path: root/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/SurfaceFlinger/SurfaceFlinger.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/SurfaceFlinger/SurfaceFlinger.cs')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/SurfaceFlinger/SurfaceFlinger.cs b/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/SurfaceFlinger/SurfaceFlinger.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7cddf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/SurfaceFlinger/SurfaceFlinger.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration;
+using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvDrvServices.NvMap;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.SurfaceFlinger
+ using ResultCode = Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Vi.ResultCode;
+ class SurfaceFlinger : IConsumerListener, IDisposable
+ {
+ private const int TargetFps = 60;
+ private Switch _device;
+ private Dictionary<long, Layer> _layers;
+ private bool _isRunning;
+ private Thread _composerThread;
+ private Stopwatch _chrono;
+ private ManualResetEvent _event = new ManualResetEvent(false);
+ private AutoResetEvent _nextFrameEvent = new AutoResetEvent(true);
+ private long _ticks;
+ private long _ticksPerFrame;
+ private long _spinTicks;
+ private long _1msTicks;
+ private int _swapInterval;
+ private int _swapIntervalDelay;
+ private readonly object Lock = new object();
+ public long RenderLayerId { get; private set; }
+ private class Layer
+ {
+ public int ProducerBinderId;
+ public IGraphicBufferProducer Producer;
+ public BufferItemConsumer Consumer;
+ public BufferQueueCore Core;
+ public ulong Owner;
+ public LayerState State;
+ }
+ private class TextureCallbackInformation
+ {
+ public Layer Layer;
+ public BufferItem Item;
+ }
+ public SurfaceFlinger(Switch device)
+ {
+ _device = device;
+ _layers = new Dictionary<long, Layer>();
+ RenderLayerId = 0;
+ _composerThread = new Thread(HandleComposition)
+ {
+ Name = "SurfaceFlinger.Composer"
+ };
+ _chrono = new Stopwatch();
+ _chrono.Start();
+ _ticks = 0;
+ _spinTicks = Stopwatch.Frequency / 500;
+ _1msTicks = Stopwatch.Frequency / 1000;
+ UpdateSwapInterval(1);
+ _composerThread.Start();
+ }
+ private void UpdateSwapInterval(int swapInterval)
+ {
+ _swapInterval = swapInterval;
+ // If the swap interval is 0, Game VSync is disabled.
+ if (_swapInterval == 0)
+ {
+ _nextFrameEvent.Set();
+ _ticksPerFrame = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ticksPerFrame = Stopwatch.Frequency / TargetFps;
+ }
+ }
+ public IGraphicBufferProducer CreateLayer(out long layerId, ulong pid, LayerState initialState = LayerState.ManagedClosed)
+ {
+ layerId = 1;
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<long, Layer> pair in _layers)
+ {
+ if (pair.Key >= layerId)
+ {
+ layerId = pair.Key + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CreateLayerFromId(pid, layerId, initialState);
+ return GetProducerByLayerId(layerId);
+ }
+ private void CreateLayerFromId(ulong pid, long layerId, LayerState initialState)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Creating layer {layerId}");
+ BufferQueueCore core = BufferQueue.CreateBufferQueue(_device, pid, out BufferQueueProducer producer, out BufferQueueConsumer consumer);
+ core.BufferQueued += () =>
+ {
+ _nextFrameEvent.Set();
+ };
+ _layers.Add(layerId, new Layer
+ {
+ ProducerBinderId = HOSBinderDriverServer.RegisterBinderObject(producer),
+ Producer = producer,
+ Consumer = new BufferItemConsumer(_device, consumer, 0, -1, false, this),
+ Core = core,
+ Owner = pid,
+ State = initialState
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ public ResultCode OpenLayer(ulong pid, long layerId, out IBinder producer)
+ {
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(layerId);
+ if (layer == null || layer.State != LayerState.ManagedClosed)
+ {
+ producer = null;
+ return ResultCode.InvalidArguments;
+ }
+ layer.State = LayerState.ManagedOpened;
+ producer = layer.Producer;
+ return ResultCode.Success;
+ }
+ public ResultCode CloseLayer(long layerId)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(layerId);
+ if (layer == null)
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Failed to close layer {layerId}");
+ return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
+ }
+ CloseLayer(layerId, layer);
+ return ResultCode.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ public ResultCode DestroyManagedLayer(long layerId)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(layerId);
+ if (layer == null)
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Failed to destroy managed layer {layerId} (not found)");
+ return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
+ }
+ if (layer.State != LayerState.ManagedClosed && layer.State != LayerState.ManagedOpened)
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Failed to destroy managed layer {layerId} (permission denied)");
+ return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
+ }
+ HOSBinderDriverServer.UnregisterBinderObject(layer.ProducerBinderId);
+ if (_layers.Remove(layerId) && layer.State == LayerState.ManagedOpened)
+ {
+ CloseLayer(layerId, layer);
+ }
+ return ResultCode.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ public ResultCode DestroyStrayLayer(long layerId)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(layerId);
+ if (layer == null)
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Failed to destroy stray layer {layerId} (not found)");
+ return ResultCode.InvalidValue;
+ }
+ if (layer.State != LayerState.Stray)
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Failed to destroy stray layer {layerId} (permission denied)");
+ return ResultCode.PermissionDenied;
+ }
+ HOSBinderDriverServer.UnregisterBinderObject(layer.ProducerBinderId);
+ if (_layers.Remove(layerId))
+ {
+ CloseLayer(layerId, layer);
+ }
+ return ResultCode.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ private void CloseLayer(long layerId, Layer layer)
+ {
+ // If the layer was removed and the current in use, we need to change the current layer in use.
+ if (RenderLayerId == layerId)
+ {
+ // If no layer is availaible, reset to default value.
+ if (_layers.Count == 0)
+ {
+ SetRenderLayer(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetRenderLayer(_layers.Last().Key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (layer.State == LayerState.ManagedOpened)
+ {
+ layer.State = LayerState.ManagedClosed;
+ }
+ }
+ public void SetRenderLayer(long layerId)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ RenderLayerId = layerId;
+ }
+ }
+ private Layer GetLayerByIdLocked(long layerId)
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<long, Layer> pair in _layers)
+ {
+ if (pair.Key == layerId)
+ {
+ return pair.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public IGraphicBufferProducer GetProducerByLayerId(long layerId)
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(layerId);
+ if (layer != null)
+ {
+ return layer.Producer;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void HandleComposition()
+ {
+ _isRunning = true;
+ long lastTicks = _chrono.ElapsedTicks;
+ while (_isRunning)
+ {
+ long ticks = _chrono.ElapsedTicks;
+ if (_swapInterval == 0)
+ {
+ Compose();
+ _device.System?.SignalVsync();
+ _nextFrameEvent.WaitOne(17);
+ lastTicks = ticks;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ticks += ticks - lastTicks;
+ lastTicks = ticks;
+ if (_ticks >= _ticksPerFrame)
+ {
+ if (_swapIntervalDelay-- == 0)
+ {
+ Compose();
+ // When a frame is presented, delay the next one by its swap interval value.
+ _swapIntervalDelay = Math.Max(0, _swapInterval - 1);
+ }
+ _device.System?.SignalVsync();
+ // Apply a maximum bound of 3 frames to the tick remainder, in case some event causes Ryujinx to pause for a long time or messes with the timer.
+ _ticks = Math.Min(_ticks - _ticksPerFrame, _ticksPerFrame * 3);
+ }
+ // Sleep if possible. If the time til the next frame is too low, spin wait instead.
+ long diff = _ticksPerFrame - (_ticks + _chrono.ElapsedTicks - ticks);
+ if (diff > 0)
+ {
+ if (diff < _spinTicks)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ // SpinWait is a little more HT/SMT friendly than aggressively updating/checking ticks.
+ // The value of 5 still gives us quite a bit of precision (~0.0003ms variance at worst) while waiting a reasonable amount of time.
+ Thread.SpinWait(5);
+ ticks = _chrono.ElapsedTicks;
+ _ticks += ticks - lastTicks;
+ lastTicks = ticks;
+ } while (_ticks < _ticksPerFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _event.WaitOne((int)(diff / _1msTicks));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void Compose()
+ {
+ lock (Lock)
+ {
+ // TODO: support multilayers (& multidisplay ?)
+ if (RenderLayerId == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Layer layer = GetLayerByIdLocked(RenderLayerId);
+ Status acquireStatus = layer.Consumer.AcquireBuffer(out BufferItem item, 0);
+ if (acquireStatus == Status.Success)
+ {
+ // If device vsync is disabled, reflect the change.
+ if (!_device.EnableDeviceVsync)
+ {
+ if (_swapInterval != 0)
+ {
+ UpdateSwapInterval(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (item.SwapInterval != _swapInterval)
+ {
+ UpdateSwapInterval(item.SwapInterval);
+ }
+ PostFrameBuffer(layer, item);
+ }
+ else if (acquireStatus != Status.NoBufferAvailaible && acquireStatus != Status.InvalidOperation)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void PostFrameBuffer(Layer layer, BufferItem item)
+ {
+ int frameBufferWidth = item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Width;
+ int frameBufferHeight = item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Height;
+ int nvMapHandle = item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].NvMapHandle;
+ if (nvMapHandle == 0)
+ {
+ nvMapHandle = item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.NvMapId;
+ }
+ ulong bufferOffset = (ulong)item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].Offset;
+ NvMapHandle map = NvMapDeviceFile.GetMapFromHandle(layer.Owner, nvMapHandle);
+ ulong frameBufferAddress = map.Address + bufferOffset;
+ Format format = ConvertColorFormat(item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].ColorFormat);
+ int bytesPerPixel =
+ format == Format.B5G6R5Unorm ||
+ format == Format.R4G4B4A4Unorm ? 2 : 4;
+ int gobBlocksInY = 1 << item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].BlockHeightLog2;
+ // Note: Rotation is being ignored.
+ Rect cropRect = item.Crop;
+ bool flipX = item.Transform.HasFlag(NativeWindowTransform.FlipX);
+ bool flipY = item.Transform.HasFlag(NativeWindowTransform.FlipY);
+ AspectRatio aspectRatio = _device.Configuration.AspectRatio;
+ bool isStretched = aspectRatio == AspectRatio.Stretched;
+ ImageCrop crop = new ImageCrop(
+ cropRect.Left,
+ cropRect.Right,
+ cropRect.Top,
+ cropRect.Bottom,
+ flipX,
+ flipY,
+ isStretched,
+ aspectRatio.ToFloatX(),
+ aspectRatio.ToFloatY());
+ TextureCallbackInformation textureCallbackInformation = new TextureCallbackInformation
+ {
+ Layer = layer,
+ Item = item
+ };
+ if (_device.Gpu.Window.EnqueueFrameThreadSafe(
+ layer.Owner,
+ frameBufferAddress,
+ frameBufferWidth,
+ frameBufferHeight,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ gobBlocksInY,
+ format,
+ bytesPerPixel,
+ crop,
+ AcquireBuffer,
+ ReleaseBuffer,
+ textureCallbackInformation))
+ {
+ if (item.Fence.FenceCount == 0)
+ {
+ _device.Gpu.Window.SignalFrameReady();
+ _device.Gpu.GPFifo.Interrupt();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item.Fence.RegisterCallback(_device.Gpu, (x) =>
+ {
+ _device.Gpu.Window.SignalFrameReady();
+ _device.Gpu.GPFifo.Interrupt();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ReleaseBuffer(textureCallbackInformation);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ReleaseBuffer(object obj)
+ {
+ ReleaseBuffer((TextureCallbackInformation)obj);
+ }
+ private void ReleaseBuffer(TextureCallbackInformation information)
+ {
+ AndroidFence fence = AndroidFence.NoFence;
+ information.Layer.Consumer.ReleaseBuffer(information.Item, ref fence);
+ }
+ private void AcquireBuffer(GpuContext ignored, object obj)
+ {
+ AcquireBuffer((TextureCallbackInformation)obj);
+ }
+ private void AcquireBuffer(TextureCallbackInformation information)
+ {
+ information.Item.Fence.WaitForever(_device.Gpu);
+ }
+ public static Format ConvertColorFormat(ColorFormat colorFormat)
+ {
+ return colorFormat switch
+ {
+ ColorFormat.A8B8G8R8 => Format.R8G8B8A8Unorm,
+ ColorFormat.X8B8G8R8 => Format.R8G8B8A8Unorm,
+ ColorFormat.R5G6B5 => Format.B5G6R5Unorm,
+ ColorFormat.A8R8G8B8 => Format.B8G8R8A8Unorm,
+ ColorFormat.A4B4G4R4 => Format.R4G4B4A4Unorm,
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Color Format \"{colorFormat}\" not implemented!"),
+ };
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ _isRunning = false;
+ foreach (Layer layer in _layers.Values)
+ {
+ layer.Core.PrepareForExit();
+ }
+ }
+ public void OnFrameAvailable(ref BufferItem item)
+ {
+ _device.Statistics.RecordGameFrameTime();
+ }
+ public void OnFrameReplaced(ref BufferItem item)
+ {
+ _device.Statistics.RecordGameFrameTime();
+ }
+ public void OnBuffersReleased() {}
+ }