+                        {
+                            data[baseIndex] = tsOutIndex - 1;
+                            data[baseIndex + 1] = tsOutIndex - 2;
+                            data[baseIndex + 2] = tsOutIndex++;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            data[baseIndex] = tsOutIndex - 2;
+                            data[baseIndex + 1] = tsOutIndex - 1;
+                            data[baseIndex + 2] = tsOutIndex++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan:
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Polygon:
+                    int tfTrianglesCount = data.Length / 3;
+                    int tfOutIndex = 1;
+                    for (int index = 0; index < tfTrianglesCount * 3; index += 3)
+                    {
+                        data[index] = 0;
+                        data[index + 1] = tfOutIndex;
+                        data[index + 2] = ++tfOutIndex;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.Quads:
+                    int qQuadsCount = data.Length / 6;
+                    for (int quad = 0; quad < qQuadsCount; quad++)
+                    {
+                        int index = quad * 6;
+                        int qIndex = quad * 4;
+                        data[index] = qIndex;
+                        data[index + 1] = qIndex + 1;
+                        data[index + 2] = qIndex + 2;
+                        data[index + 3] = qIndex;
+                        data[index + 4] = qIndex + 2;
+                        data[index + 5] = qIndex + 3;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.QuadStrip:
+                    int qsQuadsCount = data.Length / 6;
+                    if (qsQuadsCount > 0)
+                    {
+                        data[0] = 0;
+                        data[1] = 1;
+                        data[2] = 2;
+                        data[3] = 0;
+                        data[4] = 2;
+                        data[5] = 3;
+                    }
+                    for (int quad = 1; quad < qsQuadsCount; quad++)
+                    {
+                        int index = quad * 6;
+                        int qIndex = quad * 2;
+                        data[index] = qIndex + 1;
+                        data[index + 1] = qIndex;
+                        data[index + 2] = qIndex + 2;
+                        data[index + 3] = qIndex + 1;
+                        data[index + 4] = qIndex + 2;
+                        data[index + 5] = qIndex + 3;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.LineStripAdjacency:
+                    for (int index = 0; index < ((data.Length - 3) & ~3); index += 4)
+                    {
+                        int lIndex = index >> 2;
+                        data[index] = lIndex;
+                        data[index + 1] = lIndex + 1;
+                        data[index + 2] = lIndex + 2;
+                        data[index + 3] = lIndex + 3;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStripAdjacency:
+                    int tsaTrianglesCount = data.Length / 6;
+                    int tsaOutIndex = 6;
+                    if (tsaTrianglesCount > 0)
+                    {
+                        data[0] = 0;
+                        data[1] = 1;
+                        data[2] = 2;
+                        data[3] = 3;
+                        data[4] = 4;
+                        data[5] = 5;
+                    }
+                    for (int tri = 1; tri < tsaTrianglesCount; tri++)
+                    {
+                        int baseIndex = tri * 6;
+                        if ((tri & 1) != 0)
+                        {
+                            data[baseIndex] = tsaOutIndex - 2;
+                            data[baseIndex + 1] = tsaOutIndex - 1;
+                            data[baseIndex + 2] = tsaOutIndex - 4;
+                            data[baseIndex + 3] = tsaOutIndex - 3;
+                            data[baseIndex + 4] = tsaOutIndex++;
+                            data[baseIndex + 5] = tsaOutIndex++;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            data[baseIndex] = tsaOutIndex - 4;
+                            data[baseIndex + 1] = tsaOutIndex - 3;
+                            data[baseIndex + 2] = tsaOutIndex - 2;
+                            data[baseIndex + 3] = tsaOutIndex - 1;
+                            data[baseIndex + 4] = tsaOutIndex++;
+                            data[baseIndex + 5] = tsaOutIndex++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+            ReadOnlySpan<byte> dataBytes = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(data);
+            BufferHandle buffer = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer(dataBytes.Length);
+            _context.Renderer.SetBufferData(buffer, 0, dataBytes);
+            return new IndexBuffer(buffer, count, dataBytes.Length);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a buffer texture with a given format, for the given index.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="index">Index of the buffer texture</param>
+        /// <param name="format">Format of the buffer texture</param>
+        /// <returns>Buffer texture</returns>
+        public ITexture EnsureBufferTexture(int index, Format format)
+        {
+            return (_bufferTextures[index] ??= new()).Get(_context.Renderer, format);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the offset and size of usable storage on the output vertex buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="size">Size in bytes that will be used</param>
+        /// <returns>Usable offset and size on the buffer</returns>
+        public (int, int) GetVertexDataBuffer(int size)
+        {
+            return EnsureBuffer(ref _vertexDataBuffer, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the offset and size of usable storage on the output geometry shader vertex buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="size">Size in bytes that will be used</param>
+        /// <returns>Usable offset and size on the buffer</returns>
+        public (int, int) GetGeometryVertexDataBuffer(int size)
+        {
+            return EnsureBuffer(ref _geometryVertexDataBuffer, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the offset and size of usable storage on the output geometry shader index buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="size">Size in bytes that will be used</param>
+        /// <returns>Usable offset and size on the buffer</returns>
+        public (int, int) GetGeometryIndexDataBuffer(int size)
+        {
+            return EnsureBuffer(ref _geometryIndexDataBuffer, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a range of the output vertex buffer for binding.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="offset">Offset of the range</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size of the range in bytes</param>
+        /// <returns>Range</returns>
+        public BufferRange GetVertexDataBufferRange(int offset, int size)
+        {
+            return new BufferRange(_vertexDataBuffer.Handle, offset, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a range of the output geometry shader vertex buffer for binding.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="offset">Offset of the range</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size of the range in bytes</param>
+        /// <returns>Range</returns>
+        public BufferRange GetGeometryVertexDataBufferRange(int offset, int size)
+        {
+            return new BufferRange(_geometryVertexDataBuffer.Handle, offset, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a range of the output geometry shader index buffer for binding.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="offset">Offset of the range</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size of the range in bytes</param>
+        /// <returns>Range</returns>
+        public BufferRange GetGeometryIndexDataBufferRange(int offset, int size)
+        {
+            return new BufferRange(_geometryIndexDataBuffer.Handle, offset, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the range for a dummy 16 bytes buffer, filled with zeros.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <returns>Dummy buffer range</returns>
+        public BufferRange GetDummyBufferRange()
+        {
+            if (_dummyBuffer == BufferHandle.Null)
+            {
+                _dummyBuffer = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer(DummyBufferSize);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.ClearBuffer(_dummyBuffer, 0, DummyBufferSize, 0);
+            }
+            return new BufferRange(_dummyBuffer, 0, DummyBufferSize);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the range for a sequential index buffer, with ever incrementing index values.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="count">Minimum number of indices that the buffer should have</param>
+        /// <returns>Buffer handle</returns>
+        public BufferHandle GetSequentialIndexBuffer(int count)
+        {
+            if (_sequentialIndexBufferCount < count)
+            {
+                if (_sequentialIndexBuffer != BufferHandle.Null)
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.DeleteBuffer(_sequentialIndexBuffer);
+                }
+                _sequentialIndexBuffer = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer(count * sizeof(uint));
+                _sequentialIndexBufferCount = count;
+                Span<int> data = new int[count];
+                for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
+                {
+                    data[index] = index;
+                }
+                _context.Renderer.SetBufferData(_sequentialIndexBuffer, 0, MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(data));
+            }
+            return _sequentialIndexBuffer;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Ensure that a buffer exists, is large enough, and allocates a sub-region of the specified size inside the buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer state</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Required size in bytes</param>
+        /// <returns>Allocated offset and size</returns>
+        private (int, int) EnsureBuffer(ref Buffer buffer, int size)
+        {
+            int newSize = buffer.Offset + size;
+            if (buffer.Size < newSize)
+            {
+                if (buffer.Handle != BufferHandle.Null)
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.DeleteBuffer(buffer.Handle);
+                }
+                buffer.Handle = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer(newSize);
+                buffer.Size = newSize;
+            }
+            int offset = buffer.Offset;
+            buffer.Offset = BitUtils.AlignUp(newSize, _context.Capabilities.StorageBufferOffsetAlignment);
+            return (offset, size);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Frees all buffer sub-regions that were previously allocated.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void FreeBuffers()
+        {
+            _vertexDataBuffer.Offset = 0;
+            _geometryVertexDataBuffer.Offset = 0;
+            _geometryIndexDataBuffer.Offset = 0;
+        }
+        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                for (int index = 0; index < _bufferTextures.Length; index++)
+                {
+                    _bufferTextures[index]?.Dispose();
+                    _bufferTextures[index] = null;
+                }
+                DestroyIfNotNull(ref _dummyBuffer);
+                DestroyIfNotNull(ref _vertexDataBuffer.Handle);
+                DestroyIfNotNull(ref _geometryVertexDataBuffer.Handle);
+                DestroyIfNotNull(ref _geometryIndexDataBuffer.Handle);
+                DestroyIfNotNull(ref _sequentialIndexBuffer);
+                foreach (var indexBuffer in _topologyRemapBuffers.Values)
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.DeleteBuffer(indexBuffer.Handle);
+                }
+                _topologyRemapBuffers.Clear();
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Deletes a buffer if the handle is valid (not null), then sets the handle to null.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="handle">Buffer handle</param>
+        private void DestroyIfNotNull(ref BufferHandle handle)
+        {
+            if (handle != BufferHandle.Null)
+            {
+                _context.Renderer.DeleteBuffer(handle);
+                handle = BufferHandle.Null;
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeState.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59a92508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ComputeDraw/VtgAsComputeState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+using System;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader state.
+    /// </summary>
+    struct VtgAsComputeState
+    {
+        private const int ComputeLocalSize = 32;
+        private readonly GpuContext _context;
+        private readonly GpuChannel _channel;
+        private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> _state;
+        private readonly VtgAsComputeContext _vacContext;
+        private readonly ThreedClass _engine;
+        private readonly ShaderAsCompute _vertexAsCompute;
+        private readonly ShaderAsCompute _geometryAsCompute;
+        private readonly IProgram _vertexPassthroughProgram;
+        private readonly PrimitiveTopology _topology;
+        private readonly int _count;
+        private readonly int _instanceCount;
+        private readonly int _firstIndex;
+        private readonly int _firstVertex;
+        private readonly int _firstInstance;
+        private readonly bool _indexed;
+        private readonly int _vertexDataOffset;
+        private readonly int _vertexDataSize;
+        private readonly int _geometryVertexDataOffset;
+        private readonly int _geometryVertexDataSize;
+        private readonly int _geometryIndexDataOffset;
+        private readonly int _geometryIndexDataSize;
+        private readonly int _geometryIndexDataCount;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new vertex, tessellation and geometry as compute shader state.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="context">GPU context</param>
+        /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param>
+        /// <param name="state">3D engine state</param>
+        /// <param name="vacContext">Vertex as compute context</param>
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">Vertex shader converted to compute</param>
+        /// <param name="geometryAsCompute">Optional geometry shader converted to compute</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexPassthroughProgram">Fragment shader with a vertex passthrough shader to feed the compute output into the fragment stage</param>
+        /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology of the draw</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Index or vertex count of the draw</param>
+        /// <param name="instanceCount">Instance count</param>
+        /// <param name="firstIndex">First index on the index buffer, for indexed draws</param>
+        /// <param name="firstVertex">First vertex on the vertex buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="firstInstance">First instance</param>
+        /// <param name="indexed">Whether the draw is indexed</param>
+        public VtgAsComputeState(
+            GpuContext context,
+            GpuChannel channel,
+            DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> state,
+            VtgAsComputeContext vacContext,
+            ThreedClass engine,
+            ShaderAsCompute vertexAsCompute,
+            ShaderAsCompute geometryAsCompute,
+            IProgram vertexPassthroughProgram,
+            PrimitiveTopology topology,
+            int count,
+            int instanceCount,
+            int firstIndex,
+            int firstVertex,
+            int firstInstance,
+            bool indexed)
+        {
+            _context = context;
+            _channel = channel;
+            _state = state;
+            _vacContext = vacContext;
+            _engine = engine;
+            _vertexAsCompute = vertexAsCompute;
+            _geometryAsCompute = geometryAsCompute;
+            _vertexPassthroughProgram = vertexPassthroughProgram;
+            _topology = topology;
+            _count = count;
+            _instanceCount = instanceCount;
+            _firstIndex = firstIndex;
+            _firstVertex = firstVertex;
+            _firstInstance = firstInstance;
+            _indexed = indexed;
+            int vertexDataSize = vertexAsCompute.Reservations.OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation * count * instanceCount;
+            (_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize) = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBuffer(vertexDataSize);
+            if (geometryAsCompute != null)
+            {
+                int totalPrimitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(topology, count * instanceCount);
+                int maxCompleteStrips = GetMaxCompleteStrips(geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive, geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryMaxOutputVertices);
+                int totalVerticesCount = totalPrimitivesCount * geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryMaxOutputVertices * geometryAsCompute.Info.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
+                int geometryVbDataSize = totalVerticesCount * geometryAsCompute.Reservations.OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation;
+                int geometryIbDataCount = totalVerticesCount + totalPrimitivesCount * maxCompleteStrips;
+                int geometryIbDataSize = geometryIbDataCount * sizeof(uint);
+                (_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize) = vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBuffer(geometryVbDataSize);
+                (_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize) = vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBuffer(geometryIbDataSize);
+                _geometryIndexDataCount = geometryIbDataCount;
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Emulates the vertex stage using compute.
+        /// </summary>
+        public readonly void RunVertex()
+        {
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetProgram(_vertexAsCompute.HostProgram);
+            int primitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(_topology, _count);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetGeometryCounts(primitivesCount);
+            for (int index = 0; index < Constants.TotalVertexAttribs; index++)
+            {
+                var vertexAttrib = _state.State.VertexAttribState[index];
+                if (!FormatTable.TryGetSingleComponentAttribFormat(vertexAttrib.UnpackFormat(), out Format format, out int componentsCount))
+                {
+                    Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Invalid attribute format 0x{vertexAttrib.UnpackFormat():X}.");
+                    format = vertexAttrib.UnpackType() switch
+                    {
+                        VertexAttribType.Sint => Format.R32Sint,
+                        VertexAttribType.Uint => Format.R32Uint,
+                        _ => Format.R32Float
+                    };
+                    componentsCount = 4;
+                }
+                if (vertexAttrib.UnpackIsConstant())
+                {
+                    _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, 0, componentsCount);
+                    _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, 0, 0);
+                    SetDummyBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                int bufferIndex = vertexAttrib.UnpackBufferIndex();
+                GpuVa endAddress = _state.State.VertexBufferEndAddress[bufferIndex];
+                var vertexBuffer = _state.State.VertexBufferState[bufferIndex];
+                bool instanced = _state.State.VertexBufferInstanced[bufferIndex];
+                ulong address = vertexBuffer.Address.Pack();
+                if (!vertexBuffer.UnpackEnable() || !_channel.MemoryManager.IsMapped(address))
+                {
+                    _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, 0, componentsCount);
+                    _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, 0, 0);
+                    SetDummyBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                int vbStride = vertexBuffer.UnpackStride();
+                ulong vbSize = GetVertexBufferSize(address, endAddress.Pack(), vbStride, _indexed, instanced, _firstVertex, _count);
+                ulong oldVbSize = vbSize;
+                ulong attributeOffset = (ulong)vertexAttrib.UnpackOffset();
+                int componentSize = format.GetScalarSize();
+                address += attributeOffset;
+                ulong misalign = address & ((ulong)_context.Capabilities.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment - 1);
+                vbSize = Align(vbSize - attributeOffset + misalign, componentSize);
+                SetBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, index, format, address - misalign, vbSize);
+                _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexStride(index, vbStride / componentSize, componentsCount);
+                _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexOffset(index, (int)misalign / componentSize, instanced ? vertexBuffer.Divisor : 0);
+            }
+            if (_indexed)
+            {
+                SetIndexBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, _firstIndex, _count, out int ibOffset);
+                _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetIndexBufferOffset(ibOffset);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                SetSequentialIndexBufferTexture(_vertexAsCompute.Reservations, _count);
+                _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetIndexBufferOffset(0);
+            }
+            int vertexInfoBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            BufferRange vertexInfoRange = new(_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Handle, 0, VertexInfoBuffer.RequiredSize);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexInfoBinding, vertexInfoRange) });
+            int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange) });
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Commit();
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DispatchCompute(
+                BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_count, ComputeLocalSize),
+                BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_instanceCount, ComputeLocalSize),
+                1);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Emulates the geometry stage using compute, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
+        /// </summary>
+        public readonly void RunGeometry()
+        {
+            if (_geometryAsCompute == null)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            int primitivesCount = VtgAsComputeContext.GetPrimitivesCount(_topology, _count);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetGeometryCounts(primitivesCount);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Commit();
+            int vertexInfoBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            BufferRange vertexInfoRange = new(_vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Handle, 0, VertexInfoBuffer.RequiredSize);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexInfoBinding, vertexInfoRange) });
+            int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            // Wait until compute is done.
+            // TODO: Batch compute and draw operations to avoid pipeline stalls.
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Barrier();
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetProgram(_geometryAsCompute.HostProgram);
+            SetTopologyRemapBufferTexture(_geometryAsCompute.Reservations, _topology, _count);
+            int geometryVbBinding = _geometryAsCompute.Reservations.GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            int geometryIbBinding = _geometryAsCompute.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize);
+            BufferRange vertexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBufferRange(_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize);
+            BufferRange indexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBufferRange(_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[]
+            {
+                new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange),
+                new BufferAssignment(geometryVbBinding, vertexBuffer),
+                new BufferAssignment(geometryIbBinding, indexBuffer),
+            });
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DispatchCompute(
+                BitUtils.DivRoundUp(primitivesCount, ComputeLocalSize),
+                BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_instanceCount, ComputeLocalSize),
+                _geometryAsCompute.Info.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Performs a draw using the data produced on the vertex, tessellation and geometry stages,
+        /// if rasterizer discard is disabled.
+        /// </summary>
+        public readonly void RunFragment()
+        {
+            bool tfEnabled = _state.State.TfEnable;
+            if (!_state.State.RasterizeEnable && (!tfEnabled || !_context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback))
+            {
+                // No need to run fragment if rasterizer discard is enabled,
+                // and we are emulating transform feedback or transform feedback is disabled.
+                // Note: We might skip geometry shader here, but right now, this is fine,
+                // because the only cases that triggers VTG to compute are geometry shader
+                // being not supported, or the vertex pipeline doing store operations.
+                // If the geometry shader does not do any store and rasterizer discard is enabled, the geometry shader can be skipped.
+                // If the geometry shader does have stores, it would have been converted to compute too if stores are not supported.
+                return;
+            }
+            int vertexDataBinding = _vertexAsCompute.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Barrier();
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.SetVertexCounts(_count, _instanceCount, _firstVertex, _firstInstance);
+            _vacContext.VertexInfoBufferUpdater.Commit();
+            if (_geometryAsCompute != null)
+            {
+                BufferRange vertexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryVertexDataBufferRange(_geometryVertexDataOffset, _geometryVertexDataSize);
+                BufferRange indexBuffer = _vacContext.GetGeometryIndexDataBufferRange(_geometryIndexDataOffset, _geometryIndexDataSize);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetProgram(_vertexPassthroughProgram);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, IndexType.UInt);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexBuffer) });
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetPrimitiveRestart(true, -1);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetPrimitiveTopology(GetGeometryOutputTopology(_geometryAsCompute.Info.GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive));
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(_geometryIndexDataCount, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+                _engine.ForceStateDirtyByIndex(StateUpdater.IndexBufferStateIndex);
+                _engine.ForceStateDirtyByIndex(StateUpdater.PrimitiveRestartStateIndex);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                BufferRange vertexDataRange = _vacContext.GetVertexDataBufferRange(_vertexDataOffset, _vertexDataSize);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetProgram(_vertexPassthroughProgram);
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetStorageBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(vertexDataBinding, vertexDataRange) });
+                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(_count, _instanceCount, 0, 0);
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a strip primitive topology from the vertices per primitive count.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="verticesPerPrimitive">Vertices per primitive count</param>
+        /// <returns>Primitive topology</returns>
+        private static PrimitiveTopology GetGeometryOutputTopology(int verticesPerPrimitive)
+        {
+            return verticesPerPrimitive switch
+            {
+                3 => PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip,
+                2 => PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip,
+                _ => PrimitiveTopology.Points,
+            };
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the maximum number of complete primitive strips for a vertex count.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="verticesPerPrimitive">Vertices per primitive count</param>
+        /// <param name="maxOutputVertices">Maximum geometry shader output vertices count</param>
+        /// <returns>Maximum number of complete primitive strips</returns>
+        private static int GetMaxCompleteStrips(int verticesPerPrimitive, int maxOutputVertices)
+        {
+            return maxOutputVertices / verticesPerPrimitive;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Binds a dummy buffer as vertex buffer into a buffer texture.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="index">Buffer texture index</param>
+        /// <param name="format">Buffer texture format</param>
+        private readonly void SetDummyBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int index, Format format)
+        {
+            ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(index + 2, format);
+            bufferTexture.SetStorage(_vacContext.GetDummyBufferRange());
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(index), bufferTexture, null);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Binds a vertex buffer into a buffer texture.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="index">Buffer texture index</param>
+        /// <param name="format">Buffer texture format</param>
+        /// <param name="address">Address of the vertex buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="size">Size of the buffer in bytes</param>
+        private readonly void SetBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int index, Format format, ulong address, ulong size)
+        {
+            var memoryManager = _channel.MemoryManager;
+            address = memoryManager.Translate(address);
+            BufferRange range = memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(address, size);
+            ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(index + 2, format);
+            bufferTexture.SetStorage(range);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(index), bufferTexture, null);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Binds the index buffer into a buffer texture.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="firstIndex">First index of the index buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Index count</param>
+        /// <param name="misalignedOffset">Offset that should be added when accessing the buffer texture on the shader</param>
+        private readonly void SetIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int firstIndex, int count, out int misalignedOffset)
+        {
+            ulong address = _state.State.IndexBufferState.Address.Pack();
+            ulong indexOffset = (ulong)firstIndex;
+            ulong size = (ulong)count;
+            int shift = 0;
+            Format format = Format.R8Uint;
+            switch (_state.State.IndexBufferState.Type)
+            {
+                case IndexType.UShort:
+                    shift = 1;
+                    format = Format.R16Uint;
+                    break;
+                case IndexType.UInt:
+                    shift = 2;
+                    format = Format.R32Uint;
+                    break;
+            }
+            indexOffset <<= shift;
+            size <<= shift;
+            var memoryManager = _channel.MemoryManager;
+            address = memoryManager.Translate(address + indexOffset);
+            ulong misalign = address & ((ulong)_context.Capabilities.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment - 1);
+            BufferRange range = memoryManager.Physical.BufferCache.GetBufferRange(address - misalign, size + misalign);
+            misalignedOffset = (int)misalign >> shift;
+            SetIndexBufferTexture(reservations, range, format);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets the host buffer texture for the index buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="range">Index buffer range</param>
+        /// <param name="format">Index buffer format</param>
+        private readonly void SetIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, BufferRange range, Format format)
+        {
+            ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(0, format);
+            bufferTexture.SetStorage(range);
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets the host buffer texture for the topology remap buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="topology">Input topology</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Input vertex count</param>
+        private readonly void SetTopologyRemapBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, PrimitiveTopology topology, int count)
+        {
+            ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(1, Format.R32Uint);
+            bufferTexture.SetStorage(_vacContext.GetOrCreateTopologyRemapBuffer(topology, count));
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Sets the host buffer texture to a generated sequential index buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="reservations">Shader resource binding reservations</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Vertex count</param>
+        private readonly void SetSequentialIndexBufferTexture(ResourceReservations reservations, int count)
+        {
+            BufferHandle sequentialIndexBuffer = _vacContext.GetSequentialIndexBuffer(count);
+            ITexture bufferTexture = _vacContext.EnsureBufferTexture(0, Format.R32Uint);
+            bufferTexture.SetStorage(new BufferRange(sequentialIndexBuffer, 0, count * sizeof(uint)));
+            _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage.Compute, reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding, bufferTexture, null);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the size of a vertex buffer based on the current 3D engine state.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="vbAddress">Vertex buffer address</param>
+        /// <param name="vbEndAddress">Vertex buffer end address (exclusive)</param>
+        /// <param name="vbStride">Vertex buffer stride</param>
+        /// <param name="indexed">Whether the draw is indexed</param>
+        /// <param name="instanced">Whether the draw is instanced</param>
+        /// <param name="firstVertex">First vertex index</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexCount">Vertex count</param>
+        /// <returns>Size of the vertex buffer, in bytes</returns>
+        private readonly ulong GetVertexBufferSize(ulong vbAddress, ulong vbEndAddress, int vbStride, bool indexed, bool instanced, int firstVertex, int vertexCount)
+        {
+            IndexType indexType = _state.State.IndexBufferState.Type;
+            bool indexTypeSmall = indexType == IndexType.UByte || indexType == IndexType.UShort;
+            ulong vbSize = vbEndAddress - vbAddress + 1;
+            ulong size;
+            if (indexed || vbStride == 0 || instanced)
+            {
+                // This size may be (much) larger than the real vertex buffer size.
+                // Avoid calculating it this way, unless we don't have any other option.
+                size = vbSize;
+                if (vbStride > 0 && indexTypeSmall && indexed && !instanced)
+                {
+                    // If the index type is a small integer type, then we might be still able
+                    // to reduce the vertex buffer size based on the maximum possible index value.
+                    ulong maxVertexBufferSize = indexType == IndexType.UByte ? 0x100UL : 0x10000UL;
+                    maxVertexBufferSize += _state.State.FirstVertex;
+                    maxVertexBufferSize *= (uint)vbStride;
+                    size = Math.Min(size, maxVertexBufferSize);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // For non-indexed draws, we can guess the size from the vertex count
+                // and stride.
+                int firstInstance = (int)_state.State.FirstInstance;
+                size = Math.Min(vbSize, (ulong)((firstInstance + firstVertex + vertexCount) * vbStride));
+            }
+            return size;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Aligns a size to a given alignment value.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="size">Size</param>
+        /// <param name="alignment">Alignment</param>
+        /// <returns>Aligned size</returns>
+        private static ulong Align(ulong size, int alignment)
+        {
+            ulong align = (ulong)alignment;
+            size += align - 1;
+            size /= align;
+            size *= align;
+            return size;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawManager.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawManager.cs
index d7ee24b1..18e7ac00 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawManager.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawManager.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed.ComputeDraw;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Types;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
 using System;
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
     /// <summary>
     /// Draw manager.
     /// </summary>
-    class DrawManager
+    class DrawManager : IDisposable
         // Since we don't know the index buffer size for indirect draws,
         // we must assume a minimum and maximum size and use that for buffer data update purposes.
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> _state;
         private readonly DrawState _drawState;
         private readonly SpecializationStateUpdater _currentSpecState;
+        private readonly VtgAsCompute _vtgAsCompute;
         private bool _topologySet;
         private bool _instancedDrawPending;
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
             _state = state;
             _drawState = drawState;
             _currentSpecState = spec;
+            _vtgAsCompute = new(context, channel, state);
         /// <summary>
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
                 if (renderEnable == ConditionalRenderEnabled.False)
-                    PerformDeferredDraws();
+                    PerformDeferredDraws(engine);
                 _drawState.DrawIndexed = false;
@@ -190,13 +193,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
                 _channel.BufferManager.SetIndexBuffer(br, IndexType.UInt);
-                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(inlineIndexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance);
+                DrawImpl(engine, inlineIndexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance, indexed: true);
             else if (_drawState.DrawIndexed)
                 int firstVertex = (int)_state.State.FirstVertex;
-                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(indexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance);
+                DrawImpl(engine, indexCount, 1, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance, indexed: true);
@@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
                 var drawState = _state.State.VertexBufferDrawState;
 #pragma warning restore IDE0059
-                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(drawVertexCount, 1, drawFirstVertex, firstInstance);
+                DrawImpl(engine, drawVertexCount, 1, 0, drawFirstVertex, firstInstance, indexed: false);
             _drawState.DrawIndexed = false;
@@ -219,24 +222,26 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// Starts draw.
         /// This sets primitive type and instanced draw parameters.
         /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param>
         /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param>
-        public void DrawBegin(int argument)
+        public void DrawBegin(ThreedClass engine, int argument)
             bool incrementInstance = (argument & (1 << 26)) != 0;
             bool resetInstance = (argument & (1 << 27)) == 0;
             PrimitiveType type = (PrimitiveType)(argument & 0xffff);
-            DrawBegin(incrementInstance, resetInstance, type);
+            DrawBegin(engine, incrementInstance, resetInstance, type);
         /// <summary>
         /// Starts draw.
         /// This sets primitive type and instanced draw parameters.
         /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param>
         /// <param name="incrementInstance">Indicates if the current instance should be incremented</param>
         /// <param name="resetInstance">Indicates if the current instance should be set to zero</param>
         /// <param name="primitiveType">Primitive type</param>
-        private void DrawBegin(bool incrementInstance, bool resetInstance, PrimitiveType primitiveType)
+        private void DrawBegin(ThreedClass engine, bool incrementInstance, bool resetInstance, PrimitiveType primitiveType)
             if (incrementInstance)
@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
             else if (resetInstance)
-                PerformDeferredDraws();
+                PerformDeferredDraws(engine);
                 _instanceIndex = 0;
@@ -364,7 +369,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// <param name="instanced">True to increment the current instance value, false otherwise</param>
         private void DrawIndexBufferBeginEndInstance(ThreedClass engine, int argument, bool instanced)
-            DrawBegin(instanced, !instanced, (PrimitiveType)((argument >> 28) & 0xf));
+            DrawBegin(engine, instanced, !instanced, (PrimitiveType)((argument >> 28) & 0xf));
             int firstIndex = argument & 0xffff;
             int indexCount = (argument >> 16) & 0xfff;
@@ -409,7 +414,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// <param name="instanced">True to increment the current instance value, false otherwise</param>
         private void DrawVertexArrayBeginEndInstance(ThreedClass engine, int argument, bool instanced)
-            DrawBegin(instanced, !instanced, (PrimitiveType)((argument >> 28) & 0xf));
+            DrawBegin(engine, instanced, !instanced, (PrimitiveType)((argument >> 28) & 0xf));
             int firstVertex = argument & 0xffff;
             int vertexCount = (argument >> 16) & 0xfff;
@@ -541,23 +546,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
-            if (instanceCount > 1)
-            {
-                // Must be called after UpdateState as it assumes the shader state
-                // has already been set, and that bindings have been updated already.
-                _channel.BufferManager.SetInstancedDrawVertexCount(count);
-            }
+            DrawImpl(engine, count, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance, indexed);
             if (indexed)
-                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(count, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance);
                 _state.State.FirstVertex = 0;
-            else
-            {
-                _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(count, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance);
-            }
             _state.State.FirstInstance = 0;
@@ -569,6 +563,67 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Performs a indexed or non-indexed draw.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param>
+        /// <param name="count">Index count for indexed draws, vertex count for non-indexed draws</param>
+        /// <param name="instanceCount">Instance count</param>
+        /// <param name="firstIndex">First index on the index buffer for indexed draws, ignored for non-indexed draws</param>
+        /// <param name="firstVertex">First vertex on the vertex buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="firstInstance">First instance</param>
+        /// <param name="indexed">True if the draw is indexed, false otherwise</param>
+        private void DrawImpl(
+            ThreedClass engine,
+            int count,
+            int instanceCount,
+            int firstIndex,
+            int firstVertex,
+            int firstInstance,
+            bool indexed)
+        {
+            if (instanceCount > 1)
+            {
+                _channel.BufferManager.SetInstancedDrawVertexCount(count);
+            }
+            if (_drawState.VertexAsCompute != null)
+            {
+                _vtgAsCompute.DrawAsCompute(
+                    engine,
+                    _drawState.VertexAsCompute,
+                    _drawState.GeometryAsCompute,
+                    _drawState.VertexPassthrough,
+                    _drawState.Topology,
+                    count,
+                    instanceCount,
+                    firstIndex,
+                    firstVertex,
+                    firstInstance,
+                    indexed);
+                if (_drawState.GeometryAsCompute != null)
+                {
+                    // Geometry draws need to change the topology, so we need to set it here again
+                    // if we are going to do a regular draw.
+                    // Would have been better to do that on the callee, but doing it here
+                    // avoids having to pass the draw manager instance.
+                    ForceStateDirty();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (indexed)
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(count, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(count, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance);
+                }
+            }
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Performs a indirect draw, with parameters from a GPU buffer.
         /// </summary>
@@ -667,43 +722,42 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// Once we detect the last instanced draw, then we perform the host instanced draw,
         /// with the accumulated instance count.
         /// </summary>
-        public void PerformDeferredDraws()
+        /// <param name="engine">3D engine where this method is being called</param>
+        public void PerformDeferredDraws(ThreedClass engine)
             // Perform any pending instanced draw.
             if (_instancedDrawPending)
                 _instancedDrawPending = false;
+                int instanceCount = _instanceIndex + 1;
+                int firstInstance = _instancedFirstInstance;
                 bool indexedInline = _instancedIndexedInline;
                 if (_instancedIndexed || indexedInline)
+                    int indexCount = _instancedIndexCount;
                     if (indexedInline)
                         int inlineIndexCount = _drawState.IbStreamer.GetAndResetInlineIndexCount(_context.Renderer);
                         BufferRange br = new(_drawState.IbStreamer.GetInlineIndexBuffer(), 0, inlineIndexCount * 4);
                         _channel.BufferManager.SetIndexBuffer(br, IndexType.UInt);
+                        indexCount = inlineIndexCount;
-                    _channel.BufferManager.SetInstancedDrawVertexCount(_instancedIndexCount);
+                    int firstIndex = _instancedFirstIndex;
+                    int firstVertex = _instancedFirstVertex;
-                    _context.Renderer.Pipeline.DrawIndexed(
-                        _instancedIndexCount,
-                        _instanceIndex + 1,
-                        _instancedFirstIndex,
-                        _instancedFirstVertex,
-                        _instancedFirstInstance);
+                    DrawImpl(engine, indexCount, instanceCount, firstIndex, firstVertex, firstInstance, indexed: true);
-                    _channel.BufferManager.SetInstancedDrawVertexCount(_instancedDrawStateCount);
+                    int vertexCount = _instancedDrawStateCount;
+                    int firstVertex = _instancedDrawStateFirst;
-                    _context.Renderer.Pipeline.Draw(
-                        _instancedDrawStateCount,
-                        _instanceIndex + 1,
-                        _instancedDrawStateFirst,
-                        _instancedFirstInstance);
+                    DrawImpl(engine, vertexCount, instanceCount, 0, firstVertex, firstInstance, indexed: false);
@@ -866,5 +920,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
+        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                _vtgAsCompute.Dispose();
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawState.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawState.cs
index 12099aef..cb43b002 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawState.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/DrawState.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader;
 namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
@@ -61,5 +62,20 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// Index buffer data streamer for inline index buffer updates, such as those used in legacy OpenGL.
         /// </summary>
         public IbStreamer IbStreamer = new();
+        /// <summary>
+        /// If the vertex shader is emulated on compute, this should be set to the compute program, otherwise it should be null.
+        /// </summary>
+        public ShaderAsCompute VertexAsCompute;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// If a geometry shader exists and is emulated on compute, this should be set to the compute program, otherwise it should be null.
+        /// </summary>
+        public ShaderAsCompute GeometryAsCompute;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// If the vertex shader is emulated on compute, this should be set to the passthrough vertex program, otherwise it should be null.
+        /// </summary>
+        public IProgram VertexPassthrough;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/SpecializationStateUpdater.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/SpecializationStateUpdater.cs
index e0607fbf..4fbbee3b 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/SpecializationStateUpdater.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/SpecializationStateUpdater.cs
@@ -218,11 +218,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
             bool changed = false;
             ref Array32<AttributeType> attributeTypes = ref _graphics.AttributeTypes;
-            bool supportsScaledFormats = _context.Capabilities.SupportsScaledVertexFormats;
+            bool mayConvertVtgToCompute = ShaderCache.MayConvertVtgToCompute(ref _context.Capabilities);
+            bool supportsScaledFormats = _context.Capabilities.SupportsScaledVertexFormats && !mayConvertVtgToCompute;
             for (int location = 0; location < state.Length; location++)
                 VertexAttribType type = state[location].UnpackType();
+                VertexAttribSize size = state[location].UnpackSize();
                 AttributeType value;
@@ -247,6 +249,18 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
+                if (mayConvertVtgToCompute && (size == VertexAttribSize.Rgb10A2 || size == VertexAttribSize.Rg11B10))
+                {
+                    value |= AttributeType.Packed;
+                    if (type == VertexAttribType.Snorm ||
+                        type == VertexAttribType.Sint ||
+                        type == VertexAttribType.Sscaled)
+                    {
+                        value |= AttributeType.PackedRgb10A2Signed;
+                    }
+                }
                 if (attributeTypes[location] != value)
                     attributeTypes[location] = value;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/StateUpdater.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/StateUpdater.cs
index 1f919d9b..48a497b5 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/StateUpdater.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/StateUpdater.cs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         public const int RasterizerStateIndex = 15;
         public const int ScissorStateIndex = 16;
         public const int VertexBufferStateIndex = 0;
+        public const int IndexBufferStateIndex = 23;
         public const int PrimitiveRestartStateIndex = 12;
         public const int RenderTargetStateIndex = 27;
@@ -290,7 +291,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
             // of the shader for the new state.
             if (_shaderSpecState != null && _currentSpecState.HasChanged())
-                if (!_shaderSpecState.MatchesGraphics(_channel, ref _currentSpecState.GetPoolState(), ref _currentSpecState.GetGraphicsState(), _vsUsesDrawParameters, false))
+                if (!_shaderSpecState.MatchesGraphics(
+                    _channel,
+                    ref _currentSpecState.GetPoolState(),
+                    ref _currentSpecState.GetGraphicsState(),
+                    _drawState.VertexAsCompute != null,
+                    _vsUsesDrawParameters,
+                    checkTextures: false))
                     // Shader must be reloaded. _vtgWritesRtLayer should not change.
@@ -1453,6 +1460,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
                 _fsReadsFragCoord = false;
+            if (gs.VertexAsCompute != null)
+            {
+                _drawState.VertexAsCompute = gs.VertexAsCompute;
+                _drawState.GeometryAsCompute = gs.GeometryAsCompute;
+                _drawState.VertexPassthrough = gs.HostProgram;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                _drawState.VertexAsCompute = null;
+                _drawState.GeometryAsCompute = null;
+                _drawState.VertexPassthrough = null;
+            }
@@ -1540,5 +1560,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Forces a register group as dirty, by index.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="groupIndex">Index of the group to be dirtied</param>
+        public void ForceDirty(int groupIndex)
+        {
+            _updateTracker.ForceDirty(groupIndex);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ThreedClass.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ThreedClass.cs
index 1f662890..7bc2970f 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ThreedClass.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Engine/Threed/ThreedClass.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
     /// <summary>
     /// Represents a 3D engine class.
     /// </summary>
-    class ThreedClass : IDeviceState
+    class ThreedClass : IDeviceState, IDisposable
         private readonly GpuContext _context;
         private readonly GPFifoClass _fifoClass;
@@ -178,6 +178,15 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Marks the specified register range for a group index as dirty, forcing the associated state to update on the next draw.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="groupIndex">Index of the group to dirty</param>
+        public void ForceStateDirtyByIndex(int groupIndex)
+        {
+            _stateUpdater.ForceDirty(groupIndex);
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Forces the shaders to be rebound on the next draw.
         /// </summary>
@@ -207,7 +216,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// </summary>
         public void PerformDeferredDraws()
-            _drawManager.PerformDeferredDraws();
+            _drawManager.PerformDeferredDraws(this);
         /// <summary>
@@ -402,7 +411,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
         /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param>
         private void DrawBegin(int argument)
-            _drawManager.DrawBegin(argument);
+            _drawManager.DrawBegin(this, argument);
         /// <summary>
@@ -617,5 +626,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed
             _drawManager.Clear(this, argument, layerCount);
+        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                _drawManager.Dispose();
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/GpuChannel.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/GpuChannel.cs
index 8fe64381..d70c9645 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/GpuChannel.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/GpuChannel.cs
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu
         /// </summary>
         private void Destroy()
+            _processor.Dispose();
             var oldMemoryManager = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _memoryManager, null);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/FormatTable.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/FormatTable.cs
index fcc6b8cf..1b517e63 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/FormatTable.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/FormatTable.cs
@@ -557,6 +557,91 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image
 #pragma warning restore IDE0055
+        // Note: Some of those formats have been changed and requires conversion on the shader,
+        // as GPUs don't support them when used as buffer texture format.
+        private static readonly Dictionary<VertexAttributeFormat, (Format, int)> _singleComponentAttribFormats = new()
+        {
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Unorm,             (Format.R8Unorm, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Snorm,             (Format.R8Snorm, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Uint,              (Format.R8Uint, 1)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Sint,              (Format.R8Sint, 1)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Float,            (Format.R16Float, 1)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Unorm,            (Format.R16Unorm, 1)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Snorm,            (Format.R16Snorm, 1)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Uint,             (Format.R16Uint, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Sint,             (Format.R16Sint, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32Float,            (Format.R32Float, 1)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32Uint,             (Format.R32Uint, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32Sint,             (Format.R32Sint, 1)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Unorm,           (Format.R8Unorm, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Snorm,           (Format.R8Snorm, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Uint,            (Format.R8Uint, 2)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Sint,            (Format.R8Sint, 2)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Float,         (Format.R16Float, 2)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Unorm,         (Format.R16Unorm, 2)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Snorm,         (Format.R16Snorm, 2)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Uint,          (Format.R16Uint, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Sint,          (Format.R16Sint, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32Float,         (Format.R32Float, 2)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32Uint,          (Format.R32Uint, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32Sint,          (Format.R32Sint, 2)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Unorm,         (Format.R8Unorm, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Snorm,         (Format.R8Snorm, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Uint,          (Format.R8Uint, 3)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Sint,          (Format.R8Sint, 3)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Float,      (Format.R16Float, 3)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Unorm,      (Format.R16Unorm, 3)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Snorm,      (Format.R16Snorm, 3)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Uint,       (Format.R16Uint, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Sint,       (Format.R16Sint, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32Float,      (Format.R32Float, 3)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32Uint,       (Format.R32Uint, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32Sint,       (Format.R32Sint, 3)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm,       (Format.R8Unorm, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Snorm,       (Format.R8Snorm, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Uint,        (Format.R8Uint, 4)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Sint,        (Format.R8Sint, 4)           },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Float,   (Format.R16Float, 4)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Unorm,   (Format.R16Unorm, 4)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Snorm,   (Format.R16Snorm, 4)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Uint,    (Format.R16Uint, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Sint,    (Format.R16Sint, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32A32Float,   (Format.R32Float, 4)         },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32A32Uint,    (Format.R32Uint, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32A32Sint,    (Format.R32Sint, 4)          },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Unorm,    (Format.R10G10B10A2Unorm, 4) },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Uint,     (Format.R10G10B10A2Uint, 4)  },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.B10G11R11Float,      (Format.R11G11B10Float, 3)   },
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Uscaled,           (Format.R8Uint, 1)           }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8Sscaled,           (Format.R8Sint, 1)           }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Uscaled,          (Format.R16Uint, 1)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16Sscaled,          (Format.R16Sint, 1)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32Uscaled,          (Format.R32Uint, 1)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32Sscaled,          (Format.R32Sint, 1)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Uscaled,         (Format.R8Uint, 2)           }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8Sscaled,         (Format.R8Sint, 2)           }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Uscaled,       (Format.R16Uint, 2)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16Sscaled,       (Format.R16Sint, 2)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32Uscaled,       (Format.R32Uint, 2)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32Sscaled,       (Format.R32Sint, 2)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Uscaled,       (Format.R8Uint, 3)           }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8Sscaled,       (Format.R8Sint, 3)           }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Uscaled,    (Format.R16Uint, 3)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16Sscaled,    (Format.R16Sint, 3)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32Uscaled,    (Format.R32Uint, 3)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32Sscaled,    (Format.R32Sint , 3)         }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Uscaled,     (Format.R8Uint, 4)           }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R8G8B8A8Sscaled,     (Format.R8Sint, 4)           }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Uscaled, (Format.R16Uint, 4)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R16G16B16A16Sscaled, (Format.R16Sint, 4)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32A32Uscaled, (Format.R32Uint, 4)          }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.R32G32B32A32Sscaled, (Format.R32Sint, 4)          }, // Sscaled -> Sint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Snorm,    (Format.R10G10B10A2Uint, 4)  }, // Snorm -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Sint,     (Format.R10G10B10A2Uint, 4)  }, // Sint -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Uscaled,  (Format.R10G10B10A2Uint, 4)  }, // Uscaled -> Uint
+            { VertexAttributeFormat.A2B10G10R10Sscaled,  (Format.R10G10B10A2Sint, 4)  }  // Sscaled -> Sint
+        };
         /// <summary>
         /// Try getting the texture format from an encoded format integer from the Maxwell texture descriptor.
         /// </summary>
@@ -581,5 +666,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image
             return _attribFormats.TryGetValue((VertexAttributeFormat)encoded, out format);
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Try getting a single component vertex attribute format from an encoded format integer from Maxwell attribute registers.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="encoded">The encoded format integer from the attribute registers</param>
+        /// <param name="format">The output single component vertex attribute format</param>
+        /// <param name="componentsCount">Number of components that the format has</param>
+        /// <returns>True if the format is valid, false otherwise</returns>
+        public static bool TryGetSingleComponentAttribFormat(uint encoded, out Format format, out int componentsCount)
+        {
+            bool result = _singleComponentAttribFormats.TryGetValue((VertexAttributeFormat)encoded, out var tuple);
+            format = tuple.Item1;
+            componentsCount = tuple.Item2;
+            return result;
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferManager.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferManager.cs
index bf4cb5d0..8e9b4b85 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferManager.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferManager.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
@@ -15,9 +14,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
     /// </summary>
     class BufferManager
-        private const int TfInfoVertexCountOffset = Constants.TotalTransformFeedbackBuffers * sizeof(int);
-        private const int TfInfoBufferSize = TfInfoVertexCountOffset + sizeof(int);
         private readonly GpuContext _context;
         private readonly GpuChannel _channel;
@@ -104,9 +100,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
         private readonly BuffersPerStage[] _gpStorageBuffers;
         private readonly BuffersPerStage[] _gpUniformBuffers;
-        private BufferHandle _tfInfoBuffer;
-        private readonly int[] _tfInfoData;
         private bool _gpStorageBuffersDirty;
         private bool _gpUniformBuffersDirty;
@@ -146,11 +139,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
             _bufferTextures = new List<BufferTextureBinding>();
             _ranges = new BufferAssignment[Constants.TotalGpUniformBuffers * Constants.ShaderStages];
-            if (!context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback)
-            {
-                _tfInfoData = new int[Constants.TotalTransformFeedbackBuffers];
-            }
@@ -339,13 +327,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
         /// <param name="vertexCount">Vertex count per instance</param>
         public void SetInstancedDrawVertexCount(int vertexCount)
-            if (!_context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback &&
-                HasTransformFeedbackOutputs &&
-                _tfInfoBuffer != BufferHandle.Null)
+            if (!_context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && HasTransformFeedbackOutputs)
-                Span<byte> data = stackalloc byte[sizeof(int)];
-                MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, int>(data)[0] = vertexCount;
-                _context.Renderer.SetBufferData(_tfInfoBuffer, TfInfoVertexCountOffset, data);
+                _context.SupportBufferUpdater.SetTfeVertexCount(vertexCount);
+                _context.SupportBufferUpdater.Commit();
@@ -607,17 +592,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
                 else if (HasTransformFeedbackOutputs)
-                    Span<int> info = _tfInfoData.AsSpan();
-                    Span<BufferAssignment> buffers = stackalloc BufferAssignment[Constants.TotalTransformFeedbackBuffers + 1];
-                    bool needsDataUpdate = false;
-                    if (_tfInfoBuffer == BufferHandle.Null)
-                    {
-                        _tfInfoBuffer = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer(TfInfoBufferSize, BufferAccess.Stream);
-                    }
-                    buffers[0] = new BufferAssignment(0, new BufferRange(_tfInfoBuffer, 0, TfInfoBufferSize));
+                    Span<BufferAssignment> buffers = stackalloc BufferAssignment[Constants.TotalTransformFeedbackBuffers];
                     int alignment = _context.Capabilities.StorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
@@ -627,7 +602,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
                         if (tfb.Address == 0)
-                            buffers[1 + index] = new BufferAssignment(1 + index, BufferRange.Empty);
+                            buffers[index] = new BufferAssignment(index, BufferRange.Empty);
@@ -637,22 +612,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
                             int tfeOffset = ((int)tfb.Address & (alignment - 1)) / 4;
-                            if (info[index] != tfeOffset)
-                            {
-                                info[index] = tfeOffset;
-                                needsDataUpdate = true;
-                            }
+                            _context.SupportBufferUpdater.SetTfeOffset(index, tfeOffset);
-                            buffers[1 + index] = new BufferAssignment(1 + index, bufferCache.GetBufferRange(address, size, write: true));
+                            buffers[index] = new BufferAssignment(index, bufferCache.GetBufferRange(address, size, write: true));
-                    if (needsDataUpdate)
-                    {
-                        Span<byte> infoData = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(info);
-                        _context.Renderer.SetBufferData(_tfInfoBuffer, 0, infoData);
-                    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferUpdater.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferUpdater.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02090c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/BufferUpdater.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
+using System;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Buffer data updater.
+    /// </summary>
+    class BufferUpdater : IDisposable
+    {
+        private BufferHandle _handle;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Handle of the buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        public BufferHandle Handle => _handle;
+        private readonly IRenderer _renderer;
+        private int _startOffset = -1;
+        private int _endOffset = -1;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new instance of the buffer updater.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="renderer">Renderer that the buffer will be used with</param>
+        public BufferUpdater(IRenderer renderer)
+        {
+            _renderer = renderer;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Mark a region of the buffer as modified and needing to be sent to the GPU.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="startOffset">Start offset of the region in bytes</param>
+        /// <param name="byteSize">Size of the region in bytes</param>
+        protected void MarkDirty(int startOffset, int byteSize)
+        {
+            int endOffset = startOffset + byteSize;
+            if (_startOffset == -1)
+            {
+                _startOffset = startOffset;
+                _endOffset = endOffset;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (startOffset < _startOffset)
+                {
+                    _startOffset = startOffset;
+                }
+                if (endOffset > _endOffset)
+                {
+                    _endOffset = endOffset;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Submits all pending buffer updates to the GPU.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="data">All data that should be sent to the GPU. Only the modified regions will be updated</param>
+        /// <param name="binding">Optional binding to bind the buffer if a new buffer was created</param>
+        protected void Commit(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, int binding = -1)
+        {
+            if (_startOffset != -1)
+            {
+                if (_handle == BufferHandle.Null)
+                {
+                    _handle = _renderer.CreateBuffer(data.Length, BufferAccess.Stream);
+                    _renderer.Pipeline.ClearBuffer(_handle, 0, data.Length, 0);
+                    if (binding >= 0)
+                    {
+                        var range = new BufferRange(_handle, 0, data.Length);
+                        _renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(0, range) });
+                    }
+                };
+                _renderer.SetBufferData(_handle, _startOffset, data[_startOffset.._endOffset]);
+                _startOffset = -1;
+                _endOffset = -1;
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets a reference to a given element of a vector.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="vector">Vector to get the element reference from</param>
+        /// <param name="elementIndex">Element index</param>
+        /// <returns>Reference to the specified element</returns>
+        protected static ref T GetElementRef<T>(ref Vector4<T> vector, int elementIndex)
+        {
+            switch (elementIndex)
+            {
+                case 0:
+                    return ref vector.X;
+                case 1:
+                    return ref vector.Y;
+                case 2:
+                    return ref vector.Z;
+                case 3:
+                    return ref vector.W;
+                default:
+                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(elementIndex));
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Destroys the buffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            if (_handle != BufferHandle.Null)
+            {
+                _renderer.DeleteBuffer(_handle);
+                _handle = BufferHandle.Null;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/SupportBufferUpdater.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/SupportBufferUpdater.cs
index c1e91c54..fb141db4 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/SupportBufferUpdater.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Memory/SupportBufferUpdater.cs
@@ -9,56 +9,21 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
     /// <summary>
     /// Support buffer data updater.
     /// </summary>
-    class SupportBufferUpdater : IDisposable
+    class SupportBufferUpdater : BufferUpdater
         private SupportBuffer _data;
-        private BufferHandle _handle;
-        private readonly IRenderer _renderer;
-        private int _startOffset = -1;
-        private int _endOffset = -1;
         /// <summary>
         /// Creates a new instance of the support buffer updater.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="renderer">Renderer that the support buffer will be used with</param>
-        public SupportBufferUpdater(IRenderer renderer)
+        public SupportBufferUpdater(IRenderer renderer) : base(renderer)
-            _renderer = renderer;
             var defaultScale = new Vector4<float> { X = 1f, Y = 0f, Z = 0f, W = 0f };
             DirtyRenderScale(0, SupportBuffer.RenderScaleMaxCount);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Mark a region of the support buffer as modified and needing to be sent to the GPU.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="startOffset">Start offset of the region in bytes</param>
-        /// <param name="byteSize">Size of the region in bytes</param>
-        private void MarkDirty(int startOffset, int byteSize)
-        {
-            int endOffset = startOffset + byteSize;
-            if (_startOffset == -1)
-            {
-                _startOffset = startOffset;
-                _endOffset = endOffset;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if (startOffset < _startOffset)
-                {
-                    _startOffset = startOffset;
-                }
-                if (endOffset > _endOffset)
-                {
-                    _endOffset = endOffset;
-                }
-            }
-        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Marks the fragment render scale count as being modified.
         /// </summary>
@@ -220,40 +185,40 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
         /// <summary>
-        /// Submits all pending buffer updates to the GPU.
+        /// Sets offset for the misaligned portion of a transform feedback buffer, and the buffer size, for transform feedback emulation.
         /// </summary>
-        public void Commit()
+        /// <param name="bufferIndex">Index of the transform feedback buffer</param>
+        /// <param name="offset">Misaligned offset of the buffer</param>
+        public void SetTfeOffset(int bufferIndex, int offset)
-            if (_startOffset != -1)
-            {
-                if (_handle == BufferHandle.Null)
-                {
-                    _handle = _renderer.CreateBuffer(SupportBuffer.RequiredSize, BufferAccess.Stream);
-                    _renderer.Pipeline.ClearBuffer(_handle, 0, SupportBuffer.RequiredSize, 0);
+            ref int currentOffset = ref GetElementRef(ref _data.TfeOffset, bufferIndex);
-                    var range = new BufferRange(_handle, 0, SupportBuffer.RequiredSize);
-                    _renderer.Pipeline.SetUniformBuffers(stackalloc[] { new BufferAssignment(0, range) });
-                }
-                ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = MemoryMarshal.Cast<SupportBuffer, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref _data, 1));
-                _renderer.SetBufferData(_handle, _startOffset, data[_startOffset.._endOffset]);
-                _startOffset = -1;
-                _endOffset = -1;
+            if (currentOffset != offset)
+            {
+                currentOffset = offset;
+                MarkDirty(SupportBuffer.TfeOffsetOffset + bufferIndex * sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
         /// <summary>
-        /// Destroys the support buffer.
+        /// Sets the vertex count used for transform feedback emulation with instanced draws.
         /// </summary>
-        public void Dispose()
+        /// <param name="vertexCount">Vertex count of the instanced draw</param>
+        public void SetTfeVertexCount(int vertexCount)
-            if (_handle != BufferHandle.Null)
+            if (_data.TfeVertexCount.X != vertexCount)
-                _renderer.DeleteBuffer(_handle);
-                _handle = BufferHandle.Null;
+                _data.TfeVertexCount.X = vertexCount;
+                MarkDirty(SupportBuffer.TfeVertexCountOffset, sizeof(int));
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Submits all pending buffer updates to the GPU.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void Commit()
+        {
+            Commit(MemoryMarshal.Cast<SupportBuffer, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref _data, 1)), SupportBuffer.Binding);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/CachedShaderProgram.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/CachedShaderProgram.cs
index ff9c39a1..600c8a98 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/CachedShaderProgram.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/CachedShaderProgram.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// </summary>
         public IProgram HostProgram { get; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Optional vertex shader converted to compute.
+        /// </summary>
+        public ShaderAsCompute VertexAsCompute { get; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Optional geometry shader converted to compute.
+        /// </summary>
+        public ShaderAsCompute GeometryAsCompute { get; }
         /// <summary>
         /// GPU state used to create this version of the shader.
         /// </summary>
@@ -45,12 +55,25 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             Bindings = new CachedShaderBindings(shaders.Length == 1, shaders);
+        public CachedShaderProgram(
+            IProgram hostProgram,
+            ShaderAsCompute vertexAsCompute,
+            ShaderAsCompute geometryAsCompute,
+            ShaderSpecializationState specializationState,
+            CachedShaderStage[] shaders) : this(hostProgram, specializationState, shaders)
+        {
+            VertexAsCompute = vertexAsCompute;
+            GeometryAsCompute = geometryAsCompute;
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Dispose of the host shader resources.
         /// </summary>
         public void Dispose()
+            VertexAsCompute?.HostProgram.Dispose();
+            GeometryAsCompute?.HostProgram.Dispose();
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheGpuAccessor.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheGpuAccessor.cs
index 93d293f6..de6432bc 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheGpuAccessor.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheGpuAccessor.cs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
             ShaderSpecializationState oldSpecState,
             ShaderSpecializationState newSpecState,
             ResourceCounts counts,
-            int stageIndex) : base(context, counts, stageIndex, oldSpecState.TransformFeedbackDescriptors != null)
+            int stageIndex) : base(context, counts, stageIndex)
             _data = data;
             _cb1Data = cb1Data;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheHostStorage.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheHostStorage.cs
index 08096bd5..99ef89ed 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheHostStorage.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/DiskCacheHostStorage.cs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
         private const ushort FileFormatVersionMajor = 1;
         private const ushort FileFormatVersionMinor = 2;
         private const uint FileFormatVersionPacked = ((uint)FileFormatVersionMajor << 16) | FileFormatVersionMinor;
-        private const uint CodeGenVersion = 5609;
+        private const uint CodeGenVersion = 5551;
         private const string SharedTocFileName = "shared.toc";
         private const string SharedDataFileName = "";
@@ -140,6 +140,21 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
             /// </summary>
             public ShaderStage Stage;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Number of vertices that each output primitive has on a geometry shader.
+            /// </summary>
+            public byte GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Maximum number of vertices that a geometry shader may generate.
+            /// </summary>
+            public ushort GeometryMaxOutputVertices;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Number of invocations per primitive on tessellation or geometry shaders.
+            /// </summary>
+            public ushort ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
             /// <summary>
             /// Indicates if the fragment shader accesses the fragment coordinate built-in variable.
             /// </summary>
@@ -783,9 +798,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
-                ShaderIdentification.None,
-                0,
+                dataInfo.GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive,
+                dataInfo.GeometryMaxOutputVertices,
+                dataInfo.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
@@ -813,6 +829,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
                 TexturesCount = (ushort)info.Textures.Count,
                 ImagesCount = (ushort)info.Images.Count,
                 Stage = info.Stage,
+                GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive = (byte)info.GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive,
+                GeometryMaxOutputVertices = (ushort)info.GeometryMaxOutputVertices,
+                ThreadsPerInputPrimitive = (ushort)info.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
                 UsesFragCoord = info.UsesFragCoord,
                 UsesInstanceId = info.UsesInstanceId,
                 UsesDrawParameters = info.UsesDrawParameters,
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/ParallelDiskCacheLoader.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/ParallelDiskCacheLoader.cs
index 8c2108bf..153fc442 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/ParallelDiskCacheLoader.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/DiskCache/ParallelDiskCacheLoader.cs
@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
             ResourceCounts counts = new();
+            DiskCacheGpuAccessor[] gpuAccessors = new DiskCacheGpuAccessor[Constants.ShaderStages];
             TranslatorContext[] translatorContexts = new TranslatorContext[Constants.ShaderStages + 1];
             TranslatorContext nextStage = null;
@@ -626,14 +627,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
                         translatorContexts[0] = DecodeGraphicsShader(gpuAccessorA, api, DefaultFlags | TranslationFlags.VertexA, 0);
+                    gpuAccessors[stageIndex] = gpuAccessor;
                     translatorContexts[stageIndex + 1] = currentStage;
                     nextStage = currentStage;
-            if (!_context.Capabilities.SupportsGeometryShader)
+            bool hasGeometryShader = translatorContexts[4] != null;
+            bool vertexHasStore = translatorContexts[1] != null && translatorContexts[1].HasStore;
+            bool geometryHasStore = hasGeometryShader && translatorContexts[4].HasStore;
+            bool vertexToCompute = ShouldConvertVertexToCompute(_context, vertexHasStore, geometryHasStore, hasGeometryShader);
+            // We don't support caching shader stages that have been converted to compute currently,
+            // so just eliminate them if they exist in the cache.
+            if (vertexToCompute)
-                ShaderCache.TryRemoveGeometryStage(translatorContexts);
+                return;
             CachedShaderStage[] shaders = new CachedShaderStage[guestShaders.Length];
@@ -647,6 +656,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
                 if (currentStage != null)
+                    gpuAccessors[stageIndex].InitializeReservedCounts(specState.TransformFeedbackDescriptors != null, vertexToCompute);
                     ShaderProgram program;
                     byte[] guestCode = guestShaders[stageIndex + 1].Value.Code;
@@ -701,6 +712,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.DiskCache
             ResourceCounts counts = new();
             ShaderSpecializationState newSpecState = new(ref specState.ComputeState);
             DiskCacheGpuAccessor gpuAccessor = new(_context, shader.Code, shader.Cb1Data, specState, newSpecState, counts, 0);
+            gpuAccessor.InitializeReservedCounts(tfEnabled: false, vertexAsCompute: false);
             TranslatorContext translatorContext = DecodeComputeShader(gpuAccessor, _context.Capabilities.Api, 0);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessor.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessor.cs
index b4f4a439..1d84d0e4 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessor.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessor.cs
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param>
         /// <param name="state">Current GPU state</param>
         /// <param name="stageIndex">Graphics shader stage index (0 = Vertex, 4 = Fragment)</param>
-        public GpuAccessor(
-            GpuContext context,
-            GpuChannel channel,
-            GpuAccessorState state,
-            int stageIndex) : base(context, state.ResourceCounts, stageIndex, state.TransformFeedbackDescriptors != null)
+        public GpuAccessor(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, GpuAccessorState state, int stageIndex) : base(context, state.ResourceCounts, stageIndex)
             _isVulkan = context.Capabilities.Api == TargetApi.Vulkan;
             _channel = channel;
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="context">GPU context</param>
         /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param>
         /// <param name="state">Current GPU state</param>
-        public GpuAccessor(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, GpuAccessorState state) : base(context, state.ResourceCounts, 0, false)
+        public GpuAccessor(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel, GpuAccessorState state) : base(context, state.ResourceCounts, 0)
             _channel = channel;
             _state = state;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessorBase.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessorBase.cs
index 52193940..9d030cd6 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessorBase.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/GpuAccessorBase.cs
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         private readonly ResourceCounts _resourceCounts;
         private readonly int _stageIndex;
-        private readonly int _reservedConstantBuffers;
-        private readonly int _reservedStorageBuffers;
+        private int _reservedConstantBuffers;
+        private int _reservedStorageBuffers;
+        private int _reservedTextures;
+        private int _reservedImages;
         /// <summary>
         /// Creates a new GPU accessor.
@@ -24,15 +26,26 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="context">GPU context</param>
         /// <param name="resourceCounts">Counter of GPU resources used by the shader</param>
         /// <param name="stageIndex">Index of the shader stage, 0 for compute</param>
-        /// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the current graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
-        public GpuAccessorBase(GpuContext context, ResourceCounts resourceCounts, int stageIndex, bool tfEnabled)
+        public GpuAccessorBase(GpuContext context, ResourceCounts resourceCounts, int stageIndex)
             _context = context;
             _resourceCounts = resourceCounts;
             _stageIndex = stageIndex;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Initializes counts for bindings that will be reserved for emulator use.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the current graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">Indicates that the vertex shader will be emulated on a compute shader</param>
+        public void InitializeReservedCounts(bool tfEnabled, bool vertexAsCompute)
+        {
+            ResourceReservationCounts rrc = new(!_context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && tfEnabled, vertexAsCompute);
-            _reservedConstantBuffers = 1; // For the support buffer.
-            _reservedStorageBuffers = !context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && tfEnabled ? 5 : 0;
+            _reservedConstantBuffers = rrc.ReservedConstantBuffers;
+            _reservedStorageBuffers = rrc.ReservedStorageBuffers;
+            _reservedTextures = rrc.ReservedTextures;
+            _reservedImages = rrc.ReservedImages;
         public int QueryBindingConstantBuffer(int index)
@@ -69,6 +82,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         public int QueryBindingTexture(int index, bool isBuffer)
+            int binding;
             if (_context.Capabilities.Api == TargetApi.Vulkan)
                 if (isBuffer)
@@ -76,16 +91,20 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                     index += (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumTexturesPerStage;
-                return GetBindingFromIndex(index, _context.Capabilities.MaximumTexturesPerStage * 2, "Texture");
+                binding = GetBindingFromIndex(index, _context.Capabilities.MaximumTexturesPerStage * 2, "Texture");
-                return _resourceCounts.TexturesCount++;
+                binding = _resourceCounts.TexturesCount++;
+            return binding + _reservedTextures;
         public int QueryBindingImage(int index, bool isBuffer)
+            int binding;
             if (_context.Capabilities.Api == TargetApi.Vulkan)
                 if (isBuffer)
@@ -93,12 +112,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                     index += (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumImagesPerStage;
-                return GetBindingFromIndex(index, _context.Capabilities.MaximumImagesPerStage * 2, "Image");
+                binding = GetBindingFromIndex(index, _context.Capabilities.MaximumImagesPerStage * 2, "Image");
-                return _resourceCounts.ImagesCount++;
+                binding = _resourceCounts.ImagesCount++;
+            return binding + _reservedImages;
         private int GetBindingFromIndex(int index, uint maxPerStage, string resourceName)
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderAsCompute.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderAsCompute.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71540a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderAsCompute.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
+    class ShaderAsCompute
+    {
+        public IProgram HostProgram { get; }
+        public ShaderProgramInfo Info { get; }
+        public ResourceReservations Reservations { get; }
+        public ShaderAsCompute(IProgram hostProgram, ShaderProgramInfo info, ResourceReservations reservations)
+        {
+            HostProgram = hostProgram;
+            Info = info;
+            Reservations = reservations;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderCache.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderCache.cs
index 97d7a720..38be262a 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderCache.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderCache.cs
@@ -215,9 +215,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             ShaderSpecializationState specState = new(ref computeState);
             GpuAccessorState gpuAccessorState = new(poolState, computeState, default, specState);
             GpuAccessor gpuAccessor = new(_context, channel, gpuAccessorState);
+            gpuAccessor.InitializeReservedCounts(tfEnabled: false, vertexAsCompute: false);
             TranslatorContext translatorContext = DecodeComputeShader(gpuAccessor, _context.Capabilities.Api, gpuVa);
-            TranslatedShader translatedShader = TranslateShader(_dumper, channel, translatorContext, cachedGuestCode);
+            TranslatedShader translatedShader = TranslateShader(_dumper, channel, translatorContext, cachedGuestCode, asCompute: false);
             ShaderSource[] shaderSourcesArray = new ShaderSource[] { CreateShaderSource(translatedShader.Program) };
             ShaderInfo info = ShaderInfoBuilder.BuildForCompute(_context, translatedShader.Program.Info);
@@ -321,6 +322,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             ReadOnlySpan<ulong> addressesSpan = addresses.AsSpan();
+            GpuAccessor[] gpuAccessors = new GpuAccessor[Constants.ShaderStages];
             TranslatorContext[] translatorContexts = new TranslatorContext[Constants.ShaderStages + 1];
             TranslatorContext nextStage = null;
@@ -345,22 +347,31 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                         translatorContexts[0] = DecodeGraphicsShader(gpuAccessor, api, DefaultFlags | TranslationFlags.VertexA, addresses.VertexA);
+                    gpuAccessors[stageIndex] = gpuAccessor;
                     translatorContexts[stageIndex + 1] = currentStage;
                     nextStage = currentStage;
-            if (!_context.Capabilities.SupportsGeometryShader)
-            {
-                TryRemoveGeometryStage(translatorContexts);
-            }
+            bool hasGeometryShader = translatorContexts[4] != null;
+            bool vertexHasStore = translatorContexts[1] != null && translatorContexts[1].HasStore;
+            bool geometryHasStore = hasGeometryShader && translatorContexts[4].HasStore;
+            bool vertexToCompute = ShouldConvertVertexToCompute(_context, vertexHasStore, geometryHasStore, hasGeometryShader);
+            bool geometryToCompute = ShouldConvertGeometryToCompute(_context, geometryHasStore);
             CachedShaderStage[] shaders = new CachedShaderStage[Constants.ShaderStages + 1];
             List<ShaderSource> shaderSources = new();
             TranslatorContext previousStage = null;
+            ShaderInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new(_context, transformFeedbackDescriptors != null, vertexToCompute);
+            if (geometryToCompute && translatorContexts[4] != null)
+            {
+                translatorContexts[4].SetVertexOutputMapForGeometryAsCompute(translatorContexts[1]);
+            }
-            ShaderInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new(_context, transformFeedbackDescriptors != null);
+            ShaderAsCompute vertexAsCompute = null;
+            ShaderAsCompute geometryAsCompute = null;
             for (int stageIndex = 0; stageIndex < Constants.ShaderStages; stageIndex++)
@@ -368,8 +379,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                 if (currentStage != null)
+                    gpuAccessors[stageIndex].InitializeReservedCounts(transformFeedbackDescriptors != null, vertexToCompute);
                     ShaderProgram program;
+                    bool asCompute = (stageIndex == 0 && vertexToCompute) || (stageIndex == 3 && geometryToCompute);
                     if (stageIndex == 0 && translatorContexts[0] != null)
                         TranslatedShaderVertexPair translatedShader = TranslateShader(
@@ -378,7 +393,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
-                            cachedGuestCode.VertexBCode);
+                            cachedGuestCode.VertexBCode,
+                            asCompute);
                         shaders[0] = translatedShader.VertexA;
                         shaders[1] = translatedShader.VertexB;
@@ -388,12 +404,31 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                         byte[] code = cachedGuestCode.GetByIndex(stageIndex);
-                        TranslatedShader translatedShader = TranslateShader(_dumper, channel, currentStage, code);
+                        TranslatedShader translatedShader = TranslateShader(_dumper, channel, currentStage, code, asCompute);
                         shaders[stageIndex + 1] = translatedShader.Shader;
                         program = translatedShader.Program;
+                    if (asCompute)
+                    {
+                        bool tfEnabled = transformFeedbackDescriptors != null;
+                        if (stageIndex == 0)
+                        {
+                            vertexAsCompute = CreateHostVertexAsComputeProgram(program, currentStage, tfEnabled);
+                            TranslatorContext lastInVertexPipeline = geometryToCompute ? translatorContexts[4] ?? currentStage : currentStage;
+                            program = lastInVertexPipeline.GenerateVertexPassthroughForCompute();
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            geometryAsCompute = CreateHostVertexAsComputeProgram(program, currentStage, tfEnabled);
+                            program = null;
+                        }
+                    }
                     if (program != null)
@@ -418,46 +453,81 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             IProgram hostProgram = _context.Renderer.CreateProgram(shaderSourcesArray, info);
-            gpShaders = new CachedShaderProgram(hostProgram, specState, shaders);
+            gpShaders = new(hostProgram, vertexAsCompute, geometryAsCompute, specState, shaders);
-            EnqueueProgramToSave(gpShaders, hostProgram, shaderSourcesArray);
+            // We don't currently support caching shaders that have been converted to compute.
+            if (vertexAsCompute == null)
+            {
+                EnqueueProgramToSave(gpShaders, hostProgram, shaderSourcesArray);
+            }
             _gpPrograms[addresses] = gpShaders;
             return gpShaders;
         /// <summary>
-        /// Tries to eliminate the geometry stage from the array of translator contexts.
+        /// Checks if a vertex shader should be converted to a compute shader due to it making use of
+        /// features that are not supported on the host.
         /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="translatorContexts">Array of translator contexts</param>
-        public static void TryRemoveGeometryStage(TranslatorContext[] translatorContexts)
+        /// <param name="context">GPU context of the shader</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexHasStore">Whether the vertex shader has image or storage buffer store operations</param>
+        /// <param name="geometryHasStore">Whether the geometry shader has image or storage buffer store operations, if one exists</param>
+        /// <param name="hasGeometryShader">Whether a geometry shader exists</param>
+        /// <returns>True if the vertex shader should be converted to compute, false otherwise</returns>
+        public static bool ShouldConvertVertexToCompute(GpuContext context, bool vertexHasStore, bool geometryHasStore, bool hasGeometryShader)
-            if (translatorContexts[4] != null)
+            // If the host does not support store operations on vertex,
+            // we need to emulate it on a compute shader.
+            if (!context.Capabilities.SupportsVertexStoreAndAtomics && vertexHasStore)
-                // We have a geometry shader, but geometry shaders are not supported.
-                // Try to eliminate the geometry shader.
+                return true;
+            }
-                ShaderProgramInfo info = translatorContexts[4].Translate().Info;
+            // If any stage after the vertex stage is converted to compute,
+            // we need to convert vertex to compute too.
+            return hasGeometryShader && ShouldConvertGeometryToCompute(context, geometryHasStore);
+        }
-                if (info.Identification == ShaderIdentification.GeometryLayerPassthrough)
-                {
-                    // We managed to identify that this geometry shader is only used to set the output Layer value,
-                    // we can set the Layer on the previous stage instead (usually the vertex stage) and eliminate it.
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Checks if a geometry shader should be converted to a compute shader due to it making use of
+        /// features that are not supported on the host.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="context">GPU context of the shader</param>
+        /// <param name="geometryHasStore">Whether the geometry shader has image or storage buffer store operations, if one exists</param>
+        /// <returns>True if the geometry shader should be converted to compute, false otherwise</returns>
+        public static bool ShouldConvertGeometryToCompute(GpuContext context, bool geometryHasStore)
+        {
+            return (!context.Capabilities.SupportsVertexStoreAndAtomics && geometryHasStore) ||
+                   !context.Capabilities.SupportsGeometryShader;
+        }
-                    for (int i = 3; i >= 1; i--)
-                    {
-                        if (translatorContexts[i] != null)
-                        {
-                            translatorContexts[i].SetGeometryShaderLayerInputAttribute(info.GpLayerInputAttribute);
-                            translatorContexts[i].SetLastInVertexPipeline();
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Checks if it might be necessary for any vertex, tessellation or geometry shader to be converted to compute,
+        /// based on the supported host features.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="capabilities">Host capabilities</param>
+        /// <returns>True if the possibility of a shader being converted to compute exists, false otherwise</returns>
+        public static bool MayConvertVtgToCompute(ref Capabilities capabilities)
+        {
+            return !capabilities.SupportsVertexStoreAndAtomics || !capabilities.SupportsGeometryShader;
+        }
-                    translatorContexts[4] = null;
-                }
-            }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a compute shader from a vertex, tessellation or geometry shader that has been converted to compute.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="program">Shader program</param>
+        /// <param name="context">Translation context of the shader</param>
+        /// <param name="tfEnabled">Whether transform feedback is enabled</param>
+        /// <returns>Compute shader</returns>
+        private ShaderAsCompute CreateHostVertexAsComputeProgram(ShaderProgram program, TranslatorContext context, bool tfEnabled)
+        {
+            ShaderSource source = new(program.Code, program.BinaryCode, ShaderStage.Compute, program.Language);
+            ShaderInfo info = ShaderInfoBuilder.BuildForVertexAsCompute(_context, program.Info, tfEnabled);
+            return new(_context.Renderer.CreateProgram(new[] { source }, info), program.Info, context.GetResourceReservations());
         /// <summary>
@@ -573,9 +643,16 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
+            bool vertexAsCompute = gpShaders.VertexAsCompute != null;
             bool usesDrawParameters = gpShaders.Shaders[1]?.Info.UsesDrawParameters ?? false;
-            return gpShaders.SpecializationState.MatchesGraphics(channel, ref poolState, ref graphicsState, usesDrawParameters, true);
+            return gpShaders.SpecializationState.MatchesGraphics(
+                channel,
+                ref poolState,
+                ref graphicsState,
+                vertexAsCompute,
+                usesDrawParameters,
+                checkTextures: true);
         /// <summary>
@@ -636,6 +713,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="vertexA">Optional translator context of the shader that should be combined</param>
         /// <param name="codeA">Optional Maxwell binary code of the Vertex A shader, if present</param>
         /// <param name="codeB">Optional Maxwell binary code of the Vertex B or current stage shader, if present on cache</param>
+        /// <param name="asCompute">Indicates that the vertex shader should be converted to a compute shader</param>
         /// <returns>Compiled graphics shader code</returns>
         private static TranslatedShaderVertexPair TranslateShader(
             ShaderDumper dumper,
@@ -643,7 +721,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             TranslatorContext currentStage,
             TranslatorContext vertexA,
             byte[] codeA,
-            byte[] codeB)
+            byte[] codeB,
+            bool asCompute)
             ulong cb1DataAddress = channel.BufferManager.GetGraphicsUniformBufferAddress(0, 1);
@@ -663,7 +742,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                 pathsB = dumper.Dump(codeB, compute: false);
-            ShaderProgram program = currentStage.Translate(vertexA);
+            ShaderProgram program = currentStage.Translate(vertexA, asCompute);
@@ -681,8 +760,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="channel">GPU channel using the shader</param>
         /// <param name="context">Translator context of the stage to be translated</param>
         /// <param name="code">Optional Maxwell binary code of the current stage shader, if present on cache</param>
+        /// <param name="asCompute">Indicates that the vertex shader should be converted to a compute shader</param>
         /// <returns>Compiled graphics shader code</returns>
-        private static TranslatedShader TranslateShader(ShaderDumper dumper, GpuChannel channel, TranslatorContext context, byte[] code)
+        private static TranslatedShader TranslateShader(ShaderDumper dumper, GpuChannel channel, TranslatorContext context, byte[] code, bool asCompute)
             var memoryManager = channel.MemoryManager;
@@ -694,7 +774,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             code ??= memoryManager.GetSpan(context.Address, context.Size).ToArray();
             ShaderDumpPaths paths = dumper?.Dump(code, context.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute) ?? default;
-            ShaderProgram program = context.Translate();
+            ShaderProgram program = context.Translate(asCompute);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderInfoBuilder.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderInfoBuilder.cs
index af1e1ee3..bea916a6 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderInfoBuilder.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderInfoBuilder.cs
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         private readonly int _reservedConstantBuffers;
         private readonly int _reservedStorageBuffers;
+        private readonly int _reservedTextures;
+        private readonly int _reservedImages;
         private readonly List<ResourceDescriptor>[] _resourceDescriptors;
         private readonly List<ResourceUsage>[] _resourceUsages;
@@ -42,7 +44,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="context">GPU context that owns the shaders that will be added to the builder</param>
         /// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
-        public ShaderInfoBuilder(GpuContext context, bool tfEnabled)
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">Indicates that the vertex shader will be emulated on a compute shader</param>
+        public ShaderInfoBuilder(GpuContext context, bool tfEnabled, bool vertexAsCompute = false)
             _context = context;
@@ -60,27 +63,34 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             AddDescriptor(SupportBufferStages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, UniformSetIndex, 0, 1);
             AddUsage(SupportBufferStages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, ResourceAccess.Read, UniformSetIndex, 0, 1);
-            _reservedConstantBuffers = 1; // For the support buffer.
+            ResourceReservationCounts rrc = new(!context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && tfEnabled, vertexAsCompute);
-            if (!context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && tfEnabled)
-            {
-                _reservedStorageBuffers = 5;
+            _reservedConstantBuffers = rrc.ReservedConstantBuffers;
+            _reservedStorageBuffers = rrc.ReservedStorageBuffers;
+            _reservedTextures = rrc.ReservedTextures;
+            _reservedImages = rrc.ReservedImages;
-                AddDescriptor(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, StorageSetIndex, 0, 5);
-                AddUsage(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, ResourceAccess.Read, StorageSetIndex, 0, 1);
-                AddUsage(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, ResourceAccess.Write, StorageSetIndex, 1, 4);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                _reservedStorageBuffers = 0;
-            }
+            // TODO: Handle that better? Maybe we should only set the binding that are really needed on each shader.
+            ResourceStages stages = vertexAsCompute ? ResourceStages.Compute | ResourceStages.Vertex : VtgStages;
+            PopulateDescriptorAndUsages(stages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, ResourceAccess.Read, UniformSetIndex, 1, rrc.ReservedConstantBuffers - 1);
+            PopulateDescriptorAndUsages(stages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, ResourceAccess.ReadWrite, StorageSetIndex, 0, rrc.ReservedStorageBuffers);
+            PopulateDescriptorAndUsages(stages, ResourceType.BufferTexture, ResourceAccess.Read, TextureSetIndex, 0, rrc.ReservedTextures);
+            PopulateDescriptorAndUsages(stages, ResourceType.BufferImage, ResourceAccess.ReadWrite, ImageSetIndex, 0, rrc.ReservedImages);
+        }
+        private void PopulateDescriptorAndUsages(ResourceStages stages, ResourceType type, ResourceAccess access, int setIndex, int start, int count)
+        {
+            AddDescriptor(stages, type, setIndex, start, count);
+            AddUsage(stages, type, access, setIndex, start, count);
         /// <summary>
         /// Adds information from a given shader stage.
         /// </summary>
         /// <param name="info">Shader stage information</param>
-        public void AddStageInfo(ShaderProgramInfo info)
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">True if the shader stage has been converted into a compute shader</param>
+        public void AddStageInfo(ShaderProgramInfo info, bool vertexAsCompute = false)
             if (info.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
@@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                 _ => 0,
-            ResourceStages stages = info.Stage switch
+            ResourceStages stages = vertexAsCompute ? ResourceStages.Compute : info.Stage switch
                 ShaderStage.Compute => ResourceStages.Compute,
                 ShaderStage.Vertex => ResourceStages.Vertex,
@@ -114,8 +124,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             int uniformBinding = _reservedConstantBuffers + stageIndex * uniformsPerStage;
             int storageBinding = _reservedStorageBuffers + stageIndex * storagesPerStage;
-            int textureBinding = stageIndex * texturesPerStage * 2;
-            int imageBinding = stageIndex * imagesPerStage * 2;
+            int textureBinding = _reservedTextures + stageIndex * texturesPerStage * 2;
+            int imageBinding = _reservedImages + stageIndex * imagesPerStage * 2;
             AddDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, UniformSetIndex, uniformBinding, uniformsPerStage);
             AddDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, StorageSetIndex, storageBinding, storagesPerStage);
@@ -285,11 +295,28 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <returns>Shader information</returns>
         public static ShaderInfo BuildForCompute(GpuContext context, ShaderProgramInfo info, bool fromCache = false)
-            ShaderInfoBuilder builder = new(context, tfEnabled: false);
+            ShaderInfoBuilder builder = new(context, tfEnabled: false, vertexAsCompute: false);
             return builder.Build(null, fromCache);
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Builds shader information for a vertex or geometry shader thas was converted to compute shader.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="context">GPU context that owns the shader</param>
+        /// <param name="info">Compute shader information</param>
+        /// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
+        /// <param name="fromCache">True if the compute shader comes from a disk cache, false otherwise</param>
+        /// <returns>Shader information</returns>
+        public static ShaderInfo BuildForVertexAsCompute(GpuContext context, ShaderProgramInfo info, bool tfEnabled, bool fromCache = false)
+        {
+            ShaderInfoBuilder builder = new(context, tfEnabled, vertexAsCompute: true);
+            builder.AddStageInfo(info, vertexAsCompute: true);
+            return builder.Build(null, fromCache);
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationList.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationList.cs
index e57e1df1..3c2f0b9b 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationList.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationList.cs
@@ -35,9 +35,16 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             foreach (var entry in _entries)
+                bool vertexAsCompute = entry.VertexAsCompute != null;
                 bool usesDrawParameters = entry.Shaders[1]?.Info.UsesDrawParameters ?? false;
-                if (entry.SpecializationState.MatchesGraphics(channel, ref poolState, ref graphicsState, usesDrawParameters, true))
+                if (entry.SpecializationState.MatchesGraphics(
+                    channel,
+                    ref poolState,
+                    ref graphicsState,
+                    vertexAsCompute,
+                    usesDrawParameters,
+                    checkTextures: true))
                     program = entry;
                     return true;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationState.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationState.cs
index fcd95375..a41f761b 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationState.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Shader/ShaderSpecializationState.cs
@@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
         /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param>
         /// <param name="poolState">Texture pool state</param>
         /// <param name="graphicsState">Graphics state</param>
+        /// <param name="vertexAsCompute">Indicates that the vertex shader has been converted into a compute shader</param>
         /// <param name="usesDrawParameters">Indicates whether the vertex shader accesses draw parameters</param>
         /// <param name="checkTextures">Indicates whether texture descriptors should be checked</param>
         /// <returns>True if the state matches, false otherwise</returns>
@@ -464,6 +465,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             GpuChannel channel,
             ref GpuChannelPoolState poolState,
             ref GpuChannelGraphicsState graphicsState,
+            bool vertexAsCompute,
             bool usesDrawParameters,
             bool checkTextures)
@@ -497,9 +499,25 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
                 return false;
-            if (!graphicsState.AttributeTypes.AsSpan().SequenceEqual(GraphicsState.AttributeTypes.AsSpan()))
+            if (ShaderCache.MayConvertVtgToCompute(ref channel.Capabilities) && !vertexAsCompute)
-                return false;
+                for (int index = 0; index < graphicsState.AttributeTypes.Length; index++)
+                {
+                    AttributeType lType = FilterAttributeType(channel, graphicsState.AttributeTypes[index]);
+                    AttributeType rType = FilterAttributeType(channel, GraphicsState.AttributeTypes[index]);
+                    if (lType != rType)
+                    {
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (!graphicsState.AttributeTypes.AsSpan().SequenceEqual(GraphicsState.AttributeTypes.AsSpan()))
+                {
+                    return false;
+                }
             if (usesDrawParameters && graphicsState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters != GraphicsState.HasConstantBufferDrawParameters)
@@ -530,6 +548,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
             return Matches(channel, ref poolState, checkTextures, isCompute: false);
+        private static AttributeType FilterAttributeType(GpuChannel channel, AttributeType type)
+        {
+            type &= ~(AttributeType.Packed | AttributeType.PackedRgb10A2Signed);
+            if (channel.Capabilities.SupportsScaledVertexFormats &&
+                (type == AttributeType.Sscaled || type == AttributeType.Uscaled))
+            {
+                type = AttributeType.Float;
+            }
+            return type;
+        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Checks if the recorded state matches the current GPU compute engine state.
         /// </summary>
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
index 617b129a..cf0b0645 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
         private static readonly Lazy<int> _maximumComputeSharedMemorySize = new(() => GetLimit(All.MaxComputeSharedMemorySize));
         private static readonly Lazy<int> _storageBufferOffsetAlignment = new(() => GetLimit(All.ShaderStorageBufferOffsetAlignment));
+        private static readonly Lazy<int> _textureBufferOffsetAlignment = new(() => GetLimit(All.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment));
         public enum GpuVendor
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
         public static int MaximumComputeSharedMemorySize => _maximumComputeSharedMemorySize.Value;
         public static int StorageBufferOffsetAlignment => _storageBufferOffsetAlignment.Value;
+        public static int TextureBufferOffsetAlignment => _textureBufferOffsetAlignment.Value;
         public static float MaximumSupportedAnisotropy => _maxSupportedAnisotropy.Value;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/OpenGLRenderer.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/OpenGLRenderer.cs
index 35d1569f..3eba15e3 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/OpenGLRenderer.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/OpenGLRenderer.cs
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
                 supportsShaderBarrierDivergence: !(intelWindows || intelUnix),
                 supportsShaderFloat64: true,
                 supportsTextureShadowLod: HwCapabilities.SupportsTextureShadowLod,
+                supportsVertexStoreAndAtomics: true,
                 supportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation: HwCapabilities.SupportsShaderViewportLayerArray,
                 supportsViewportMask: HwCapabilities.SupportsViewportArray2,
                 supportsViewportSwizzle: HwCapabilities.SupportsViewportSwizzle,
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
                 maximumSupportedAnisotropy: HwCapabilities.MaximumSupportedAnisotropy,
                 shaderSubgroupSize: Constants.MaxSubgroupSize,
                 storageBufferOffsetAlignment: HwCapabilities.StorageBufferOffsetAlignment,
+                textureBufferOffsetAlignment: HwCapabilities.TextureBufferOffsetAlignment,
                 gatherBiasPrecision: intelWindows || amdWindows ? 8 : 0); // Precision is 8 for these vendors on Vulkan.
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/AttributeType.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/AttributeType.cs
index 1d950773..d2d146ec 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/AttributeType.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/AttributeType.cs
@@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
+        Packed = 1 << 6,
+        PackedRgb10A2Signed = 1 << 7,
+        AnyPacked = Packed | PackedRgb10A2Signed,
     static class AttributeTypeExtensions
         public static AggregateType ToAggregateType(this AttributeType type)
-            return type switch
+            return (type & ~AttributeType.AnyPacked) switch
                 AttributeType.Float => AggregateType.FP32,
                 AttributeType.Sint => AggregateType.S32,
@@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         public static AggregateType ToAggregateType(this AttributeType type, bool supportsScaledFormats)
-            return type switch
+            return (type & ~AttributeType.AnyPacked) switch
                 AttributeType.Float => AggregateType.FP32,
                 AttributeType.Sint => AggregateType.S32,
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Declarations.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Declarations.cs
index 607ff431..500de71f 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Declarations.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Declarations.cs
@@ -100,10 +100,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl
                         string outPrimitive = context.Definitions.OutputTopology.ToGlslString();
-                        int maxOutputVertices = context.Definitions.GpPassthrough
-                            ? context.Definitions.InputTopology.ToInputVertices()
-                            : context.Definitions.MaxOutputVertices;
+                        int maxOutputVertices = context.Definitions.MaxOutputVertices;
                         context.AppendLine($"layout ({outPrimitive}, max_vertices = {maxOutputVertices}) out;");
@@ -320,15 +317,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl
                 string typeName = GetVarTypeName(context, memory.Type & ~AggregateType.Array);
-                if (memory.ArrayLength > 0)
+                if (memory.Type.HasFlag(AggregateType.Array))
-                    string arraySize = memory.ArrayLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+                    if (memory.ArrayLength > 0)
+                    {
+                        string arraySize = memory.ArrayLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
-                    context.AppendLine($"{prefix}{typeName} {memory.Name}[{arraySize}];");
+                        context.AppendLine($"{prefix}{typeName} {memory.Name}[{arraySize}];");
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        context.AppendLine($"{prefix}{typeName} {memory.Name}[];");
+                    }
-                    context.AppendLine($"{prefix}{typeName} {memory.Name}[];");
+                    context.AppendLine($"{prefix}{typeName} {memory.Name};");
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Instructions/IoMap.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Instructions/IoMap.cs
index b5f453ae..caa6ef64 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Instructions/IoMap.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Glsl/Instructions/IoMap.cs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl.Instructions
                 IoVariable.FrontColorDiffuse => ("gl_FrontColor", AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32), // Deprecated.
                 IoVariable.FrontColorSpecular => ("gl_FrontSecondaryColor", AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32), // Deprecated.
                 IoVariable.FrontFacing => ("gl_FrontFacing", AggregateType.Bool),
+                IoVariable.GlobalId => ("gl_GlobalInvocationID", AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.U32),
                 IoVariable.InstanceId => ("gl_InstanceID", AggregateType.S32),
                 IoVariable.InstanceIndex => ("gl_InstanceIndex", AggregateType.S32),
                 IoVariable.InvocationId => ("gl_InvocationID", AggregateType.S32),
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs
index d385782a..9f9411a9 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
         public ILogger Logger { get; }
         public TargetApi TargetApi { get; }
-        public int InputVertices { get; }
         public Dictionary<int, Instruction> ConstantBuffers { get; } = new();
         public Dictionary<int, Instruction> StorageBuffers { get; } = new();
@@ -101,19 +99,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
             Logger = parameters.Logger;
             TargetApi = parameters.TargetApi;
-            if (parameters.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
-            {
-                InputVertices = parameters.Definitions.InputTopology switch
-                {
-                    InputTopology.Points => 1,
-                    InputTopology.Lines => 2,
-                    InputTopology.LinesAdjacency => 2,
-                    InputTopology.Triangles => 3,
-                    InputTopology.TrianglesAdjacency => 3,
-                    _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid input topology \"{parameters.Definitions.InputTopology}\"."),
-                };
-            }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
index b0659ba4..54767c2f 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
                 if (context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Vertex)
                     var perVertexInputStructType = CreatePerVertexStructType(context);
-                    int arraySize = context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.InputVertices : 32;
+                    int arraySize = context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.Definitions.InputTopology.ToInputVertices() : 32;
                     var perVertexInputArrayType = context.TypeArray(perVertexInputStructType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), arraySize));
                     var perVertexInputPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Input, perVertexInputArrayType);
                     var perVertexInputVariable = context.Variable(perVertexInputPointerType, StorageClass.Input);
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
             if (!isPerPatch && IoMap.IsPerVertex(ioVariable, context.Definitions.Stage, isOutput))
-                int arraySize = context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.InputVertices : 32;
+                int arraySize = context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.Definitions.InputTopology.ToInputVertices() : 32;
                 spvType = context.TypeArray(spvType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), arraySize));
                 if (context.Definitions.GpPassthrough && context.HostCapabilities.SupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough)
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/IoMap.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/IoMap.cs
index 08d403e2..7b4e14ff 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/IoMap.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/IoMap.cs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
                 IoVariable.FragmentCoord => (BuiltIn.FragCoord, AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32),
                 IoVariable.FragmentOutputDepth => (BuiltIn.FragDepth, AggregateType.FP32),
                 IoVariable.FrontFacing => (BuiltIn.FrontFacing, AggregateType.Bool),
+                IoVariable.GlobalId => (BuiltIn.GlobalInvocationId, AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.U32),
                 IoVariable.InstanceId => (BuiltIn.InstanceId, AggregateType.S32),
                 IoVariable.InstanceIndex => (BuiltIn.InstanceIndex, AggregateType.S32),
                 IoVariable.InvocationId => (BuiltIn.InvocationId, AggregateType.S32),
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/SpirvGenerator.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/SpirvGenerator.cs
index 70f1dd3c..44d3e985 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/SpirvGenerator.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/SpirvGenerator.cs
@@ -239,9 +239,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
                         _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid output topology \"{context.Definitions.OutputTopology}\"."),
-                    int maxOutputVertices = context.Definitions.GpPassthrough ? context.InputVertices : context.Definitions.MaxOutputVertices;
-                    context.AddExecutionMode(spvFunc, ExecutionMode.OutputVertices, (SpvLiteralInteger)maxOutputVertices);
+                    context.AddExecutionMode(spvFunc, ExecutionMode.OutputVertices, (SpvLiteralInteger)context.Definitions.MaxOutputVertices);
                 else if (context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
@@ -279,6 +277,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
+                if (context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Fragment &&
+                    context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Geometry &&
+                    context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Compute &&
+                    context.Info.IoDefinitions.Contains(new IoDefinition(StorageKind.Output, IoVariable.Layer)))
+                {
+                    context.AddCapability(Capability.ShaderLayer);
+                }
                 if (context.Definitions.TransformFeedbackEnabled && context.Definitions.LastInVertexPipeline)
                     context.AddExecutionMode(spvFunc, ExecutionMode.Xfb);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Constants.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Constants.cs
index cff2c37a..6317369f 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Constants.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Constants.cs
@@ -10,11 +10,5 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         public const int NvnBaseVertexByteOffset = 0x640;
         public const int NvnBaseInstanceByteOffset = 0x644;
         public const int NvnDrawIndexByteOffset = 0x648;
-        // Transform Feedback emulation.
-        public const int TfeInfoBinding = 0;
-        public const int TfeBufferBaseBinding = 1;
-        public const int TfeBuffersCount = 4;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/DecodedProgram.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/DecodedProgram.cs
index 67304d02..fdf3eacc 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/DecodedProgram.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/DecodedProgram.cs
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders
+        public IoUsage GetIoUsage()
+        {
+            return new IoUsage(UsedFeatures, ClipDistancesWritten, AttributeUsage.UsedOutputAttributes);
+        }
         public IEnumerator<DecodedFunction> GetEnumerator()
             return _functions.Values.GetEnumerator();
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/Decoder.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/Decoder.cs
index 4266dedc..1211e561 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/Decoder.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Decoders/Decoder.cs
@@ -297,6 +297,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders
                     case InstName.Ssy:
+                    case InstName.Shfl:
+                        context.SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags.Shuffle);
+                        break;
                     case InstName.Ldl:
                     case InstName.Stl:
@@ -307,8 +310,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders
                     case InstName.Sts:
-                    case InstName.Shfl:
-                        context.SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags.Shuffle);
+                    case InstName.Atom:
+                    case InstName.AtomCas:
+                    case InstName.Red:
+                    case InstName.Stg:
+                    case InstName.Suatom:
+                    case InstName.SuatomB:
+                    case InstName.SuatomB2:
+                    case InstName.SuatomCas:
+                    case InstName.SuatomCasB:
+                    case InstName.Sured:
+                    case InstName.SuredB:
+                    case InstName.Sust:
+                    case InstName.SustB:
+                    case InstName.SustD:
+                    case InstName.SustDB:
+                        context.SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags.Store);
@@ -424,6 +441,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders
+                                case AttributeConsts.ViewportIndex:
+                                    if (definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Fragment)
+                                    {
+                                        context.SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags.ViewportIndex);
+                                    }
+                                    break;
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance0:
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance1:
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance2:
@@ -432,11 +455,17 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance5:
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance6:
                                 case AttributeConsts.ClipDistance7:
-                                    if (definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+                                    if (definitions.Stage.IsVtg())
                                         context.SetClipDistanceWritten((attr - AttributeConsts.ClipDistance0) / 4);
+                                case AttributeConsts.ViewportMask:
+                                    if (definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Fragment)
+                                    {
+                                        context.SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags.ViewportMask);
+                                    }
+                                    break;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/InputTopology.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/InputTopology.cs
index ebd2930e..9438263d 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/InputTopology.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/InputTopology.cs
@@ -25,6 +25,19 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         public static int ToInputVertices(this InputTopology topology)
+        {
+            return topology switch
+            {
+                InputTopology.Points => 1,
+                InputTopology.Lines => 2,
+                InputTopology.LinesAdjacency => 4,
+                InputTopology.Triangles => 3,
+                InputTopology.TrianglesAdjacency => 6,
+                _ => 1,
+            };
+        }
+        public static int ToInputVerticesNoAdjacency(this InputTopology topology)
             return topology switch
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Instructions/InstEmitAttribute.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Instructions/InstEmitAttribute.cs
index 53d774d6..63ce38e2 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Instructions/InstEmitAttribute.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Instructions/InstEmitAttribute.cs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions
                         value = AttributeMap.GenerateAttributeLoad(context, primVertex, offset, isOutput, op.P);
-                        if (!context.TranslatorContext.Definitions.SupportsScaledVertexFormats &&
+                        if ((!context.TranslatorContext.Definitions.SupportsScaledVertexFormats || context.VertexAsCompute) &&
                             context.TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex &&
                             !op.O &&
                             offset >= 0x80 &&
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/IntermediateRepresentation/IoVariable.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/IntermediateRepresentation/IoVariable.cs
index fdee8345..21e20863 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/IntermediateRepresentation/IoVariable.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/IntermediateRepresentation/IoVariable.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation
+        GlobalId,
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ResourceReservationCounts.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ResourceReservationCounts.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0bae8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ResourceReservationCounts.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
+    public readonly struct ResourceReservationCounts
+    {
+        public readonly int ReservedConstantBuffers { get; }
+        public readonly int ReservedStorageBuffers { get; }
+        public readonly int ReservedTextures { get; }
+        public readonly int ReservedImages { get; }
+        public ResourceReservationCounts(bool isTransformFeedbackEmulated, bool vertexAsCompute)
+        {
+            ResourceReservations reservations = new(isTransformFeedbackEmulated, vertexAsCompute);
+            ReservedConstantBuffers = reservations.ReservedConstantBuffers;
+            ReservedStorageBuffers = reservations.ReservedStorageBuffers;
+            ReservedTextures = reservations.ReservedTextures;
+            ReservedImages = reservations.ReservedImages;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderIdentification.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderIdentification.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 551e318c..00000000
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderIdentification.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
-    public enum ShaderIdentification
-    {
-        None,
-        GeometryLayerPassthrough,
-    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderProgramInfo.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderProgramInfo.cs
index f9776afc..22823ac3 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderProgramInfo.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/ShaderProgramInfo.cs
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         public ReadOnlyCollection<TextureDescriptor> Textures { get; }
         public ReadOnlyCollection<TextureDescriptor> Images { get; }
-        public ShaderIdentification Identification { get; }
-        public int GpLayerInputAttribute { get; }
         public ShaderStage Stage { get; }
+        public int GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive { get; }
+        public int GeometryMaxOutputVertices { get; }
+        public int ThreadsPerInputPrimitive { get; }
         public bool UsesFragCoord { get; }
         public bool UsesInstanceId { get; }
         public bool UsesDrawParameters { get; }
@@ -25,9 +26,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
             BufferDescriptor[] sBuffers,
             TextureDescriptor[] textures,
             TextureDescriptor[] images,
-            ShaderIdentification identification,
-            int gpLayerInputAttribute,
             ShaderStage stage,
+            int geometryVerticesPerPrimitive,
+            int geometryMaxOutputVertices,
+            int threadsPerInputPrimitive,
             bool usesFragCoord,
             bool usesInstanceId,
             bool usesDrawParameters,
@@ -40,9 +42,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
             Textures = Array.AsReadOnly(textures);
             Images = Array.AsReadOnly(images);
-            Identification = identification;
-            GpLayerInputAttribute = gpLayerInputAttribute;
             Stage = stage;
+            GeometryVerticesPerPrimitive = geometryVerticesPerPrimitive;
+            GeometryMaxOutputVertices = geometryMaxOutputVertices;
+            ThreadsPerInputPrimitive = threadsPerInputPrimitive;
             UsesFragCoord = usesFragCoord;
             UsesInstanceId = usesInstanceId;
             UsesDrawParameters = usesDrawParameters;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/SupportBuffer.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/SupportBuffer.cs
index 0b7a2edd..d4d3cbf8 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/SupportBuffer.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/SupportBuffer.cs
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
+        TfeOffset,
+        TfeVertexCount,
     public struct SupportBuffer
-        internal const int Binding = 0;
+        public const int Binding = 0;
         public static readonly int FieldSize;
         public static readonly int RequiredSize;
@@ -38,6 +40,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         public static readonly int FragmentRenderScaleCountOffset;
         public static readonly int GraphicsRenderScaleOffset;
         public static readonly int ComputeRenderScaleOffset;
+        public static readonly int TfeOffsetOffset;
+        public static readonly int TfeVertexCountOffset;
         public const int FragmentIsBgraCount = 8;
         // One for the render target, 64 for the textures, and 8 for the images.
@@ -62,18 +66,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
             FragmentRenderScaleCountOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.FragmentRenderScaleCount);
             GraphicsRenderScaleOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.RenderScale);
             ComputeRenderScaleOffset = GraphicsRenderScaleOffset + FieldSize;
+            TfeOffsetOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.TfeOffset);
+            TfeVertexCountOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.TfeVertexCount);
         internal static StructureType GetStructureType()
             return new StructureType(new[]
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.U32, "s_alpha_test"),
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "s_is_bgra", FragmentIsBgraCount),
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, "s_viewport_inverse"),
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, "s_viewport_size"),
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.S32, "s_frag_scale_count"),
-                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, "s_render_scale", RenderScaleMaxCount),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.U32, "alpha_test"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "is_bgra", FragmentIsBgraCount),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, "viewport_inverse"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, "viewport_size"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.S32, "frag_scale_count"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, "render_scale", RenderScaleMaxCount),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.S32, "tfe_offset"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.S32, "tfe_vertex_count"),
@@ -85,5 +93,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
         // Render scale max count: 1 + 64 + 8. First scale is fragment output scale, others are textures/image inputs.
         public Array73<Vector4<float>> RenderScale;
+        public Vector4<int> TfeOffset;
+        public Vector4<int> TfeVertexCount;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/AttributeConsts.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/AttributeConsts.cs
index f749cecb..c4bd2cbf 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/AttributeConsts.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/AttributeConsts.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public const int PrimitiveId = 0x060;
         public const int Layer = 0x064;
+        public const int ViewportIndex = 0x068;
         public const int PositionX = 0x070;
         public const int PositionY = 0x074;
         public const int FrontColorDiffuseR = 0x280;
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public const int TexCoordCount = 10;
         public const int TexCoordBase = 0x300;
         public const int TexCoordEnd = TexCoordBase + TexCoordCount * 16;
+        public const int ViewportMask = 0x3a0;
         public const int FrontFacing = 0x3fc;
         public const int UserAttributesCount = 32;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContext.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContext.cs
index 43263dd4..f1dffb35 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContext.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContext.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public TranslatorContext TranslatorContext { get; }
         public ResourceManager ResourceManager { get; }
+        public bool VertexAsCompute { get; }
         public bool IsNonMain { get; }
         public Block CurrBlock { get; set; }
@@ -59,11 +61,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             TranslatorContext translatorContext,
             ResourceManager resourceManager,
             DecodedProgram program,
+            bool vertexAsCompute,
             bool isNonMain) : this()
             TranslatorContext = translatorContext;
             ResourceManager = resourceManager;
             Program = program;
+            VertexAsCompute = vertexAsCompute;
             IsNonMain = isNonMain;
@@ -71,13 +75,87 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         private void EmitStart()
-            if (TranslatorContext.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex &&
-                TranslatorContext.Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan &&
-                (TranslatorContext.Options.Flags & TranslationFlags.VertexA) == 0)
+            if (TranslatorContext.Options.Flags.HasFlag(TranslationFlags.VertexA))
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (TranslatorContext.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex && TranslatorContext.Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan)
                 // Vulkan requires the point size to be always written on the shader if the primitive topology is points.
                 this.Store(StorageKind.Output, IoVariable.PointSize, null, ConstF(TranslatorContext.Definitions.PointSize));
+            if (VertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                int vertexInfoCbBinding = ResourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+                int countFieldIndex = TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex
+                    ? (int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts
+                    : (int)VertexInfoBufferField.GeometryCounts;
+                Operand outputVertexOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(0));
+                Operand vertexCount = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const(countFieldIndex), Const(0));
+                Operand isVertexOob = this.ICompareGreaterOrEqualUnsigned(outputVertexOffset, vertexCount);
+                Operand lblVertexInBounds = Label();
+                this.BranchIfFalse(lblVertexInBounds, isVertexOob);
+                this.Return();
+                this.MarkLabel(lblVertexInBounds);
+                Operand outputInstanceOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(1));
+                Operand instanceCount = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(1));
+                Operand firstVertex = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(2));
+                Operand firstInstance = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(3));
+                Operand ibBaseOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.GeometryCounts), Const(3));
+                Operand isInstanceOob = this.ICompareGreaterOrEqualUnsigned(outputInstanceOffset, instanceCount);
+                Operand lblInstanceInBounds = Label();
+                this.BranchIfFalse(lblInstanceInBounds, isInstanceOob);
+                this.Return();
+                this.MarkLabel(lblInstanceInBounds);
+                if (TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+                {
+                    Operand vertexIndexVr = Local();
+                    this.TextureSample(
+                        SamplerType.TextureBuffer,
+                        TextureFlags.IntCoords,
+                        ResourceManager.Reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding,
+                        1,
+                        new[] { vertexIndexVr },
+                        new[] { this.IAdd(ibBaseOffset, outputVertexOffset) });
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId, this.IAdd(firstVertex, vertexIndexVr));
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId, this.IAdd(firstInstance, outputInstanceOffset));
+                }
+                else if (TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
+                {
+                    int inputVertices = TranslatorContext.Definitions.InputTopology.ToInputVertices();
+                    Operand baseVertex = this.IMultiply(outputVertexOffset, Const(inputVertices));
+                    for (int index = 0; index < inputVertices; index++)
+                    {
+                        Operand vertexIndex = Local();
+                        this.TextureSample(
+                            SamplerType.TextureBuffer,
+                            TextureFlags.IntCoords,
+                            ResourceManager.Reservations.TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding,
+                            1,
+                            new[] { vertexIndex },
+                            new[] { this.IAdd(baseVertex, Const(index)) });
+                        this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId, Const(index), vertexIndex);
+                    }
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId, Const(0));
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId, Const(0));
+                }
+            }
         public T GetOp<T>() where T : unmanaged
@@ -166,16 +244,21 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public void PrepareForVertexReturn()
-            if (!TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsTransformFeedback() && TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled())
+            // TODO: Support transform feedback emulation on stages other than vertex.
+            // Those stages might produce more primitives, so it needs a way to "compact" the output after it is written.
+            if (!TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsTransformFeedback() &&
+                TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled() &&
+                TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
-                Operand vertexCount = this.Load(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, Constants.TfeInfoBinding, Const(1));
+                Operand vertexCount = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, SupportBuffer.Binding, Const((int)SupportBufferField.TfeVertexCount));
-                for (int tfbIndex = 0; tfbIndex < Constants.TfeBuffersCount; tfbIndex++)
+                for (int tfbIndex = 0; tfbIndex < ResourceReservations.TfeBuffersCount; tfbIndex++)
                     var locations = TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackVaryingLocations(tfbIndex);
                     var stride = TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackStride(tfbIndex);
-                    Operand baseOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, Constants.TfeInfoBinding, Const(0), Const(tfbIndex));
+                    Operand baseOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, SupportBuffer.Binding, Const((int)SupportBufferField.TfeOffset), Const(tfbIndex));
                     Operand baseVertex = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.BaseVertex);
                     Operand baseInstance = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.BaseInstance);
                     Operand vertexIndex = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.VertexIndex);
@@ -200,7 +283,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                         Operand offset = this.IAdd(baseOffset, Const(j));
                         Operand value = Instructions.AttributeMap.GenerateAttributeLoad(this, null, location * 4, isOutput: true, isPerPatch: false);
-                        this.Store(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, Constants.TfeBufferBaseBinding + tfbIndex, Const(0), offset, value);
+                        int binding = ResourceManager.Reservations.GetTfeBufferStorageBufferBinding(tfbIndex);
+                        this.Store(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, binding, Const(0), offset, value);
@@ -225,16 +310,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                 this.Store(StorageKind.Output, IoVariable.Position, null, Const(2), this.FPFusedMultiplyAdd(z, ConstF(0.5f), halfW));
-            if (TranslatorContext.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Geometry && TranslatorContext.HasLayerInputAttribute)
-            {
-                int attrVecIndex = TranslatorContext.GpLayerInputAttribute >> 2;
-                int attrComponentIndex = TranslatorContext.GpLayerInputAttribute & 3;
-                Operand layer = this.Load(StorageKind.Output, IoVariable.UserDefined, null, Const(attrVecIndex), Const(attrComponentIndex));
-                this.Store(StorageKind.Output, IoVariable.Layer, null, layer);
-            }
         public void PrepareForVertexReturn(out Operand oldXLocal, out Operand oldYLocal, out Operand oldZLocal)
@@ -308,9 +383,30 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                 if (TranslatorContext.Definitions.GpPassthrough && !TranslatorContext.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough())
-                    int inputVertices = TranslatorContext.Definitions.InputTopology.ToInputVertices();
+                    int inputStart, inputEnd, inputStep;
+                    InputTopology topology = TranslatorContext.Definitions.InputTopology;
+                    if (topology == InputTopology.LinesAdjacency)
+                    {
+                        inputStart = 1;
+                        inputEnd = 3;
+                        inputStep = 1;
+                    }
+                    else if (topology == InputTopology.TrianglesAdjacency)
+                    {
+                        inputStart = 0;
+                        inputEnd = 6;
+                        inputStep = 2;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        inputStart = 0;
+                        inputEnd = topology.ToInputVerticesNoAdjacency();
+                        inputStep = 1;
+                    }
-                    for (int primIndex = 0; primIndex < inputVertices; primIndex++)
+                    for (int primIndex = inputStart; primIndex < inputEnd; primIndex += inputStep)
@@ -428,6 +524,65 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+            if (VertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                if (TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+                {
+                    int vertexInfoCbBinding = ResourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+                    int vertexOutputSbBinding = ResourceManager.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+                    int stride = ResourceManager.Reservations.OutputSizePerInvocation;
+                    Operand vertexCount = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(0));
+                    Operand outputVertexOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(0));
+                    Operand outputInstanceOffset = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(1));
+                    Operand outputBaseVertex = this.IMultiply(outputInstanceOffset, vertexCount);
+                    Operand baseOffset = this.IMultiply(this.IAdd(outputBaseVertex, outputVertexOffset), Const(stride));
+                    for (int offset = 0; offset < stride; offset++)
+                    {
+                        Operand vertexOffset = this.IAdd(baseOffset, Const(offset));
+                        Operand value = this.Load(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId, Const(offset));
+                        this.Store(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, vertexOutputSbBinding, Const(0), vertexOffset, value);
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (TranslatorContext.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
+                {
+                    Operand lblLoopHead = Label();
+                    Operand lblExit = Label();
+                    this.MarkLabel(lblLoopHead);
+                    Operand writtenIndices = this.Load(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId);
+                    int maxIndicesPerPrimitiveInvocation = TranslatorContext.Definitions.GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStridePerInstance();
+                    int maxIndicesPerPrimitive = maxIndicesPerPrimitiveInvocation * TranslatorContext.Definitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
+                    this.BranchIfTrue(lblExit, this.ICompareGreaterOrEqualUnsigned(writtenIndices, Const(maxIndicesPerPrimitiveInvocation)));
+                    int vertexInfoCbBinding = ResourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+                    Operand primitiveIndex = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(0));
+                    Operand instanceIndex = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(1));
+                    Operand invocationId = this.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.GlobalId, Const(2));
+                    Operand vertexCount = this.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(0));
+                    Operand primitiveId = this.IAdd(this.IMultiply(instanceIndex, vertexCount), primitiveIndex);
+                    Operand ibOffset = this.IMultiply(primitiveId, Const(maxIndicesPerPrimitive));
+                    ibOffset = this.IAdd(ibOffset, this.IMultiply(invocationId, Const(maxIndicesPerPrimitiveInvocation)));
+                    ibOffset = this.IAdd(ibOffset, writtenIndices);
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, ResourceManager.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding, Const(0), ibOffset, Const(-1));
+                    this.Store(StorageKind.LocalMemory, ResourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId, this.IAdd(writtenIndices, Const(1)));
+                    this.Branch(lblLoopHead);
+                    this.MarkLabel(lblExit);
+                }
+            }
             return true;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContextInsts.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContextInsts.cs
index a08c8ea9..afa830de 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContextInsts.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/EmitterContextInsts.cs
@@ -831,6 +831,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             return context.Add(Instruction.Store, storageKind, null, e0, e1, value);
+        public static Operand Store(this EmitterContext context, StorageKind storageKind, int binding, Operand value)
+        {
+            return context.Add(Instruction.Store, storageKind, null, Const(binding), value);
+        }
         public static Operand Store(this EmitterContext context, StorageKind storageKind, int binding, Operand e0, Operand value)
             return context.Add(Instruction.Store, storageKind, null, Const(binding), e0, value);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/FeatureFlags.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/FeatureFlags.cs
index 552a3f31..88525462 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/FeatureFlags.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/FeatureFlags.cs
@@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         DrawParameters = 1 << 4,
         RtLayer = 1 << 5,
         Shuffle = 1 << 6,
+        ViewportIndex = 1 << 7,
+        ViewportMask = 1 << 8,
         FixedFuncAttr = 1 << 9,
         LocalMemory = 1 << 10,
         SharedMemory = 1 << 11,
+        Store = 1 << 12,
+        VtgAsCompute = 1 << 13,
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/IoUsage.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/IoUsage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ce2da4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/IoUsage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+    readonly struct IoUsage
+    {
+        private readonly FeatureFlags _usedFeatures;
+        public readonly bool UsesRtLayer => _usedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.RtLayer);
+        public readonly bool UsesViewportIndex => _usedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.ViewportIndex);
+        public readonly bool UsesViewportMask => _usedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.ViewportMask);
+        public readonly byte ClipDistancesWritten { get; }
+        public readonly int UserDefinedMap { get; }
+        public IoUsage(FeatureFlags usedFeatures, byte clipDistancesWritten, int userDefinedMap)
+        {
+            _usedFeatures = usedFeatures;
+            ClipDistancesWritten = clipDistancesWritten;
+            UserDefinedMap = userDefinedMap;
+        }
+        public readonly IoUsage Combine(IoUsage other)
+        {
+            return new IoUsage(
+                _usedFeatures | other._usedFeatures,
+                (byte)(ClipDistancesWritten | other.ClipDistancesWritten),
+                UserDefinedMap | other.UserDefinedMap);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceManager.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceManager.cs
index d07d8dce..9c487c46 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceManager.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceManager.cs
@@ -48,12 +48,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public int LocalMemoryId { get; private set; }
         public int SharedMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalVertexDataMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId { get; private set; }
+        public int LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId { get; private set; }
         public ShaderProperties Properties { get; }
-        public ResourceManager(ShaderStage stage, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor)
+        public ResourceReservations Reservations { get; }
+        public ResourceManager(ShaderStage stage, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ResourceReservations reservations = null)
             _gpuAccessor = gpuAccessor;
             Properties = new();
+            Reservations = reservations;
             _stage = stage;
             _stagePrefix = GetShaderStagePrefix(stage);
@@ -114,6 +124,29 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+        public void SetVertexAsComputeLocalMemories(ShaderStage stage, InputTopology inputTopology)
+        {
+            LocalVertexDataMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_data", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, Reservations.OutputSizePerInvocation);
+            if (stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+            {
+                LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_index_vr", AggregateType.U32);
+                LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_index_ir", AggregateType.U32);
+            }
+            else if (stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
+            {
+                LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_topology_remap", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, inputTopology.ToInputVertices());
+                LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_geometry_output_vertex", AggregateType.U32);
+                LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_geometry_output_index", AggregateType.U32);
+            }
+        }
+        private int AddMemoryDefinition(string name, AggregateType type, int arrayLength = 1)
+        {
+            return Properties.AddLocalMemory(new MemoryDefinition(name, type, arrayLength));
+        }
         public int GetConstantBufferBinding(int slot)
             int binding = _cbSlotToBindingMap[slot];
@@ -465,17 +498,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             return descriptors;
-        public (int, int) GetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(int binding)
+        public bool TryGetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(int binding, out int cbufSlot, out int handle)
             foreach ((TextureInfo info, TextureMeta meta) in _usedTextures)
                 if (meta.Binding == binding)
-                    return (info.CbufSlot, info.Handle);
+                    cbufSlot = info.CbufSlot;
+                    handle = info.Handle;
+                    return true;
-            throw new ArgumentException($"Binding {binding} is invalid.");
+            cbufSlot = 0;
+            handle = 0;
+            return false;
         private static int FindDescriptorIndex(TextureDescriptor[] array, int binding)
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d559f669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Numerics;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+    public class ResourceReservations
+    {
+        public const int TfeBuffersCount = 4;
+        public const int MaxVertexBufferTextures = 32;
+        public int VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding { get; }
+        public int VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+        public int GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+        public int GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+        public int IndexBufferTextureBinding { get; }
+        public int TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding { get; }
+        public int ReservedConstantBuffers { get; }
+        public int ReservedStorageBuffers { get; }
+        public int ReservedTextures { get; }
+        public int ReservedImages { get; }
+        public int InputSizePerInvocation { get; }
+        public int OutputSizePerInvocation { get; }
+        public int OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation => OutputSizePerInvocation * sizeof(uint);
+        private readonly int _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding;
+        private readonly int _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding;
+        private readonly Dictionary<IoDefinition, int> _offsets;
+        internal IReadOnlyDictionary<IoDefinition, int> Offsets => _offsets;
+        internal ResourceReservations(bool isTransformFeedbackEmulated, bool vertexAsCompute)
+        {
+            // All stages reserves the first constant buffer binding for the support buffer.
+            ReservedConstantBuffers = 1;
+            ReservedStorageBuffers = 0;
+            ReservedTextures = 0;
+            ReservedImages = 0;
+            if (isTransformFeedbackEmulated)
+            {
+                // Transform feedback emulation currently always uses 4 storage buffers.
+                _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers;
+                ReservedStorageBuffers = TfeBuffersCount;
+            }
+            if (vertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                // One constant buffer reserved for vertex related state.
+                VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding = ReservedConstantBuffers++;
+                // One storage buffer for the output vertex data.
+                VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+                // One storage buffer for the output geometry vertex data.
+                GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+                // One storage buffer for the output geometry index data.
+                GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+                // Enough textures reserved for all vertex attributes, plus the index buffer.
+                IndexBufferTextureBinding = ReservedTextures;
+                TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding = ReservedTextures + 1;
+                _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding = ReservedTextures + 2;
+                ReservedTextures += 2 + MaxVertexBufferTextures;
+            }
+        }
+        internal ResourceReservations(
+            IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor,
+            bool isTransformFeedbackEmulated,
+            bool vertexAsCompute,
+            IoUsage? vacInput,
+            IoUsage vacOutput) : this(isTransformFeedbackEmulated, vertexAsCompute)
+        {
+            if (vertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                _offsets = new();
+                if (vacInput.HasValue)
+                {
+                    InputSizePerInvocation = FillIoOffsetMap(gpuAccessor, StorageKind.Input, vacInput.Value);
+                }
+                OutputSizePerInvocation = FillIoOffsetMap(gpuAccessor, StorageKind.Output, vacOutput);
+            }
+        }
+        private int FillIoOffsetMap(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, StorageKind storageKind, IoUsage vacUsage)
+        {
+            int offset = 0;
+            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+            {
+                _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.Position, 0, c), offset++);
+            }
+            _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.PointSize), offset++);
+            int clipDistancesWrittenMap = vacUsage.ClipDistancesWritten;
+            while (clipDistancesWrittenMap != 0)
+            {
+                int index = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(clipDistancesWrittenMap);
+                _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.ClipDistance, 0, index), offset++);
+                clipDistancesWrittenMap &= ~(1 << index);
+            }
+            if (vacUsage.UsesRtLayer)
+            {
+                _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.Layer), offset++);
+            }
+            if (vacUsage.UsesViewportIndex && gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation())
+            {
+                _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.VertexIndex), offset++);
+            }
+            if (vacUsage.UsesViewportMask && gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportMask())
+            {
+                _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.ViewportMask), offset++);
+            }
+            int usedDefinedMap = vacUsage.UserDefinedMap;
+            while (usedDefinedMap != 0)
+            {
+                int location = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(usedDefinedMap);
+                for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+                {
+                    _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.UserDefined, location, c), offset++);
+                }
+                usedDefinedMap &= ~(1 << location);
+            }
+            return offset;
+        }
+        internal static bool IsVectorOrArrayVariable(IoVariable variable)
+        {
+            return variable switch
+            {
+                IoVariable.ClipDistance or
+                IoVariable.Position => true,
+                _ => false,
+            };
+        }
+        public int GetTfeBufferStorageBufferBinding(int bufferIndex)
+        {
+            return _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding + bufferIndex;
+        }
+        public int GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(int vaLocation)
+        {
+            return _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding + vaLocation;
+        }
+        internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, int location, int component, out int offset)
+        {
+            return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.UserDefined, location, component), out offset);
+        }
+        internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, int location, int component, out int offset)
+        {
+            return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, location, component), out offset);
+        }
+        internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, int component, out int offset)
+        {
+            return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, 0, component), out offset);
+        }
+        internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, out int offset)
+        {
+            return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, 0, 0), out offset);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderDefinitions.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderDefinitions.cs
index 204f4278..3246e259 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderDefinitions.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderDefinitions.cs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public bool GpPassthrough { get; }
         public bool LastInVertexPipeline { get; set; }
-        public int ThreadsPerInputPrimitive { get; }
+        public int ThreadsPerInputPrimitive { get; private set; }
         public InputTopology InputTopology => _graphicsState.Topology;
         public OutputTopology OutputTopology { get; }
@@ -97,9 +97,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         private readonly Dictionary<TransformFeedbackVariable, TransformFeedbackOutput> _transformFeedbackDefinitions;
-        public ShaderDefinitions(ShaderStage stage)
+        public ShaderDefinitions(ShaderStage stage, ulong transformFeedbackVecMap, TransformFeedbackOutput[] transformFeedbackOutputs)
             Stage = stage;
+            TransformFeedbackEnabled = transformFeedbackOutputs != null;
+            _transformFeedbackOutputs = transformFeedbackOutputs;
+            _transformFeedbackDefinitions = new();
+            PopulateTransformFeedbackDefinitions(transformFeedbackVecMap, transformFeedbackOutputs);
         public ShaderDefinitions(
@@ -142,7 +147,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             bool omapSampleMask,
             bool omapDepth,
             bool supportsScaledVertexFormats,
-            bool transformFeedbackEnabled,
             ulong transformFeedbackVecMap,
             TransformFeedbackOutput[] transformFeedbackOutputs)
@@ -151,17 +155,22 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             GpPassthrough = gpPassthrough;
             ThreadsPerInputPrimitive = threadsPerInputPrimitive;
             OutputTopology = outputTopology;
-            MaxOutputVertices = maxOutputVertices;
+            MaxOutputVertices = gpPassthrough ? graphicsState.Topology.ToInputVerticesNoAdjacency() : maxOutputVertices;
             ImapTypes = imapTypes;
             OmapTargets = omapTargets;
             OmapSampleMask = omapSampleMask;
             OmapDepth = omapDepth;
             LastInVertexPipeline = stage < ShaderStage.Fragment;
             SupportsScaledVertexFormats = supportsScaledVertexFormats;
-            TransformFeedbackEnabled = transformFeedbackEnabled;
+            TransformFeedbackEnabled = transformFeedbackOutputs != null;
             _transformFeedbackOutputs = transformFeedbackOutputs;
             _transformFeedbackDefinitions = new();
+            PopulateTransformFeedbackDefinitions(transformFeedbackVecMap, transformFeedbackOutputs);
+        }
+        private void PopulateTransformFeedbackDefinitions(ulong transformFeedbackVecMap, TransformFeedbackOutput[] transformFeedbackOutputs)
+        {
             while (transformFeedbackVecMap != 0)
                 int vecIndex = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(transformFeedbackVecMap);
@@ -200,16 +209,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             OaIndexing = true;
-        public TransformFeedbackOutput[] GetTransformFeedbackOutputs()
-        {
-            if (!HasTransformFeedbackOutputs())
-            {
-                return null;
-            }
-            return _transformFeedbackOutputs;
-        }
         public bool TryGetTransformFeedbackOutput(IoVariable ioVariable, int location, int component, out TransformFeedbackOutput transformFeedbackOutput)
             if (!HasTransformFeedbackOutputs())
@@ -320,5 +319,35 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             return _graphicsState.AttributeTypes[location];
+        public bool IsAttributeSint(int location)
+        {
+            return (_graphicsState.AttributeTypes[location] & ~AttributeType.AnyPacked) == AttributeType.Sint;
+        }
+        public bool IsAttributePacked(int location)
+        {
+            return _graphicsState.AttributeTypes[location].HasFlag(AttributeType.Packed);
+        }
+        public bool IsAttributePackedRgb10A2Signed(int location)
+        {
+            return _graphicsState.AttributeTypes[location].HasFlag(AttributeType.PackedRgb10A2Signed);
+        }
+        public int GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStridePerInstance()
+        {
+            return MaxOutputVertices + OutputTopology switch
+            {
+                OutputTopology.LineStrip => MaxOutputVertices / 2,
+                OutputTopology.TriangleStrip => MaxOutputVertices / 3,
+                _ => MaxOutputVertices,
+            };
+        }
+        public int GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStride()
+        {
+            return GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStridePerInstance() * ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
+        }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderIdentifier.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderIdentifier.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c077e1cd..00000000
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderIdentifier.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-    static class ShaderIdentifier
-    {
-        public static ShaderIdentification Identify(
-            IReadOnlyList<Function> functions,
-            IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor,
-            ShaderStage stage,
-            InputTopology inputTopology,
-            out int layerInputAttr)
-        {
-            if (stage == ShaderStage.Geometry &&
-                inputTopology == InputTopology.Triangles &&
-                !gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShader() &&
-                IsLayerPassthroughGeometryShader(functions, out layerInputAttr))
-            {
-                return ShaderIdentification.GeometryLayerPassthrough;
-            }
-            layerInputAttr = 0;
-            return ShaderIdentification.None;
-        }
-        private static bool IsLayerPassthroughGeometryShader(IReadOnlyList<Function> functions, out int layerInputAttr)
-        {
-            bool writesLayer = false;
-            layerInputAttr = 0;
-            if (functions.Count != 1)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            int verticesCount = 0;
-            int totalVerticesCount = 0;
-            foreach (BasicBlock block in functions[0].Blocks)
-            {
-                // We are not expecting loops or any complex control flow here, so fail in those cases.
-                if (block.Branch != null && block.Branch.Index <= block.Index)
-                {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                foreach (INode node in block.Operations)
-                {
-                    if (node is not Operation operation)
-                    {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    if (IsResourceWrite(operation.Inst, operation.StorageKind))
-                    {
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Store && operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output)
-                    {
-                        Operand src = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - 1);
-                        Operation srcAttributeAsgOp = null;
-                        if (src.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable &&
-                            src.AsgOp is Operation asgOp &&
-                            asgOp.Inst == Instruction.Load &&
-                            asgOp.StorageKind.IsInputOrOutput())
-                        {
-                            if (asgOp.StorageKind != StorageKind.Input)
-                            {
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                            srcAttributeAsgOp = asgOp;
-                        }
-                        if (srcAttributeAsgOp != null)
-                        {
-                            IoVariable dstAttribute = (IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value;
-                            IoVariable srcAttribute = (IoVariable)srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(0).Value;
-                            if (dstAttribute == IoVariable.Layer && srcAttribute == IoVariable.UserDefined)
-                            {
-                                if (srcAttributeAsgOp.SourcesCount != 4)
-                                {
-                                    return false;
-                                }
-                                writesLayer = true;
-                                layerInputAttr = srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(1).Value * 4 + srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(3).Value;
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                if (dstAttribute != srcAttribute)
-                                {
-                                    return false;
-                                }
-                                int inputsCount = operation.SourcesCount - 2;
-                                if (dstAttribute == IoVariable.UserDefined)
-                                {
-                                    if (operation.GetSource(1).Value != srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(1).Value)
-                                    {
-                                        return false;
-                                    }
-                                    inputsCount--;
-                                }
-                                for (int i = 0; i < inputsCount; i++)
-                                {
-                                    int dstIndex = operation.SourcesCount - 2 - i;
-                                    int srcIndex = srcAttributeAsgOp.SourcesCount - 1 - i;
-                                    if ((dstIndex | srcIndex) < 0)
-                                    {
-                                        return false;
-                                    }
-                                    if (operation.GetSource(dstIndex).Type != OperandType.Constant ||
-                                        srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(srcIndex).Type != OperandType.Constant ||
-                                        operation.GetSource(dstIndex).Value != srcAttributeAsgOp.GetSource(srcIndex).Value)
-                                    {
-                                        return false;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else if (src.Type == OperandType.Constant)
-                        {
-                            int dstComponent = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - 2).Value;
-                            float expectedValue = dstComponent == 3 ? 1f : 0f;
-                            if (src.AsFloat() != expectedValue)
-                            {
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.EmitVertex)
-                    {
-                        verticesCount++;
-                    }
-                    else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.EndPrimitive)
-                    {
-                        totalVerticesCount += verticesCount;
-                        verticesCount = 0;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return totalVerticesCount + verticesCount == 3 && writesLayer;
-        }
-        private static bool IsResourceWrite(Instruction inst, StorageKind storageKind)
-        {
-            switch (inst)
-            {
-                case Instruction.AtomicAdd:
-                case Instruction.AtomicAnd:
-                case Instruction.AtomicCompareAndSwap:
-                case Instruction.AtomicMaxS32:
-                case Instruction.AtomicMaxU32:
-                case Instruction.AtomicMinS32:
-                case Instruction.AtomicMinU32:
-                case Instruction.AtomicOr:
-                case Instruction.AtomicSwap:
-                case Instruction.AtomicXor:
-                case Instruction.ImageAtomic:
-                case Instruction.ImageStore:
-                    return true;
-                case Instruction.Store:
-                    return storageKind == StorageKind.StorageBuffer ||
-                           storageKind == StorageKind.SharedMemory ||
-                           storageKind == StorageKind.LocalMemory;
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TransformContext.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TransformContext.cs
index fa687eca..87ebb8e7 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TransformContext.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TransformContext.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public readonly HelperFunctionManager Hfm;
         public readonly BasicBlock[] Blocks;
+        public readonly ShaderDefinitions Definitions;
         public readonly ResourceManager ResourceManager;
         public readonly IGpuAccessor GpuAccessor;
         public readonly TargetLanguage TargetLanguage;
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         public TransformContext(
             HelperFunctionManager hfm,
             BasicBlock[] blocks,
+            ShaderDefinitions definitions,
             ResourceManager resourceManager,
             IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor,
             TargetLanguage targetLanguage,
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             Hfm = hfm;
             Blocks = blocks;
+            Definitions = definitions;
             ResourceManager = resourceManager;
             GpuAccessor = gpuAccessor;
             TargetLanguage = targetLanguage;
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/GeometryToCompute.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/GeometryToCompute.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0013cf0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/GeometryToCompute.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms
+    class GeometryToCompute : ITransformPass
+    {
+        public static bool IsEnabled(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ShaderStage stage, TargetLanguage targetLanguage, FeatureFlags usedFeatures)
+        {
+            return usedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.VtgAsCompute);
+        }
+        public static LinkedListNode<INode> RunPass(TransformContext context, LinkedListNode<INode> node)
+        {
+            if (context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Geometry)
+            {
+                return node;
+            }
+            Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value;
+            LinkedListNode<INode> newNode = node;
+            switch (operation.Inst)
+            {
+                case Instruction.EmitVertex:
+                    newNode = GenerateEmitVertex(context.Definitions, context.ResourceManager, node);
+                    break;
+                case Instruction.EndPrimitive:
+                    newNode = GenerateEndPrimitive(context.Definitions, context.ResourceManager, node);
+                    break;
+                case Instruction.Load:
+                    if (operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Input)
+                    {
+                        IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value;
+                        if (TryGetOffset(context.ResourceManager, operation, StorageKind.Input, out int inputOffset))
+                        {
+                            Operand primVertex = ioVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined
+                                ? operation.GetSource(2)
+                                : operation.GetSource(1);
+                            Operand vertexElemOffset = GenerateVertexOffset(context.ResourceManager, node, inputOffset, primVertex);
+                            newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                                Instruction.Load,
+                                StorageKind.StorageBuffer,
+                                operation.Dest,
+                                new[] { Const(context.ResourceManager.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding), Const(0), vertexElemOffset }));
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            switch (ioVariable)
+                            {
+                                case IoVariable.InvocationId:
+                                    newNode = GenerateInvocationId(node, operation.Dest);
+                                    break;
+                                case IoVariable.PrimitiveId:
+                                    newNode = GeneratePrimitiveId(context.ResourceManager, node, operation.Dest);
+                                    break;
+                                case IoVariable.GlobalId:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupEqMask:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupGeMask:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupGtMask:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupLaneId:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupLeMask:
+                                case IoVariable.SubgroupLtMask:
+                                    // Those are valid or expected for geometry shaders.
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid input \"{ioVariable}\".");
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output)
+                    {
+                        if (TryGetOffset(context.ResourceManager, operation, StorageKind.Output, out int outputOffset))
+                        {
+                            newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                                Instruction.Load,
+                                StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                                operation.Dest,
+                                new[] { Const(context.ResourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId), Const(outputOffset) }));
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid output \"{(IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value}\".");
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case Instruction.Store:
+                    if (operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output)
+                    {
+                        if (TryGetOffset(context.ResourceManager, operation, StorageKind.Output, out int outputOffset))
+                        {
+                            Operand value = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - 1);
+                            newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                                Instruction.Store,
+                                StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                                (Operand)null,
+                                new[] { Const(context.ResourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId), Const(outputOffset), value }));
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid output \"{(IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value}\".");
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+            if (newNode != node)
+            {
+                Utils.DeleteNode(node, operation);
+            }
+            return newNode;
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateEmitVertex(ShaderDefinitions definitions, ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node)
+        {
+            int vbOutputBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            int ibOutputBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            int stride = resourceManager.Reservations.OutputSizePerInvocation;
+            Operand outputPrimVertex = IncrementLocalMemory(node, resourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId);
+            Operand baseVertexOffset = GenerateBaseOffset(
+                resourceManager,
+                node,
+                definitions.MaxOutputVertices * definitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
+                definitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive);
+            Operand outputBaseVertex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, outputBaseVertex, new[] { baseVertexOffset, outputPrimVertex }));
+            Operand outputPrimIndex = IncrementLocalMemory(node, resourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId);
+            Operand baseIndexOffset = GenerateBaseOffset(
+                resourceManager,
+                node,
+                definitions.GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStride(),
+                definitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive);
+            Operand outputBaseIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, outputBaseIndex, new[] { baseIndexOffset, outputPrimIndex }));
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Store,
+                StorageKind.StorageBuffer,
+                null,
+                new[] { Const(ibOutputBinding), Const(0), outputBaseIndex, outputBaseVertex }));
+            Operand baseOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, baseOffset, new[] { outputBaseVertex, Const(stride) }));
+            LinkedListNode<INode> newNode = node;
+            for (int offset = 0; offset < stride; offset++)
+            {
+                Operand vertexOffset;
+                if (offset > 0)
+                {
+                    vertexOffset = Local();
+                    node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, vertexOffset, new[] { baseOffset, Const(offset) }));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    vertexOffset = baseOffset;
+                }
+                Operand value = Local();
+                node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                    Instruction.Load,
+                    StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                    value,
+                    new[] { Const(resourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId), Const(offset) }));
+                newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                    Instruction.Store,
+                    StorageKind.StorageBuffer,
+                    null,
+                    new[] { Const(vbOutputBinding), Const(0), vertexOffset, value }));
+            }
+            return newNode;
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateEndPrimitive(ShaderDefinitions definitions, ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node)
+        {
+            int ibOutputBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            Operand outputPrimIndex = IncrementLocalMemory(node, resourceManager.LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId);
+            Operand baseIndexOffset = GenerateBaseOffset(
+                resourceManager,
+                node,
+                definitions.GetGeometryOutputIndexBufferStride(),
+                definitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive);
+            Operand outputBaseIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, outputBaseIndex, new[] { baseIndexOffset, outputPrimIndex }));
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Store,
+                StorageKind.StorageBuffer,
+                null,
+                new[] { Const(ibOutputBinding), Const(0), outputBaseIndex, Const(-1) }));
+        }
+        private static Operand GenerateBaseOffset(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, int stride, int threadsPerInputPrimitive)
+        {
+            Operand primitiveId = Local();
+            GeneratePrimitiveId(resourceManager, node, primitiveId);
+            Operand baseOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, baseOffset, new[] { primitiveId, Const(stride) }));
+            Operand invocationId = Local();
+            GenerateInvocationId(node, invocationId);
+            Operand invocationOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, invocationOffset, new[] { invocationId, Const(stride / threadsPerInputPrimitive) }));
+            Operand combinedOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, combinedOffset, new[] { baseOffset, invocationOffset }));
+            return combinedOffset;
+        }
+        private static Operand IncrementLocalMemory(LinkedListNode<INode> node, int memoryId)
+        {
+            Operand oldValue = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                oldValue,
+                new[] { Const(memoryId) }));
+            Operand newValue = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, newValue, new[] { oldValue, Const(1) }));
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Store, StorageKind.LocalMemory, null, new[] { Const(memoryId), newValue }));
+            return oldValue;
+        }
+        private static Operand GenerateVertexOffset(
+            ResourceManager resourceManager,
+            LinkedListNode<INode> node,
+            int elementOffset,
+            Operand primVertex)
+        {
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            Operand vertexCount = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                vertexCount,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(0) }));
+            Operand primInputVertex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                primInputVertex,
+                new[] { Const(resourceManager.LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId), primVertex }));
+            Operand instanceIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.Input,
+                instanceIndex,
+                new[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(1) }));
+            Operand baseVertex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, baseVertex, new[] { instanceIndex, vertexCount }));
+            Operand vertexIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, vertexIndex, new[] { baseVertex, primInputVertex }));
+            Operand vertexBaseOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Multiply,
+                vertexBaseOffset,
+                new[] { vertexIndex, Const(resourceManager.Reservations.InputSizePerInvocation) }));
+            Operand vertexElemOffset;
+            if (elementOffset != 0)
+            {
+                vertexElemOffset = Local();
+                node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, vertexElemOffset, new[] { vertexBaseOffset, Const(elementOffset) }));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                vertexElemOffset = vertexBaseOffset;
+            }
+            return vertexElemOffset;
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GeneratePrimitiveId(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            Operand vertexCount = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                vertexCount,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(0) }));
+            Operand vertexIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.Input,
+                vertexIndex,
+                new[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(0) }));
+            Operand instanceIndex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.Input,
+                instanceIndex,
+                new[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(1) }));
+            Operand baseVertex = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, baseVertex, new[] { instanceIndex, vertexCount }));
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, dest, new[] { baseVertex, vertexIndex }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateInvocationId(LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.Input,
+                dest,
+                new[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(2) }));
+        }
+        private static bool TryGetOffset(ResourceManager resourceManager, Operation operation, StorageKind storageKind, out int outputOffset)
+        {
+            bool isStore = operation.Inst == Instruction.Store;
+            IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value;
+            bool isValidOutput;
+            if (ioVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined)
+            {
+                int lastIndex = operation.SourcesCount - (isStore ? 2 : 1);
+                int location = operation.GetSource(1).Value;
+                int component = operation.GetSource(lastIndex).Value;
+                isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(storageKind, location, component, out outputOffset);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (ResourceReservations.IsVectorOrArrayVariable(ioVariable))
+                {
+                    int component = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - (isStore ? 2 : 1)).Value;
+                    isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(storageKind, ioVariable, component, out outputOffset);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(storageKind, ioVariable, out outputOffset);
+                }
+            }
+            return isValidOutput;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TexturePass.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TexturePass.cs
index 5ceed4b7..2479d85f 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TexturePass.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TexturePass.cs
@@ -153,15 +153,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms
             bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0;
-            if (isBindless)
+            if (isBindless || !resourceManager.TryGetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(texOp.Binding, out int cbufSlot, out int handle))
                 return node;
             bool intCoords = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.IntCoords) != 0;
-            (int cbufSlot, int handle) = resourceManager.GetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(texOp.Binding);
             bool isCoordNormalized = gpuAccessor.QueryTextureCoordNormalized(handle, cbufSlot);
             if (isCoordNormalized || intCoords)
@@ -607,13 +605,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms
             // We can't query the format of a bindless texture,
             // because the handle is unknown, it can have any format.
-            if (texOp.Flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.Bindless))
+            if (texOp.Flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.Bindless) || !resourceManager.TryGetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(texOp.Binding, out int cbufSlot, out int handle))
                 return node;
-            (int cbufSlot, int handle) = resourceManager.GetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(texOp.Binding);
             TextureFormat format = gpuAccessor.QueryTextureFormat(handle, cbufSlot);
             int maxPositive = format switch
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TransformPasses.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TransformPasses.cs
index 29393880..7ff3b8bf 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TransformPasses.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/TransformPasses.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms
+            RunPass<VertexToCompute>(context);
+            RunPass<GeometryToCompute>(context);
         private static void RunPass<T>(TransformContext context) where T : ITransformPass
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/VertexToCompute.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/VertexToCompute.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d71ada86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Transforms/VertexToCompute.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms
+    class VertexToCompute : ITransformPass
+    {
+        public static bool IsEnabled(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ShaderStage stage, TargetLanguage targetLanguage, FeatureFlags usedFeatures)
+        {
+            return usedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.VtgAsCompute);
+        }
+        public static LinkedListNode<INode> RunPass(TransformContext context, LinkedListNode<INode> node)
+        {
+            if (context.Definitions.Stage != ShaderStage.Vertex)
+            {
+                return node;
+            }
+            Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value;
+            LinkedListNode<INode> newNode = node;
+            if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Load && operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Input)
+            {
+                Operand dest = operation.Dest;
+                switch ((IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value)
+                {
+                    case IoVariable.BaseInstance:
+                        newNode = GenerateBaseInstanceLoad(context.ResourceManager, node, dest);
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.BaseVertex:
+                        newNode = GenerateBaseVertexLoad(context.ResourceManager, node, dest);
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.InstanceId:
+                        newNode = GenerateInstanceIdLoad(node, dest);
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.InstanceIndex:
+                        newNode = GenerateInstanceIndexLoad(context.ResourceManager, node, dest);
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.VertexId:
+                    case IoVariable.VertexIndex:
+                        newNode = GenerateVertexIndexLoad(context.ResourceManager, node, dest);
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.UserDefined:
+                        int location = operation.GetSource(1).Value;
+                        int component = operation.GetSource(2).Value;
+                        if (context.Definitions.IsAttributePacked(location))
+                        {
+                            bool needsSextNorm = context.Definitions.IsAttributePackedRgb10A2Signed(location);
+                            Operand temp = needsSextNorm ? Local() : dest;
+                            Operand vertexElemOffset = GenerateVertexOffset(context.ResourceManager, node, location, 0);
+                            newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new TextureOperation(
+                                Instruction.TextureSample,
+                                SamplerType.TextureBuffer,
+                                TextureFormat.Unknown,
+                                TextureFlags.IntCoords,
+                                context.ResourceManager.Reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(location),
+                                1 << component,
+                                new[] { temp },
+                                new[] { vertexElemOffset }));
+                            if (needsSextNorm)
+                            {
+                                bool sint = context.Definitions.IsAttributeSint(location);
+                                CopySignExtendedNormalized(node, component == 3 ? 2 : 10, !sint, dest, temp);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            Operand temp = component > 0 ? Local() : dest;
+                            Operand vertexElemOffset = GenerateVertexOffset(context.ResourceManager, node, location, component);
+                            newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new TextureOperation(
+                                Instruction.TextureSample,
+                                SamplerType.TextureBuffer,
+                                TextureFormat.Unknown,
+                                TextureFlags.IntCoords,
+                                context.ResourceManager.Reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(location),
+                                1,
+                                new[] { temp },
+                                new[] { vertexElemOffset }));
+                            if (component > 0)
+                            {
+                                newNode = CopyMasked(context.ResourceManager, newNode, location, component, dest, temp);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case IoVariable.GlobalId:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupEqMask:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupGeMask:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupGtMask:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupLaneId:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupLeMask:
+                    case IoVariable.SubgroupLtMask:
+                        // Those are valid or expected for vertex shaders.
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid input \"{(IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value}\".");
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Load && operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output)
+            {
+                if (TryGetOutputOffset(context.ResourceManager, operation, out int outputOffset))
+                {
+                    newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                        Instruction.Load,
+                        StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                        operation.Dest,
+                        new[] { Const(context.ResourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId), Const(outputOffset) }));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid output \"{(IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value}\".");
+                }
+            }
+            else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Store && operation.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output)
+            {
+                if (TryGetOutputOffset(context.ResourceManager, operation, out int outputOffset))
+                {
+                    Operand value = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - 1);
+                    newNode = node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                        Instruction.Store,
+                        StorageKind.LocalMemory,
+                        (Operand)null,
+                        new[] { Const(context.ResourceManager.LocalVertexDataMemoryId), Const(outputOffset), value }));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    context.GpuAccessor.Log($"Invalid output \"{(IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value}\".");
+                }
+            }
+            if (newNode != node)
+            {
+                Utils.DeleteNode(node, operation);
+            }
+            return newNode;
+        }
+        private static Operand GenerateVertexOffset(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, int location, int component)
+        {
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            Operand vertexIdVr = Local();
+            GenerateVertexIdVertexRateLoad(resourceManager, node, vertexIdVr);
+            Operand vertexIdIr = Local();
+            GenerateVertexIdInstanceRateLoad(resourceManager, node, vertexIdIr);
+            Operand attributeOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                attributeOffset,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexOffsets), Const(location), Const(0) }));
+            Operand isInstanceRate = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                isInstanceRate,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexOffsets), Const(location), Const(1) }));
+            Operand vertexId = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.ConditionalSelect,
+                vertexId,
+                new[] { isInstanceRate, vertexIdIr, vertexIdVr }));
+            Operand vertexStride = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                vertexStride,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexStrides), Const(location), Const(0) }));
+            Operand vertexBaseOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Multiply, vertexBaseOffset, new[] { vertexId, vertexStride }));
+            Operand vertexOffset = Local();
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, vertexOffset, new[] { attributeOffset, vertexBaseOffset }));
+            Operand vertexElemOffset;
+            if (component != 0)
+            {
+                vertexElemOffset = Local();
+                node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, vertexElemOffset, new[] { vertexOffset, Const(component) }));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                vertexElemOffset = vertexOffset;
+            }
+            return vertexElemOffset;
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> CopySignExtendedNormalized(LinkedListNode<INode> node, int bits, bool normalize, Operand dest, Operand src)
+        {
+            Operand leftShifted = Local();
+            node = node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.ShiftLeft,
+                leftShifted,
+                new[] { src, Const(32 - bits) }));
+            Operand rightShifted = normalize ? Local() : dest;
+            node = node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.ShiftRightS32,
+                rightShifted,
+                new[] { leftShifted, Const(32 - bits) }));
+            if (normalize)
+            {
+                Operand asFloat = Local();
+                node = node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(Instruction.ConvertS32ToFP32, asFloat, new[] { rightShifted }));
+                node = node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(
+                    Instruction.FP32 | Instruction.Multiply,
+                    dest,
+                    new[] { asFloat, ConstF(1f / (1 << (bits - 1))) }));
+            }
+            return node;
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> CopyMasked(
+            ResourceManager resourceManager,
+            LinkedListNode<INode> node,
+            int location,
+            int component,
+            Operand dest,
+            Operand src)
+        {
+            Operand componentExists = Local();
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            node = node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                componentExists,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexStrides), Const(location), Const(component) }));
+            return node.List.AddAfter(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.ConditionalSelect,
+                dest,
+                new[] { componentExists, src, ConstF(component == 3 ? 1f : 0f) }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateBaseVertexLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                dest,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(2) }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateBaseInstanceLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.ConstantBuffer,
+                dest,
+                new[] { Const(vertexInfoCbBinding), Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(3) }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateVertexIndexLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            Operand baseVertex = Local();
+            Operand vertexId = Local();
+            GenerateBaseVertexLoad(resourceManager, node, baseVertex);
+            GenerateVertexIdVertexRateLoad(resourceManager, node, vertexId);
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, dest, new[] { baseVertex, vertexId }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateInstanceIndexLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            Operand baseInstance = Local();
+            Operand instanceId = Local();
+            GenerateBaseInstanceLoad(resourceManager, node, baseInstance);
+            node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(
+                Instruction.Load,
+                StorageKind.Input,
+                instanceId,
+                new[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(1) }));
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Add, dest, new[] { baseInstance, instanceId }));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateVertexIdVertexRateLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            Operand[] sources = new Operand[] { Const(resourceManager.LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId) };
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Load, StorageKind.LocalMemory, dest, sources));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateVertexIdInstanceRateLoad(ResourceManager resourceManager, LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            Operand[] sources = new Operand[] { Const(resourceManager.LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId) };
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Load, StorageKind.LocalMemory, dest, sources));
+        }
+        private static LinkedListNode<INode> GenerateInstanceIdLoad(LinkedListNode<INode> node, Operand dest)
+        {
+            Operand[] sources = new Operand[] { Const((int)IoVariable.GlobalId), Const(1) };
+            return node.List.AddBefore(node, new Operation(Instruction.Load, StorageKind.Input, dest, sources));
+        }
+        private static bool TryGetOutputOffset(ResourceManager resourceManager, Operation operation, out int outputOffset)
+        {
+            bool isStore = operation.Inst == Instruction.Store;
+            IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)operation.GetSource(0).Value;
+            bool isValidOutput;
+            if (ioVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined)
+            {
+                int lastIndex = operation.SourcesCount - (isStore ? 2 : 1);
+                int location = operation.GetSource(1).Value;
+                int component = operation.GetSource(lastIndex).Value;
+                isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(StorageKind.Output, location, component, out outputOffset);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (ResourceReservations.IsVectorOrArrayVariable(ioVariable))
+                {
+                    int component = operation.GetSource(operation.SourcesCount - (isStore ? 2 : 1)).Value;
+                    isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(StorageKind.Output, ioVariable, component, out outputOffset);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    isValidOutput = resourceManager.Reservations.TryGetOffset(StorageKind.Output, ioVariable, out outputOffset);
+                }
+            }
+            return isValidOutput;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Translator.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Translator.cs
index 93a70ace..6a31ea2e 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Translator.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/Translator.cs
@@ -77,12 +77,32 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         private static ShaderDefinitions CreateGraphicsDefinitions(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ShaderHeader header)
+        {
+            TransformFeedbackOutput[] transformFeedbackOutputs = GetTransformFeedbackOutputs(gpuAccessor, out ulong transformFeedbackVecMap);
+            return new ShaderDefinitions(
+                header.Stage,
+                gpuAccessor.QueryGraphicsState(),
+                header.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && header.GpPassthrough,
+                header.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
+                header.OutputTopology,
+                header.MaxOutputVertexCount,
+                header.ImapTypes,
+                header.OmapTargets,
+                header.OmapSampleMask,
+                header.OmapDepth,
+                gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsScaledVertexFormats(),
+                transformFeedbackVecMap,
+                transformFeedbackOutputs);
+        }
+        internal static TransformFeedbackOutput[] GetTransformFeedbackOutputs(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, out ulong transformFeedbackVecMap)
             bool transformFeedbackEnabled =
                 gpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled() &&
             TransformFeedbackOutput[] transformFeedbackOutputs = null;
-            ulong transformFeedbackVecMap = 0UL;
+            transformFeedbackVecMap = 0UL;
             if (transformFeedbackEnabled)
@@ -105,21 +125,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-            return new ShaderDefinitions(
-                header.Stage,
-                gpuAccessor.QueryGraphicsState(),
-                header.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && header.GpPassthrough,
-                header.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
-                header.OutputTopology,
-                header.MaxOutputVertexCount,
-                header.ImapTypes,
-                header.OmapTargets,
-                header.OmapSampleMask,
-                header.OmapDepth,
-                gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsScaledVertexFormats(),
-                transformFeedbackEnabled,
-                transformFeedbackVecMap,
-                transformFeedbackOutputs);
+            return transformFeedbackOutputs;
         private static int GetLocalMemorySize(ShaderHeader header)
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             TranslatorContext translatorContext,
             ResourceManager resourceManager,
             DecodedProgram program,
+            bool vertexAsCompute,
             bool initializeOutputs,
             out int initializationOperations)
@@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             for (int index = 0; index < functions.Length; index++)
-                EmitterContext context = new(translatorContext, resourceManager, program, index != 0);
+                EmitterContext context = new(translatorContext, resourceManager, program, vertexAsCompute, index != 0);
                 if (initializeOutputs && index == 0)
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TranslatorContext.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TranslatorContext.cs
index 39ce92c9..f1226ae6 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TranslatorContext.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/TranslatorContext.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations;
 using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Transforms;
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
 using System.Numerics;
 using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;
 using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Translator;
@@ -19,14 +18,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         private readonly DecodedProgram _program;
         private readonly int _localMemorySize;
+        private IoUsage _vertexOutput;
         public ulong Address { get; }
         public int Size { get; }
         public int Cb1DataSize => _program.Cb1DataSize;
-        internal bool HasLayerInputAttribute { get; private set; }
-        internal int GpLayerInputAttribute { get; private set; }
         internal AttributeUsage AttributeUsage => _program.AttributeUsage;
         internal ShaderDefinitions Definitions { get; }
@@ -37,7 +34,8 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
         internal TranslationOptions Options { get; }
-        internal FeatureFlags UsedFeatures { get; private set; }
+        private bool IsTransformFeedbackEmulated => !GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsTransformFeedback() && GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled();
+        public bool HasStore => _program.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.Store) || (IsTransformFeedbackEmulated && Definitions.LastInVertexPipeline);
         public bool LayerOutputWritten { get; private set; }
         public int LayerOutputAttribute { get; private set; }
@@ -55,10 +53,10 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             Size = size;
             _program = program;
             _localMemorySize = localMemorySize;
+            _vertexOutput = new IoUsage(FeatureFlags.None, 0, -1);
             Definitions = definitions;
             GpuAccessor = gpuAccessor;
             Options = options;
-            UsedFeatures = program.UsedFeatures;
         private static bool IsLoadUserDefined(Operation operation)
@@ -171,13 +169,6 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
             LayerOutputAttribute = attr;
-        public void SetGeometryShaderLayerInputAttribute(int attr)
-        {
-            UsedFeatures |= FeatureFlags.RtLayer;
-            HasLayerInputAttribute = true;
-            GpLayerInputAttribute = attr;
-        }
         public void SetLastInVertexPipeline()
             Definitions.LastInVertexPipeline = true;
@@ -187,7 +178,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-                nextStage.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.FixedFuncAttr),
+                nextStage._program.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.FixedFuncAttr),
             // We don't consider geometry shaders using the geometry shader passthrough feature
@@ -200,9 +191,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-        public ShaderProgram Translate()
+        public ShaderProgram Translate(bool asCompute = false)
-            ResourceManager resourceManager = CreateResourceManager();
+            ResourceManager resourceManager = CreateResourceManager(asCompute);
             bool usesLocalMemory = _program.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.LocalMemory);
@@ -215,36 +206,42 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                 resourceManager.SetCurrentSharedMemory(GpuAccessor.QueryComputeSharedMemorySize(), usesSharedMemory);
-            FunctionCode[] code = EmitShader(this, resourceManager, _program, initializeOutputs: true, out _);
+            FunctionCode[] code = EmitShader(this, resourceManager, _program, asCompute, initializeOutputs: true, out _);
-            return Translate(code, resourceManager, UsedFeatures, _program.ClipDistancesWritten);
+            return Translate(code, resourceManager, _program.UsedFeatures, _program.ClipDistancesWritten, asCompute);
-        public ShaderProgram Translate(TranslatorContext other)
+        public ShaderProgram Translate(TranslatorContext other, bool asCompute = false)
-            ResourceManager resourceManager = CreateResourceManager();
+            ResourceManager resourceManager = CreateResourceManager(asCompute);
             bool usesLocalMemory = _program.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.LocalMemory);
             resourceManager.SetCurrentLocalMemory(_localMemorySize, usesLocalMemory);
-            FunctionCode[] code = EmitShader(this, resourceManager, _program, initializeOutputs: false, out _);
+            FunctionCode[] code = EmitShader(this, resourceManager, _program, asCompute, initializeOutputs: false, out _);
             bool otherUsesLocalMemory = other._program.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.LocalMemory);
             resourceManager.SetCurrentLocalMemory(other._localMemorySize, otherUsesLocalMemory);
-            FunctionCode[] otherCode = EmitShader(other, resourceManager, other._program, initializeOutputs: true, out int aStart);
+            FunctionCode[] otherCode = EmitShader(other, resourceManager, other._program, asCompute, initializeOutputs: true, out int aStart);
             code = Combine(otherCode, code, aStart);
             return Translate(
-                UsedFeatures | other.UsedFeatures,
-                (byte)(_program.ClipDistancesWritten | other._program.ClipDistancesWritten));
+                _program.UsedFeatures | other._program.UsedFeatures,
+                (byte)(_program.ClipDistancesWritten | other._program.ClipDistancesWritten),
+                asCompute);
-        private ShaderProgram Translate(FunctionCode[] functions, ResourceManager resourceManager, FeatureFlags usedFeatures, byte clipDistancesWritten)
+        private ShaderProgram Translate(FunctionCode[] functions, ResourceManager resourceManager, FeatureFlags usedFeatures, byte clipDistancesWritten, bool asCompute)
+            if (asCompute)
+            {
+                usedFeatures |= FeatureFlags.VtgAsCompute;
+            }
             var cfgs = new ControlFlowGraph[functions.Length];
             var frus = new RegisterUsage.FunctionRegisterUsage[functions.Length];
@@ -294,6 +291,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                     TransformContext context = new(
+                        Definitions,
@@ -307,28 +305,24 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
                 funcs[i] = new Function(cfg.Blocks, $"fun{i}", false, inArgumentsCount, outArgumentsCount);
-            var identification = ShaderIdentifier.Identify(funcs, GpuAccessor, Definitions.Stage, Definitions.InputTopology, out int layerInputAttr);
             return Generate(
+                GetDefinitions(asCompute),
-                clipDistancesWritten,
-                identification,
-                layerInputAttr);
+                clipDistancesWritten);
         private ShaderProgram Generate(
             IReadOnlyList<Function> funcs,
             AttributeUsage attributeUsage,
             ShaderDefinitions definitions,
+            ShaderDefinitions originalDefinitions,
             ResourceManager resourceManager,
             FeatureFlags usedFeatures,
-            byte clipDistancesWritten,
-            ShaderIdentification identification = ShaderIdentification.None,
-            int layerInputAttr = 0)
+            byte clipDistancesWritten)
             var sInfo = StructuredProgram.MakeStructuredProgram(
@@ -337,20 +331,28 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+            int geometryVerticesPerPrimitive = Definitions.OutputTopology switch
+            {
+                OutputTopology.LineStrip => 2,
+                OutputTopology.TriangleStrip => 3,
+                _ => 1
+            };
             var info = new ShaderProgramInfo(
-                identification,
-                layerInputAttr,
-                definitions.Stage,
+                originalDefinitions.Stage,
+                geometryVerticesPerPrimitive,
+                originalDefinitions.MaxOutputVertices,
+                originalDefinitions.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive,
-                definitions.OmapTargets);
+                originalDefinitions.OmapTargets);
             var hostCapabilities = new HostCapabilities(
@@ -372,37 +374,203 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-        private ResourceManager CreateResourceManager()
+        private ResourceManager CreateResourceManager(bool vertexAsCompute)
-            ResourceManager resourceManager = new(Definitions.Stage, GpuAccessor);
+            ResourceManager resourceManager = new(Definitions.Stage, GpuAccessor, GetResourceReservations());
-            if (!GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsTransformFeedback() && GpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled())
+            if (IsTransformFeedbackEmulated)
-                StructureType tfeInfoStruct = new(new StructureField[]
-                {
-                    new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "base_offset", 4),
-                    new StructureField(AggregateType.U32, "vertex_count")
-                });
-                BufferDefinition tfeInfoBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, Constants.TfeInfoBinding, "tfe_info", tfeInfoStruct);
-                resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(tfeInfoBuffer);
                 StructureType tfeDataStruct = new(new StructureField[]
                     new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "data", 0)
-                for (int i = 0; i < Constants.TfeBuffersCount; i++)
+                for (int i = 0; i < ResourceReservations.TfeBuffersCount; i++)
-                    int binding = Constants.TfeBufferBaseBinding + i;
+                    int binding = resourceManager.Reservations.GetTfeBufferStorageBufferBinding(i);
                     BufferDefinition tfeDataBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, binding, $"tfe_data{i}", tfeDataStruct);
+            if (vertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                int vertexInfoCbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+                BufferDefinition vertexInfoBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std140, 0, vertexInfoCbBinding, "vb_info", VertexInfoBuffer.GetStructureType());
+                resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateConstantBuffer(vertexInfoBuffer);
+                StructureType vertexOutputStruct = new(new StructureField[]
+                {
+                    new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, "data", 0)
+                });
+                int vertexOutputSbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+                BufferDefinition vertexOutputBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, vertexOutputSbBinding, "vertex_output", vertexOutputStruct);
+                resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(vertexOutputBuffer);
+                if (Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+                {
+                    int ibBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.IndexBufferTextureBinding;
+                    TextureDefinition indexBuffer = new(2, ibBinding, "ib_data", SamplerType.TextureBuffer, TextureFormat.Unknown, TextureUsageFlags.None);
+                    resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateTexture(indexBuffer);
+                    int inputMap = _program.AttributeUsage.UsedInputAttributes;
+                    while (inputMap != 0)
+                    {
+                        int location = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(inputMap);
+                        int binding = resourceManager.Reservations.GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(location);
+                        TextureDefinition vaBuffer = new(2, binding, $"vb_data{location}", SamplerType.TextureBuffer, TextureFormat.Unknown, TextureUsageFlags.None);
+                        resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateTexture(vaBuffer);
+                        inputMap &= ~(1 << location);
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
+                {
+                    int trbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding;
+                    TextureDefinition remapBuffer = new(2, trbBinding, "trb_data", SamplerType.TextureBuffer, TextureFormat.Unknown, TextureUsageFlags.None);
+                    resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateTexture(remapBuffer);
+                    int geometryVbOutputSbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+                    BufferDefinition geometryVbOutputBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, geometryVbOutputSbBinding, "geometry_vb_output", vertexOutputStruct);
+                    resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(geometryVbOutputBuffer);
+                    StructureType geometryIbOutputStruct = new(new StructureField[]
+                    {
+                        new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "data", 0)
+                    });
+                    int geometryIbOutputSbBinding = resourceManager.Reservations.GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+                    BufferDefinition geometryIbOutputBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, geometryIbOutputSbBinding, "geometry_ib_output", geometryIbOutputStruct);
+                    resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(geometryIbOutputBuffer);
+                }
+                resourceManager.SetVertexAsComputeLocalMemories(Definitions.Stage, Definitions.InputTopology);
+            }
             return resourceManager;
+        private ShaderDefinitions GetDefinitions(bool vertexAsCompute)
+        {
+            if (vertexAsCompute)
+            {
+                return new ShaderDefinitions(ShaderStage.Compute, 32, 32, 1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return Definitions;
+            }
+        }
+        public ResourceReservations GetResourceReservations()
+        {
+            IoUsage ioUsage = _program.GetIoUsage();
+            if (Definitions.GpPassthrough)
+            {
+                ioUsage = ioUsage.Combine(_vertexOutput);
+            }
+            return new ResourceReservations(GpuAccessor, IsTransformFeedbackEmulated, vertexAsCompute: true, _vertexOutput, ioUsage);
+        }
+        public void SetVertexOutputMapForGeometryAsCompute(TranslatorContext vertexContext)
+        {
+            _vertexOutput = vertexContext._program.GetIoUsage();
+        }
+        public ShaderProgram GenerateVertexPassthroughForCompute()
+        {
+            var attributeUsage = new AttributeUsage(GpuAccessor);
+            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager(ShaderStage.Vertex, GpuAccessor);
+            var reservations = GetResourceReservations();
+            int vertexInfoCbBinding = reservations.VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding;
+            if (Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+            {
+                BufferDefinition vertexInfoBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std140, 0, vertexInfoCbBinding, "vb_info", VertexInfoBuffer.GetStructureType());
+                resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateConstantBuffer(vertexInfoBuffer);
+            }
+            StructureType vertexInputStruct = new(new StructureField[]
+            {
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, "data", 0)
+            });
+            int vertexDataSbBinding = reservations.VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding;
+            BufferDefinition vertexOutputBuffer = new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, vertexDataSbBinding, "vb_input", vertexInputStruct);
+            resourceManager.Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(vertexOutputBuffer);
+            var context = new EmitterContext();
+            Operand vertexIndex = Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.OpenGL
+                ? context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.VertexId)
+                : context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.VertexIndex);
+            if (Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+            {
+                Operand vertexCount = context.Load(StorageKind.ConstantBuffer, vertexInfoCbBinding, Const((int)VertexInfoBufferField.VertexCounts), Const(0));
+                // Base instance will be always zero when this shader is used, so which one we use here doesn't really matter.
+                Operand instanceId = Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.OpenGL
+                    ? context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.InstanceId)
+                    : context.Load(StorageKind.Input, IoVariable.InstanceIndex);
+                vertexIndex = context.IAdd(context.IMultiply(instanceId, vertexCount), vertexIndex);
+            }
+            Operand baseOffset = context.IMultiply(vertexIndex, Const(reservations.OutputSizePerInvocation));
+            foreach ((IoDefinition ioDefinition, int inputOffset) in reservations.Offsets)
+            {
+                if (ioDefinition.StorageKind != StorageKind.Output)
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                Operand vertexOffset = inputOffset != 0 ? context.IAdd(baseOffset, Const(inputOffset)) : baseOffset;
+                Operand value = context.Load(StorageKind.StorageBuffer, vertexDataSbBinding, Const(0), vertexOffset);
+                if (ioDefinition.IoVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined)
+                {
+                    context.Store(StorageKind.Output, ioDefinition.IoVariable, null, Const(ioDefinition.Location), Const(ioDefinition.Component), value);
+                    attributeUsage.SetOutputUserAttribute(ioDefinition.Location);
+                }
+                else if (ResourceReservations.IsVectorOrArrayVariable(ioDefinition.IoVariable))
+                {
+                    context.Store(StorageKind.Output, ioDefinition.IoVariable, null, Const(ioDefinition.Component), value);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    context.Store(StorageKind.Output, ioDefinition.IoVariable, null, value);
+                }
+            }
+            var operations = context.GetOperations();
+            var cfg = ControlFlowGraph.Create(operations);
+            var function = new Function(cfg.Blocks, "main", false, 0, 0);
+            var transformFeedbackOutputs = GetTransformFeedbackOutputs(GpuAccessor, out ulong transformFeedbackVecMap);
+            var definitions = new ShaderDefinitions(ShaderStage.Vertex, transformFeedbackVecMap, transformFeedbackOutputs)
+            {
+                LastInVertexPipeline = true
+            };
+            return Generate(
+                new[] { function },
+                attributeUsage,
+                definitions,
+                definitions,
+                resourceManager,
+                FeatureFlags.None,
+                0);
+        }
         public ShaderProgram GenerateGeometryPassthrough()
             int outputAttributesMask = AttributeUsage.UsedOutputAttributes;
@@ -484,7 +652,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
-            return Generate(new[] { function }, attributeUsage, definitions, resourceManager, FeatureFlags.RtLayer, 0);
+            return Generate(
+                new[] { function },
+                attributeUsage,
+                definitions,
+                definitions,
+                resourceManager,
+                FeatureFlags.RtLayer,
+                0);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/VertexInfoBuffer.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/VertexInfoBuffer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..845135f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/VertexInfoBuffer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader
+    enum VertexInfoBufferField
+    {
+        // Must match the order of the fields on the struct.
+        VertexCounts,
+        GeometryCounts,
+        VertexStrides,
+        VertexOffsets,
+    }
+    public struct VertexInfoBuffer
+    {
+        public static readonly int RequiredSize;
+        public static readonly int VertexCountsOffset;
+        public static readonly int GeometryCountsOffset;
+        public static readonly int VertexStridesOffset;
+        public static readonly int VertexOffsetsOffset;
+        private static int OffsetOf<T>(ref VertexInfoBuffer storage, ref T target)
+        {
+            return (int)Unsafe.ByteOffset(ref Unsafe.As<VertexInfoBuffer, T>(ref storage), ref target);
+        }
+        static VertexInfoBuffer()
+        {
+            RequiredSize = Unsafe.SizeOf<VertexInfoBuffer>();
+            VertexInfoBuffer instance = new();
+            VertexCountsOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.VertexCounts);
+            GeometryCountsOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.GeometryCounts);
+            VertexStridesOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.VertexStrides);
+            VertexOffsetsOffset = OffsetOf(ref instance, ref instance.VertexOffsets);
+        }
+        internal static StructureType GetStructureType()
+        {
+            return new StructureType(new[]
+            {
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.U32, "vertex_counts"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.U32, "geometry_counts"),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.U32, "vertex_strides", ResourceReservations.MaxVertexBufferTextures),
+                new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.U32, "vertex_offsets", ResourceReservations.MaxVertexBufferTextures),
+            });
+        }
+        public Vector4<int> VertexCounts;
+        public Vector4<int> GeometryCounts;
+        public Array32<Vector4<int>> VertexStrides;
+        public Array32<Vector4<int>> VertexOffsets;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/VulkanRenderer.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/VulkanRenderer.cs
index 67551229..7b6b89a7 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/VulkanRenderer.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/VulkanRenderer.cs
@@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
                 supportsShaderBarrierDivergence: Vendor != Vendor.Intel,
                 supportsShaderFloat64: Capabilities.SupportsShaderFloat64,
                 supportsTextureShadowLod: false,
+                supportsVertexStoreAndAtomics: features2.Features.VertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics,
                 supportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation: featuresVk12.ShaderOutputViewportIndex,
                 supportsViewportMask: Capabilities.SupportsViewportArray2,
                 supportsViewportSwizzle: false,
@@ -618,6 +619,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
                 maximumSupportedAnisotropy: (int)limits.MaxSamplerAnisotropy,
                 shaderSubgroupSize: (int)Capabilities.SubgroupSize,
                 storageBufferOffsetAlignment: (int)limits.MinStorageBufferOffsetAlignment,
+                textureBufferOffsetAlignment: (int)limits.MinTexelBufferOffsetAlignment,
                 gatherBiasPrecision: IsIntelWindows || IsAmdWindows ? (int)Capabilities.SubTexelPrecisionBits : 0);
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.ShaderTools/Program.cs b/src/Ryujinx.ShaderTools/Program.cs
index 55ff12be..4211ab49 100644
--- a/src/Ryujinx.ShaderTools/Program.cs
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.ShaderTools/Program.cs
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.ShaderTools
             [Option("compute", Required = false, Default = false, HelpText = "Indicate that the shader is a compute shader.")]
             public bool Compute { get; set; }
+            [Option("vertex-as-compute", Required = false, Default = false, HelpText = "Indicate that the shader is a vertex shader and should be converted to compute.")]
+            public bool VertexAsCompute { get; set; }
+            [Option("vertex-passthrough", Required = false, Default = false, HelpText = "Indicate that the shader is a vertex passthrough shader for compute output.")]
+            public bool VertexPassthrough { get; set; }
             [Option("target-language", Required = false, Default = TargetLanguage.Glsl, HelpText = "Indicate the target shader language to use.")]
             public TargetLanguage TargetLanguage { get; set; }
@@ -54,8 +60,18 @@ namespace Ryujinx.ShaderTools
             byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(options.InputPath);
             TranslationOptions translationOptions = new(options.TargetLanguage, options.TargetApi, flags);
+            TranslatorContext translatorContext = Translator.CreateContext(0, new GpuAccessor(data), translationOptions);
-            ShaderProgram program = Translator.CreateContext(0, new GpuAccessor(data), translationOptions).Translate();
+            ShaderProgram program;
+            if (options.VertexPassthrough)
+            {
+                program = translatorContext.GenerateVertexPassthroughForCompute();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                program = translatorContext.Translate(options.VertexAsCompute);
+            }
             if (options.OutputPath == null)
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2