path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf365b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/HwCapabilities.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
+using System;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
+ static class HwCapabilities
+ {
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsAlphaToCoverageDitherControl = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsAstcCompression = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsBlendEquationAdvanced = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsDrawTexture = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_draw_texture"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsFragmentShaderInterlock = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsFragmentShaderOrdering = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsGeometryShaderPassthrough = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsImageLoadFormatted = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsIndirectParameters = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_indirect_parameters"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsParallelShaderCompile = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsPolygonOffsetClamp = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsQuads = new Lazy<bool>(SupportsQuadsCheck);
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsSeamlessCubemapPerTexture = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsShaderBallot = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_shader_ballot"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsShaderViewportLayerArray = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsViewportArray2 = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_viewport_array2"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsTextureCompressionBptc = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsTextureCompressionRgtc = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsTextureCompressionS3tc = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsTextureShadowLod = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<bool> _supportsViewportSwizzle = new Lazy<bool>(() => HasExtension("GL_NV_viewport_swizzle"));
+ private static readonly Lazy<int> _maximumComputeSharedMemorySize = new Lazy<int>(() => GetLimit(All.MaxComputeSharedMemorySize));
+ private static readonly Lazy<int> _storageBufferOffsetAlignment = new Lazy<int>(() => GetLimit(All.ShaderStorageBufferOffsetAlignment));
+ public enum GpuVendor
+ {
+ Unknown,
+ AmdWindows,
+ AmdUnix,
+ IntelWindows,
+ IntelUnix,
+ Nvidia
+ }
+ private static readonly Lazy<GpuVendor> _gpuVendor = new Lazy<GpuVendor>(GetGpuVendor);
+ private static bool _isAMD => _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.AmdWindows || _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.AmdUnix;
+ private static bool _isIntel => _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.IntelWindows || _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.IntelUnix;
+ public static GpuVendor Vendor => _gpuVendor.Value;
+ private static Lazy<float> _maxSupportedAnisotropy = new Lazy<float>(GL.GetFloat((GetPName)All.MaxTextureMaxAnisotropy));
+ public static bool UsePersistentBufferForFlush => _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.AmdWindows || _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.Nvidia;
+ public static bool SupportsAlphaToCoverageDitherControl => _supportsAlphaToCoverageDitherControl.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsAstcCompression => _supportsAstcCompression.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsBlendEquationAdvanced => _supportsBlendEquationAdvanced.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsDrawTexture => _supportsDrawTexture.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsFragmentShaderInterlock => _supportsFragmentShaderInterlock.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsFragmentShaderOrdering => _supportsFragmentShaderOrdering.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough => _supportsGeometryShaderPassthrough.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsImageLoadFormatted => _supportsImageLoadFormatted.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsIndirectParameters => _supportsIndirectParameters.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsParallelShaderCompile => _supportsParallelShaderCompile.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsPolygonOffsetClamp => _supportsPolygonOffsetClamp.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsQuads => _supportsQuads.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsSeamlessCubemapPerTexture => _supportsSeamlessCubemapPerTexture.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsShaderBallot => _supportsShaderBallot.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsShaderViewportLayerArray => _supportsShaderViewportLayerArray.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsViewportArray2 => _supportsViewportArray2.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsTextureCompressionBptc => _supportsTextureCompressionBptc.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsTextureCompressionRgtc => _supportsTextureCompressionRgtc.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsTextureCompressionS3tc => _supportsTextureCompressionS3tc.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsTextureShadowLod => _supportsTextureShadowLod.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsViewportSwizzle => _supportsViewportSwizzle.Value;
+ public static bool SupportsMismatchingViewFormat => _gpuVendor.Value != GpuVendor.AmdWindows && _gpuVendor.Value != GpuVendor.IntelWindows;
+ public static bool SupportsNonConstantTextureOffset => _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.Nvidia;
+ public static bool RequiresSyncFlush => _gpuVendor.Value == GpuVendor.AmdWindows || _isIntel;
+ public static int MaximumComputeSharedMemorySize => _maximumComputeSharedMemorySize.Value;
+ public static int StorageBufferOffsetAlignment => _storageBufferOffsetAlignment.Value;
+ public static float MaximumSupportedAnisotropy => _maxSupportedAnisotropy.Value;
+ private static bool HasExtension(string name)
+ {
+ int numExtensions = GL.GetInteger(GetPName.NumExtensions);
+ for (int extension = 0; extension < numExtensions; extension++)
+ {
+ if (GL.GetString(StringNameIndexed.Extensions, extension) == name)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static int GetLimit(All name)
+ {
+ return GL.GetInteger((GetPName)name);
+ }
+ private static GpuVendor GetGpuVendor()
+ {
+ string vendor = GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor).ToLower();
+ if (vendor == "nvidia corporation")
+ {
+ return GpuVendor.Nvidia;
+ }
+ else if (vendor == "intel")
+ {
+ string renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer).ToLower();
+ return renderer.Contains("mesa") ? GpuVendor.IntelUnix : GpuVendor.IntelWindows;
+ }
+ else if (vendor == "ati technologies inc." || vendor == "advanced micro devices, inc.")
+ {
+ return GpuVendor.AmdWindows;
+ }
+ else if (vendor == "amd" || vendor == "x.org")
+ {
+ return GpuVendor.AmdUnix;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return GpuVendor.Unknown;
+ }
+ }
+ private static bool SupportsQuadsCheck()
+ {
+ GL.GetError(); // Clear any existing error.
+ GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Quads);
+ GL.End();
+ return GL.GetError() == ErrorCode.NoError;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file