path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferManager.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferManager.cs')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferManager.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8f41e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/BufferManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using VkFormat = Silk.NET.Vulkan.Format;
+using VkBuffer = Silk.NET.Vulkan.Buffer;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ class BufferManager : IDisposable
+ {
+ private const MemoryPropertyFlags DefaultBufferMemoryFlags =
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisibleBit |
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherentBit |
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCachedBit;
+ // Some drivers don't expose a "HostCached" memory type,
+ // so we need those alternative flags for the allocation to succeed there.
+ private const MemoryPropertyFlags DefaultBufferMemoryNoCacheFlags =
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisibleBit |
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherentBit;
+ private const MemoryPropertyFlags DeviceLocalBufferMemoryFlags =
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocalBit;
+ private const MemoryPropertyFlags DeviceLocalMappedBufferMemoryFlags =
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocalBit |
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostVisibleBit |
+ MemoryPropertyFlags.HostCoherentBit;
+ private const BufferUsageFlags DefaultBufferUsageFlags =
+ BufferUsageFlags.TransferSrcBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.TransferDstBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.UniformTexelBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.StorageTexelBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.UniformBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.StorageBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.IndexBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.VertexBufferBit |
+ BufferUsageFlags.TransformFeedbackBufferBitExt;
+ private readonly Device _device;
+ private readonly IdList<BufferHolder> _buffers;
+ public int BufferCount { get; private set; }
+ public StagingBuffer StagingBuffer { get; }
+ public BufferManager(VulkanRenderer gd, Device device)
+ {
+ _device = device;
+ _buffers = new IdList<BufferHolder>();
+ StagingBuffer = new StagingBuffer(gd, this);
+ }
+ public BufferHandle CreateWithHandle(VulkanRenderer gd, int size, BufferAllocationType baseType = BufferAllocationType.HostMapped, BufferHandle storageHint = default)
+ {
+ return CreateWithHandle(gd, size, out _, baseType, storageHint);
+ }
+ public BufferHandle CreateWithHandle(VulkanRenderer gd, int size, out BufferHolder holder, BufferAllocationType baseType = BufferAllocationType.HostMapped, BufferHandle storageHint = default)
+ {
+ holder = Create(gd, size, baseType: baseType, storageHint: storageHint);
+ if (holder == null)
+ {
+ return BufferHandle.Null;
+ }
+ BufferCount++;
+ ulong handle64 = (uint)_buffers.Add(holder);
+ return Unsafe.As<ulong, BufferHandle>(ref handle64);
+ }
+ public unsafe (VkBuffer buffer, MemoryAllocation allocation, BufferAllocationType resultType) CreateBacking(
+ VulkanRenderer gd,
+ int size,
+ BufferAllocationType type,
+ bool forConditionalRendering = false,
+ BufferAllocationType fallbackType = BufferAllocationType.Auto)
+ {
+ var usage = DefaultBufferUsageFlags;
+ if (forConditionalRendering && gd.Capabilities.SupportsConditionalRendering)
+ {
+ usage |= BufferUsageFlags.ConditionalRenderingBitExt;
+ }
+ else if (gd.Capabilities.SupportsIndirectParameters)
+ {
+ usage |= BufferUsageFlags.IndirectBufferBit;
+ }
+ var bufferCreateInfo = new BufferCreateInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.BufferCreateInfo,
+ Size = (ulong)size,
+ Usage = usage,
+ SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateBuffer(_device, in bufferCreateInfo, null, out var buffer).ThrowOnError();
+ gd.Api.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(_device, buffer, out var requirements);
+ MemoryAllocation allocation;
+ do
+ {
+ var allocateFlags = type switch
+ {
+ BufferAllocationType.HostMappedNoCache => DefaultBufferMemoryNoCacheFlags,
+ BufferAllocationType.HostMapped => DefaultBufferMemoryFlags,
+ BufferAllocationType.DeviceLocal => DeviceLocalBufferMemoryFlags,
+ BufferAllocationType.DeviceLocalMapped => DeviceLocalMappedBufferMemoryFlags,
+ _ => DefaultBufferMemoryFlags
+ };
+ // If an allocation with this memory type fails, fall back to the previous one.
+ try
+ {
+ allocation = gd.MemoryAllocator.AllocateDeviceMemory(requirements, allocateFlags, true);
+ }
+ catch (VulkanException)
+ {
+ allocation = default;
+ }
+ }
+ while (allocation.Memory.Handle == 0 && (--type != fallbackType));
+ if (allocation.Memory.Handle == 0UL)
+ {
+ gd.Api.DestroyBuffer(_device, buffer, null);
+ return default;
+ }
+ gd.Api.BindBufferMemory(_device, buffer, allocation.Memory, allocation.Offset);
+ return (buffer, allocation, type);
+ }
+ public unsafe BufferHolder Create(
+ VulkanRenderer gd,
+ int size,
+ bool forConditionalRendering = false,
+ BufferAllocationType baseType = BufferAllocationType.HostMapped,
+ BufferHandle storageHint = default)
+ {
+ BufferAllocationType type = baseType;
+ BufferHolder storageHintHolder = null;
+ if (baseType == BufferAllocationType.Auto)
+ {
+ if (gd.IsSharedMemory)
+ {
+ baseType = BufferAllocationType.HostMapped;
+ type = baseType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ type = size >= BufferHolder.DeviceLocalSizeThreshold ? BufferAllocationType.DeviceLocal : BufferAllocationType.HostMapped;
+ }
+ if (storageHint != BufferHandle.Null)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(storageHint, out storageHintHolder))
+ {
+ type = storageHintHolder.DesiredType;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (VkBuffer buffer, MemoryAllocation allocation, BufferAllocationType resultType) =
+ CreateBacking(gd, size, type, forConditionalRendering);
+ if (buffer.Handle != 0)
+ {
+ var holder = new BufferHolder(gd, _device, buffer, allocation, size, baseType, resultType);
+ if (storageHintHolder != null)
+ {
+ holder.InheritMetrics(storageHintHolder);
+ }
+ return holder;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBufferView> CreateView(BufferHandle handle, VkFormat format, int offset, int size, Action invalidateView)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.CreateView(format, offset, size, invalidateView);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBuffer(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, BufferHandle handle, bool isWrite, bool isSSBO = false)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetBuffer(commandBuffer, isWrite, isSSBO);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBuffer(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, BufferHandle handle, int offset, int size, bool isWrite)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetBuffer(commandBuffer, offset, size, isWrite);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBufferI8ToI16(CommandBufferScoped cbs, BufferHandle handle, int offset, int size)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetBufferI8ToI16(cbs, offset, size);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetAlignedVertexBuffer(CommandBufferScoped cbs, BufferHandle handle, int offset, int size, int stride, int alignment)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetAlignedVertexBuffer(cbs, offset, size, stride, alignment);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBufferTopologyConversion(CommandBufferScoped cbs, BufferHandle handle, int offset, int size, IndexBufferPattern pattern, int indexSize)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetBufferTopologyConversion(cbs, offset, size, pattern, indexSize);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public (Auto<DisposableBuffer>, Auto<DisposableBuffer>) GetBufferTopologyConversionIndirect(
+ VulkanRenderer gd,
+ CommandBufferScoped cbs,
+ BufferRange indexBuffer,
+ BufferRange indirectBuffer,
+ BufferRange drawCountBuffer,
+ IndexBufferPattern pattern,
+ int indexSize,
+ bool hasDrawCount,
+ int maxDrawCount,
+ int indirectDataStride)
+ {
+ BufferHolder drawCountBufferHolder = null;
+ if (!TryGetBuffer(indexBuffer.Handle, out var indexBufferHolder) ||
+ !TryGetBuffer(indirectBuffer.Handle, out var indirectBufferHolder) ||
+ (hasDrawCount && !TryGetBuffer(drawCountBuffer.Handle, out drawCountBufferHolder)))
+ {
+ return (null, null);
+ }
+ var indexBufferKey = new TopologyConversionIndirectCacheKey(
+ gd,
+ pattern,
+ indexSize,
+ indirectBufferHolder,
+ indirectBuffer.Offset,
+ indirectBuffer.Size);
+ bool hasConvertedIndexBuffer = indexBufferHolder.TryGetCachedConvertedBuffer(
+ indexBuffer.Offset,
+ indexBuffer.Size,
+ indexBufferKey,
+ out var convertedIndexBuffer);
+ var indirectBufferKey = new IndirectDataCacheKey(pattern);
+ bool hasConvertedIndirectBuffer = indirectBufferHolder.TryGetCachedConvertedBuffer(
+ indirectBuffer.Offset,
+ indirectBuffer.Size,
+ indirectBufferKey,
+ out var convertedIndirectBuffer);
+ var drawCountBufferKey = new DrawCountCacheKey();
+ bool hasCachedDrawCount = true;
+ if (hasDrawCount)
+ {
+ hasCachedDrawCount = drawCountBufferHolder.TryGetCachedConvertedBuffer(
+ drawCountBuffer.Offset,
+ drawCountBuffer.Size,
+ drawCountBufferKey,
+ out _);
+ }
+ if (!hasConvertedIndexBuffer || !hasConvertedIndirectBuffer || !hasCachedDrawCount)
+ {
+ // The destination index size is always I32.
+ int indexCount = indexBuffer.Size / indexSize;
+ int convertedCount = pattern.GetConvertedCount(indexCount);
+ if (!hasConvertedIndexBuffer)
+ {
+ convertedIndexBuffer = Create(gd, convertedCount * 4);
+ indexBufferKey.SetBuffer(convertedIndexBuffer.GetBuffer());
+ indexBufferHolder.AddCachedConvertedBuffer(indexBuffer.Offset, indexBuffer.Size, indexBufferKey, convertedIndexBuffer);
+ }
+ if (!hasConvertedIndirectBuffer)
+ {
+ convertedIndirectBuffer = Create(gd, indirectBuffer.Size);
+ indirectBufferHolder.AddCachedConvertedBuffer(indirectBuffer.Offset, indirectBuffer.Size, indirectBufferKey, convertedIndirectBuffer);
+ }
+ gd.PipelineInternal.EndRenderPass();
+ gd.HelperShader.ConvertIndexBufferIndirect(
+ gd,
+ cbs,
+ indirectBufferHolder,
+ convertedIndirectBuffer,
+ drawCountBuffer,
+ indexBufferHolder,
+ convertedIndexBuffer,
+ pattern,
+ indexSize,
+ indexBuffer.Offset,
+ indexBuffer.Size,
+ indirectBuffer.Offset,
+ hasDrawCount,
+ maxDrawCount,
+ indirectDataStride);
+ // Any modification of the indirect buffer should invalidate the index buffers that are associated with it,
+ // since we used the indirect data to find the range of the index buffer that is used.
+ var indexBufferDependency = new Dependency(
+ indexBufferHolder,
+ indexBuffer.Offset,
+ indexBuffer.Size,
+ indexBufferKey);
+ indirectBufferHolder.AddCachedConvertedBufferDependency(
+ indirectBuffer.Offset,
+ indirectBuffer.Size,
+ indirectBufferKey,
+ indexBufferDependency);
+ if (hasDrawCount)
+ {
+ if (!hasCachedDrawCount)
+ {
+ drawCountBufferHolder.AddCachedConvertedBuffer(drawCountBuffer.Offset, drawCountBuffer.Size, drawCountBufferKey, null);
+ }
+ // If we have a draw count, any modification of the draw count should invalidate all indirect buffers
+ // where we used it to find the range of indirect data that is actually used.
+ var indirectBufferDependency = new Dependency(
+ indirectBufferHolder,
+ indirectBuffer.Offset,
+ indirectBuffer.Size,
+ indirectBufferKey);
+ drawCountBufferHolder.AddCachedConvertedBufferDependency(
+ drawCountBuffer.Offset,
+ drawCountBuffer.Size,
+ drawCountBufferKey,
+ indirectBufferDependency);
+ }
+ }
+ return (convertedIndexBuffer.GetBuffer(), convertedIndirectBuffer.GetBuffer());
+ }
+ public Auto<DisposableBuffer> GetBuffer(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, BufferHandle handle, bool isWrite, out int size)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ size = holder.Size;
+ return holder.GetBuffer(commandBuffer, isWrite);
+ }
+ size = 0;
+ return null;
+ }
+ public PinnedSpan<byte> GetData(BufferHandle handle, int offset, int size)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ return holder.GetData(offset, size);
+ }
+ return new PinnedSpan<byte>();
+ }
+ public void SetData<T>(BufferHandle handle, int offset, ReadOnlySpan<T> data) where T : unmanaged
+ {
+ SetData(handle, offset, MemoryMarshal.Cast<T, byte>(data), null, null);
+ }
+ public void SetData(BufferHandle handle, int offset, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, CommandBufferScoped? cbs, Action endRenderPass)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ holder.SetData(offset, data, cbs, endRenderPass);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Delete(BufferHandle handle)
+ {
+ if (TryGetBuffer(handle, out var holder))
+ {
+ holder.Dispose();
+ _buffers.Remove((int)Unsafe.As<BufferHandle, ulong>(ref handle));
+ }
+ }
+ private bool TryGetBuffer(BufferHandle handle, out BufferHolder holder)
+ {
+ return _buffers.TryGetValue((int)Unsafe.As<BufferHandle, ulong>(ref handle), out holder);
+ }
+ protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing)
+ {
+ foreach (BufferHolder buffer in _buffers)
+ {
+ buffer.Dispose();
+ }
+ _buffers.Clear();
+ StagingBuffer.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ Dispose(true);
+ }
+ }