path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/ScalingHelpers.cs
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1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/ScalingHelpers.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/ScalingHelpers.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8503771c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/ScalingHelpers.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+using static Spv.Specification;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
+ using SpvInstruction = Spv.Generator.Instruction;
+ static class ScalingHelpers
+ {
+ public static SpvInstruction ApplyScaling(
+ CodeGenContext context,
+ AstTextureOperation texOp,
+ SpvInstruction vector,
+ bool intCoords,
+ bool isBindless,
+ bool isIndexed,
+ bool isArray,
+ int pCount)
+ {
+ if (intCoords)
+ {
+ if (context.Config.Stage.SupportsRenderScale() &&
+ !isBindless &&
+ !isIndexed)
+ {
+ int index = texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageLoad
+ ? context.Config.GetTextureDescriptors().Length + context.Config.FindImageDescriptorIndex(texOp)
+ : context.Config.FindTextureDescriptorIndex(texOp);
+ if (pCount == 3 && isArray)
+ {
+ return ApplyScaling2DArray(context, vector, index);
+ }
+ else if (pCount == 2 && !isArray)
+ {
+ return ApplyScaling2D(context, vector, index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vector;
+ }
+ private static SpvInstruction ApplyScaling2DArray(CodeGenContext context, SpvInstruction vector, int index)
+ {
+ // The array index is not scaled, just x and y.
+ var vectorXY = context.VectorShuffle(context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 2), vector, vector, 0, 1);
+ var vectorZ = context.CompositeExtract(context.TypeS32(), vector, 2);
+ var vectorXYScaled = ApplyScaling2D(context, vectorXY, index);
+ var vectorScaled = context.CompositeConstruct(context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 3), vectorXYScaled, vectorZ);
+ return vectorScaled;
+ }
+ private static SpvInstruction ApplyScaling2D(CodeGenContext context, SpvInstruction vector, int index)
+ {
+ var pointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, context.TypeFP32());
+ var fieldIndex = context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 4);
+ var scaleIndex = context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), index);
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+ {
+ var scaleCountPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, context.TypeS32());
+ var scaleCountElemPointer = context.AccessChain(scaleCountPointerType, context.SupportBuffer, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 3));
+ var scaleCount = context.Load(context.TypeS32(), scaleCountElemPointer);
+ scaleIndex = context.IAdd(context.TypeU32(), scaleIndex, scaleCount);
+ }
+ scaleIndex = context.IAdd(context.TypeU32(), scaleIndex, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 1));
+ var scaleElemPointer = context.AccessChain(pointerType, context.SupportBuffer, fieldIndex, scaleIndex);
+ var scale = context.Load(context.TypeFP32(), scaleElemPointer);
+ var ivector2Type = context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 2);
+ var localVector = context.CoordTemp;
+ var passthrough = context.FOrdEqual(context.TypeBool(), scale, context.Constant(context.TypeFP32(), 1f));
+ var mergeLabel = context.Label();
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
+ {
+ var scaledInterpolatedLabel = context.Label();
+ var scaledNoInterpolationLabel = context.Label();
+ var needsInterpolation = context.FOrdLessThan(context.TypeBool(), scale, context.Constant(context.TypeFP32(), 0f));
+ context.SelectionMerge(mergeLabel, SelectionControlMask.MaskNone);
+ context.BranchConditional(needsInterpolation, scaledInterpolatedLabel, scaledNoInterpolationLabel);
+ // scale < 0.0
+ context.AddLabel(scaledInterpolatedLabel);
+ ApplyScalingInterpolated(context, localVector, vector, scale);
+ context.Branch(mergeLabel);
+ // scale >= 0.0
+ context.AddLabel(scaledNoInterpolationLabel);
+ ApplyScalingNoInterpolation(context, localVector, vector, scale);
+ context.Branch(mergeLabel);
+ context.AddLabel(mergeLabel);
+ var passthroughLabel = context.Label();
+ var finalMergeLabel = context.Label();
+ context.SelectionMerge(finalMergeLabel, SelectionControlMask.MaskNone);
+ context.BranchConditional(passthrough, passthroughLabel, finalMergeLabel);
+ context.AddLabel(passthroughLabel);
+ context.Store(localVector, vector);
+ context.Branch(finalMergeLabel);
+ context.AddLabel(finalMergeLabel);
+ return context.Load(ivector2Type, localVector);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var passthroughLabel = context.Label();
+ var scaledLabel = context.Label();
+ context.SelectionMerge(mergeLabel, SelectionControlMask.MaskNone);
+ context.BranchConditional(passthrough, passthroughLabel, scaledLabel);
+ // scale == 1.0
+ context.AddLabel(passthroughLabel);
+ context.Store(localVector, vector);
+ context.Branch(mergeLabel);
+ // scale != 1.0
+ context.AddLabel(scaledLabel);
+ ApplyScalingNoInterpolation(context, localVector, vector, scale);
+ context.Branch(mergeLabel);
+ context.AddLabel(mergeLabel);
+ return context.Load(ivector2Type, localVector);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void ApplyScalingInterpolated(CodeGenContext context, SpvInstruction output, SpvInstruction vector, SpvInstruction scale)
+ {
+ var vector2Type = context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), 2);
+ var scaleNegated = context.FNegate(context.TypeFP32(), scale);
+ var scaleVector = context.CompositeConstruct(vector2Type, scaleNegated, scaleNegated);
+ var vectorFloat = context.ConvertSToF(vector2Type, vector);
+ var vectorScaled = context.VectorTimesScalar(vector2Type, vectorFloat, scaleNegated);
+ var fragCoordPointer = context.Inputs[AttributeConsts.PositionX];
+ var fragCoord = context.Load(context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), 4), fragCoordPointer);
+ var fragCoordXY = context.VectorShuffle(vector2Type, fragCoord, fragCoord, 0, 1);
+ var scaleMod = context.FMod(vector2Type, fragCoordXY, scaleVector);
+ var vectorInterpolated = context.FAdd(vector2Type, vectorScaled, scaleMod);
+ context.Store(output, context.ConvertFToS(context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 2), vectorInterpolated));
+ }
+ private static void ApplyScalingNoInterpolation(CodeGenContext context, SpvInstruction output, SpvInstruction vector, SpvInstruction scale)
+ {
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+ {
+ scale = context.GlslFAbs(context.TypeFP32(), scale);
+ }
+ var vector2Type = context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), 2);
+ var vectorFloat = context.ConvertSToF(vector2Type, vector);
+ var vectorScaled = context.VectorTimesScalar(vector2Type, vectorFloat, scale);
+ context.Store(output, context.ConvertFToS(context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 2), vectorScaled));
+ }
+ public static SpvInstruction ApplyUnscaling(
+ CodeGenContext context,
+ AstTextureOperation texOp,
+ SpvInstruction size,
+ bool isBindless,
+ bool isIndexed)
+ {
+ if (context.Config.Stage.SupportsRenderScale() &&
+ !isBindless &&
+ !isIndexed)
+ {
+ int index = context.Config.FindTextureDescriptorIndex(texOp);
+ var pointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, context.TypeFP32());
+ var fieldIndex = context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 4);
+ var scaleIndex = context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), index);
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+ {
+ var scaleCountPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, context.TypeS32());
+ var scaleCountElemPointer = context.AccessChain(scaleCountPointerType, context.SupportBuffer, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 3));
+ var scaleCount = context.Load(context.TypeS32(), scaleCountElemPointer);
+ scaleIndex = context.IAdd(context.TypeU32(), scaleIndex, scaleCount);
+ }
+ scaleIndex = context.IAdd(context.TypeU32(), scaleIndex, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), 1));
+ var scaleElemPointer = context.AccessChain(pointerType, context.SupportBuffer, fieldIndex, scaleIndex);
+ var scale = context.GlslFAbs(context.TypeFP32(), context.Load(context.TypeFP32(), scaleElemPointer));
+ var passthrough = context.FOrdEqual(context.TypeBool(), scale, context.Constant(context.TypeFP32(), 1f));
+ var sizeFloat = context.ConvertSToF(context.TypeFP32(), size);
+ var sizeUnscaled = context.FDiv(context.TypeFP32(), sizeFloat, scale);
+ var sizeUnscaledInt = context.ConvertFToS(context.TypeS32(), sizeUnscaled);
+ return context.Select(context.TypeS32(), passthrough, size, sizeUnscaledInt);
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file