path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
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1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7ce2d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
+using System;
+using System.Numerics;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ static class TextureCopy
+ {
+ public static void Blit(
+ Vk api,
+ CommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ Image srcImage,
+ Image dstImage,
+ TextureCreateInfo srcInfo,
+ TextureCreateInfo dstInfo,
+ Extents2D srcRegion,
+ Extents2D dstRegion,
+ int srcLayer,
+ int dstLayer,
+ int srcLevel,
+ int dstLevel,
+ int layers,
+ int levels,
+ bool linearFilter,
+ ImageAspectFlags srcAspectFlags = 0,
+ ImageAspectFlags dstAspectFlags = 0)
+ {
+ static (Offset3D, Offset3D) ExtentsToOffset3D(Extents2D extents, int width, int height, int level)
+ {
+ static int Clamp(int value, int max)
+ {
+ return Math.Clamp(value, 0, max);
+ }
+ var xy1 = new Offset3D(Clamp(extents.X1, width) >> level, Clamp(extents.Y1, height) >> level, 0);
+ var xy2 = new Offset3D(Clamp(extents.X2, width) >> level, Clamp(extents.Y2, height) >> level, 1);
+ return (xy1, xy2);
+ }
+ if (srcAspectFlags == 0)
+ {
+ srcAspectFlags = srcInfo.Format.ConvertAspectFlags();
+ }
+ if (dstAspectFlags == 0)
+ {
+ dstAspectFlags = dstInfo.Format.ConvertAspectFlags();
+ }
+ var srcOffsets = new ImageBlit.SrcOffsetsBuffer();
+ var dstOffsets = new ImageBlit.DstOffsetsBuffer();
+ var filter = linearFilter && !dstInfo.Format.IsDepthOrStencil() ? Filter.Linear : Filter.Nearest;
+ TextureView.InsertImageBarrier(
+ api,
+ commandBuffer,
+ srcImage,
+ TextureStorage.DefaultAccessMask,
+ AccessFlags.TransferReadBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit,
+ srcAspectFlags,
+ srcLayer,
+ srcLevel,
+ layers,
+ levels);
+ uint copySrcLevel = (uint)srcLevel;
+ uint copyDstLevel = (uint)dstLevel;
+ for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++)
+ {
+ var srcSl = new ImageSubresourceLayers(srcAspectFlags, copySrcLevel, (uint)srcLayer, (uint)layers);
+ var dstSl = new ImageSubresourceLayers(dstAspectFlags, copyDstLevel, (uint)dstLayer, (uint)layers);
+ (srcOffsets.Element0, srcOffsets.Element1) = ExtentsToOffset3D(srcRegion, srcInfo.Width, srcInfo.Height, level);
+ (dstOffsets.Element0, dstOffsets.Element1) = ExtentsToOffset3D(dstRegion, dstInfo.Width, dstInfo.Height, level);
+ var region = new ImageBlit()
+ {
+ SrcSubresource = srcSl,
+ SrcOffsets = srcOffsets,
+ DstSubresource = dstSl,
+ DstOffsets = dstOffsets
+ };
+ api.CmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, ImageLayout.General, dstImage, ImageLayout.General, 1, region, filter);
+ copySrcLevel++;
+ copyDstLevel++;
+ if (srcInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D || dstInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ layers = Math.Max(1, layers >> 1);
+ }
+ }
+ TextureView.InsertImageBarrier(
+ api,
+ commandBuffer,
+ dstImage,
+ AccessFlags.TransferWriteBit,
+ TextureStorage.DefaultAccessMask,
+ PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit,
+ dstAspectFlags,
+ dstLayer,
+ dstLevel,
+ layers,
+ levels);
+ }
+ public static void Copy(
+ Vk api,
+ CommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ Image srcImage,
+ Image dstImage,
+ TextureCreateInfo srcInfo,
+ TextureCreateInfo dstInfo,
+ int srcViewLayer,
+ int dstViewLayer,
+ int srcViewLevel,
+ int dstViewLevel,
+ int srcLayer,
+ int dstLayer,
+ int srcLevel,
+ int dstLevel)
+ {
+ int srcDepth = srcInfo.GetDepthOrLayers();
+ int srcLevels = srcInfo.Levels;
+ int dstDepth = dstInfo.GetDepthOrLayers();
+ int dstLevels = dstInfo.Levels;
+ if (dstInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ dstDepth = Math.Max(1, dstDepth >> dstLevel);
+ }
+ int depth = Math.Min(srcDepth, dstDepth);
+ int levels = Math.Min(srcLevels, dstLevels);
+ Copy(
+ api,
+ commandBuffer,
+ srcImage,
+ dstImage,
+ srcInfo,
+ dstInfo,
+ srcViewLayer,
+ dstViewLayer,
+ srcViewLevel,
+ dstViewLevel,
+ srcLayer,
+ dstLayer,
+ srcLevel,
+ dstLevel,
+ depth,
+ levels);
+ }
+ private static int ClampLevels(TextureCreateInfo info, int levels)
+ {
+ int width = info.Width;
+ int height = info.Height;
+ int depth = info.Target == Target.Texture3D ? info.Depth : 1;
+ int maxLevels = 1 + BitOperations.Log2((uint)Math.Max(Math.Max(width, height), depth));
+ if (levels > maxLevels)
+ {
+ levels = maxLevels;
+ }
+ return levels;
+ }
+ public static void Copy(
+ Vk api,
+ CommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ Image srcImage,
+ Image dstImage,
+ TextureCreateInfo srcInfo,
+ TextureCreateInfo dstInfo,
+ int srcViewLayer,
+ int dstViewLayer,
+ int srcViewLevel,
+ int dstViewLevel,
+ int srcDepthOrLayer,
+ int dstDepthOrLayer,
+ int srcLevel,
+ int dstLevel,
+ int depthOrLayers,
+ int levels)
+ {
+ int srcZ;
+ int srcLayer;
+ int srcDepth;
+ int srcLayers;
+ if (srcInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ srcZ = srcDepthOrLayer;
+ srcLayer = 0;
+ srcDepth = depthOrLayers;
+ srcLayers = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcZ = 0;
+ srcLayer = srcDepthOrLayer;
+ srcDepth = 1;
+ srcLayers = depthOrLayers;
+ }
+ int dstZ;
+ int dstLayer;
+ int dstDepth;
+ int dstLayers;
+ if (dstInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ dstZ = dstDepthOrLayer;
+ dstLayer = 0;
+ dstDepth = depthOrLayers;
+ dstLayers = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstZ = 0;
+ dstLayer = dstDepthOrLayer;
+ dstDepth = 1;
+ dstLayers = depthOrLayers;
+ }
+ int srcWidth = srcInfo.Width;
+ int srcHeight = srcInfo.Height;
+ int dstWidth = dstInfo.Width;
+ int dstHeight = dstInfo.Height;
+ srcWidth = Math.Max(1, srcWidth >> srcLevel);
+ srcHeight = Math.Max(1, srcHeight >> srcLevel);
+ dstWidth = Math.Max(1, dstWidth >> dstLevel);
+ dstHeight = Math.Max(1, dstHeight >> dstLevel);
+ int blockWidth = 1;
+ int blockHeight = 1;
+ bool sizeInBlocks = false;
+ // When copying from a compressed to a non-compressed format,
+ // the non-compressed texture will have the size of the texture
+ // in blocks (not in texels), so we must adjust that size to
+ // match the size in texels of the compressed texture.
+ if (!srcInfo.IsCompressed && dstInfo.IsCompressed)
+ {
+ srcWidth *= dstInfo.BlockWidth;
+ srcHeight *= dstInfo.BlockHeight;
+ blockWidth = dstInfo.BlockWidth;
+ blockHeight = dstInfo.BlockHeight;
+ sizeInBlocks = true;
+ }
+ else if (srcInfo.IsCompressed && !dstInfo.IsCompressed)
+ {
+ dstWidth *= srcInfo.BlockWidth;
+ dstHeight *= srcInfo.BlockHeight;
+ blockWidth = srcInfo.BlockWidth;
+ blockHeight = srcInfo.BlockHeight;
+ }
+ int width = Math.Min(srcWidth, dstWidth);
+ int height = Math.Min(srcHeight, dstHeight);
+ ImageAspectFlags srcAspect = srcInfo.Format.ConvertAspectFlags();
+ ImageAspectFlags dstAspect = dstInfo.Format.ConvertAspectFlags();
+ TextureView.InsertImageBarrier(
+ api,
+ commandBuffer,
+ srcImage,
+ TextureStorage.DefaultAccessMask,
+ AccessFlags.TransferReadBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit,
+ srcAspect,
+ srcViewLayer + srcLayer,
+ srcViewLevel + srcLevel,
+ srcLayers,
+ levels);
+ for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++)
+ {
+ // Stop copy if we are already out of the levels range.
+ if (level >= srcInfo.Levels || dstLevel + level >= dstInfo.Levels)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ var srcSl = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
+ srcAspect,
+ (uint)(srcViewLevel + srcLevel + level),
+ (uint)(srcViewLayer + srcLayer),
+ (uint)srcLayers);
+ var dstSl = new ImageSubresourceLayers(
+ dstAspect,
+ (uint)(dstViewLevel + dstLevel + level),
+ (uint)(dstViewLayer + dstLayer),
+ (uint)dstLayers);
+ int copyWidth = sizeInBlocks ? BitUtils.DivRoundUp(width, blockWidth) : width;
+ int copyHeight = sizeInBlocks ? BitUtils.DivRoundUp(height, blockHeight) : height;
+ var extent = new Extent3D((uint)copyWidth, (uint)copyHeight, (uint)srcDepth);
+ if (srcInfo.Samples > 1 && srcInfo.Samples != dstInfo.Samples)
+ {
+ var region = new ImageResolve(srcSl, new Offset3D(0, 0, srcZ), dstSl, new Offset3D(0, 0, dstZ), extent);
+ api.CmdResolveImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, ImageLayout.General, dstImage, ImageLayout.General, 1, region);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var region = new ImageCopy(srcSl, new Offset3D(0, 0, srcZ), dstSl, new Offset3D(0, 0, dstZ), extent);
+ api.CmdCopyImage(commandBuffer, srcImage, ImageLayout.General, dstImage, ImageLayout.General, 1, region);
+ }
+ width = Math.Max(1, width >> 1);
+ height = Math.Max(1, height >> 1);
+ if (srcInfo.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ srcDepth = Math.Max(1, srcDepth >> 1);
+ }
+ }
+ TextureView.InsertImageBarrier(
+ api,
+ commandBuffer,
+ dstImage,
+ AccessFlags.TransferWriteBit,
+ TextureStorage.DefaultAccessMask,
+ PipelineStageFlags.TransferBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit,
+ dstAspect,
+ dstViewLayer + dstLayer,
+ dstViewLevel + dstLevel,
+ dstLayers,
+ levels);
+ }
+ public unsafe static void ResolveDepthStencil(
+ VulkanRenderer gd,
+ Device device,
+ CommandBufferScoped cbs,
+ TextureView src,
+ TextureView dst)
+ {
+ var dsAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference2(StructureType.AttachmentReference2, null, 0, ImageLayout.General);
+ var dsResolveAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference2(StructureType.AttachmentReference2, null, 1, ImageLayout.General);
+ var subpassDsResolve = new SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve,
+ PDepthStencilResolveAttachment = &dsResolveAttachmentReference,
+ DepthResolveMode = ResolveModeFlags.SampleZeroBit,
+ StencilResolveMode = ResolveModeFlags.SampleZeroBit
+ };
+ var subpass = new SubpassDescription2()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SubpassDescription2,
+ PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
+ PDepthStencilAttachment = &dsAttachmentReference,
+ PNext = &subpassDsResolve
+ };
+ AttachmentDescription2[] attachmentDescs = new AttachmentDescription2[2];
+ attachmentDescs[0] = new AttachmentDescription2(
+ StructureType.AttachmentDescription2,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ src.VkFormat,
+ TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags(gd.Capabilities.SupportedSampleCounts, (uint)src.Info.Samples),
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ ImageLayout.General,
+ ImageLayout.General);
+ attachmentDescs[1] = new AttachmentDescription2(
+ StructureType.AttachmentDescription2,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ dst.VkFormat,
+ TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags(gd.Capabilities.SupportedSampleCounts, (uint)dst.Info.Samples),
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ ImageLayout.General,
+ ImageLayout.General);
+ var subpassDependency = PipelineConverter.CreateSubpassDependency2();
+ fixed (AttachmentDescription2* pAttachmentDescs = attachmentDescs)
+ {
+ var renderPassCreateInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo2()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo2,
+ PAttachments = pAttachmentDescs,
+ AttachmentCount = (uint)attachmentDescs.Length,
+ PSubpasses = &subpass,
+ SubpassCount = 1,
+ PDependencies = &subpassDependency,
+ DependencyCount = 1
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateRenderPass2(device, renderPassCreateInfo, null, out var renderPass).ThrowOnError();
+ using var rp = new Auto<DisposableRenderPass>(new DisposableRenderPass(gd.Api, device, renderPass));
+ ImageView* attachments = stackalloc ImageView[2];
+ var srcView = src.GetImageViewForAttachment();
+ var dstView = dst.GetImageViewForAttachment();
+ attachments[0] = srcView.Get(cbs).Value;
+ attachments[1] = dstView.Get(cbs).Value;
+ var framebufferCreateInfo = new FramebufferCreateInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.FramebufferCreateInfo,
+ RenderPass = rp.Get(cbs).Value,
+ AttachmentCount = 2,
+ PAttachments = attachments,
+ Width = (uint)src.Width,
+ Height = (uint)src.Height,
+ Layers = (uint)src.Layers
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateFramebuffer(device, framebufferCreateInfo, null, out var framebuffer).ThrowOnError();
+ using var fb = new Auto<DisposableFramebuffer>(new DisposableFramebuffer(gd.Api, device, framebuffer), null, new[] { srcView, dstView });
+ var renderArea = new Rect2D(null, new Extent2D((uint)src.Info.Width, (uint)src.Info.Height));
+ var clearValue = new ClearValue();
+ var renderPassBeginInfo = new RenderPassBeginInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.RenderPassBeginInfo,
+ RenderPass = rp.Get(cbs).Value,
+ Framebuffer = fb.Get(cbs).Value,
+ RenderArea = renderArea,
+ PClearValues = &clearValue,
+ ClearValueCount = 1
+ };
+ // The resolve operation happens at the end of the subpass, so let's just do a begin/end
+ // to resolve the depth-stencil texture.
+ // TODO: Do speculative resolve and part of the same render pass as the draw to avoid
+ // ending the current render pass?
+ gd.Api.CmdBeginRenderPass(cbs.CommandBuffer, renderPassBeginInfo, SubpassContents.Inline);
+ gd.Api.CmdEndRenderPass(cbs.CommandBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }