path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Debugger.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Debugger.cs')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Debugger.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Debugger.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f67cfc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL/Debugger.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
+using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration;
+using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Threading;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL
+ public static class Debugger
+ {
+ private static DebugProc _debugCallback;
+ private static int _counter;
+ public static void Initialize(GraphicsDebugLevel logLevel)
+ {
+ // Disable everything
+ GL.DebugMessageControl(DebugSourceControl.DontCare, DebugTypeControl.DontCare, DebugSeverityControl.DontCare, 0, (int[])null, false);
+ if (logLevel == GraphicsDebugLevel.None)
+ {
+ GL.Disable(EnableCap.DebugOutputSynchronous);
+ GL.DebugMessageCallback(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ return;
+ }
+ GL.Enable(EnableCap.DebugOutputSynchronous);
+ if (logLevel == GraphicsDebugLevel.Error)
+ {
+ GL.DebugMessageControl(DebugSourceControl.DontCare, DebugTypeControl.DebugTypeError, DebugSeverityControl.DontCare, 0, (int[])null, true);
+ }
+ else if (logLevel == GraphicsDebugLevel.Slowdowns)
+ {
+ GL.DebugMessageControl(DebugSourceControl.DontCare, DebugTypeControl.DebugTypeError, DebugSeverityControl.DontCare, 0, (int[])null, true);
+ GL.DebugMessageControl(DebugSourceControl.DontCare, DebugTypeControl.DebugTypePerformance, DebugSeverityControl.DontCare, 0, (int[])null, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GL.DebugMessageControl(DebugSourceControl.DontCare, DebugTypeControl.DontCare, DebugSeverityControl.DontCare, 0, (int[])null, true);
+ }
+ _counter = 0;
+ _debugCallback = GLDebugHandler;
+ GL.DebugMessageCallback(_debugCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
+ Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "OpenGL Debugging is enabled. Performance will be negatively impacted.");
+ }
+ private static void GLDebugHandler(
+ DebugSource source,
+ DebugType type,
+ int id,
+ DebugSeverity severity,
+ int length,
+ IntPtr message,
+ IntPtr userParam)
+ {
+ string msg = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(message).Replace('\n', ' ');
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case DebugType.DebugTypeError : Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"{severity}: {msg}\nCallStack={Environment.StackTrace}", "GLERROR"); break;
+ case DebugType.DebugTypePerformance: Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"{severity}: {msg}", "GLPERF"); break;
+ case DebugType.DebugTypePushGroup : Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"{{ ({id}) {severity}: {msg}", "GLINFO"); break;
+ case DebugType.DebugTypePopGroup : Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"}} ({id}) {severity}: {msg}", "GLINFO"); break;
+ default:
+ if (source == DebugSource.DebugSourceApplication)
+ {
+ Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"{type} {severity}: {msg}", "GLINFO");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"{type} {severity}: {msg}", "GLDEBUG");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Useful debug helpers
+ public static void PushGroup(string dbgMsg)
+ {
+ int counter = Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter);
+ GL.PushDebugGroup(DebugSourceExternal.DebugSourceApplication, counter, dbgMsg.Length, dbgMsg);
+ }
+ public static void PopGroup()
+ {
+ GL.PopDebugGroup();
+ }
+ public static void Print(string dbgMsg, DebugType type = DebugType.DebugTypeMarker, DebugSeverity severity = DebugSeverity.DebugSeverityNotification, int id = 999999)
+ {
+ GL.DebugMessageInsert(DebugSourceExternal.DebugSourceApplication, type, id, severity, dbgMsg.Length, dbgMsg);
+ }
+ }