path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
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diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dce5e48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/Declarations.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+using Spv.Generator;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using static Spv.Specification;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
+ using SpvInstruction = Spv.Generator.Instruction;
+ static class Declarations
+ {
+ // At least 16 attributes are guaranteed by the spec.
+ public const int MaxAttributes = 16;
+ private static readonly string[] StagePrefixes = new string[] { "cp", "vp", "tcp", "tep", "gp", "fp" };
+ public static void DeclareParameters(CodeGenContext context, StructuredFunction function)
+ {
+ DeclareParameters(context, function.InArguments, 0);
+ DeclareParameters(context, function.OutArguments, function.InArguments.Length);
+ }
+ private static void DeclareParameters(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<VariableType> argTypes, int argIndex)
+ {
+ foreach (var argType in argTypes)
+ {
+ var argPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Function, context.GetType(argType.Convert()));
+ var spvArg = context.FunctionParameter(argPointerType);
+ context.DeclareArgument(argIndex++, spvArg);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void DeclareLocals(CodeGenContext context, StructuredFunction function)
+ {
+ foreach (AstOperand local in function.Locals)
+ {
+ var localPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Function, context.GetType(local.VarType.Convert()));
+ var spvLocal = context.Variable(localPointerType, StorageClass.Function);
+ context.AddLocalVariable(spvLocal);
+ context.DeclareLocal(local, spvLocal);
+ }
+ var ivector2Type = context.TypeVector(context.TypeS32(), 2);
+ var coordTempPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Function, ivector2Type);
+ var coordTemp = context.Variable(coordTempPointerType, StorageClass.Function);
+ context.AddLocalVariable(coordTemp);
+ context.CoordTemp = coordTemp;
+ }
+ public static void DeclareLocalForArgs(CodeGenContext context, List<StructuredFunction> functions)
+ {
+ for (int funcIndex = 0; funcIndex < functions.Count; funcIndex++)
+ {
+ StructuredFunction function = functions[funcIndex];
+ SpvInstruction[] locals = new SpvInstruction[function.InArguments.Length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < function.InArguments.Length; i++)
+ {
+ var type = function.GetArgumentType(i).Convert();
+ var localPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Function, context.GetType(type));
+ var spvLocal = context.Variable(localPointerType, StorageClass.Function);
+ context.AddLocalVariable(spvLocal);
+ locals[i] = spvLocal;
+ }
+ context.DeclareLocalForArgs(funcIndex, locals);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void DeclareAll(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info)
+ {
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute)
+ {
+ int localMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeLocalMemorySize(), 4);
+ if (localMemorySize != 0)
+ {
+ DeclareLocalMemory(context, localMemorySize);
+ }
+ int sharedMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryComputeSharedMemorySize(), 4);
+ if (sharedMemorySize != 0)
+ {
+ DeclareSharedMemory(context, sharedMemorySize);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (context.Config.LocalMemorySize != 0)
+ {
+ int localMemorySize = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(context.Config.LocalMemorySize, 4);
+ DeclareLocalMemory(context, localMemorySize);
+ }
+ DeclareSupportBuffer(context);
+ DeclareUniformBuffers(context, context.Config.GetConstantBufferDescriptors());
+ DeclareStorageBuffers(context, context.Config.GetStorageBufferDescriptors());
+ DeclareSamplers(context, context.Config.GetTextureDescriptors());
+ DeclareImages(context, context.Config.GetImageDescriptors());
+ DeclareInputAttributes(context, info, perPatch: false);
+ DeclareOutputAttributes(context, info, perPatch: false);
+ DeclareInputAttributes(context, info, perPatch: true);
+ DeclareOutputAttributes(context, info, perPatch: true);
+ }
+ private static void DeclareLocalMemory(CodeGenContext context, int size)
+ {
+ context.LocalMemory = DeclareMemory(context, StorageClass.Private, size);
+ }
+ private static void DeclareSharedMemory(CodeGenContext context, int size)
+ {
+ context.SharedMemory = DeclareMemory(context, StorageClass.Workgroup, size);
+ }
+ private static SpvInstruction DeclareMemory(CodeGenContext context, StorageClass storage, int size)
+ {
+ var arrayType = context.TypeArray(context.TypeU32(), context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), size));
+ var pointerType = context.TypePointer(storage, arrayType);
+ var variable = context.Variable(pointerType, storage);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(variable);
+ return variable;
+ }
+ private static void DeclareSupportBuffer(CodeGenContext context)
+ {
+ if (!context.Config.Stage.SupportsRenderScale() && !(context.Config.LastInVertexPipeline && context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryViewportTransformDisable()))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var isBgraArrayType = context.TypeArray(context.TypeU32(), context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), SupportBuffer.FragmentIsBgraCount));
+ var viewportInverseVectorType = context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), 4);
+ var renderScaleArrayType = context.TypeArray(context.TypeFP32(), context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), SupportBuffer.RenderScaleMaxCount));
+ context.Decorate(isBgraArrayType, Decoration.ArrayStride, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.FieldSize);
+ context.Decorate(renderScaleArrayType, Decoration.ArrayStride, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.FieldSize);
+ var supportBufferStructType = context.TypeStruct(false, context.TypeU32(), isBgraArrayType, viewportInverseVectorType, context.TypeS32(), renderScaleArrayType);
+ context.MemberDecorate(supportBufferStructType, 0, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.FragmentAlphaTestOffset);
+ context.MemberDecorate(supportBufferStructType, 1, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.FragmentIsBgraOffset);
+ context.MemberDecorate(supportBufferStructType, 2, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.ViewportInverseOffset);
+ context.MemberDecorate(supportBufferStructType, 3, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.FragmentRenderScaleCountOffset);
+ context.MemberDecorate(supportBufferStructType, 4, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)SupportBuffer.GraphicsRenderScaleOffset);
+ context.Decorate(supportBufferStructType, Decoration.Block);
+ var supportBufferPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, supportBufferStructType);
+ var supportBufferVariable = context.Variable(supportBufferPointerType, StorageClass.Uniform);
+ context.Decorate(supportBufferVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.Decorate(supportBufferVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(supportBufferVariable);
+ context.SupportBuffer = supportBufferVariable;
+ }
+ private static void DeclareUniformBuffers(CodeGenContext context, BufferDescriptor[] descriptors)
+ {
+ if (descriptors.Length == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint ubSize = Constants.ConstantBufferSize / 16;
+ var ubArrayType = context.TypeArray(context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), 4), context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), ubSize), true);
+ context.Decorate(ubArrayType, Decoration.ArrayStride, (LiteralInteger)16);
+ var ubStructType = context.TypeStruct(true, ubArrayType);
+ context.Decorate(ubStructType, Decoration.Block);
+ context.MemberDecorate(ubStructType, 0, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ if (context.Config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.CbIndexing))
+ {
+ int count = descriptors.Max(x => x.Slot) + 1;
+ var ubStructArrayType = context.TypeArray(ubStructType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), count));
+ var ubPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, ubStructArrayType);
+ var ubVariable = context.Variable(ubPointerType, StorageClass.Uniform);
+ context.Name(ubVariable, $"{GetStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage)}_u");
+ context.Decorate(ubVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.Decorate(ubVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)context.Config.FirstConstantBufferBinding);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(ubVariable);
+ context.UniformBuffersArray = ubVariable;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var ubPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, ubStructType);
+ foreach (var descriptor in descriptors)
+ {
+ var ubVariable = context.Variable(ubPointerType, StorageClass.Uniform);
+ context.Name(ubVariable, $"{GetStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage)}_c{descriptor.Slot}");
+ context.Decorate(ubVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.Decorate(ubVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)descriptor.Binding);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(ubVariable);
+ context.UniformBuffers.Add(descriptor.Slot, ubVariable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void DeclareStorageBuffers(CodeGenContext context, BufferDescriptor[] descriptors)
+ {
+ if (descriptors.Length == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ int setIndex = context.Config.Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan ? 1 : 0;
+ int count = descriptors.Max(x => x.Slot) + 1;
+ var sbArrayType = context.TypeRuntimeArray(context.TypeU32());
+ context.Decorate(sbArrayType, Decoration.ArrayStride, (LiteralInteger)4);
+ var sbStructType = context.TypeStruct(true, sbArrayType);
+ context.Decorate(sbStructType, Decoration.BufferBlock);
+ context.MemberDecorate(sbStructType, 0, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ var sbStructArrayType = context.TypeArray(sbStructType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), count));
+ var sbPointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, sbStructArrayType);
+ var sbVariable = context.Variable(sbPointerType, StorageClass.Uniform);
+ context.Name(sbVariable, $"{GetStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage)}_s");
+ context.Decorate(sbVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)setIndex);
+ context.Decorate(sbVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)context.Config.FirstStorageBufferBinding);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(sbVariable);
+ context.StorageBuffersArray = sbVariable;
+ }
+ private static void DeclareSamplers(CodeGenContext context, TextureDescriptor[] descriptors)
+ {
+ foreach (var descriptor in descriptors)
+ {
+ var meta = new TextureMeta(descriptor.CbufSlot, descriptor.HandleIndex, descriptor.Format);
+ if (context.Samplers.ContainsKey(meta))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int setIndex = context.Config.Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan ? 2 : 0;
+ var dim = (descriptor.Type & SamplerType.Mask) switch
+ {
+ SamplerType.Texture1D => Dim.Dim1D,
+ SamplerType.Texture2D => Dim.Dim2D,
+ SamplerType.Texture3D => Dim.Dim3D,
+ SamplerType.TextureCube => Dim.Cube,
+ SamplerType.TextureBuffer => Dim.Buffer,
+ _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid sampler type \"{descriptor.Type & SamplerType.Mask}\".")
+ };
+ var imageType = context.TypeImage(
+ context.TypeFP32(),
+ dim,
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Shadow),
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Array),
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Multisample),
+ 1,
+ ImageFormat.Unknown);
+ var nameSuffix = meta.CbufSlot < 0 ? $"_tcb_{meta.Handle:X}" : $"_cb{meta.CbufSlot}_{meta.Handle:X}";
+ var sampledImageType = context.TypeSampledImage(imageType);
+ var sampledImagePointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.UniformConstant, sampledImageType);
+ var sampledImageVariable = context.Variable(sampledImagePointerType, StorageClass.UniformConstant);
+ context.Samplers.Add(meta, (imageType, sampledImageType, sampledImageVariable));
+ context.SamplersTypes.Add(meta, descriptor.Type);
+ context.Name(sampledImageVariable, $"{GetStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage)}_tex{nameSuffix}");
+ context.Decorate(sampledImageVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)setIndex);
+ context.Decorate(sampledImageVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)descriptor.Binding);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(sampledImageVariable);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void DeclareImages(CodeGenContext context, TextureDescriptor[] descriptors)
+ {
+ foreach (var descriptor in descriptors)
+ {
+ var meta = new TextureMeta(descriptor.CbufSlot, descriptor.HandleIndex, descriptor.Format);
+ if (context.Images.ContainsKey(meta))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int setIndex = context.Config.Options.TargetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan ? 3 : 0;
+ var dim = GetDim(descriptor.Type);
+ var imageType = context.TypeImage(
+ context.GetType(meta.Format.GetComponentType().Convert()),
+ dim,
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Shadow),
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Array),
+ descriptor.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Multisample),
+ AccessQualifier.ReadWrite,
+ GetImageFormat(meta.Format));
+ var nameSuffix = meta.CbufSlot < 0 ?
+ $"_tcb_{meta.Handle:X}_{meta.Format.ToGlslFormat()}" :
+ $"_cb{meta.CbufSlot}_{meta.Handle:X}_{meta.Format.ToGlslFormat()}";
+ var imagePointerType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.UniformConstant, imageType);
+ var imageVariable = context.Variable(imagePointerType, StorageClass.UniformConstant);
+ context.Images.Add(meta, (imageType, imageVariable));
+ context.Name(imageVariable, $"{GetStagePrefix(context.Config.Stage)}_img{nameSuffix}");
+ context.Decorate(imageVariable, Decoration.DescriptorSet, (LiteralInteger)setIndex);
+ context.Decorate(imageVariable, Decoration.Binding, (LiteralInteger)descriptor.Binding);
+ if (descriptor.Flags.HasFlag(TextureUsageFlags.ImageCoherent))
+ {
+ context.Decorate(imageVariable, Decoration.Coherent);
+ }
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(imageVariable);
+ }
+ }
+ private static Dim GetDim(SamplerType type)
+ {
+ return (type & SamplerType.Mask) switch
+ {
+ SamplerType.Texture1D => Dim.Dim1D,
+ SamplerType.Texture2D => Dim.Dim2D,
+ SamplerType.Texture3D => Dim.Dim3D,
+ SamplerType.TextureCube => Dim.Cube,
+ SamplerType.TextureBuffer => Dim.Buffer,
+ _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid sampler type \"{type & SamplerType.Mask}\".")
+ };
+ }
+ private static ImageFormat GetImageFormat(TextureFormat format)
+ {
+ return format switch
+ {
+ TextureFormat.Unknown => ImageFormat.Unknown,
+ TextureFormat.R8Unorm => ImageFormat.R8,
+ TextureFormat.R8Snorm => ImageFormat.R8Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R8Uint => ImageFormat.R8ui,
+ TextureFormat.R8Sint => ImageFormat.R8i,
+ TextureFormat.R16Float => ImageFormat.R16f,
+ TextureFormat.R16Unorm => ImageFormat.R16,
+ TextureFormat.R16Snorm => ImageFormat.R16Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R16Uint => ImageFormat.R16ui,
+ TextureFormat.R16Sint => ImageFormat.R16i,
+ TextureFormat.R32Float => ImageFormat.R32f,
+ TextureFormat.R32Uint => ImageFormat.R32ui,
+ TextureFormat.R32Sint => ImageFormat.R32i,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8Unorm => ImageFormat.Rg8,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8Snorm => ImageFormat.Rg8Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8Uint => ImageFormat.Rg8ui,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8Sint => ImageFormat.Rg8i,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16Float => ImageFormat.Rg16f,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16Unorm => ImageFormat.Rg16,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16Snorm => ImageFormat.Rg16Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16Uint => ImageFormat.Rg16ui,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16Sint => ImageFormat.Rg16i,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32Float => ImageFormat.Rg32f,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32Uint => ImageFormat.Rg32ui,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32Sint => ImageFormat.Rg32i,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm => ImageFormat.Rgba8,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Snorm => ImageFormat.Rgba8Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Uint => ImageFormat.Rgba8ui,
+ TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Sint => ImageFormat.Rgba8i,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16B16A16Float => ImageFormat.Rgba16f,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16B16A16Unorm => ImageFormat.Rgba16,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16B16A16Snorm => ImageFormat.Rgba16Snorm,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16B16A16Uint => ImageFormat.Rgba16ui,
+ TextureFormat.R16G16B16A16Sint => ImageFormat.Rgba16i,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32B32A32Float => ImageFormat.Rgba32f,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32B32A32Uint => ImageFormat.Rgba32ui,
+ TextureFormat.R32G32B32A32Sint => ImageFormat.Rgba32i,
+ TextureFormat.R10G10B10A2Unorm => ImageFormat.Rgb10A2,
+ TextureFormat.R10G10B10A2Uint => ImageFormat.Rgb10a2ui,
+ TextureFormat.R11G11B10Float => ImageFormat.R11fG11fB10f,
+ _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid texture format \"{format}\".")
+ };
+ }
+ private static void DeclareInputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info, bool perPatch)
+ {
+ bool iaIndexing = context.Config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.IaIndexing);
+ var inputs = perPatch ? info.InputsPerPatch : info.Inputs;
+ foreach (int attr in inputs)
+ {
+ if (!AttributeInfo.Validate(context.Config, attr, isOutAttr: false))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool isUserAttr = attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd;
+ if (iaIndexing && isUserAttr && !perPatch)
+ {
+ if (context.InputsArray == null)
+ {
+ var attrType = context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), (LiteralInteger)4);
+ attrType = context.TypeArray(attrType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), (LiteralInteger)MaxAttributes));
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
+ {
+ attrType = context.TypeArray(attrType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), (LiteralInteger)context.InputVertices));
+ }
+ var spvType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Input, attrType);
+ var spvVar = context.Variable(spvType, StorageClass.Input);
+ if (context.Config.PassthroughAttributes != 0 && context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough())
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Location, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(spvVar);
+ context.InputsArray = spvVar;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PixelImap iq = PixelImap.Unused;
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment &&
+ attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase &&
+ attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd)
+ {
+ iq = context.Config.ImapTypes[(attr - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) / 16].GetFirstUsedType();
+ }
+ DeclareInputOrOutput(context, attr, perPatch, isOutAttr: false, iq);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void DeclareOutputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info, bool perPatch)
+ {
+ bool oaIndexing = context.Config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.OaIndexing);
+ var outputs = perPatch ? info.OutputsPerPatch : info.Outputs;
+ foreach (int attr in outputs)
+ {
+ if (!AttributeInfo.Validate(context.Config, attr, isOutAttr: true))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool isUserAttr = attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd;
+ if (oaIndexing && isUserAttr && !perPatch)
+ {
+ if (context.OutputsArray == null)
+ {
+ var attrType = context.TypeVector(context.TypeFP32(), (LiteralInteger)4);
+ attrType = context.TypeArray(attrType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), (LiteralInteger)MaxAttributes));
+ var spvType = context.TypePointer(StorageClass.Output, attrType);
+ var spvVar = context.Variable(spvType, StorageClass.Output);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Location, (LiteralInteger)0);
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(spvVar);
+ context.OutputsArray = spvVar;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DeclareOutputAttribute(context, attr, perPatch);
+ }
+ }
+ if (context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
+ {
+ DeclareOutputAttribute(context, AttributeConsts.PositionX, perPatch: false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void DeclareOutputAttribute(CodeGenContext context, int attr, bool perPatch)
+ {
+ DeclareInputOrOutput(context, attr, perPatch, isOutAttr: true);
+ }
+ public static void DeclareInvocationId(CodeGenContext context)
+ {
+ DeclareInputOrOutput(context, AttributeConsts.LaneId, perPatch: false, isOutAttr: false);
+ }
+ private static void DeclareInputOrOutput(CodeGenContext context, int attr, bool perPatch, bool isOutAttr, PixelImap iq = PixelImap.Unused)
+ {
+ bool isUserAttr = attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd;
+ if (isUserAttr && context.Config.TransformFeedbackEnabled && !perPatch &&
+ ((isOutAttr && context.Config.LastInVertexPipeline) ||
+ (!isOutAttr && context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)))
+ {
+ DeclareInputOrOutput(context, attr, (attr >> 2) & 3, isOutAttr, iq);
+ return;
+ }
+ var dict = perPatch
+ ? (isOutAttr ? context.OutputsPerPatch : context.InputsPerPatch)
+ : (isOutAttr ? context.Outputs : context.Inputs);
+ var attrInfo = AttributeInfo.From(context.Config, attr, isOutAttr);
+ if (dict.ContainsKey(attrInfo.BaseValue))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var storageClass = isOutAttr ? StorageClass.Output : StorageClass.Input;
+ var attrType = context.GetType(attrInfo.Type, attrInfo.Length);
+ bool builtInPassthrough = false;
+ if (AttributeInfo.IsArrayAttributeSpirv(context.Config.Stage, isOutAttr) && !perPatch && (!attrInfo.IsBuiltin || AttributeInfo.IsArrayBuiltIn(attr)))
+ {
+ int arraySize = context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.InputVertices : 32;
+ attrType = context.TypeArray(attrType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), (LiteralInteger)arraySize));
+ if (context.Config.GpPassthrough && context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough())
+ {
+ builtInPassthrough = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var spvType = context.TypePointer(storageClass, attrType);
+ var spvVar = context.Variable(spvType, storageClass);
+ if (perPatch)
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Patch);
+ }
+ if (builtInPassthrough)
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ if (attrInfo.IsBuiltin)
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.BuiltIn, (LiteralInteger)GetBuiltIn(context, attrInfo.BaseValue));
+ if (context.Config.TransformFeedbackEnabled && context.Config.LastInVertexPipeline && isOutAttr)
+ {
+ var tfOutput = context.GetTransformFeedbackOutput(attrInfo.BaseValue);
+ if (tfOutput.Valid)
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.XfbBuffer, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Buffer);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.XfbStride, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Stride);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Offset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isUserAttr)
+ {
+ int location = (attr - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) / 16;
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Location, (LiteralInteger)location);
+ if (!isOutAttr)
+ {
+ if (!perPatch &&
+ (context.Config.PassthroughAttributes & (1 << location)) != 0 &&
+ context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough())
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ switch (iq)
+ {
+ case PixelImap.Constant:
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Flat);
+ break;
+ case PixelImap.ScreenLinear:
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.NoPerspective);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (attr >= AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase && attr < AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorEnd)
+ {
+ int location = (attr - AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase) / 16;
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Location, (LiteralInteger)location);
+ }
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(spvVar);
+ dict.Add(attrInfo.BaseValue, spvVar);
+ }
+ private static void DeclareInputOrOutput(CodeGenContext context, int attr, int component, bool isOutAttr, PixelImap iq = PixelImap.Unused)
+ {
+ var dict = isOutAttr ? context.Outputs : context.Inputs;
+ var attrInfo = AttributeInfo.From(context.Config, attr, isOutAttr);
+ if (dict.ContainsKey(attr))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var storageClass = isOutAttr ? StorageClass.Output : StorageClass.Input;
+ var attrType = context.GetType(attrInfo.Type & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask);
+ if (AttributeInfo.IsArrayAttributeSpirv(context.Config.Stage, isOutAttr) && (!attrInfo.IsBuiltin || AttributeInfo.IsArrayBuiltIn(attr)))
+ {
+ int arraySize = context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry ? context.InputVertices : 32;
+ attrType = context.TypeArray(attrType, context.Constant(context.TypeU32(), (LiteralInteger)arraySize));
+ }
+ var spvType = context.TypePointer(storageClass, attrType);
+ var spvVar = context.Variable(spvType, storageClass);
+ Debug.Assert(attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd);
+ int location = (attr - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) / 16;
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Location, (LiteralInteger)location);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Component, (LiteralInteger)component);
+ if (isOutAttr)
+ {
+ var tfOutput = context.GetTransformFeedbackOutput(location, component);
+ if (tfOutput.Valid)
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.XfbBuffer, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Buffer);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.XfbStride, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Stride);
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Offset, (LiteralInteger)tfOutput.Offset);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((context.Config.PassthroughAttributes & (1 << location)) != 0 &&
+ context.Config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsGeometryShaderPassthrough())
+ {
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.PassthroughNV);
+ }
+ switch (iq)
+ {
+ case PixelImap.Constant:
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.Flat);
+ break;
+ case PixelImap.ScreenLinear:
+ context.Decorate(spvVar, Decoration.NoPerspective);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ context.AddGlobalVariable(spvVar);
+ dict.Add(attr, spvVar);
+ }
+ private static BuiltIn GetBuiltIn(CodeGenContext context, int attr)
+ {
+ return attr switch
+ {
+ AttributeConsts.TessLevelOuter0 => BuiltIn.TessLevelOuter,
+ AttributeConsts.TessLevelInner0 => BuiltIn.TessLevelInner,
+ AttributeConsts.Layer => BuiltIn.Layer,
+ AttributeConsts.ViewportIndex => BuiltIn.ViewportIndex,
+ AttributeConsts.PointSize => BuiltIn.PointSize,
+ AttributeConsts.PositionX => context.Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment ? BuiltIn.FragCoord : BuiltIn.Position,
+ AttributeConsts.ClipDistance0 => BuiltIn.ClipDistance,
+ AttributeConsts.PointCoordX => BuiltIn.PointCoord,
+ AttributeConsts.TessCoordX => BuiltIn.TessCoord,
+ AttributeConsts.InstanceId => BuiltIn.InstanceId, // FIXME: Invalid
+ AttributeConsts.VertexId => BuiltIn.VertexId, // FIXME: Invalid
+ AttributeConsts.FrontFacing => BuiltIn.FrontFacing,
+ AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputDepth => BuiltIn.FragDepth,
+ AttributeConsts.ThreadKill => BuiltIn.HelperInvocation,
+ AttributeConsts.ThreadIdX => BuiltIn.LocalInvocationId,
+ AttributeConsts.CtaIdX => BuiltIn.WorkgroupId,
+ AttributeConsts.LaneId => BuiltIn.SubgroupLocalInvocationId,
+ AttributeConsts.InvocationId => BuiltIn.InvocationId,
+ AttributeConsts.PrimitiveId => BuiltIn.PrimitiveId,
+ AttributeConsts.PatchVerticesIn => BuiltIn.PatchVertices,
+ AttributeConsts.EqMask => BuiltIn.SubgroupEqMask,
+ AttributeConsts.GeMask => BuiltIn.SubgroupGeMask,
+ AttributeConsts.GtMask => BuiltIn.SubgroupGtMask,
+ AttributeConsts.LeMask => BuiltIn.SubgroupLeMask,
+ AttributeConsts.LtMask => BuiltIn.SubgroupLtMask,
+ AttributeConsts.SupportBlockViewInverseX => BuiltIn.Position,
+ AttributeConsts.SupportBlockViewInverseY => BuiltIn.Position,
+ _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid attribute number 0x{attr:X}.")
+ };
+ }
+ private static string GetStagePrefix(ShaderStage stage)
+ {
+ return StagePrefixes[(int)stage];
+ }
+ }