path: root/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Memory/KPageTableBase.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Memory/KPageTableBase.cs')
1 files changed, 2797 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Memory/KPageTableBase.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Memory/KPageTableBase.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2db8dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/Memory/KPageTableBase.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2797 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Common;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process;
+using Ryujinx.Memory.Range;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Memory
+ abstract class KPageTableBase
+ {
+ private static readonly int[] MappingUnitSizes = new int[]
+ {
+ 0x1000,
+ 0x10000,
+ 0x200000,
+ 0x400000,
+ 0x2000000,
+ 0x40000000
+ };
+ public const int PageSize = 0x1000;
+ private const int KMemoryBlockSize = 0x40;
+ // We need 2 blocks for the case where a big block
+ // needs to be split in 2, plus one block that will be the new one inserted.
+ private const int MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion = 2;
+ protected readonly KernelContext Context;
+ public ulong AddrSpaceStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong AddrSpaceEnd { get; private set; }
+ public ulong CodeRegionStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong CodeRegionEnd { get; private set; }
+ public ulong HeapRegionStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong HeapRegionEnd { get; private set; }
+ private ulong _currentHeapAddr;
+ public ulong AliasRegionStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong AliasRegionEnd { get; private set; }
+ public ulong StackRegionStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong StackRegionEnd { get; private set; }
+ public ulong TlsIoRegionStart { get; private set; }
+ public ulong TlsIoRegionEnd { get; private set; }
+ private ulong _heapCapacity;
+ public ulong PhysicalMemoryUsage { get; private set; }
+ private readonly KMemoryBlockManager _blockManager;
+ private MemoryRegion _memRegion;
+ private bool _aslrDisabled;
+ public int AddrSpaceWidth { get; private set; }
+ private bool _isKernel;
+ private bool _aslrEnabled;
+ private KMemoryBlockSlabManager _slabManager;
+ private int _contextId;
+ private MersenneTwister _randomNumberGenerator;
+ public abstract bool SupportsMemoryAliasing { get; }
+ public KPageTableBase(KernelContext context)
+ {
+ Context = context;
+ _blockManager = new KMemoryBlockManager();
+ _isKernel = false;
+ }
+ private static readonly int[] AddrSpaceSizes = new int[] { 32, 36, 32, 39 };
+ public KernelResult InitializeForProcess(
+ AddressSpaceType addrSpaceType,
+ bool aslrEnabled,
+ bool aslrDisabled,
+ MemoryRegion memRegion,
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ KMemoryBlockSlabManager slabManager)
+ {
+ if ((uint)addrSpaceType > (uint)AddressSpaceType.Addr39Bits)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException(nameof(addrSpaceType));
+ }
+ _contextId = Context.ContextIdManager.GetId();
+ ulong addrSpaceBase = 0;
+ ulong addrSpaceSize = 1UL << AddrSpaceSizes[(int)addrSpaceType];
+ KernelResult result = CreateUserAddressSpace(
+ addrSpaceType,
+ aslrEnabled,
+ aslrDisabled,
+ addrSpaceBase,
+ addrSpaceSize,
+ memRegion,
+ address,
+ size,
+ slabManager);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ Context.ContextIdManager.PutId(_contextId);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private class Region
+ {
+ public ulong Start;
+ public ulong End;
+ public ulong Size;
+ public ulong AslrOffset;
+ }
+ private KernelResult CreateUserAddressSpace(
+ AddressSpaceType addrSpaceType,
+ bool aslrEnabled,
+ bool aslrDisabled,
+ ulong addrSpaceStart,
+ ulong addrSpaceEnd,
+ MemoryRegion memRegion,
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ KMemoryBlockSlabManager slabManager)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ Region aliasRegion = new Region();
+ Region heapRegion = new Region();
+ Region stackRegion = new Region();
+ Region tlsIoRegion = new Region();
+ ulong codeRegionSize;
+ ulong stackAndTlsIoStart;
+ ulong stackAndTlsIoEnd;
+ ulong baseAddress;
+ switch (addrSpaceType)
+ {
+ case AddressSpaceType.Addr32Bits:
+ aliasRegion.Size = 0x40000000;
+ heapRegion.Size = 0x40000000;
+ stackRegion.Size = 0;
+ tlsIoRegion.Size = 0;
+ CodeRegionStart = 0x200000;
+ codeRegionSize = 0x3fe00000;
+ stackAndTlsIoStart = 0x200000;
+ stackAndTlsIoEnd = 0x40000000;
+ baseAddress = 0x200000;
+ AddrSpaceWidth = 32;
+ break;
+ case AddressSpaceType.Addr36Bits:
+ aliasRegion.Size = 0x180000000;
+ heapRegion.Size = 0x180000000;
+ stackRegion.Size = 0;
+ tlsIoRegion.Size = 0;
+ CodeRegionStart = 0x8000000;
+ codeRegionSize = 0x78000000;
+ stackAndTlsIoStart = 0x8000000;
+ stackAndTlsIoEnd = 0x80000000;
+ baseAddress = 0x8000000;
+ AddrSpaceWidth = 36;
+ break;
+ case AddressSpaceType.Addr32BitsNoMap:
+ aliasRegion.Size = 0;
+ heapRegion.Size = 0x80000000;
+ stackRegion.Size = 0;
+ tlsIoRegion.Size = 0;
+ CodeRegionStart = 0x200000;
+ codeRegionSize = 0x3fe00000;
+ stackAndTlsIoStart = 0x200000;
+ stackAndTlsIoEnd = 0x40000000;
+ baseAddress = 0x200000;
+ AddrSpaceWidth = 32;
+ break;
+ case AddressSpaceType.Addr39Bits:
+ aliasRegion.Size = 0x1000000000;
+ heapRegion.Size = 0x180000000;
+ stackRegion.Size = 0x80000000;
+ tlsIoRegion.Size = 0x1000000000;
+ CodeRegionStart = BitUtils.AlignDown(address, 0x200000);
+ codeRegionSize = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddr, 0x200000) - CodeRegionStart;
+ stackAndTlsIoStart = 0;
+ stackAndTlsIoEnd = 0;
+ baseAddress = 0x8000000;
+ AddrSpaceWidth = 39;
+ break;
+ default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(addrSpaceType));
+ }
+ CodeRegionEnd = CodeRegionStart + codeRegionSize;
+ ulong mapBaseAddress;
+ ulong mapAvailableSize;
+ if (CodeRegionStart - baseAddress >= addrSpaceEnd - CodeRegionEnd)
+ {
+ // Has more space before the start of the code region.
+ mapBaseAddress = baseAddress;
+ mapAvailableSize = CodeRegionStart - baseAddress;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Has more space after the end of the code region.
+ mapBaseAddress = CodeRegionEnd;
+ mapAvailableSize = addrSpaceEnd - CodeRegionEnd;
+ }
+ ulong mapTotalSize = aliasRegion.Size + heapRegion.Size + stackRegion.Size + tlsIoRegion.Size;
+ ulong aslrMaxOffset = mapAvailableSize - mapTotalSize;
+ _aslrEnabled = aslrEnabled;
+ AddrSpaceStart = addrSpaceStart;
+ AddrSpaceEnd = addrSpaceEnd;
+ _slabManager = slabManager;
+ if (mapAvailableSize < mapTotalSize)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ if (aslrEnabled)
+ {
+ aliasRegion.AslrOffset = GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset >> 21) << 21;
+ heapRegion.AslrOffset = GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset >> 21) << 21;
+ stackRegion.AslrOffset = GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset >> 21) << 21;
+ tlsIoRegion.AslrOffset = GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset >> 21) << 21;
+ }
+ // Regions are sorted based on ASLR offset.
+ // When ASLR is disabled, the order is Map, Heap, NewMap and TlsIo.
+ aliasRegion.Start = mapBaseAddress + aliasRegion.AslrOffset;
+ aliasRegion.End = aliasRegion.Start + aliasRegion.Size;
+ heapRegion.Start = mapBaseAddress + heapRegion.AslrOffset;
+ heapRegion.End = heapRegion.Start + heapRegion.Size;
+ stackRegion.Start = mapBaseAddress + stackRegion.AslrOffset;
+ stackRegion.End = stackRegion.Start + stackRegion.Size;
+ tlsIoRegion.Start = mapBaseAddress + tlsIoRegion.AslrOffset;
+ tlsIoRegion.End = tlsIoRegion.Start + tlsIoRegion.Size;
+ SortRegion(heapRegion, aliasRegion);
+ if (stackRegion.Size != 0)
+ {
+ SortRegion(stackRegion, aliasRegion);
+ SortRegion(stackRegion, heapRegion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stackRegion.Start = stackAndTlsIoStart;
+ stackRegion.End = stackAndTlsIoEnd;
+ }
+ if (tlsIoRegion.Size != 0)
+ {
+ SortRegion(tlsIoRegion, aliasRegion);
+ SortRegion(tlsIoRegion, heapRegion);
+ SortRegion(tlsIoRegion, stackRegion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tlsIoRegion.Start = stackAndTlsIoStart;
+ tlsIoRegion.End = stackAndTlsIoEnd;
+ }
+ AliasRegionStart = aliasRegion.Start;
+ AliasRegionEnd = aliasRegion.End;
+ HeapRegionStart = heapRegion.Start;
+ HeapRegionEnd = heapRegion.End;
+ StackRegionStart = stackRegion.Start;
+ StackRegionEnd = stackRegion.End;
+ TlsIoRegionStart = tlsIoRegion.Start;
+ TlsIoRegionEnd = tlsIoRegion.End;
+ _currentHeapAddr = HeapRegionStart;
+ _heapCapacity = 0;
+ PhysicalMemoryUsage = 0;
+ _memRegion = memRegion;
+ _aslrDisabled = aslrDisabled;
+ return _blockManager.Initialize(addrSpaceStart, addrSpaceEnd, slabManager);
+ }
+ private ulong GetRandomValue(ulong min, ulong max)
+ {
+ return (ulong)GetRandomValue((long)min, (long)max);
+ }
+ private long GetRandomValue(long min, long max)
+ {
+ if (_randomNumberGenerator == null)
+ {
+ _randomNumberGenerator = new MersenneTwister(0);
+ }
+ return _randomNumberGenerator.GenRandomNumber(min, max);
+ }
+ private static void SortRegion(Region lhs, Region rhs)
+ {
+ if (lhs.AslrOffset < rhs.AslrOffset)
+ {
+ rhs.Start += lhs.Size;
+ rhs.End += lhs.Size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lhs.Start += rhs.Size;
+ lhs.End += rhs.Size;
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapPages(ulong address, KPageList pageList, MemoryState state, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ ulong pagesCount = pageList.GetPagesCount();
+ ulong size = pagesCount * PageSize;
+ if (!CanContain(address, size, state))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (!IsUnmapped(address, pagesCount * PageSize))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ KernelResult result = MapPages(address, pageList, permission);
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, state, permission);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapPages(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, IEnumerable<HostMemoryRange> ranges, MemoryState stateExpected)
+ {
+ ulong size = pagesCount * PageSize;
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ ulong addrSpacePagesCount = (AddrSpaceEnd - AddrSpaceStart) / PageSize;
+ if (AddrSpaceStart > address)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (addrSpacePagesCount < pagesCount)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (endAddr - 1 > AddrSpaceEnd - 1)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ var currentRanges = GetPhysicalRegions(address, size);
+ if (!currentRanges.SequenceEqual(ranges))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange;
+ }
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState state,
+ out _,
+ out _))
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ KernelResult result = Unmap(address, pagesCount);
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapNormalMemory(long address, long size, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ // TODO.
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapIoMemory(long address, long size, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ // TODO.
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapPages(
+ ulong pagesCount,
+ int alignment,
+ ulong srcPa,
+ bool paIsValid,
+ ulong regionStart,
+ ulong regionPagesCount,
+ MemoryState state,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ out ulong address)
+ {
+ address = 0;
+ ulong regionSize = regionPagesCount * PageSize;
+ if (!CanContain(regionStart, regionSize, state))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (regionPagesCount <= pagesCount)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ address = AllocateVa(regionStart, regionPagesCount, pagesCount, alignment);
+ if (address == 0)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ KernelResult result;
+ if (paIsValid)
+ {
+ result = MapPages(address, pagesCount, srcPa, permission);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = AllocateAndMapPages(address, pagesCount, permission);
+ }
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, state, permission);
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapPages(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, MemoryState state, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ ulong size = pagesCount * PageSize;
+ if (!CanContain(address, size, state))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (!IsUnmapped(address, size))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ KernelResult result = AllocateAndMapPages(address, pagesCount, permission);
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, state, permission);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ private KernelResult AllocateAndMapPages(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ KMemoryRegionManager region = GetMemoryRegionManager();
+ KernelResult result = region.AllocatePages(pagesCount, _aslrDisabled, out KPageList pageList);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ using var _ = new OnScopeExit(() => pageList.DecrementPagesReferenceCount(Context.MemoryManager));
+ return MapPages(address, pageList, permission);
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapProcessCodeMemory(ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ bool success = CheckRange(
+ src,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ MemoryState.Heap,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState state,
+ out KMemoryPermission permission,
+ out _);
+ success &= IsUnmapped(dst, size);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion * 2))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = MapMemory(src, dst, pagesCount, permission, KMemoryPermission.None);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(src, pagesCount, state, KMemoryPermission.None, MemoryAttribute.Borrowed);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(dst, pagesCount, MemoryState.ModCodeStatic);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapProcessCodeMemory(ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ bool success = CheckRange(
+ src,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ MemoryState.Heap,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out _,
+ out _);
+ success &= CheckRange(
+ dst,
+ PageSize,
+ MemoryState.UnmapProcessCodeMemoryAllowed,
+ MemoryState.UnmapProcessCodeMemoryAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState state,
+ out _,
+ out _);
+ success &= CheckRange(
+ dst,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ state,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = Unmap(dst, pagesCount);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ // TODO: Missing some checks here.
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion * 2))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(dst, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(src, pagesCount, MemoryState.Heap, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult SetHeapSize(ulong size, out ulong address)
+ {
+ address = 0;
+ if (size > HeapRegionEnd - HeapRegionStart)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ ulong currentHeapSize = GetHeapSize();
+ if (currentHeapSize <= size)
+ {
+ // Expand.
+ ulong sizeDelta = size - currentHeapSize;
+ if (currentProcess.ResourceLimit != null && sizeDelta != 0 &&
+ !currentProcess.ResourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.Memory, sizeDelta))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = sizeDelta / PageSize;
+ KMemoryRegionManager region = GetMemoryRegionManager();
+ KernelResult result = region.AllocatePages(pagesCount, _aslrDisabled, out KPageList pageList);
+ using var _ = new OnScopeExit(() => pageList.DecrementPagesReferenceCount(Context.MemoryManager));
+ void CleanUpForError()
+ {
+ if (currentProcess.ResourceLimit != null && sizeDelta != 0)
+ {
+ currentProcess.ResourceLimit.Release(LimitableResource.Memory, sizeDelta);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ if (!IsUnmapped(_currentHeapAddr, sizeDelta))
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ result = MapPages(_currentHeapAddr, pageList, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(_currentHeapAddr, pagesCount, MemoryState.Heap, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Shrink.
+ ulong freeAddr = HeapRegionStart + size;
+ ulong sizeDelta = currentHeapSize - size;
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ if (!CheckRange(
+ freeAddr,
+ sizeDelta,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ MemoryState.Heap,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out _,
+ out _))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = sizeDelta / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = Unmap(freeAddr, pagesCount);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ currentProcess.ResourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.Memory, sizeDelta);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(freeAddr, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ }
+ _currentHeapAddr = HeapRegionStart + size;
+ }
+ address = HeapRegionStart;
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public ulong GetTotalHeapSize()
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ return GetHeapSize() + PhysicalMemoryUsage;
+ }
+ }
+ private ulong GetHeapSize()
+ {
+ return _currentHeapAddr - HeapRegionStart;
+ }
+ public KernelResult SetHeapCapacity(ulong capacity)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ _heapCapacity = capacity;
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult SetMemoryAttribute(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeValue)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.AttributeChangeAllowed,
+ MemoryState.AttributeChangeAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.BorrowedAndIpcMapped,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.DeviceMappedAndUncached,
+ out MemoryState state,
+ out KMemoryPermission permission,
+ out MemoryAttribute attribute))
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ attribute &= ~attributeMask;
+ attribute |= attributeMask & attributeValue;
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, state, permission, attribute);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KMemoryInfo QueryMemory(ulong address)
+ {
+ if (address >= AddrSpaceStart &&
+ address < AddrSpaceEnd)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ return _blockManager.FindBlock(address).GetInfo();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return new KMemoryInfo(
+ AddrSpaceEnd,
+ ~AddrSpaceEnd + 1,
+ MemoryState.Reserved,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult Map(ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size)
+ {
+ bool success;
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ success = CheckRange(
+ src,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.MapAllowed,
+ MemoryState.MapAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState srcState,
+ out _,
+ out _);
+ success &= IsUnmapped(dst, size);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion * 2))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = MapMemory(src, dst, pagesCount, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(src, pagesCount, srcState, KMemoryPermission.None, MemoryAttribute.Borrowed);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(dst, pagesCount, MemoryState.Stack, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapForKernel(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, MemoryState stateExpected)
+ {
+ ulong size = pagesCount * PageSize;
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out _,
+ out _))
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ KernelResult result = Unmap(address, pagesCount);
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult Unmap(ulong dst, ulong src, ulong size)
+ {
+ bool success;
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ success = CheckRange(
+ src,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.MapAllowed,
+ MemoryState.MapAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState srcState,
+ out _,
+ out _);
+ success &= CheckRange(
+ dst,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ MemoryState.Stack,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out KMemoryPermission dstPermission,
+ out _);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion * 2))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = UnmapMemory(dst, src, pagesCount, dstPermission, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(src, pagesCount, srcState, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(dst, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult SetProcessMemoryPermission(ulong address, ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.ProcessPermissionChangeAllowed,
+ MemoryState.ProcessPermissionChangeAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState oldState,
+ out KMemoryPermission oldPermission,
+ out _))
+ {
+ MemoryState newState = oldState;
+ // If writing into the code region is allowed, then we need
+ // to change it to mutable.
+ if ((permission & KMemoryPermission.Write) != 0)
+ {
+ if (oldState == MemoryState.CodeStatic)
+ {
+ newState = MemoryState.CodeMutable;
+ }
+ else if (oldState == MemoryState.ModCodeStatic)
+ {
+ newState = MemoryState.ModCodeMutable;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"Memory state \"{oldState}\" not valid for this operation.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (newState != oldState || permission != oldPermission)
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result;
+ if ((oldPermission & KMemoryPermission.Execute) != 0)
+ {
+ result = ReprotectWithAttributes(address, pagesCount, permission);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = Reprotect(address, pagesCount, permission);
+ }
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, newState, permission);
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapPhysicalMemory(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ ulong mappedSize = 0;
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(address, endAddr))
+ {
+ if (info.State != MemoryState.Unmapped)
+ {
+ mappedSize += GetSizeInRange(info, address, endAddr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mappedSize == size)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ ulong remainingSize = size - mappedSize;
+ ulong remainingPages = remainingSize / PageSize;
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ if (currentProcess.ResourceLimit != null &&
+ !currentProcess.ResourceLimit.Reserve(LimitableResource.Memory, remainingSize))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.ResLimitExceeded;
+ }
+ KMemoryRegionManager region = GetMemoryRegionManager();
+ KernelResult result = region.AllocatePages(remainingPages, _aslrDisabled, out KPageList pageList);
+ using var _ = new OnScopeExit(() => pageList.DecrementPagesReferenceCount(Context.MemoryManager));
+ void CleanUpForError()
+ {
+ currentProcess.ResourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.Memory, remainingSize);
+ }
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ LinkedListNode<KPageNode> pageListNode = pageList.Nodes.First;
+ KPageNode pageNode = pageListNode.Value;
+ ulong srcPa = pageNode.Address;
+ ulong srcPaPages = pageNode.PagesCount;
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(address, endAddr))
+ {
+ if (info.State != MemoryState.Unmapped)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, address, endAddr);
+ ulong dstVaPages = blockSize / PageSize;
+ ulong dstVa = GetAddrInRange(info, address);
+ while (dstVaPages > 0)
+ {
+ if (srcPaPages == 0)
+ {
+ pageListNode = pageListNode.Next;
+ pageNode = pageListNode.Value;
+ srcPa = pageNode.Address;
+ srcPaPages = pageNode.PagesCount;
+ }
+ ulong currentPagesCount = Math.Min(srcPaPages, dstVaPages);
+ MapPages(dstVa, currentPagesCount, srcPa, KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite);
+ dstVa += currentPagesCount * PageSize;
+ srcPa += currentPagesCount * PageSize;
+ srcPaPages -= currentPagesCount;
+ dstVaPages -= currentPagesCount;
+ }
+ }
+ PhysicalMemoryUsage += remainingSize;
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(
+ address,
+ pagesCount,
+ MemoryState.Unmapped,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryState.Heap,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.None);
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapPhysicalMemory(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ // Scan, ensure that the region can be unmapped (all blocks are heap or
+ // already unmapped), fill pages list for freeing memory.
+ ulong heapMappedSize = 0;
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(address, endAddr))
+ {
+ if (info.State == MemoryState.Heap)
+ {
+ if (info.Attribute != MemoryAttribute.None)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, address, endAddr);
+ heapMappedSize += blockSize;
+ }
+ else if (info.State != MemoryState.Unmapped)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ if (heapMappedSize == 0)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ // Try to unmap all the heap mapped memory inside range.
+ KernelResult result = KernelResult.Success;
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(address, endAddr))
+ {
+ if (info.State == MemoryState.Heap)
+ {
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, address, endAddr);
+ ulong blockAddress = GetAddrInRange(info, address);
+ ulong blockPagesCount = blockSize / PageSize;
+ result = Unmap(blockAddress, blockPagesCount);
+ // The kernel would attempt to remap if this fails, but we don't because:
+ // - The implementation may not support remapping if memory aliasing is not supported on the platform.
+ // - Unmap can't ever fail here anyway.
+ Debug.Assert(result == KernelResult.Success);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ PhysicalMemoryUsage -= heapMappedSize;
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ currentProcess.ResourceLimit?.Release(LimitableResource.Memory, heapMappedSize);
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult CopyDataToCurrentProcess(
+ ulong dst,
+ ulong size,
+ ulong src,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected)
+ {
+ // Client -> server.
+ return CopyDataFromOrToCurrentProcess(
+ size,
+ src,
+ dst,
+ stateMask,
+ stateExpected,
+ permission,
+ attributeMask,
+ attributeExpected,
+ toServer: true);
+ }
+ public KernelResult CopyDataFromCurrentProcess(
+ ulong dst,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected,
+ ulong src)
+ {
+ // Server -> client.
+ return CopyDataFromOrToCurrentProcess(
+ size,
+ dst,
+ src,
+ stateMask,
+ stateExpected,
+ permission,
+ attributeMask,
+ attributeExpected,
+ toServer: false);
+ }
+ private KernelResult CopyDataFromOrToCurrentProcess(
+ ulong size,
+ ulong clientAddress,
+ ulong serverAddress,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected,
+ bool toServer)
+ {
+ if (AddrSpaceStart > clientAddress)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong srcEndAddr = clientAddress + size;
+ if (srcEndAddr <= clientAddress || srcEndAddr - 1 > AddrSpaceEnd - 1)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ clientAddress,
+ size,
+ stateMask,
+ stateExpected,
+ permission,
+ permission,
+ attributeMask | MemoryAttribute.Uncached,
+ attributeExpected))
+ {
+ KProcess currentProcess = KernelStatic.GetCurrentProcess();
+ while (size > 0)
+ {
+ ulong copySize = 0x100000; // Copy chunck size. Any value will do, moderate sizes are recommended.
+ if (copySize > size)
+ {
+ copySize = size;
+ }
+ if (toServer)
+ {
+ currentProcess.CpuMemory.Write(serverAddress, GetSpan(clientAddress, (int)copySize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write(clientAddress, currentProcess.CpuMemory.GetSpan(serverAddress, (int)copySize));
+ }
+ serverAddress += copySize;
+ clientAddress += copySize;
+ size -= copySize;
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult MapBufferFromClientProcess(
+ ulong size,
+ ulong src,
+ KPageTableBase srcPageTable,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryState state,
+ bool send,
+ out ulong dst)
+ {
+ dst = 0;
+ lock (srcPageTable._blockManager)
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ KernelResult result = srcPageTable.ReprotectClientProcess(
+ src,
+ size,
+ permission,
+ state,
+ out int blocksNeeded);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!srcPageTable._slabManager.CanAllocate(blocksNeeded))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong srcMapAddress = BitUtils.AlignUp(src, PageSize);
+ ulong srcMapEndAddr = BitUtils.AlignDown(src + size, PageSize);
+ ulong srcMapSize = srcMapEndAddr - srcMapAddress;
+ result = MapPagesFromClientProcess(size, src, permission, state, srcPageTable, send, out ulong va);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ if (srcMapEndAddr > srcMapAddress)
+ {
+ srcPageTable.UnmapIpcRestorePermission(src, size, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (srcMapAddress < srcMapEndAddr)
+ {
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask = permission == KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite
+ ? KMemoryPermission.None
+ : KMemoryPermission.Read;
+ srcPageTable._blockManager.InsertBlock(srcMapAddress, srcMapSize / PageSize, SetIpcMappingPermissions, permissionMask);
+ }
+ dst = va;
+ }
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ private KernelResult ReprotectClientProcess(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryState state,
+ out int blocksNeeded)
+ {
+ blocksNeeded = 0;
+ if (AddrSpaceStart > address)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ if (endAddr <= address || endAddr - 1 > AddrSpaceEnd - 1)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ MemoryState stateMask;
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer0: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType0; break;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer1: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType1; break;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer3: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType3; break;
+ default: return KernelResult.InvalidCombination;
+ }
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask = permission == KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite
+ ? KMemoryPermission.None
+ : KMemoryPermission.Read;
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask = MemoryAttribute.Borrowed | MemoryAttribute.Uncached;
+ if (state == MemoryState.IpcBuffer0)
+ {
+ attributeMask |= MemoryAttribute.DeviceMapped;
+ }
+ ulong addressRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(address, PageSize);
+ ulong addressTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(address, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(endAddr, PageSize);
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong visitedSize = 0;
+ void CleanUpForError()
+ {
+ if (visitedSize == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ ulong endAddrVisited = address + visitedSize;
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(addressRounded, endAddrVisited))
+ {
+ if ((info.Permission & KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite) != permissionMask && info.IpcRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ ulong blockAddress = GetAddrInRange(info, addressRounded);
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, addressRounded, endAddrVisited);
+ ulong blockPagesCount = blockSize / PageSize;
+ KernelResult reprotectResult = Reprotect(blockAddress, blockPagesCount, info.Permission);
+ Debug.Assert(reprotectResult == KernelResult.Success);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Signal a read for any resources tracking reads in the region, as the other process is likely to use their data.
+ SignalMemoryTracking(addressTruncated, endAddrRounded - addressTruncated, false);
+ // Reprotect the aligned pages range on the client to make them inaccessible from the client process.
+ KernelResult result;
+ if (addressRounded < endAddrTruncated)
+ {
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(addressRounded, endAddrTruncated))
+ {
+ // Check if the block state matches what we expect.
+ if ((info.State & stateMask) != stateMask ||
+ (info.Permission & permission) != permission ||
+ (info.Attribute & attributeMask) != MemoryAttribute.None)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong blockAddress = GetAddrInRange(info, addressRounded);
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, addressRounded, endAddrTruncated);
+ ulong blockPagesCount = blockSize / PageSize;
+ // If the first block starts before the aligned range, it will need to be split.
+ if (info.Address < addressRounded)
+ {
+ blocksNeeded++;
+ }
+ // If the last block ends after the aligned range, it will need to be split.
+ if (endAddrTruncated - 1 < info.Address + info.Size - 1)
+ {
+ blocksNeeded++;
+ }
+ if ((info.Permission & KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite) != permissionMask && info.IpcRefCount == 0)
+ {
+ result = Reprotect(blockAddress, blockPagesCount, permissionMask);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ visitedSize += blockSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ private KernelResult MapPagesFromClientProcess(
+ ulong size,
+ ulong address,
+ KMemoryPermission permission,
+ MemoryState state,
+ KPageTableBase srcPageTable,
+ bool send,
+ out ulong dst)
+ {
+ if (!SupportsMemoryAliasing)
+ {
+ throw new NotSupportedException("Memory aliasing not supported, can't map IPC buffers.");
+ }
+ dst = 0;
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ ulong addressTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(address, PageSize);
+ ulong addressRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(address, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong neededSize = endAddrRounded - addressTruncated;
+ ulong neededPagesCount = neededSize / PageSize;
+ ulong regionPagesCount = (AliasRegionEnd - AliasRegionStart) / PageSize;
+ ulong va = 0;
+ for (int unit = MappingUnitSizes.Length - 1; unit >= 0 && va == 0; unit--)
+ {
+ int alignment = MappingUnitSizes[unit];
+ va = AllocateVa(AliasRegionStart, regionPagesCount, neededPagesCount, alignment);
+ }
+ if (va == 0)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfVaSpace;
+ }
+ ulong dstFirstPagePa = 0;
+ ulong dstLastPagePa = 0;
+ ulong currentVa = va;
+ using var _ = new OnScopeExit(() =>
+ {
+ if (dstFirstPagePa != 0)
+ {
+ Context.MemoryManager.DecrementPagesReferenceCount(dstFirstPagePa, 1);
+ }
+ if (dstLastPagePa != 0)
+ {
+ Context.MemoryManager.DecrementPagesReferenceCount(dstLastPagePa, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ void CleanUpForError()
+ {
+ if (currentVa != va)
+ {
+ Unmap(va, (currentVa - va) / PageSize);
+ }
+ }
+ // Is the first page address aligned?
+ // If not, allocate a new page and copy the unaligned chunck.
+ if (addressTruncated < addressRounded)
+ {
+ dstFirstPagePa = GetMemoryRegionManager().AllocatePagesContiguous(Context, 1, _aslrDisabled);
+ if (dstFirstPagePa == 0)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ // Is the last page end address aligned?
+ // If not, allocate a new page and copy the unaligned chunck.
+ if (endAddrTruncated < endAddrRounded && (addressTruncated == addressRounded || addressTruncated < endAddrTruncated))
+ {
+ dstLastPagePa = GetMemoryRegionManager().AllocatePagesContiguous(Context, 1, _aslrDisabled);
+ if (dstLastPagePa == 0)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return KernelResult.OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dstFirstPagePa != 0)
+ {
+ ulong firstPageFillAddress = dstFirstPagePa;
+ ulong unusedSizeAfter;
+ if (send)
+ {
+ ulong unusedSizeBefore = address - addressTruncated;
+ Context.Memory.ZeroFill(GetDramAddressFromPa(dstFirstPagePa), unusedSizeBefore);
+ ulong copySize = addressRounded <= endAddr ? addressRounded - address : size;
+ var data = srcPageTable.GetSpan(addressTruncated + unusedSizeBefore, (int)copySize);
+ Context.Memory.Write(GetDramAddressFromPa(dstFirstPagePa + unusedSizeBefore), data);
+ firstPageFillAddress += unusedSizeBefore + copySize;
+ unusedSizeAfter = addressRounded > endAddr ? addressRounded - endAddr : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unusedSizeAfter = PageSize;
+ }
+ if (unusedSizeAfter != 0)
+ {
+ Context.Memory.ZeroFill(GetDramAddressFromPa(firstPageFillAddress), unusedSizeAfter);
+ }
+ KernelResult result = MapPages(currentVa, 1, dstFirstPagePa, permission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ currentVa += PageSize;
+ }
+ if (endAddrTruncated > addressRounded)
+ {
+ ulong alignedSize = endAddrTruncated - addressRounded;
+ KernelResult result = MapPages(currentVa, srcPageTable.GetPhysicalRegions(addressRounded, alignedSize), permission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ currentVa += alignedSize;
+ }
+ if (dstLastPagePa != 0)
+ {
+ ulong lastPageFillAddr = dstLastPagePa;
+ ulong unusedSizeAfter;
+ if (send)
+ {
+ ulong copySize = endAddr - endAddrTruncated;
+ var data = srcPageTable.GetSpan(endAddrTruncated, (int)copySize);
+ Context.Memory.Write(GetDramAddressFromPa(dstLastPagePa), data);
+ lastPageFillAddr += copySize;
+ unusedSizeAfter = PageSize - copySize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unusedSizeAfter = PageSize;
+ }
+ Context.Memory.ZeroFill(GetDramAddressFromPa(lastPageFillAddr), unusedSizeAfter);
+ KernelResult result = MapPages(currentVa, 1, dstLastPagePa, permission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ CleanUpForError();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(va, neededPagesCount, state, permission);
+ dst = va + (address - addressTruncated);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapNoAttributeIfStateEquals(ulong address, ulong size, MemoryState state)
+ {
+ if (AddrSpaceStart > address)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ if (endAddr <= address || endAddr - 1 > AddrSpaceEnd - 1)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ state,
+ KMemoryPermission.Read,
+ KMemoryPermission.Read,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out _,
+ out _))
+ {
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ ulong addressTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(address, PageSize);
+ ulong addressRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(address, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong pagesCount = (endAddrRounded - addressTruncated) / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = Unmap(addressTruncated, pagesCount);
+ if (result == KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(addressTruncated, pagesCount, MemoryState.Unmapped);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnmapIpcRestorePermission(ulong address, ulong size, MemoryState state)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ ulong addressRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(address, PageSize);
+ ulong addressTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(address, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrRounded = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong endAddrTruncated = BitUtils.AlignDown(endAddr, PageSize);
+ ulong pagesCount = addressRounded < endAddrTruncated ? (endAddrTruncated - addressRounded) / PageSize : 0;
+ if (pagesCount == 0)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ MemoryState stateMask;
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer0: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType0; break;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer1: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType1; break;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer3: stateMask = MemoryState.IpcSendAllowedType3; break;
+ default: return KernelResult.InvalidCombination;
+ }
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask =
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed |
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcMapped |
+ MemoryAttribute.Uncached;
+ if (state == MemoryState.IpcBuffer0)
+ {
+ attributeMask |= MemoryAttribute.DeviceMapped;
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ // Anything on the client side should see this memory as modified.
+ SignalMemoryTracking(addressTruncated, endAddrRounded - addressTruncated, true);
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(addressRounded, endAddrTruncated))
+ {
+ // Check if the block state matches what we expect.
+ if ((info.State & stateMask) != stateMask ||
+ (info.Attribute & attributeMask) != MemoryAttribute.IpcMapped)
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ if (info.Permission != info.SourcePermission && info.IpcRefCount == 1)
+ {
+ ulong blockAddress = GetAddrInRange(info, addressRounded);
+ ulong blockSize = GetSizeInRange(info, addressRounded, endAddrTruncated);
+ ulong blockPagesCount = blockSize / PageSize;
+ KernelResult result = Reprotect(blockAddress, blockPagesCount, info.SourcePermission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(addressRounded, pagesCount, RestoreIpcMappingPermissions);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void SetIpcMappingPermissions(KMemoryBlock block, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ block.SetIpcMappingPermission(permission);
+ }
+ private static void RestoreIpcMappingPermissions(KMemoryBlock block, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ block.RestoreIpcMappingPermission();
+ }
+ public KernelResult BorrowIpcBuffer(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return SetAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.IpcBufferAllowed,
+ MemoryState.IpcBufferAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed);
+ }
+ public KernelResult BorrowTransferMemory(List<HostMemoryRange> ranges, ulong address, ulong size, KMemoryPermission permission)
+ {
+ return SetAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.TransferMemoryAllowed,
+ MemoryState.TransferMemoryAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ permission,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ ranges);
+ }
+ private KernelResult SetAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission newPermission,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeSetMask,
+ List<HostMemoryRange> ranges = null)
+ {
+ if (address + size <= address || !InsideAddrSpace(address, size))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ stateMask | MemoryState.IsPoolAllocated,
+ stateExpected | MemoryState.IsPoolAllocated,
+ permissionMask,
+ permissionExpected,
+ attributeMask,
+ attributeExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState oldState,
+ out KMemoryPermission oldPermission,
+ out MemoryAttribute oldAttribute))
+ {
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ ranges?.AddRange(GetPhysicalRegions(address, size));
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ if (newPermission == KMemoryPermission.None)
+ {
+ newPermission = oldPermission;
+ }
+ if (newPermission != oldPermission)
+ {
+ KernelResult result = Reprotect(address, pagesCount, newPermission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryAttribute newAttribute = oldAttribute | attributeSetMask;
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, oldState, newPermission, newAttribute);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnborrowIpcBuffer(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return ClearAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.IpcBufferAllowed,
+ MemoryState.IpcBufferAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed);
+ }
+ public KernelResult UnborrowTransferMemory(ulong address, ulong size, List<HostMemoryRange> ranges)
+ {
+ return ClearAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.TransferMemoryAllowed,
+ MemoryState.TransferMemoryAllowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ KMemoryPermission.ReadAndWrite,
+ MemoryAttribute.Borrowed,
+ ranges);
+ }
+ private KernelResult ClearAttributesAndChangePermission(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission newPermission,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeClearMask,
+ List<HostMemoryRange> ranges = null)
+ {
+ if (address + size <= address || !InsideAddrSpace(address, size))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ if (CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ stateMask | MemoryState.IsPoolAllocated,
+ stateExpected | MemoryState.IsPoolAllocated,
+ permissionMask,
+ permissionExpected,
+ attributeMask,
+ attributeExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out MemoryState oldState,
+ out KMemoryPermission oldPermission,
+ out MemoryAttribute oldAttribute))
+ {
+ ulong pagesCount = size / PageSize;
+ if (ranges != null)
+ {
+ var currentRanges = GetPhysicalRegions(address, size);
+ if (!currentRanges.SequenceEqual(ranges))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemRange;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_slabManager.CanAllocate(MaxBlocksNeededForInsertion))
+ {
+ return KernelResult.OutOfResource;
+ }
+ if (newPermission == KMemoryPermission.None)
+ {
+ newPermission = oldPermission;
+ }
+ if (newPermission != oldPermission)
+ {
+ KernelResult result = Reprotect(address, pagesCount, newPermission);
+ if (result != KernelResult.Success)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryAttribute newAttribute = oldAttribute & ~attributeClearMask;
+ _blockManager.InsertBlock(address, pagesCount, oldState, newPermission, newAttribute);
+ return KernelResult.Success;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KernelResult.InvalidMemState;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static ulong GetAddrInRange(KMemoryInfo info, ulong start)
+ {
+ if (info.Address < start)
+ {
+ return start;
+ }
+ return info.Address;
+ }
+ private static ulong GetSizeInRange(KMemoryInfo info, ulong start, ulong end)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = info.Size + info.Address;
+ ulong size = info.Size;
+ if (info.Address < start)
+ {
+ size -= start - info.Address;
+ }
+ if (endAddr > end)
+ {
+ size -= endAddr - end;
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ private bool IsUnmapped(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return CheckRange(
+ address,
+ size,
+ MemoryState.Mask,
+ MemoryState.Unmapped,
+ KMemoryPermission.Mask,
+ KMemoryPermission.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.Mask,
+ MemoryAttribute.None,
+ MemoryAttribute.IpcAndDeviceMapped,
+ out _,
+ out _,
+ out _);
+ }
+ private bool CheckRange(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeIgnoreMask,
+ out MemoryState outState,
+ out KMemoryPermission outPermission,
+ out MemoryAttribute outAttribute)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ LinkedListNode<KMemoryBlock> node = _blockManager.FindBlockNode(address);
+ KMemoryInfo info = node.Value.GetInfo();
+ MemoryState firstState = info.State;
+ KMemoryPermission firstPermission = info.Permission;
+ MemoryAttribute firstAttribute = info.Attribute;
+ do
+ {
+ info = node.Value.GetInfo();
+ // Check if the block state matches what we expect.
+ if (firstState != info.State ||
+ firstPermission != info.Permission ||
+ (info.Attribute & attributeMask) != attributeExpected ||
+ (firstAttribute | attributeIgnoreMask) != (info.Attribute | attributeIgnoreMask) ||
+ (firstState & stateMask) != stateExpected ||
+ (firstPermission & permissionMask) != permissionExpected)
+ {
+ outState = MemoryState.Unmapped;
+ outPermission = KMemoryPermission.None;
+ outAttribute = MemoryAttribute.None;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ while (info.Address + info.Size - 1 < endAddr - 1 && (node = node.Next) != null);
+ outState = firstState;
+ outPermission = firstPermission;
+ outAttribute = firstAttribute & ~attributeIgnoreMask;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private bool CheckRange(
+ ulong address,
+ ulong size,
+ MemoryState stateMask,
+ MemoryState stateExpected,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionMask,
+ KMemoryPermission permissionExpected,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeMask,
+ MemoryAttribute attributeExpected)
+ {
+ foreach (KMemoryInfo info in IterateOverRange(address, address + size))
+ {
+ // Check if the block state matches what we expect.
+ if ((info.State & stateMask) != stateExpected ||
+ (info.Permission & permissionMask) != permissionExpected ||
+ (info.Attribute & attributeMask) != attributeExpected)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<KMemoryInfo> IterateOverRange(ulong start, ulong end)
+ {
+ LinkedListNode<KMemoryBlock> node = _blockManager.FindBlockNode(start);
+ KMemoryInfo info;
+ do
+ {
+ info = node.Value.GetInfo();
+ yield return info;
+ }
+ while (info.Address + info.Size - 1 < end - 1 && (node = node.Next) != null);
+ }
+ private ulong AllocateVa(ulong regionStart, ulong regionPagesCount, ulong neededPagesCount, int alignment)
+ {
+ ulong address = 0;
+ ulong regionEndAddr = regionStart + regionPagesCount * PageSize;
+ ulong reservedPagesCount = _isKernel ? 1UL : 4UL;
+ if (_aslrEnabled)
+ {
+ ulong totalNeededSize = (reservedPagesCount + neededPagesCount) * PageSize;
+ ulong remainingPages = regionPagesCount - neededPagesCount;
+ ulong aslrMaxOffset = ((remainingPages + reservedPagesCount) * PageSize) / (ulong)alignment;
+ for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 8; attempt++)
+ {
+ address = BitUtils.AlignDown(regionStart + GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset) * (ulong)alignment, alignment);
+ ulong endAddr = address + totalNeededSize;
+ KMemoryInfo info = _blockManager.FindBlock(address).GetInfo();
+ if (info.State != MemoryState.Unmapped)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ulong currBaseAddr = info.Address + reservedPagesCount * PageSize;
+ ulong currEndAddr = info.Address + info.Size;
+ if (address >= regionStart &&
+ address >= currBaseAddr &&
+ endAddr - 1 <= regionEndAddr - 1 &&
+ endAddr - 1 <= currEndAddr - 1)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (address == 0)
+ {
+ ulong aslrPage = GetRandomValue(0, aslrMaxOffset);
+ address = FindFirstFit(
+ regionStart + aslrPage * PageSize,
+ regionPagesCount - aslrPage,
+ neededPagesCount,
+ alignment,
+ 0,
+ reservedPagesCount);
+ }
+ }
+ if (address == 0)
+ {
+ address = FindFirstFit(
+ regionStart,
+ regionPagesCount,
+ neededPagesCount,
+ alignment,
+ 0,
+ reservedPagesCount);
+ }
+ return address;
+ }
+ private ulong FindFirstFit(
+ ulong regionStart,
+ ulong regionPagesCount,
+ ulong neededPagesCount,
+ int alignment,
+ ulong reservedStart,
+ ulong reservedPagesCount)
+ {
+ ulong reservedSize = reservedPagesCount * PageSize;
+ ulong totalNeededSize = reservedSize + neededPagesCount * PageSize;
+ ulong regionEndAddr = regionStart + regionPagesCount * PageSize;
+ LinkedListNode<KMemoryBlock> node = _blockManager.FindBlockNode(regionStart);
+ KMemoryInfo info = node.Value.GetInfo();
+ while (regionEndAddr >= info.Address)
+ {
+ if (info.State == MemoryState.Unmapped)
+ {
+ ulong currBaseAddr = info.Address + reservedSize;
+ ulong currEndAddr = info.Address + info.Size - 1;
+ ulong address = BitUtils.AlignDown(currBaseAddr, alignment) + reservedStart;
+ if (currBaseAddr > address)
+ {
+ address += (ulong)alignment;
+ }
+ ulong allocationEndAddr = address + totalNeededSize - 1;
+ if (allocationEndAddr <= regionEndAddr &&
+ allocationEndAddr <= currEndAddr &&
+ address < allocationEndAddr)
+ {
+ return address;
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.Next;
+ if (node == null)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ info = node.Value.GetInfo();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public bool CanContain(ulong address, ulong size, MemoryState state)
+ {
+ ulong endAddr = address + size;
+ ulong regionBaseAddr = GetBaseAddress(state);
+ ulong regionEndAddr = regionBaseAddr + GetSize(state);
+ bool InsideRegion()
+ {
+ return regionBaseAddr <= address &&
+ endAddr > address &&
+ endAddr - 1 <= regionEndAddr - 1;
+ }
+ bool OutsideHeapRegion()
+ {
+ return endAddr <= HeapRegionStart || address >= HeapRegionEnd;
+ }
+ bool OutsideAliasRegion()
+ {
+ return endAddr <= AliasRegionStart || address >= AliasRegionEnd;
+ }
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case MemoryState.Io:
+ case MemoryState.Normal:
+ case MemoryState.CodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.CodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.SharedMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.Stack:
+ case MemoryState.ThreadLocal:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemoryIsolated:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ProcessMemory:
+ case MemoryState.CodeReadOnly:
+ case MemoryState.CodeWritable:
+ return InsideRegion() && OutsideHeapRegion() && OutsideAliasRegion();
+ case MemoryState.Heap:
+ return InsideRegion() && OutsideAliasRegion();
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer0:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer1:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer3:
+ return InsideRegion() && OutsideHeapRegion();
+ case MemoryState.KernelStack:
+ return InsideRegion();
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid state value \"{state}\".");
+ }
+ private ulong GetBaseAddress(MemoryState state)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case MemoryState.Io:
+ case MemoryState.Normal:
+ case MemoryState.ThreadLocal:
+ return TlsIoRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.CodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.CodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.SharedMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemoryIsolated:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ProcessMemory:
+ case MemoryState.CodeReadOnly:
+ case MemoryState.CodeWritable:
+ return GetAddrSpaceBaseAddr();
+ case MemoryState.Heap:
+ return HeapRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer0:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer1:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer3:
+ return AliasRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.Stack:
+ return StackRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.KernelStack:
+ return AddrSpaceStart;
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid state value \"{state}\".");
+ }
+ private ulong GetSize(MemoryState state)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case MemoryState.Io:
+ case MemoryState.Normal:
+ case MemoryState.ThreadLocal:
+ return TlsIoRegionEnd - TlsIoRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.CodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.CodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.SharedMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeStatic:
+ case MemoryState.ModCodeMutable:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemoryIsolated:
+ case MemoryState.TransferMemory:
+ case MemoryState.ProcessMemory:
+ case MemoryState.CodeReadOnly:
+ case MemoryState.CodeWritable:
+ return GetAddrSpaceSize();
+ case MemoryState.Heap:
+ return HeapRegionEnd - HeapRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer0:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer1:
+ case MemoryState.IpcBuffer3:
+ return AliasRegionEnd - AliasRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.Stack:
+ return StackRegionEnd - StackRegionStart;
+ case MemoryState.KernelStack:
+ return AddrSpaceEnd - AddrSpaceStart;
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid state value \"{state}\".");
+ }
+ public ulong GetAddrSpaceBaseAddr()
+ {
+ if (AddrSpaceWidth == 36 || AddrSpaceWidth == 39)
+ {
+ return 0x8000000;
+ }
+ else if (AddrSpaceWidth == 32)
+ {
+ return 0x200000;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid address space width!");
+ }
+ }
+ public ulong GetAddrSpaceSize()
+ {
+ if (AddrSpaceWidth == 36)
+ {
+ return 0xff8000000;
+ }
+ else if (AddrSpaceWidth == 39)
+ {
+ return 0x7ff8000000;
+ }
+ else if (AddrSpaceWidth == 32)
+ {
+ return 0xffe00000;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid address space width!");
+ }
+ }
+ private static ulong GetDramAddressFromPa(ulong pa)
+ {
+ return pa - DramMemoryMap.DramBase;
+ }
+ protected KMemoryRegionManager GetMemoryRegionManager()
+ {
+ return Context.MemoryManager.MemoryRegions[(int)_memRegion];
+ }
+ public long GetMmUsedPages()
+ {
+ lock (_blockManager)
+ {
+ return BitUtils.DivRoundUp(GetMmUsedSize(), PageSize);
+ }
+ }
+ private long GetMmUsedSize()
+ {
+ return _blockManager.BlocksCount * KMemoryBlockSize;
+ }
+ public bool IsInvalidRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return address + size - 1 > GetAddrSpaceBaseAddr() + GetAddrSpaceSize() - 1;
+ }
+ public bool InsideAddrSpace(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return AddrSpaceStart <= address && address + size - 1 <= AddrSpaceEnd - 1;
+ }
+ public bool InsideAliasRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return address + size > AliasRegionStart && AliasRegionEnd > address;
+ }
+ public bool InsideHeapRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return address + size > HeapRegionStart && HeapRegionEnd > address;
+ }
+ public bool InsideStackRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return address + size > StackRegionStart && StackRegionEnd > address;
+ }
+ public bool OutsideAliasRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return AliasRegionStart > address || address + size - 1 > AliasRegionEnd - 1;
+ }
+ public bool OutsideAddrSpace(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return AddrSpaceStart > address || address + size - 1 > AddrSpaceEnd - 1;
+ }
+ public bool OutsideStackRegion(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ return StackRegionStart > address || address + size - 1 > StackRegionEnd - 1;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets the physical regions that make up the given virtual address region.
+ /// If any part of the virtual region is unmapped, null is returned.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="va">Virtual address of the range</param>
+ /// <param name="size">Size of the range</param>
+ /// <returns>Array of physical regions</returns>
+ protected abstract IEnumerable<HostMemoryRange> GetPhysicalRegions(ulong va, ulong size);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets a read-only span of data from CPU mapped memory.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// This may perform a allocation if the data is not contiguous in memory.
+ /// For this reason, the span is read-only, you can't modify the data.
+ /// </remarks>
+ /// <param name="va">Virtual address of the data</param>
+ /// <param name="size">Size of the data</param>
+ /// <param name="tracked">True if read tracking is triggered on the span</param>
+ /// <returns>A read-only span of the data</returns>
+ /// <exception cref="Ryujinx.Memory.InvalidMemoryRegionException">Throw for unhandled invalid or unmapped memory accesses</exception>
+ protected abstract ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetSpan(ulong va, int size);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Maps a new memory region with the contents of a existing memory region.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="src">Source memory region where the data will be taken from</param>
+ /// <param name="dst">Destination memory region to map</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to map</param>
+ /// <param name="oldSrcPermission">Current protection of the source memory region</param>
+ /// <param name="newDstPermission">Desired protection for the destination memory region</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the mapping operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult MapMemory(ulong src, ulong dst, ulong pagesCount, KMemoryPermission oldSrcPermission, KMemoryPermission newDstPermission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Unmaps a region of memory that was previously mapped with <see cref="MapMemory"/>.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dst">Destination memory region to be unmapped</param>
+ /// <param name="src">Source memory region that was originally remapped</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to unmap</param>
+ /// <param name="oldDstPermission">Current protection of the destination memory region</param>
+ /// <param name="newSrcPermission">Desired protection of the source memory region</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the unmapping operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult UnmapMemory(ulong dst, ulong src, ulong pagesCount, KMemoryPermission oldDstPermission, KMemoryPermission newSrcPermission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Maps a region of memory into the specified physical memory region.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dstVa">Destination virtual address that should be mapped</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to map</param>
+ /// <param name="srcPa">Physical address where the pages should be mapped. May be ignored if aliasing is not supported</param>
+ /// <param name="permission">Permission of the region to be mapped</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the mapping operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult MapPages(ulong dstVa, ulong pagesCount, ulong srcPa, KMemoryPermission permission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Maps a region of memory into the specified physical memory region.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="address">Destination virtual address that should be mapped</param>
+ /// <param name="pageList">List of physical memory pages where the pages should be mapped. May be ignored if aliasing is not supported</param>
+ /// <param name="permission">Permission of the region to be mapped</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the mapping operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult MapPages(ulong address, KPageList pageList, KMemoryPermission permission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Maps a region of memory into the specified host memory ranges.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="address">Destination virtual address that should be mapped</param>
+ /// <param name="ranges">Ranges of host memory that should be mapped</param>
+ /// <param name="permission">Permission of the region to be mapped</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the mapping operation</returns>
+ /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The implementation does not support memory aliasing</exception>
+ protected abstract KernelResult MapPages(ulong address, IEnumerable<HostMemoryRange> ranges, KMemoryPermission permission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Unmaps a region of memory that was previously mapped with one of the page mapping methods.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="address">Virtual address of the region to unmap</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to unmap</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the unmapping operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult Unmap(ulong address, ulong pagesCount);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Changes the permissions of a given virtual memory region.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="address">Virtual address of the region to have the permission changes</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to have their permissions changed</param>
+ /// <param name="permission">New permission</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the permission change operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult Reprotect(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, KMemoryPermission permission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Changes the permissions of a given virtual memory region.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="address">Virtual address of the region to have the permission changes</param>
+ /// <param name="pagesCount">Number of pages to have their permissions changed</param>
+ /// <param name="permission">New permission</param>
+ /// <returns>Result of the permission change operation</returns>
+ protected abstract KernelResult ReprotectWithAttributes(ulong address, ulong pagesCount, KMemoryPermission permission);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Alerts the memory tracking that a given region has been read from or written to.
+ /// This should be called before read/write is performed.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="va">Virtual address of the region</param>
+ /// <param name="size">Size of the region</param>
+ protected abstract void SignalMemoryTracking(ulong va, ulong size, bool write);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Writes data to CPU mapped memory, with write tracking.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="va">Virtual address to write the data into</param>
+ /// <param name="data">Data to be written</param>
+ /// <exception cref="Ryujinx.Memory.InvalidMemoryRegionException">Throw for unhandled invalid or unmapped memory accesses</exception>
+ protected abstract void Write(ulong va, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file