path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
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diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
index 05e11093..d14c2a32 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/TextureCopy.cs
@@ -355,5 +355,122 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ public unsafe static void ResolveDepthStencil(
+ VulkanRenderer gd,
+ Device device,
+ CommandBufferScoped cbs,
+ TextureView src,
+ TextureView dst)
+ {
+ var dsAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference2(StructureType.AttachmentReference2, null, 0, ImageLayout.General);
+ var dsResolveAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference2(StructureType.AttachmentReference2, null, 1, ImageLayout.General);
+ var subpassDsResolve = new SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve,
+ PDepthStencilResolveAttachment = &dsResolveAttachmentReference,
+ DepthResolveMode = ResolveModeFlags.ResolveModeSampleZeroBit,
+ StencilResolveMode = ResolveModeFlags.ResolveModeSampleZeroBit
+ };
+ var subpass = new SubpassDescription2()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SubpassDescription2,
+ PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
+ PDepthStencilAttachment = &dsAttachmentReference,
+ PNext = &subpassDsResolve
+ };
+ AttachmentDescription2[] attachmentDescs = new AttachmentDescription2[2];
+ attachmentDescs[0] = new AttachmentDescription2(
+ StructureType.AttachmentDescription2,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ src.VkFormat,
+ TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags((uint)src.Info.Samples),
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ ImageLayout.General,
+ ImageLayout.General);
+ attachmentDescs[1] = new AttachmentDescription2(
+ StructureType.AttachmentDescription2,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ dst.VkFormat,
+ TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags((uint)dst.Info.Samples),
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ AttachmentLoadOp.Load,
+ AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
+ ImageLayout.General,
+ ImageLayout.General);
+ var subpassDependency = PipelineConverter.CreateSubpassDependency2();
+ fixed (AttachmentDescription2* pAttachmentDescs = attachmentDescs)
+ {
+ var renderPassCreateInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo2()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo2,
+ PAttachments = pAttachmentDescs,
+ AttachmentCount = (uint)attachmentDescs.Length,
+ PSubpasses = &subpass,
+ SubpassCount = 1,
+ PDependencies = &subpassDependency,
+ DependencyCount = 1
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateRenderPass2(device, renderPassCreateInfo, null, out var renderPass).ThrowOnError();
+ using var rp = new Auto<DisposableRenderPass>(new DisposableRenderPass(gd.Api, device, renderPass));
+ ImageView* attachments = stackalloc ImageView[2];
+ var srcView = src.GetImageViewForAttachment();
+ var dstView = dst.GetImageViewForAttachment();
+ attachments[0] = srcView.Get(cbs).Value;
+ attachments[1] = dstView.Get(cbs).Value;
+ var framebufferCreateInfo = new FramebufferCreateInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.FramebufferCreateInfo,
+ RenderPass = rp.Get(cbs).Value,
+ AttachmentCount = 2,
+ PAttachments = attachments,
+ Width = (uint)src.Width,
+ Height = (uint)src.Height,
+ Layers = (uint)src.Layers
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateFramebuffer(device, framebufferCreateInfo, null, out var framebuffer).ThrowOnError();
+ using var fb = new Auto<DisposableFramebuffer>(new DisposableFramebuffer(gd.Api, device, framebuffer), null, new[] { srcView, dstView });
+ var renderArea = new Rect2D(null, new Extent2D((uint)src.Info.Width, (uint)src.Info.Height));
+ var clearValue = new ClearValue();
+ var renderPassBeginInfo = new RenderPassBeginInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.RenderPassBeginInfo,
+ RenderPass = rp.Get(cbs).Value,
+ Framebuffer = fb.Get(cbs).Value,
+ RenderArea = renderArea,
+ PClearValues = &clearValue,
+ ClearValueCount = 1
+ };
+ // The resolve operation happens at the end of the subpass, so let's just do a begin/end
+ // to resolve the depth-stencil texture.
+ // TODO: Do speculative resolve and part of the same render pass as the draw to avoid
+ // ending the current render pass?
+ gd.Api.CmdBeginRenderPass(cbs.CommandBuffer, renderPassBeginInfo, SubpassContents.Inline);
+ gd.Api.CmdEndRenderPass(cbs.CommandBuffer);
+ }
+ }