path: root/src/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitAlu32.cs
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diff --git a/src/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitAlu32.cs b/src/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitAlu32.cs
index 9f419ba9..8eabe093 100644
--- a/src/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitAlu32.cs
+++ b/src/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitAlu32.cs
@@ -292,6 +292,16 @@ namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
EmitAluStore(context, res);
+ public static void Qadd16(ArmEmitterContext context)
+ {
+ OpCode32AluReg op = (OpCode32AluReg)context.CurrOp;
+ SetIntA32(context, op.Rd, EmitSigned16BitPair(context, GetIntA32(context, op.Rn), GetIntA32(context, op.Rm), (d, n, m) =>
+ {
+ EmitSaturateRange(context, d, context.Add(n, m), 16, unsigned: false, setQ: false);
+ }));
+ }
public static void Rbit(ArmEmitterContext context)
Operand m = GetAluM(context);
@@ -976,6 +986,94 @@ namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
+ private static void EmitSaturateRange(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand result, Operand value, uint saturateTo, bool unsigned, bool setQ = true)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(saturateTo <= 32);
+ Debug.Assert(!unsigned || saturateTo < 32);
+ if (!unsigned && saturateTo == 32)
+ {
+ // No saturation possible for this case.
+ context.Copy(result, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (saturateTo == 0)
+ {
+ // Result is always zero if we saturate 0 bits.
+ context.Copy(result, Const(0));
+ return;
+ }
+ Operand satValue;
+ if (unsigned)
+ {
+ // Negative values always saturate (to zero).
+ // So we must always ignore the sign bit when masking, so that the truncated value will differ from the original one.
+ satValue = context.BitwiseAnd(value, Const((int)(uint.MaxValue >> (32 - (int)saturateTo))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ satValue = context.ShiftLeft(value, Const(32 - (int)saturateTo));
+ satValue = context.ShiftRightSI(satValue, Const(32 - (int)saturateTo));
+ }
+ // If the result is 0, the values are equal and we don't need saturation.
+ Operand lblNoSat = Label();
+ context.BranchIfFalse(lblNoSat, context.Subtract(value, satValue));
+ // Saturate and set Q flag.
+ if (unsigned)
+ {
+ if (saturateTo == 31)
+ {
+ // Only saturation case possible when going from 32 bits signed to 32 or 31 bits unsigned
+ // is when the signed input is negative, as all positive values are representable on a 31 bits range.
+ satValue = Const(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ satValue = context.ShiftRightSI(value, Const(31));
+ satValue = context.BitwiseNot(satValue);
+ satValue = context.ShiftRightUI(satValue, Const(32 - (int)saturateTo));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (saturateTo == 1)
+ {
+ satValue = context.ShiftRightSI(value, Const(31));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ satValue = Const(uint.MaxValue >> (33 - (int)saturateTo));
+ satValue = context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(satValue, context.ShiftRightSI(value, Const(31)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (setQ)
+ {
+ SetFlag(context, PState.QFlag, Const(1));
+ }
+ context.Copy(result, satValue);
+ Operand lblExit = Label();
+ context.Branch(lblExit);
+ context.MarkLabel(lblNoSat);
+ context.Copy(result, value);
+ context.MarkLabel(lblExit);
+ }
private static void EmitSaturateUqadd(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand result, Operand value, uint saturateTo)
Debug.Assert(saturateTo <= 32);
@@ -1053,6 +1151,21 @@ namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
+ private static Operand EmitSigned16BitPair(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand rn, Operand rm, Action<Operand, Operand, Operand> elementAction)
+ {
+ Operand tempD = context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I32);
+ Operand tempN = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, rn);
+ Operand tempM = context.SignExtend16(OperandType.I32, rm);
+ elementAction(tempD, tempN, tempM);
+ Operand tempD2 = context.ZeroExtend16(OperandType.I32, tempD);
+ tempN = context.ShiftRightSI(rn, Const(16));
+ tempM = context.ShiftRightSI(rm, Const(16));
+ elementAction(tempD, tempN, tempM);
+ return context.BitwiseOr(tempD2, context.ShiftLeft(tempD, Const(16)));
+ }
private static Operand EmitUnsigned16BitPair(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand rn, Operand rm, Action<Operand, Operand, Operand> elementAction)
Operand tempD = context.AllocateLocal(OperandType.I32);