path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs
index 5dd23155..69302fdf 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/ImageWindow.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
class ImageWindow : WindowBase, IWindow, IDisposable
- private const int ImageCount = 5;
+ internal const VkFormat Format = VkFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm;
+ private const int ImageCount = 3;
private const int SurfaceWidth = 1280;
private const int SurfaceHeight = 720;
@@ -18,52 +20,49 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
private Auto<DisposableImage>[] _images;
private Auto<DisposableImageView>[] _imageViews;
private Auto<MemoryAllocation>[] _imageAllocationAuto;
+ private ImageState[] _states;
+ private PresentImageInfo[] _presentedImages;
+ private FenceHolder[] _fences;
private ulong[] _imageSizes;
private ulong[] _imageOffsets;
- private Semaphore _imageAvailableSemaphore;
- private Semaphore _renderFinishedSemaphore;
private int _width = SurfaceWidth;
private int _height = SurfaceHeight;
- private VkFormat _format;
private bool _recreateImages;
private int _nextImage;
- internal new bool ScreenCaptureRequested { get; set; }
public unsafe ImageWindow(VulkanRenderer gd, PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, Device device)
_gd = gd;
_physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
_device = device;
- _format = VkFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm;
_images = new Auto<DisposableImage>[ImageCount];
_imageAllocationAuto = new Auto<MemoryAllocation>[ImageCount];
_imageSizes = new ulong[ImageCount];
_imageOffsets = new ulong[ImageCount];
+ _states = new ImageState[ImageCount];
+ _presentedImages = new PresentImageInfo[ImageCount];
- var semaphoreCreateInfo = new SemaphoreCreateInfo()
- {
- SType = StructureType.SemaphoreCreateInfo
- };
- gd.Api.CreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, out _imageAvailableSemaphore).ThrowOnError();
- gd.Api.CreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, out _renderFinishedSemaphore).ThrowOnError();
private void RecreateImages()
for (int i = 0; i < ImageCount; i++)
- _imageViews[i]?.Dispose();
- _imageAllocationAuto[i]?.Dispose();
- _images[i]?.Dispose();
+ lock (_states[i])
+ {
+ _states[i].IsValid = false;
+ _fences[i]?.Wait();
+ _fences[i]?.Put();
+ _imageViews[i]?.Dispose();
+ _imageAllocationAuto[i]?.Dispose();
+ _images[i]?.Dispose();
+ }
+ _presentedImages = null;
@@ -71,34 +70,35 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
private unsafe void CreateImages()
_imageViews = new Auto<DisposableImageView>[ImageCount];
+ _fences = new FenceHolder[ImageCount];
+ _presentedImages = new PresentImageInfo[ImageCount];
+ _nextImage = 0;
var cbs = _gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent();
- for (int i = 0; i < _images.Length; i++)
+ var imageCreateInfo = new ImageCreateInfo
- var imageCreateInfo = new ImageCreateInfo
- {
- SType = StructureType.ImageCreateInfo,
- ImageType = ImageType.ImageType2D,
- Format = _format,
- Extent =
- new Extent3D((uint?)_width,
- (uint?)_height, 1),
- MipLevels = 1,
- ArrayLayers = 1,
- Samples = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit,
- Tiling = ImageTiling.Optimal,
- Usage = ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageColorAttachmentBit | ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageTransferSrcBit | ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageTransferDstBit,
- SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,
- InitialLayout = ImageLayout.Undefined,
- Flags = ImageCreateFlags.ImageCreateMutableFormatBit
- };
+ SType = StructureType.ImageCreateInfo,
+ ImageType = ImageType.ImageType2D,
+ Format = Format,
+ Extent = new Extent3D((uint?)_width, (uint?)_height, 1),
+ MipLevels = 1,
+ ArrayLayers = 1,
+ Samples = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit,
+ Tiling = ImageTiling.Optimal,
+ Usage = ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageColorAttachmentBit | ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageTransferSrcBit | ImageUsageFlags.ImageUsageTransferDstBit,
+ SharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,
+ InitialLayout = ImageLayout.Undefined,
+ Flags = ImageCreateFlags.ImageCreateMutableFormatBit
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < _images.Length; i++)
+ {
_gd.Api.CreateImage(_device, imageCreateInfo, null, out var image).ThrowOnError();
_images[i] = new Auto<DisposableImage>(new DisposableImage(_gd.Api, _device, image));
_gd.Api.GetImageMemoryRequirements(_device, image,
out var memoryRequirements);
var allocation = _gd.MemoryAllocator.AllocateDeviceMemory(_physicalDevice, memoryRequirements, MemoryPropertyFlags.MemoryPropertyDeviceLocalBit);
_imageSizes[i] = allocation.Size;
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
_gd.Api.BindImageMemory(_device, image, allocation.Memory, allocation.Offset);
- _imageViews[i] = CreateImageView(image, _format);
+ _imageViews[i] = CreateImageView(image, Format);
@@ -116,7 +116,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal);
+ ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal);
+ _states[i] = new ImageState();
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,
+ ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal,
var view = (TextureView)texture;
@@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- _format,
+ Format,
new Extents2D(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1),
new Extents2D(dstX0, dstY1, dstX1, dstY0),
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal);
+ ImageLayout.TransferSrcOptimal);
@@ -252,12 +254,30 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
stackalloc[] { PipelineStageFlags.PipelineStageColorAttachmentOutputBit },
- var memory = _imageAllocationAuto[_nextImage].GetUnsafe().Memory;
- var presentInfo = new PresentImageInfo(image.GetUnsafe().Value, memory, _imageSizes[_nextImage], _imageOffsets[_nextImage], _renderFinishedSemaphore, _imageAvailableSemaphore);
+ _fences[_nextImage]?.Put();
+ _fences[_nextImage] = cbs.GetFence();
+ cbs.GetFence().Get();
+ PresentImageInfo info = _presentedImages[_nextImage];
+ if (info == null)
+ {
+ info = new PresentImageInfo(
+ image,
+ _imageAllocationAuto[_nextImage],
+ _device,
+ _physicalDevice,
+ _imageSizes[_nextImage],
+ _imageOffsets[_nextImage],
+ new Extent2D((uint)_width, (uint)_height),
+ _states[_nextImage]);
+ _presentedImages[_nextImage] = info;
+ }
- swapBuffersCallback(presentInfo);
+ swapBuffersCallback(info);
- _nextImage %= ImageCount;
+ _nextImage = (_nextImage + 1) % ImageCount;
private unsafe void Transition(
@@ -320,11 +340,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
- _gd.Api.DestroySemaphore(_device, _renderFinishedSemaphore, null);
- _gd.Api.DestroySemaphore(_device, _imageAvailableSemaphore, null);
for (int i = 0; i < ImageCount; i++)
+ _states[i].IsValid = false;
+ _fences[i]?.Wait();
+ _fences[i]?.Put();
@@ -337,25 +357,73 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ public override void ChangeVSyncMode(bool vsyncEnabled) { }
+ }
+ public class ImageState
+ {
+ private bool _isValid = true;
+ public bool IsValid
+ {
+ get => _isValid;
+ internal set
+ {
+ _isValid = value;
+ StateChanged?.Invoke(this, _isValid);
+ }
+ }
+ public event EventHandler<bool> StateChanged;
public class PresentImageInfo
- public Image Image { get; }
- public DeviceMemory Memory { get; }
- public ulong MemorySize { get; set; }
- public ulong MemoryOffset { get; set; }
- public Semaphore ReadySemaphore { get; }
- public Semaphore AvailableSemaphore { get; }
- public PresentImageInfo(Image image, DeviceMemory memory, ulong memorySize, ulong memoryOffset, Semaphore readySemaphore, Semaphore availableSemaphore)
+ private readonly Auto<DisposableImage> _image;
+ private readonly Auto<MemoryAllocation> _memory;
+ public Image Image => _image.GetUnsafe().Value;
+ public DeviceMemory Memory => _memory.GetUnsafe().Memory;
+ public Device Device { get; }
+ public PhysicalDevice PhysicalDevice { get; }
+ public ulong MemorySize { get; }
+ public ulong MemoryOffset { get; }
+ public Extent2D Extent { get; }
+ public ImageState State { get; internal set; }
+ internal PresentImageInfo(
+ Auto<DisposableImage> image,
+ Auto<MemoryAllocation> memory,
+ Device device,
+ PhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
+ ulong memorySize,
+ ulong memoryOffset,
+ Extent2D extent2D,
+ ImageState state)
+ {
+ _image = image;
+ _memory = memory;
+ Device = device;
+ PhysicalDevice = physicalDevice;
+ MemorySize = memorySize;
+ MemoryOffset = memoryOffset;
+ Extent = extent2D;
+ State = state;
+ }
+ public void Get()
+ {
+ _memory.IncrementReferenceCount();
+ _image.IncrementReferenceCount();
+ }
+ public void Put()
- this.Image = image;
- this.Memory = memory;
- this.MemorySize = memorySize;
- this.MemoryOffset = memoryOffset;
- this.ReadySemaphore = readySemaphore;
- this.AvailableSemaphore = availableSemaphore;
+ _memory.DecrementReferenceCount();
+ _image.DecrementReferenceCount();
} \ No newline at end of file