path: root/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/AmiiboWindow.Designer.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/AmiiboWindow.Designer.cs')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/AmiiboWindow.Designer.cs b/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/AmiiboWindow.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bf73318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/AmiiboWindow.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+using Gtk;
+namespace Ryujinx.UI.Windows
+ public partial class AmiiboWindow : Window
+ {
+ private Box _mainBox;
+ private ButtonBox _buttonBox;
+ private Button _scanButton;
+ private Button _cancelButton;
+ private CheckButton _randomUuidCheckBox;
+ private Box _amiiboBox;
+ private Box _amiiboHeadBox;
+ private Box _amiiboSeriesBox;
+ private Label _amiiboSeriesLabel;
+ private ComboBoxText _amiiboSeriesComboBox;
+ private Box _amiiboCharsBox;
+ private Label _amiiboCharsLabel;
+ private ComboBoxText _amiiboCharsComboBox;
+ private CheckButton _showAllCheckBox;
+ private Image _amiiboImage;
+ private Label _gameUsageLabel;
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ //
+ // AmiiboWindow
+ //
+ CanFocus = false;
+ Resizable = false;
+ Modal = true;
+ WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
+ DefaultWidth = 600;
+ DefaultHeight = 470;
+ TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Dialog;
+ //
+ // _mainBox
+ //
+ _mainBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 2);
+ //
+ // _buttonBox
+ //
+ _buttonBox = new ButtonBox(Orientation.Horizontal)
+ {
+ Margin = 20,
+ LayoutStyle = ButtonBoxStyle.End,
+ };
+ //
+ // _scanButton
+ //
+ _scanButton = new Button()
+ {
+ Label = "Scan It!",
+ CanFocus = true,
+ ReceivesDefault = true,
+ MarginStart = 10,
+ };
+ _scanButton.Clicked += ScanButton_Pressed;
+ //
+ // _randomUuidCheckBox
+ //
+ _randomUuidCheckBox = new CheckButton()
+ {
+ Label = "Hack: Use Random Tag Uuid",
+ TooltipText = "This allows multiple scans of a single Amiibo.\n(used in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)",
+ };
+ //
+ // _cancelButton
+ //
+ _cancelButton = new Button()
+ {
+ Label = "Cancel",
+ CanFocus = true,
+ ReceivesDefault = true,
+ MarginStart = 10,
+ };
+ _cancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Pressed;
+ //
+ // _amiiboBox
+ //
+ _amiiboBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);
+ //
+ // _amiiboHeadBox
+ //
+ _amiiboHeadBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0)
+ {
+ Margin = 20,
+ Hexpand = true,
+ };
+ //
+ // _amiiboSeriesBox
+ //
+ _amiiboSeriesBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0)
+ {
+ Hexpand = true,
+ };
+ //
+ // _amiiboSeriesLabel
+ //
+ _amiiboSeriesLabel = new Label("Amiibo Series:");
+ //
+ // _amiiboSeriesComboBox
+ //
+ _amiiboSeriesComboBox = new ComboBoxText();
+ //
+ // _amiiboCharsBox
+ //
+ _amiiboCharsBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0)
+ {
+ Hexpand = true,
+ };
+ //
+ // _amiiboCharsLabel
+ //
+ _amiiboCharsLabel = new Label("Character:");
+ //
+ // _amiiboCharsComboBox
+ //
+ _amiiboCharsComboBox = new ComboBoxText();
+ //
+ // _showAllCheckBox
+ //
+ _showAllCheckBox = new CheckButton()
+ {
+ Label = "Show All Amiibo",
+ };
+ //
+ // _amiiboImage
+ //
+ _amiiboImage = new Image()
+ {
+ HeightRequest = 350,
+ WidthRequest = 350,
+ };
+ //
+ // _gameUsageLabel
+ //
+ _gameUsageLabel = new Label("")
+ {
+ MarginTop = 20,
+ };
+ ShowComponent();
+ }
+ private void ShowComponent()
+ {
+ _buttonBox.Add(_showAllCheckBox);
+ _buttonBox.Add(_randomUuidCheckBox);
+ _buttonBox.Add(_scanButton);
+ _buttonBox.Add(_cancelButton);
+ _amiiboSeriesBox.Add(_amiiboSeriesLabel);
+ _amiiboSeriesBox.Add(_amiiboSeriesComboBox);
+ _amiiboCharsBox.Add(_amiiboCharsLabel);
+ _amiiboCharsBox.Add(_amiiboCharsComboBox);
+ _amiiboHeadBox.Add(_amiiboSeriesBox);
+ _amiiboHeadBox.Add(_amiiboCharsBox);
+ _amiiboBox.PackStart(_amiiboHeadBox, true, true, 0);
+ _amiiboBox.PackEnd(_gameUsageLabel, false, false, 0);
+ _amiiboBox.PackEnd(_amiiboImage, false, false, 0);
+ _mainBox.Add(_amiiboBox);
+ _mainBox.PackEnd(_buttonBox, false, false, 0);
+ Add(_mainBox);
+ ShowAll();
+ }
+ }