path: root/src/Ryujinx.Memory.Tests/MultiRegionTrackingTests.cs
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1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Memory.Tests/MultiRegionTrackingTests.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Memory.Tests/MultiRegionTrackingTests.cs
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Memory.Tests/MultiRegionTrackingTests.cs
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+using NUnit.Framework;
+using Ryujinx.Memory.Tracking;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Ryujinx.Memory.Tests
+ public class MultiRegionTrackingTests
+ {
+ private const int RndCnt = 3;
+ private const ulong MemorySize = 0x8000;
+ private const int PageSize = 4096;
+ private MemoryBlock _memoryBlock;
+ private MemoryTracking _tracking;
+ private MockVirtualMemoryManager _memoryManager;
+ [SetUp]
+ public void Setup()
+ {
+ _memoryBlock = new MemoryBlock(MemorySize);
+ _memoryManager = new MockVirtualMemoryManager(MemorySize, PageSize);
+ _tracking = new MemoryTracking(_memoryManager, PageSize);
+ }
+ [TearDown]
+ public void Teardown()
+ {
+ _memoryBlock.Dispose();
+ }
+ private IMultiRegionHandle GetGranular(bool smart, ulong address, ulong size, ulong granularity)
+ {
+ return smart ?
+ _tracking.BeginSmartGranularTracking(address, size, granularity, 0) :
+ (IMultiRegionHandle)_tracking.BeginGranularTracking(address, size, null, granularity, 0);
+ }
+ private void RandomOrder(Random random, List<int> indices, Action<int> action)
+ {
+ List<int> choices = indices.ToList();
+ while (choices.Count > 0)
+ {
+ int choice = random.Next(choices.Count);
+ action(choices[choice]);
+ choices.RemoveAt(choice);
+ }
+ }
+ private int ExpectQueryInOrder(IMultiRegionHandle handle, ulong startAddress, ulong size, Func<ulong, bool> addressPredicate)
+ {
+ int regionCount = 0;
+ ulong lastAddress = startAddress;
+ handle.QueryModified(startAddress, size, (address, range) =>
+ {
+ Assert.IsTrue(addressPredicate(address)); // Written pages must be even.
+ Assert.GreaterOrEqual(address, lastAddress); // Must be signalled in ascending order, regardless of write order.
+ lastAddress = address;
+ regionCount++;
+ });
+ return regionCount;
+ }
+ private int ExpectQueryInOrder(IMultiRegionHandle handle, ulong startAddress, ulong size, Func<ulong, bool> addressPredicate, int sequenceNumber)
+ {
+ int regionCount = 0;
+ ulong lastAddress = startAddress;
+ handle.QueryModified(startAddress, size, (address, range) =>
+ {
+ Assert.IsTrue(addressPredicate(address)); // Written pages must be even.
+ Assert.GreaterOrEqual(address, lastAddress); // Must be signalled in ascending order, regardless of write order.
+ lastAddress = address;
+ regionCount++;
+ }, sequenceNumber);
+ return regionCount;
+ }
+ private void PreparePages(IMultiRegionHandle handle, int pageCount, ulong address = 0)
+ {
+ Random random = new Random();
+ // Make sure the list has minimum granularity (smart region changes granularity based on requested ranges)
+ RandomOrder(random, Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount).ToList(), (i) =>
+ {
+ ulong resultAddress = ulong.MaxValue;
+ handle.QueryModified((ulong)i * PageSize + address, PageSize, (address, range) =>
+ {
+ resultAddress = address;
+ });
+ Assert.AreEqual(resultAddress, (ulong)i * PageSize + address);
+ });
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void DirtyRegionOrdering([Values] bool smart)
+ {
+ const int pageCount = 32;
+ IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
+ Random random = new Random();
+ PreparePages(handle, pageCount);
+ IEnumerable<int> halfRange = Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount / 2);
+ List<int> odd = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2 + 1).ToList();
+ List<int> even = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2).ToList();
+ // Write to all the odd pages.
+ RandomOrder(random, odd, (i) =>
+ {
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
+ });
+ int oddRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 1);
+ Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
+ // Write to all the even pages.
+ RandomOrder(random, even, (i) =>
+ {
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
+ });
+ int evenRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 0);
+ Assert.AreEqual(evenRegionCount, pageCount / 2);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void SequenceNumber([Values] bool smart)
+ {
+ // The sequence number can be used to ignore dirty flags, and defer their consumption until later.
+ // If a user consumes a dirty flag with sequence number 1, then there is a write to the protected region,
+ // the dirty flag will not be acknowledged until the sequence number is 2.
+ // This is useful for situations where we know that the data was complete when the sequence number was set.
+ // ...essentially, when that data can only be updated on a future sequence number.
+ const int pageCount = 32;
+ IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
+ PreparePages(handle, pageCount);
+ Random random = new Random();
+ IEnumerable<int> halfRange = Enumerable.Range(0, pageCount / 2);
+ List<int> odd = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2 + 1).ToList();
+ List<int> even = halfRange.Select(x => x * 2).ToList();
+ // Write to all the odd pages.
+ RandomOrder(random, odd, (i) =>
+ {
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent((ulong)i * PageSize, PageSize, true);
+ });
+ int oddRegionCount = 0;
+ // Track with sequence number 1. Future dirty flags should only be consumed with sequence number != 1.
+ // Only track the odd pages, so the even ones don't have their sequence number set.
+ foreach (int index in odd)
+ {
+ handle.QueryModified((ulong)index * PageSize, PageSize, (address, range) =>
+ {
+ oddRegionCount++;
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
+ // Write to all pages.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(0, PageSize * pageCount, true);
+ // Only the even regions should be reported for sequence number 1.
+ int evenRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 0, 1);
+ Assert.AreEqual(evenRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all even pages.
+ oddRegionCount = 0;
+ handle.QueryModified(0, PageSize * pageCount, (address, range) => { oddRegionCount++; }, 1);
+ Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, 0); // Sequence number has not changed, so found no dirty subregions.
+ // With sequence number 2, all all pages should be reported as modified.
+ oddRegionCount = ExpectQueryInOrder(handle, 0, PageSize * pageCount, (address) => (address / PageSize) % 2 == 1, 2);
+ Assert.AreEqual(oddRegionCount, pageCount / 2); // Must have written to all odd pages.
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void SmartRegionTracking()
+ {
+ // Smart multi region handles dynamically change their tracking granularity based on QueryMemory calls.
+ // This can save on reprotects on larger resources.
+ const int pageCount = 32;
+ IMultiRegionHandle handle = GetGranular(true, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
+ // Query some large regions to prep the subdivision of the tracking region.
+ int[] regionSizes = new int[] { 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 1 };
+ ulong address = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < regionSizes.Length; i++)
+ {
+ int region = regionSizes[i];
+ handle.QueryModified(address, (ulong)(PageSize * region), (address, size) => { });
+ // There should be a gap between regions,
+ // So that they don't combine and we can see the full effects.
+ address += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
+ }
+ // Clear modified.
+ handle.QueryModified((address, size) => { });
+ // Trigger each region with a 1 byte write.
+ address = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < regionSizes.Length; i++)
+ {
+ int region = regionSizes[i];
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(address, 1, true);
+ address += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
+ }
+ int regionInd = 0;
+ ulong expectedAddress = 0;
+ // Expect each region to trigger in its entirety, in address ascending order.
+ handle.QueryModified((address, size) => {
+ int region = regionSizes[regionInd++];
+ Assert.AreEqual(address, expectedAddress);
+ Assert.AreEqual(size, (ulong)(PageSize * region));
+ expectedAddress += (ulong)(PageSize * (region + 1));
+ });
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void DisposeMultiHandles([Values] bool smart)
+ {
+ // Create and initialize two overlapping Multi Region Handles, with PageSize granularity.
+ const int pageCount = 32;
+ const int overlapStart = 16;
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
+ IMultiRegionHandle handleLow = GetGranular(smart, 0, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
+ PreparePages(handleLow, pageCount);
+ Assert.AreEqual(pageCount, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
+ IMultiRegionHandle handleHigh = GetGranular(smart, PageSize * overlapStart, PageSize * pageCount, PageSize);
+ PreparePages(handleHigh, pageCount, PageSize * overlapStart);
+ // Combined pages (and assuming overlapStart <= pageCount) should be pageCount after overlapStart.
+ int totalPages = overlapStart + pageCount;
+ Assert.AreEqual(totalPages, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
+ handleLow.Dispose(); // After disposing one, the pages for the other remain.
+ Assert.AreEqual(pageCount, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
+ handleHigh.Dispose(); // After disposing the other, there are no pages left.
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, _tracking.GetRegionCount());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void InheritHandles()
+ {
+ // Test merging the following into a granular region handle:
+ // - 3x gap (creates new granular handles)
+ // - 3x from multiregion: not dirty, dirty and with action
+ // - 2x gap
+ // - 3x single page: not dirty, dirty and with action
+ // - 3x two page: not dirty, dirty and with action (handle is not reused, but its state is copied to the granular handles)
+ // - 1x gap
+ // For a total of 18 pages.
+ bool[] actionsTriggered = new bool[3];
+ MultiRegionHandle granular = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, null, PageSize, 0);
+ PreparePages(granular, 3, PageSize * 3);
+ // Write to the second handle in the multiregion.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 4, PageSize, true);
+ // Add an action to the third handle in the multiregion.
+ granular.RegisterAction(PageSize * 5, PageSize, (_, _) => { actionsTriggered[0] = true; });
+ RegionHandle[] singlePages = new RegionHandle[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ singlePages[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking(PageSize * (8 + (ulong)i), PageSize, 0);
+ singlePages[i].Reprotect();
+ }
+ // Write to the second handle.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 9, PageSize, true);
+ // Add an action to the third handle.
+ singlePages[2].RegisterAction((_, _) => { actionsTriggered[1] = true; });
+ RegionHandle[] doublePages = new RegionHandle[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ doublePages[i] = _tracking.BeginTracking(PageSize * (11 + (ulong)i * 2), PageSize * 2, 0);
+ doublePages[i].Reprotect();
+ }
+ // Write to the second handle.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 13, PageSize * 2, true);
+ // Add an action to the third handle.
+ doublePages[2].RegisterAction((_, _) => { actionsTriggered[2] = true; });
+ // Finally, create a granular handle that inherits all these handles.
+ IEnumerable<IRegionHandle>[] handleGroups = new IEnumerable<IRegionHandle>[]
+ {
+ granular.GetHandles(),
+ singlePages,
+ doublePages
+ };
+ MultiRegionHandle combined = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(0, PageSize * 18, handleGroups.SelectMany((handles) => handles), PageSize, 0);
+ bool[] expectedDirty = new bool[]
+ {
+ true, true, true, // Gap.
+ false, true, false, // Multi-region.
+ true, true, // Gap.
+ false, true, false, // Individual handles.
+ false, false, true, true, false, false, // Double size handles.
+ true // Gap.
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
+ {
+ bool modified = false;
+ combined.QueryModified(PageSize * (ulong)i, PageSize, (_, _) => { modified = true; });
+ Assert.AreEqual(expectedDirty[i], modified);
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(new bool[3], actionsTriggered);
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 5, PageSize, false);
+ Assert.IsTrue(actionsTriggered[0]);
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 10, PageSize, false);
+ Assert.IsTrue(actionsTriggered[1]);
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 15, PageSize, false);
+ Assert.IsTrue(actionsTriggered[2]);
+ // The double page handles should be disposed, as they were split into granular handles.
+ foreach (RegionHandle doublePage in doublePages)
+ {
+ // These should have been disposed.
+ bool throws = false;
+ try
+ {
+ doublePage.Dispose();
+ }
+ catch (ObjectDisposedException)
+ {
+ throws = true;
+ }
+ Assert.IsTrue(throws);
+ }
+ IEnumerable<IRegionHandle> combinedHandles = combined.GetHandles();
+ Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(0), combinedHandles.ElementAt(3));
+ Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(1), combinedHandles.ElementAt(4));
+ Assert.AreEqual(handleGroups[0].ElementAt(2), combinedHandles.ElementAt(5));
+ Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[0], combinedHandles.ElementAt(8));
+ Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[1], combinedHandles.ElementAt(9));
+ Assert.AreEqual(singlePages[2], combinedHandles.ElementAt(10));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void PreciseAction()
+ {
+ bool actionTriggered = false;
+ MultiRegionHandle granular = _tracking.BeginGranularTracking(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, null, PageSize, 0);
+ PreparePages(granular, 3, PageSize * 3);
+ // Add a precise action to the second and third handle in the multiregion.
+ granular.RegisterPreciseAction(PageSize * 4, PageSize * 2, (_, _, _) => { actionTriggered = true; return true; });
+ // Precise write to first handle in the multiregion.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 3, PageSize, true, precise: true);
+ Assert.IsFalse(actionTriggered); // Action not triggered.
+ bool firstPageModified = false;
+ granular.QueryModified(PageSize * 3, PageSize, (_, _) => { firstPageModified = true; });
+ Assert.IsTrue(firstPageModified); // First page is modified.
+ // Precise write to all handles in the multiregion.
+ _tracking.VirtualMemoryEvent(PageSize * 3, PageSize * 3, true, precise: true);
+ bool[] pagesModified = new bool[3];
+ for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ int index = i - 3;
+ granular.QueryModified(PageSize * (ulong)i, PageSize, (_, _) => { pagesModified[index] = true; });
+ }
+ Assert.IsTrue(actionTriggered); // Action triggered.
+ // Precise writes are ignored on two later handles due to the action returning true.
+ Assert.AreEqual(pagesModified, new bool[] { true, false, false });
+ }
+ }