path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d559f669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ResourceReservations.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Numerics;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
+ public class ResourceReservations
+ {
+ public const int TfeBuffersCount = 4;
+ public const int MaxVertexBufferTextures = 32;
+ public int VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding { get; }
+ public int VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+ public int GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+ public int GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding { get; }
+ public int IndexBufferTextureBinding { get; }
+ public int TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding { get; }
+ public int ReservedConstantBuffers { get; }
+ public int ReservedStorageBuffers { get; }
+ public int ReservedTextures { get; }
+ public int ReservedImages { get; }
+ public int InputSizePerInvocation { get; }
+ public int OutputSizePerInvocation { get; }
+ public int OutputSizeInBytesPerInvocation => OutputSizePerInvocation * sizeof(uint);
+ private readonly int _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding;
+ private readonly int _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding;
+ private readonly Dictionary<IoDefinition, int> _offsets;
+ internal IReadOnlyDictionary<IoDefinition, int> Offsets => _offsets;
+ internal ResourceReservations(bool isTransformFeedbackEmulated, bool vertexAsCompute)
+ {
+ // All stages reserves the first constant buffer binding for the support buffer.
+ ReservedConstantBuffers = 1;
+ ReservedStorageBuffers = 0;
+ ReservedTextures = 0;
+ ReservedImages = 0;
+ if (isTransformFeedbackEmulated)
+ {
+ // Transform feedback emulation currently always uses 4 storage buffers.
+ _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers;
+ ReservedStorageBuffers = TfeBuffersCount;
+ }
+ if (vertexAsCompute)
+ {
+ // One constant buffer reserved for vertex related state.
+ VertexInfoConstantBufferBinding = ReservedConstantBuffers++;
+ // One storage buffer for the output vertex data.
+ VertexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+ // One storage buffer for the output geometry vertex data.
+ GeometryVertexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+ // One storage buffer for the output geometry index data.
+ GeometryIndexOutputStorageBufferBinding = ReservedStorageBuffers++;
+ // Enough textures reserved for all vertex attributes, plus the index buffer.
+ IndexBufferTextureBinding = ReservedTextures;
+ TopologyRemapBufferTextureBinding = ReservedTextures + 1;
+ _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding = ReservedTextures + 2;
+ ReservedTextures += 2 + MaxVertexBufferTextures;
+ }
+ }
+ internal ResourceReservations(
+ IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor,
+ bool isTransformFeedbackEmulated,
+ bool vertexAsCompute,
+ IoUsage? vacInput,
+ IoUsage vacOutput) : this(isTransformFeedbackEmulated, vertexAsCompute)
+ {
+ if (vertexAsCompute)
+ {
+ _offsets = new();
+ if (vacInput.HasValue)
+ {
+ InputSizePerInvocation = FillIoOffsetMap(gpuAccessor, StorageKind.Input, vacInput.Value);
+ }
+ OutputSizePerInvocation = FillIoOffsetMap(gpuAccessor, StorageKind.Output, vacOutput);
+ }
+ }
+ private int FillIoOffsetMap(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, StorageKind storageKind, IoUsage vacUsage)
+ {
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ {
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.Position, 0, c), offset++);
+ }
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.PointSize), offset++);
+ int clipDistancesWrittenMap = vacUsage.ClipDistancesWritten;
+ while (clipDistancesWrittenMap != 0)
+ {
+ int index = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(clipDistancesWrittenMap);
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.ClipDistance, 0, index), offset++);
+ clipDistancesWrittenMap &= ~(1 << index);
+ }
+ if (vacUsage.UsesRtLayer)
+ {
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.Layer), offset++);
+ }
+ if (vacUsage.UsesViewportIndex && gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation())
+ {
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.VertexIndex), offset++);
+ }
+ if (vacUsage.UsesViewportMask && gpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsViewportMask())
+ {
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.ViewportMask), offset++);
+ }
+ int usedDefinedMap = vacUsage.UserDefinedMap;
+ while (usedDefinedMap != 0)
+ {
+ int location = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(usedDefinedMap);
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ {
+ _offsets.Add(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.UserDefined, location, c), offset++);
+ }
+ usedDefinedMap &= ~(1 << location);
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ internal static bool IsVectorOrArrayVariable(IoVariable variable)
+ {
+ return variable switch
+ {
+ IoVariable.ClipDistance or
+ IoVariable.Position => true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ }
+ public int GetTfeBufferStorageBufferBinding(int bufferIndex)
+ {
+ return _tfeBufferSbBaseBinding + bufferIndex;
+ }
+ public int GetVertexBufferTextureBinding(int vaLocation)
+ {
+ return _vertexBufferTextureBaseBinding + vaLocation;
+ }
+ internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, int location, int component, out int offset)
+ {
+ return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, IoVariable.UserDefined, location, component), out offset);
+ }
+ internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, int location, int component, out int offset)
+ {
+ return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, location, component), out offset);
+ }
+ internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, int component, out int offset)
+ {
+ return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, 0, component), out offset);
+ }
+ internal bool TryGetOffset(StorageKind storageKind, IoVariable ioVariable, out int offset)
+ {
+ return _offsets.TryGetValue(new IoDefinition(storageKind, ioVariable, 0, 0), out offset);
+ }
+ }