path: root/Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer/Server/CommandGenerator.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer/Server/CommandGenerator.cs')
1 files changed, 938 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer/Server/CommandGenerator.cs b/Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer/Server/CommandGenerator.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41f1c334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer/Server/CommandGenerator.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Ryujinx
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp.Command;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp.State;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Parameter;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Effect;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Mix;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Performance;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Sink;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Splitter;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Voice;
+using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Utils;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server
+ public class CommandGenerator
+ {
+ private CommandBuffer _commandBuffer;
+ private RendererSystemContext _rendererContext;
+ private VoiceContext _voiceContext;
+ private MixContext _mixContext;
+ private EffectContext _effectContext;
+ private SinkContext _sinkContext;
+ private SplitterContext _splitterContext;
+ private PerformanceManager _performanceManager;
+ public CommandGenerator(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, RendererSystemContext rendererContext, VoiceContext voiceContext, MixContext mixContext, EffectContext effectContext, SinkContext sinkContext, SplitterContext splitterContext, PerformanceManager performanceManager)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer = commandBuffer;
+ _rendererContext = rendererContext;
+ _voiceContext = voiceContext;
+ _mixContext = mixContext;
+ _effectContext = effectContext;
+ _sinkContext = sinkContext;
+ _splitterContext = splitterContext;
+ _performanceManager = performanceManager;
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateClearMixBuffer(RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateDataSource(ref VoiceState voiceState, Memory<VoiceUpdateState> dspState, int channelIndex)
+ {
+ if (voiceState.MixId != RendererConstants.UnusedMixId)
+ {
+ ref MixState mix = ref _mixContext.GetState(voiceState.MixId);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDepopPrepare(dspState,
+ _rendererContext.DepopBuffer,
+ mix.BufferCount,
+ mix.BufferOffset,
+ voiceState.NodeId,
+ voiceState.WasPlaying);
+ }
+ else if (voiceState.SplitterId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterId)
+ {
+ int destinationId = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Span<SplitterDestination> destinationSpan = _splitterContext.GetDestination((int)voiceState.SplitterId, destinationId++);
+ if (destinationSpan.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ref SplitterDestination destination = ref destinationSpan[0];
+ if (destination.IsConfigured())
+ {
+ int mixId = destination.DestinationId;
+ if (mixId < _mixContext.GetCount() && mixId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterIdInt)
+ {
+ ref MixState mix = ref _mixContext.GetState(mixId);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDepopPrepare(dspState,
+ _rendererContext.DepopBuffer,
+ mix.BufferCount,
+ mix.BufferOffset,
+ voiceState.NodeId,
+ voiceState.WasPlaying);
+ destination.MarkAsNeedToUpdateInternalState();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!voiceState.WasPlaying)
+ {
+ if (_rendererContext.BehaviourContext.IsWaveBufferVersion2Supported())
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDataSourceVersion2(ref voiceState,
+ dspState,
+ (ushort)_rendererContext.MixBufferCount,
+ (ushort)channelIndex,
+ voiceState.NodeId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (voiceState.SampleFormat)
+ {
+ case SampleFormat.PcmInt16:
+ _commandBuffer.GeneratePcmInt16DataSourceVersion1(ref voiceState,
+ dspState,
+ (ushort)_rendererContext.MixBufferCount,
+ (ushort)channelIndex,
+ voiceState.NodeId);
+ break;
+ case SampleFormat.PcmFloat:
+ _commandBuffer.GeneratePcmFloatDataSourceVersion1(ref voiceState,
+ dspState,
+ (ushort)_rendererContext.MixBufferCount,
+ (ushort)channelIndex,
+ voiceState.NodeId);
+ break;
+ case SampleFormat.Adpcm:
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateAdpcmDataSourceVersion1(ref voiceState,
+ dspState,
+ (ushort)_rendererContext.MixBufferCount,
+ voiceState.NodeId);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException($"Unsupported data source {voiceState.SampleFormat}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateBiquadFilterForVoice(ref VoiceState voiceState, Memory<VoiceUpdateState> state, int baseIndex, int bufferOffset, int nodeId)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < voiceState.BiquadFilters.Length; i++)
+ {
+ ref BiquadFilterParameter filter = ref voiceState.BiquadFilters[i];
+ if (filter.Enable)
+ {
+ Memory<byte> biquadStateRawMemory = SpanMemoryManager<byte>.Cast(state).Slice(VoiceUpdateState.BiquadStateOffset, VoiceUpdateState.BiquadStateSize * RendererConstants.VoiceBiquadFilterCount);
+ Memory<BiquadFilterState> stateMemory = SpanMemoryManager<BiquadFilterState>.Cast(biquadStateRawMemory);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateBiquadFilter(baseIndex,
+ ref filter,
+ stateMemory.Slice(i, 1),
+ bufferOffset,
+ bufferOffset,
+ !voiceState.BiquadFilterNeedInitialization[i],
+ nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateVoiceMix(Span<float> mixVolumes, Span<float> previousMixVolumes, Memory<VoiceUpdateState> state, uint bufferOffset, uint bufferCount, uint bufferIndex, int nodeId)
+ {
+ if (bufferCount > RendererConstants.VoiceChannelCountMax)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateMixRampGrouped(bufferCount,
+ bufferIndex,
+ bufferOffset,
+ previousMixVolumes,
+ mixVolumes,
+ state,
+ nodeId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++)
+ {
+ float previousMixVolume = previousMixVolumes[i];
+ float mixVolume = mixVolumes[i];
+ if (mixVolume != 0.0f || previousMixVolume != 0.0f)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateMixRamp(previousMixVolume,
+ mixVolume,
+ bufferIndex,
+ bufferOffset + (uint)i,
+ i,
+ state,
+ nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateVoice(ref VoiceState voiceState)
+ {
+ int nodeId = voiceState.NodeId;
+ uint channelsCount = voiceState.ChannelsCount;
+ for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < channelsCount; channelIndex++)
+ {
+ Memory<VoiceUpdateState> dspStateMemory = _voiceContext.GetUpdateStateForDsp(voiceState.ChannelResourceIds[channelIndex]);
+ ref VoiceChannelResource channelResource = ref _voiceContext.GetChannelResource(voiceState.ChannelResourceIds[channelIndex]);
+ PerformanceDetailType dataSourceDetailType = PerformanceDetailType.Adpcm;
+ if (voiceState.SampleFormat == SampleFormat.PcmInt16)
+ {
+ dataSourceDetailType = PerformanceDetailType.PcmInt16;
+ }
+ else if (voiceState.SampleFormat == SampleFormat.PcmFloat)
+ {
+ dataSourceDetailType = PerformanceDetailType.PcmFloat;
+ }
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, dataSourceDetailType, PerformanceEntryType.Voice, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateDataSource(ref voiceState, dspStateMemory, channelIndex);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ if (voiceState.WasPlaying)
+ {
+ voiceState.PreviousVolume = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else if (voiceState.HasAnyDestination())
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.BiquadFilter, PerformanceEntryType.Voice, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateBiquadFilterForVoice(ref voiceState, dspStateMemory, (int)_rendererContext.MixBufferCount, channelIndex, nodeId);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.VolumeRamp, PerformanceEntryType.Voice, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateVolumeRamp(voiceState.PreviousVolume,
+ voiceState.Volume,
+ _rendererContext.MixBufferCount + (uint)channelIndex,
+ nodeId);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ voiceState.PreviousVolume = voiceState.Volume;
+ if (voiceState.MixId == RendererConstants.UnusedMixId)
+ {
+ if (voiceState.SplitterId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterId)
+ {
+ int destinationId = channelIndex;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Span<SplitterDestination> destinationSpan = _splitterContext.GetDestination((int)voiceState.SplitterId, destinationId);
+ if (destinationSpan.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ref SplitterDestination destination = ref destinationSpan[0];
+ destinationId += (int)channelsCount;
+ if (destination.IsConfigured())
+ {
+ int mixId = destination.DestinationId;
+ if (mixId < _mixContext.GetCount() && mixId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterIdInt)
+ {
+ ref MixState mix = ref _mixContext.GetState(mixId);
+ GenerateVoiceMix(destination.MixBufferVolume,
+ destination.PreviousMixBufferVolume,
+ dspStateMemory,
+ mix.BufferOffset,
+ mix.BufferCount,
+ _rendererContext.MixBufferCount + (uint)channelIndex,
+ nodeId);
+ destination.MarkAsNeedToUpdateInternalState();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ref MixState mix = ref _mixContext.GetState(voiceState.MixId);
+ performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.Mix, PerformanceEntryType.Voice, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateVoiceMix(channelResource.Mix.ToSpan(),
+ channelResource.PreviousMix.ToSpan(),
+ dspStateMemory,
+ mix.BufferOffset,
+ mix.BufferCount,
+ _rendererContext.MixBufferCount + (uint)channelIndex,
+ nodeId);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ channelResource.UpdateState();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < voiceState.BiquadFilterNeedInitialization.Length; i++)
+ {
+ voiceState.BiquadFilterNeedInitialization[i] = voiceState.BiquadFilters[i].Enable;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void GenerateVoices()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < _voiceContext.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ ref VoiceState sortedState = ref _voiceContext.GetSortedState(i);
+ if (!sortedState.ShouldSkip() && sortedState.UpdateForCommandGeneration(_voiceContext))
+ {
+ int nodeId = sortedState.NodeId;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceEntryType.Voice, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateVoice(ref sortedState);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _splitterContext.UpdateInternalState();
+ }
+ public void GeneratePerformance(ref PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntryAddresses, PerformanceCommand.Type type, int nodeId)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntryAddresses, type, nodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateBufferMixerEffect(int bufferOffset, BufferMixEffect effect, int nodeId)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.BufferMix);
+ if (effect.IsEnabled)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < effect.Parameter.MixesCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (effect.Parameter.Volumes[i] != 0.0f)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateMix((uint)bufferOffset + effect.Parameter.Input[i],
+ (uint)bufferOffset + effect.Parameter.Output[i],
+ nodeId,
+ effect.Parameter.Volumes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateAuxEffect(uint bufferOffset, AuxiliaryBufferEffect effect, int nodeId)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.AuxiliaryBuffer);
+ if (effect.IsEnabled)
+ {
+ effect.GetWorkBuffer(0);
+ effect.GetWorkBuffer(1);
+ }
+ if (effect.State.SendBufferInfoBase != 0 && effect.State.ReturnBufferInfoBase != 0)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ uint writeOffset = 0;
+ for (uint channelIndex = effect.Parameter.ChannelCount; channelIndex != 0; channelIndex--)
+ {
+ uint newUpdateCount = writeOffset + _commandBuffer.CommandList.SampleCount;
+ uint updateCount;
+ if ((channelIndex - 1) != 0)
+ {
+ updateCount = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ updateCount = newUpdateCount;
+ }
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateAuxEffect(bufferOffset,
+ effect.Parameter.Input[i],
+ effect.Parameter.Output[i],
+ ref effect.State,
+ effect.IsEnabled,
+ effect.Parameter.BufferStorageSize,
+ effect.State.SendBufferInfoBase,
+ effect.State.ReturnBufferInfoBase,
+ updateCount,
+ writeOffset,
+ nodeId);
+ writeOffset = newUpdateCount;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateDelayEffect(uint bufferOffset, DelayEffect effect, int nodeId)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.Delay);
+ ulong workBuffer = effect.GetWorkBuffer(-1);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDelayEffect(bufferOffset, effect.Parameter, effect.State, effect.IsEnabled, workBuffer, nodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateReverbEffect(uint bufferOffset, ReverbEffect effect, int nodeId, bool isLongSizePreDelaySupported)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.Reverb);
+ ulong workBuffer = effect.GetWorkBuffer(-1);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateReverbEffect(bufferOffset, effect.Parameter, effect.State, effect.IsEnabled, workBuffer, nodeId, isLongSizePreDelaySupported);
+ }
+ private void GenerateReverb3dEffect(uint bufferOffset, Reverb3dEffect effect, int nodeId)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.Reverb3d);
+ ulong workBuffer = effect.GetWorkBuffer(-1);
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateReverb3dEffect(bufferOffset, effect.Parameter, effect.State, effect.IsEnabled, workBuffer, nodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateBiquadFilterEffect(uint bufferOffset, BiquadFilterEffect effect, int nodeId)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type == EffectType.BiquadFilter);
+ if (effect.IsEnabled)
+ {
+ bool needInitialization = effect.Parameter.Status == UsageState.Invalid ||
+ (effect.Parameter.Status == UsageState.New && !_rendererContext.BehaviourContext.IsBiquadFilterEffectStateClearBugFixed());
+ BiquadFilterParameter parameter = new BiquadFilterParameter();
+ parameter.Enable = true;
+ effect.Parameter.Denominator.ToSpan().CopyTo(parameter.Denominator.ToSpan());
+ effect.Parameter.Numerator.ToSpan().CopyTo(parameter.Numerator.ToSpan());
+ for (int i = 0; i < effect.Parameter.ChannelCount; i++)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateBiquadFilter((int)bufferOffset, ref parameter, effect.State.Slice(i, 1),
+ effect.Parameter.Input[i],
+ effect.Parameter.Output[i],
+ needInitialization,
+ nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < effect.Parameter.ChannelCount; i++)
+ {
+ uint inputBufferIndex = bufferOffset + effect.Parameter.Input[i];
+ uint outputBufferIndex = bufferOffset + effect.Parameter.Output[i];
+ // If the input and output isn't the same, generate a command.
+ if (inputBufferIndex != outputBufferIndex)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateCopyMixBuffer(inputBufferIndex, outputBufferIndex, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateEffect(ref MixState mix, BaseEffect effect)
+ {
+ int nodeId = mix.NodeId;
+ bool isFinalMix = mix.MixId == RendererConstants.FinalMixId;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, effect.GetPerformanceDetailType(),
+ isFinalMix ? PerformanceEntryType.FinalMix : PerformanceEntryType.SubMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ switch (effect.Type)
+ {
+ case EffectType.BufferMix:
+ GenerateBufferMixerEffect((int)mix.BufferOffset, (BufferMixEffect)effect, nodeId);
+ break;
+ case EffectType.AuxiliaryBuffer:
+ GenerateAuxEffect(mix.BufferOffset, (AuxiliaryBufferEffect)effect, nodeId);
+ break;
+ case EffectType.Delay:
+ GenerateDelayEffect(mix.BufferOffset, (DelayEffect)effect, nodeId);
+ break;
+ case EffectType.Reverb:
+ GenerateReverbEffect(mix.BufferOffset, (ReverbEffect)effect, nodeId, mix.IsLongSizePreDelaySupported);
+ break;
+ case EffectType.Reverb3d:
+ GenerateReverb3dEffect(mix.BufferOffset, (Reverb3dEffect)effect, nodeId);
+ break;
+ case EffectType.BiquadFilter:
+ GenerateBiquadFilterEffect(mix.BufferOffset, (BiquadFilterEffect)effect, nodeId);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException($"Unsupported effect type {effect.Type}");
+ }
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ effect.UpdateForCommandGeneration();
+ }
+ private void GenerateEffects(ref MixState mix)
+ {
+ ReadOnlySpan<int> effectProcessingOrderArray = mix.EffectProcessingOrderArray;
+ Debug.Assert(_effectContext.GetCount() == 0 || !effectProcessingOrderArray.IsEmpty);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _effectContext.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ int effectOrder = effectProcessingOrderArray[i];
+ if (effectOrder == RendererConstants.InvalidProcessingOrder)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // BaseEffect is a class, we don't need to pass it by ref
+ BaseEffect effect = _effectContext.GetEffect(effectOrder);
+ Debug.Assert(effect.Type != EffectType.Invalid);
+ Debug.Assert(effect.MixId == mix.MixId);
+ if (!effect.ShouldSkip())
+ {
+ GenerateEffect(ref mix, effect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateMix(ref MixState mix)
+ {
+ if (mix.HasAnyDestination())
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(mix.DestinationMixId != RendererConstants.UnusedMixId || mix.DestinationSplitterId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterId);
+ if (mix.DestinationMixId == RendererConstants.UnusedMixId)
+ {
+ if (mix.DestinationSplitterId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterId)
+ {
+ int destinationId = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int destinationIndex = destinationId++;
+ Span<SplitterDestination> destinationSpan = _splitterContext.GetDestination((int)mix.DestinationSplitterId, destinationIndex);
+ if (destinationSpan.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ ref SplitterDestination destination = ref destinationSpan[0];
+ if (destination.IsConfigured())
+ {
+ int mixId = destination.DestinationId;
+ if (mixId < _mixContext.GetCount() && mixId != RendererConstants.UnusedSplitterIdInt)
+ {
+ ref MixState destinationMix = ref _mixContext.GetState(mixId);
+ uint inputBufferIndex = mix.BufferOffset + ((uint)destinationIndex % mix.BufferCount);
+ for (uint bufferDestinationIndex = 0; bufferDestinationIndex < destinationMix.BufferCount; bufferDestinationIndex++)
+ {
+ float volume = mix.Volume * destination.GetMixVolume((int)bufferDestinationIndex);
+ if (volume != 0.0f)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateMix(inputBufferIndex,
+ destinationMix.BufferOffset + bufferDestinationIndex,
+ mix.NodeId,
+ volume);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ref MixState destinationMix = ref _mixContext.GetState(mix.DestinationMixId);
+ for (uint bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < mix.BufferCount; bufferIndex++)
+ {
+ for (uint bufferDestinationIndex = 0; bufferDestinationIndex < destinationMix.BufferCount; bufferDestinationIndex++)
+ {
+ float volume = mix.Volume * mix.GetMixBufferVolume((int)bufferIndex, (int)bufferDestinationIndex);
+ if (volume != 0.0f)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateMix(mix.BufferOffset + bufferIndex,
+ destinationMix.BufferOffset + bufferDestinationIndex,
+ mix.NodeId,
+ volume);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateSubMix(ref MixState subMix)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDepopForMixBuffersCommand(_rendererContext.DepopBuffer,
+ subMix.BufferOffset,
+ subMix.BufferCount,
+ subMix.NodeId,
+ subMix.SampleRate);
+ GenerateEffects(ref subMix);
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ int nodeId = subMix.NodeId;
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.Mix, PerformanceEntryType.SubMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateMix(ref subMix);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ public void GenerateSubMixes()
+ {
+ for (int id = 0; id < _mixContext.GetCount(); id++)
+ {
+ ref MixState sortedState = ref _mixContext.GetSortedState(id);
+ if (sortedState.IsUsed && sortedState.MixId != RendererConstants.FinalMixId)
+ {
+ int nodeId = sortedState.NodeId;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceEntryType.SubMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateSubMix(ref sortedState);
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateFinalMix()
+ {
+ ref MixState finalMix = ref _mixContext.GetFinalState();
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDepopForMixBuffersCommand(_rendererContext.DepopBuffer,
+ finalMix.BufferOffset,
+ finalMix.BufferCount,
+ finalMix.NodeId,
+ finalMix.SampleRate);
+ GenerateEffects(ref finalMix);
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ int nodeId = finalMix.NodeId;
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.Mix, PerformanceEntryType.FinalMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ // Only generate volume command if the volume isn't 100%.
+ if (finalMix.Volume != 1.0f)
+ {
+ for (uint bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < finalMix.BufferCount; bufferIndex++)
+ {
+ bool performanceSubInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.IsTargetNodeId(nodeId) && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType.VolumeRamp, PerformanceEntryType.FinalMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceSubInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateVolume(finalMix.Volume,
+ finalMix.BufferOffset + bufferIndex,
+ nodeId);
+ if (performanceSubInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ public void GenerateFinalMixes()
+ {
+ int nodeId = _mixContext.GetFinalState().NodeId;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceEntryType.FinalMix, nodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, nodeId);
+ }
+ GenerateFinalMix();
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, nodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ private void GenerateCircularBuffer(CircularBufferSink sink, ref MixState finalMix)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateCircularBuffer(finalMix.BufferOffset, sink, RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateDevice(DeviceSink sink, ref MixState finalMix)
+ {
+ if (_commandBuffer.CommandList.SampleRate != 48000 && sink.UpsamplerState == null)
+ {
+ sink.UpsamplerState = _rendererContext.UpsamplerManager.Allocate();
+ }
+ bool useCustomDownMixingCommand = _rendererContext.ChannelCount == 2 && sink.Parameter.DownMixParameterEnabled;
+ if (useCustomDownMixingCommand)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDownMixSurroundToStereo(finalMix.BufferOffset,
+ sink.Parameter.Input.ToSpan(),
+ sink.Parameter.Input.ToSpan(),
+ sink.DownMixCoefficients,
+ RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ // NOTE: we do the downmixing at the DSP level as right now the renderer interface doesn't use audout.
+ // TODO: Remove this when audout is rewritten.
+ else if (_rendererContext.ChannelCount == 2 && sink.Parameter.InputCount == 6)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDownMixSurroundToStereo(finalMix.BufferOffset,
+ sink.Parameter.Input.ToSpan(),
+ sink.Parameter.Input.ToSpan(),
+ RendererConstants.DefaultSurroundToStereoCoefficients,
+ RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ CommandList commandList = _commandBuffer.CommandList;
+ if (sink.UpsamplerState != null)
+ {
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateUpsample(finalMix.BufferOffset,
+ sink.UpsamplerState,
+ sink.Parameter.InputCount,
+ sink.Parameter.Input.ToSpan(),
+ commandList.BufferCount,
+ commandList.SampleCount,
+ commandList.SampleRate,
+ RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ _commandBuffer.GenerateDeviceSink(finalMix.BufferOffset,
+ sink,
+ _rendererContext.SessionId,
+ commandList.Buffers,
+ RendererConstants.InvalidNodeId);
+ }
+ private void GenerateSink(BaseSink sink, ref MixState finalMix)
+ {
+ bool performanceInitialized = false;
+ PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
+ if (_performanceManager != null && _performanceManager.GetNextEntry(out performanceEntry, PerformanceEntryType.Sink, sink.NodeId))
+ {
+ performanceInitialized = true;
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.Start, sink.NodeId);
+ }
+ if (!sink.ShouldSkip)
+ {
+ switch (sink.Type)
+ {
+ case SinkType.CircularBuffer:
+ GenerateCircularBuffer((CircularBufferSink)sink, ref finalMix);
+ break;
+ case SinkType.Device:
+ GenerateDevice((DeviceSink)sink, ref finalMix);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException($"Unsupported sink type {sink.Type}");
+ }
+ sink.UpdateForCommandGeneration();
+ }
+ if (performanceInitialized)
+ {
+ GeneratePerformance(ref performanceEntry, PerformanceCommand.Type.End, sink.NodeId);
+ }
+ }
+ public void GenerateSinks()
+ {
+ ref MixState finalMix = ref _mixContext.GetFinalState();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _sinkContext.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ // BaseSink is a class, we don't need to pass it by ref
+ BaseSink sink = _sinkContext.GetSink(i);
+ if (sink.IsUsed)
+ {
+ GenerateSink(sink, ref finalMix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }