path: root/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Threading/KAddressArbiter.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Threading/KAddressArbiter.cs')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Threading/KAddressArbiter.cs b/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Threading/KAddressArbiter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74867b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Threading/KAddressArbiter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Common;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process;
+using Ryujinx.Horizon.Common;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading
+ class KAddressArbiter
+ {
+ private const int HasListenersMask = 0x40000000;
+ private readonly KernelContext _context;
+ private readonly List<KThread> _condVarThreads;
+ private readonly List<KThread> _arbiterThreads;
+ public KAddressArbiter(KernelContext context)
+ {
+ _context = context;
+ _condVarThreads = new List<KThread>();
+ _arbiterThreads = new List<KThread>();
+ }
+ public Result ArbitrateLock(int ownerHandle, ulong mutexAddress, int requesterHandle)
+ {
+ KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread();
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.TerminationRequested)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.ThreadTerminating;
+ }
+ currentThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ currentThread.ObjSyncResult = Result.Success;
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernel(out int mutexValue, mutexAddress))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (mutexValue != (ownerHandle | HasListenersMask))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ KThread mutexOwner = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KThread>(ownerHandle);
+ if (mutexOwner == null)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidHandle;
+ }
+ currentThread.MutexAddress = mutexAddress;
+ currentThread.ThreadHandleForUserMutex = requesterHandle;
+ mutexOwner.AddMutexWaiter(currentThread);
+ currentThread.Reschedule(ThreadSchedState.Paused);
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.MutexOwner != null)
+ {
+ currentThread.MutexOwner.RemoveMutexWaiter(currentThread);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return currentThread.ObjSyncResult;
+ }
+ public Result ArbitrateUnlock(ulong mutexAddress)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread();
+ (int mutexValue, KThread newOwnerThread) = MutexUnlock(currentThread, mutexAddress);
+ Result result = Result.Success;
+ if (!KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(mutexAddress, mutexValue))
+ {
+ result = KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (result != Result.Success && newOwnerThread != null)
+ {
+ newOwnerThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ newOwnerThread.ObjSyncResult = result;
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return result;
+ }
+ public Result WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic(ulong mutexAddress, ulong condVarAddress, int threadHandle, long timeout)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread();
+ currentThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ currentThread.ObjSyncResult = KernelResult.TimedOut;
+ if (currentThread.TerminationRequested)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.ThreadTerminating;
+ }
+ (int mutexValue, _) = MutexUnlock(currentThread, mutexAddress);
+ KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(condVarAddress, 1);
+ if (!KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(mutexAddress, mutexValue))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ currentThread.MutexAddress = mutexAddress;
+ currentThread.ThreadHandleForUserMutex = threadHandle;
+ currentThread.CondVarAddress = condVarAddress;
+ _condVarThreads.Add(currentThread);
+ if (timeout != 0)
+ {
+ currentThread.Reschedule(ThreadSchedState.Paused);
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.ScheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread, timeout);
+ }
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.UnscheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.MutexOwner != null)
+ {
+ currentThread.MutexOwner.RemoveMutexWaiter(currentThread);
+ }
+ _condVarThreads.Remove(currentThread);
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return currentThread.ObjSyncResult;
+ }
+ private (int, KThread) MutexUnlock(KThread currentThread, ulong mutexAddress)
+ {
+ KThread newOwnerThread = currentThread.RelinquishMutex(mutexAddress, out int count);
+ int mutexValue = 0;
+ if (newOwnerThread != null)
+ {
+ mutexValue = newOwnerThread.ThreadHandleForUserMutex;
+ if (count >= 2)
+ {
+ mutexValue |= HasListenersMask;
+ }
+ newOwnerThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ newOwnerThread.ObjSyncResult = Result.Success;
+ newOwnerThread.ReleaseAndResume();
+ }
+ return (mutexValue, newOwnerThread);
+ }
+ public void SignalProcessWideKey(ulong address, int count)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ WakeThreads(_condVarThreads, count, TryAcquireMutex, x => x.CondVarAddress == address);
+ if (!_condVarThreads.Any(x => x.CondVarAddress == address))
+ {
+ KernelTransfer.KernelToUser(address, 0);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ }
+ private static void TryAcquireMutex(KThread requester)
+ {
+ ulong address = requester.MutexAddress;
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (!currentProcess.CpuMemory.IsMapped(address))
+ {
+ // Invalid address.
+ requester.SignaledObj = null;
+ requester.ObjSyncResult = KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ return;
+ }
+ ref int mutexRef = ref currentProcess.CpuMemory.GetRef<int>(address);
+ int mutexValue, newMutexValue;
+ do
+ {
+ mutexValue = mutexRef;
+ if (mutexValue != 0)
+ {
+ // Update value to indicate there is a mutex waiter now.
+ newMutexValue = mutexValue | HasListenersMask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No thread owning the mutex, assign to requesting thread.
+ newMutexValue = requester.ThreadHandleForUserMutex;
+ }
+ }
+ while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref mutexRef, newMutexValue, mutexValue) != mutexValue);
+ if (mutexValue == 0)
+ {
+ // We now own the mutex.
+ requester.SignaledObj = null;
+ requester.ObjSyncResult = Result.Success;
+ requester.ReleaseAndResume();
+ return;
+ }
+ mutexValue &= ~HasListenersMask;
+ KThread mutexOwner = currentProcess.HandleTable.GetObject<KThread>(mutexValue);
+ if (mutexOwner != null)
+ {
+ // Mutex already belongs to another thread, wait for it.
+ mutexOwner.AddMutexWaiter(requester);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Invalid mutex owner.
+ requester.SignaledObj = null;
+ requester.ObjSyncResult = KernelResult.InvalidHandle;
+ requester.ReleaseAndResume();
+ }
+ }
+ public Result WaitForAddressIfEqual(ulong address, int value, long timeout)
+ {
+ KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread();
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.TerminationRequested)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.ThreadTerminating;
+ }
+ currentThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ currentThread.ObjSyncResult = KernelResult.TimedOut;
+ if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernel(out int currentValue, address))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (currentValue == value)
+ {
+ if (timeout == 0)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.TimedOut;
+ }
+ currentThread.MutexAddress = address;
+ currentThread.WaitingInArbitration = true;
+ _arbiterThreads.Add(currentThread);
+ currentThread.Reschedule(ThreadSchedState.Paused);
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.ScheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread, timeout);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.UnscheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.WaitingInArbitration)
+ {
+ _arbiterThreads.Remove(currentThread);
+ currentThread.WaitingInArbitration = false;
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return currentThread.ObjSyncResult;
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidState;
+ }
+ public Result WaitForAddressIfLessThan(ulong address, int value, bool shouldDecrement, long timeout)
+ {
+ KThread currentThread = KernelStatic.GetCurrentThread();
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.TerminationRequested)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.ThreadTerminating;
+ }
+ currentThread.SignaledObj = null;
+ currentThread.ObjSyncResult = KernelResult.TimedOut;
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (!KernelTransfer.UserToKernel(out int currentValue, address))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (shouldDecrement)
+ {
+ currentValue = Interlocked.Decrement(ref currentProcess.CpuMemory.GetRef<int>(address)) + 1;
+ }
+ if (currentValue < value)
+ {
+ if (timeout == 0)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.TimedOut;
+ }
+ currentThread.MutexAddress = address;
+ currentThread.WaitingInArbitration = true;
+ _arbiterThreads.Add(currentThread);
+ currentThread.Reschedule(ThreadSchedState.Paused);
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.ScheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread, timeout);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ {
+ _context.TimeManager.UnscheduleFutureInvocation(currentThread);
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ if (currentThread.WaitingInArbitration)
+ {
+ _arbiterThreads.Remove(currentThread);
+ currentThread.WaitingInArbitration = false;
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return currentThread.ObjSyncResult;
+ }
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidState;
+ }
+ public Result Signal(ulong address, int count)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ WakeArbiterThreads(address, count);
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ public Result SignalAndIncrementIfEqual(ulong address, int value, int count)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (!currentProcess.CpuMemory.IsMapped(address))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ref int valueRef = ref currentProcess.CpuMemory.GetRef<int>(address);
+ int currentValue;
+ do
+ {
+ currentValue = valueRef;
+ if (currentValue != value)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidState;
+ }
+ }
+ while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref valueRef, currentValue + 1, currentValue) != currentValue);
+ WakeArbiterThreads(address, count);
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ public Result SignalAndModifyIfEqual(ulong address, int value, int count)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Enter();
+ int addend;
+ // The value is decremented if the number of threads waiting is less
+ // or equal to the Count of threads to be signaled, or Count is zero
+ // or negative. It is incremented if there are no threads waiting.
+ int waitingCount = 0;
+ foreach (KThread thread in _arbiterThreads.Where(x => x.MutexAddress == address))
+ {
+ if (++waitingCount >= count)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (waitingCount > 0)
+ {
+ if (count <= 0)
+ {
+ addend = -2;
+ }
+ else if (waitingCount < count)
+ {
+ addend = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addend = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addend = 1;
+ }
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (!currentProcess.CpuMemory.IsMapped(address))
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ref int valueRef = ref currentProcess.CpuMemory.GetRef<int>(address);
+ int currentValue;
+ do
+ {
+ currentValue = valueRef;
+ if (currentValue != value)
+ {
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidState;
+ }
+ }
+ while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref valueRef, currentValue + addend, currentValue) != currentValue);
+ WakeArbiterThreads(address, count);
+ _context.CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return Result.Success;
+ }
+ private void WakeArbiterThreads(ulong address, int count)
+ {
+ static void RemoveArbiterThread(KThread thread)
+ {
+ thread.SignaledObj = null;
+ thread.ObjSyncResult = Result.Success;
+ thread.ReleaseAndResume();
+ thread.WaitingInArbitration = false;
+ }
+ WakeThreads(_arbiterThreads, count, RemoveArbiterThread, x => x.MutexAddress == address);
+ }
+ private static void WakeThreads(
+ List<KThread> threads,
+ int count,
+ Action<KThread> removeCallback,
+ Func<KThread, bool> predicate)
+ {
+ var candidates = threads.Where(predicate).OrderBy(x => x.DynamicPriority);
+ var toSignal = (count > 0 ? candidates.Take(count) : candidates).ToArray();
+ foreach (KThread thread in toSignal)
+ {
+ removeCallback(thread);
+ threads.Remove(thread);
+ }
+ }
+ }