path: root/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitSimdHelper32Arm64.cs
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1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitSimdHelper32Arm64.cs b/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitSimdHelper32Arm64.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98236be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARMeilleure/Instructions/InstEmitSimdHelper32Arm64.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+using ARMeilleure.Decoders;
+using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using ARMeilleure.State;
+using ARMeilleure.Translation;
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitHelper;
+using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitSimdHelper;
+using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operand.Factory;
+namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
+ using Func1I = Func<Operand, Operand>;
+ using Func2I = Func<Operand, Operand, Operand>;
+ using Func3I = Func<Operand, Operand, Operand, Operand>;
+ static class InstEmitSimdHelper32Arm64
+ {
+ // Intrinsic Helpers
+ public static Operand EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand input, int originalV, int targetV)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(input.Type == OperandType.V128);
+ int originalSide = originalV & 1;
+ int targetSide = targetV & 1;
+ if (originalSide == targetSide)
+ {
+ return input;
+ }
+ Intrinsic vType = Intrinsic.Arm64VDWord | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ if (targetSide == 1)
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64DupVe | vType, input, Const(OperandType.I32, 0)); // Low to high.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64DupVe | vType, input, Const(OperandType.I32, 1)); // High to low.
+ }
+ }
+ public static Operand EmitDoubleWordInsert(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target, Operand value, int targetV)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(target.Type == OperandType.V128 && value.Type == OperandType.V128);
+ int targetSide = targetV & 1;
+ Operand idx = Const(targetSide);
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64InsVe | Intrinsic.Arm64VDWord, target, idx, value, idx);
+ }
+ public static Operand EmitScalarInsert(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target, Operand value, int reg, bool doubleWidth)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(target.Type == OperandType.V128 && value.Type == OperandType.V128);
+ // Insert from index 0 in value to index in target.
+ int index = reg & (doubleWidth ? 1 : 3);
+ if (doubleWidth)
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64InsVe | Intrinsic.Arm64VDWord, target, Const(index), value, Const(0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64InsVe | Intrinsic.Arm64VWord, target, Const(index), value, Const(0));
+ }
+ }
+ public static Operand EmitExtractScalar(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target, int reg, bool doubleWidth)
+ {
+ int index = reg & (doubleWidth ? 1 : 3);
+ if (index == 0) return target; // Element is already at index 0, so just return the vector directly.
+ if (doubleWidth)
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64DupSe | Intrinsic.Arm64VDWord, target, Const(1)); // Extract high (index 1).
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(Intrinsic.Arm64DupSe | Intrinsic.Arm64VWord, target, Const(index)); // Extract element at index.
+ }
+ }
+ // Vector Operand Templates
+ public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I vectorFunc)
+ {
+ OpCode32Simd op = (OpCode32Simd)context.CurrOp;
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Qm);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Qd);
+ if (!op.Q) // Register swap: move relevant doubleword to destination side.
+ {
+ m = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, m, op.Vm, op.Vd);
+ }
+ Operand res = vectorFunc(m);
+ if (!op.Q) // Register insert.
+ {
+ res = EmitDoubleWordInsert(context, d, res, op.Vd);
+ }
+ context.Copy(d, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32Simd op = (OpCode32Simd)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitVectorUnaryOpSimd32(context, (m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst, m));
+ }
+ public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I vectorFunc, int side = -1)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
+ Operand n = GetVecA32(op.Qn);
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Qm);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Qd);
+ if (side == -1)
+ {
+ side = op.Vd;
+ }
+ if (!op.Q) // Register swap: move relevant doubleword to destination side.
+ {
+ n = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, n, op.Vn, side);
+ m = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, m, op.Vm, side);
+ }
+ Operand res = vectorFunc(n, m);
+ if (!op.Q) // Register insert.
+ {
+ if (side != op.Vd)
+ {
+ res = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, res, side, op.Vd);
+ }
+ res = EmitDoubleWordInsert(context, d, res, op.Vd);
+ }
+ context.Copy(d, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitVectorBinaryOpSimd32(context, (n, m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n, m));
+ }
+ public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I vectorFunc)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
+ Operand n = GetVecA32(op.Qn);
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Qm);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Qd);
+ Operand initialD = d;
+ if (!op.Q) // Register swap: move relevant doubleword to destination side.
+ {
+ n = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, n, op.Vn, op.Vd);
+ m = EmitMoveDoubleWordToSide(context, m, op.Vm, op.Vd);
+ }
+ Operand res = vectorFunc(d, n, m);
+ if (!op.Q) // Register insert.
+ {
+ res = EmitDoubleWordInsert(context, initialD, res, op.Vd);
+ }
+ context.Copy(initialD, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitVectorTernaryOpSimd32(context, (d, n, m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst, d, n, m));
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func1I scalarFunc)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdS op = (OpCode32SimdS)context.CurrOp;
+ bool doubleSize = (op.Size & 1) != 0;
+ int shift = doubleSize ? 1 : 2;
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Vm >> shift);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Vd >> shift);
+ m = EmitExtractScalar(context, m, op.Vm, doubleSize);
+ Operand res = scalarFunc(m);
+ // Insert scalar into vector.
+ res = EmitScalarInsert(context, d, res, op.Vd, doubleSize);
+ context.Copy(d, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdS op = (OpCode32SimdS)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitScalarUnaryOpSimd32(context, (m) => (inst == 0) ? m : context.AddIntrinsic(inst, m));
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func2I scalarFunc)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdRegS op = (OpCode32SimdRegS)context.CurrOp;
+ bool doubleSize = (op.Size & 1) != 0;
+ int shift = doubleSize ? 1 : 2;
+ Operand n = GetVecA32(op.Vn >> shift);
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Vm >> shift);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Vd >> shift);
+ n = EmitExtractScalar(context, n, op.Vn, doubleSize);
+ m = EmitExtractScalar(context, m, op.Vm, doubleSize);
+ Operand res = scalarFunc(n, m);
+ // Insert scalar into vector.
+ res = EmitScalarInsert(context, d, res, op.Vd, doubleSize);
+ context.Copy(d, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdRegS op = (OpCode32SimdRegS)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitScalarBinaryOpSimd32(context, (n, m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n, m));
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpSimd32(ArmEmitterContext context, Func3I scalarFunc)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdRegS op = (OpCode32SimdRegS)context.CurrOp;
+ bool doubleSize = (op.Size & 1) != 0;
+ int shift = doubleSize ? 1 : 2;
+ Operand n = GetVecA32(op.Vn >> shift);
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Vm >> shift);
+ Operand d = GetVecA32(op.Vd >> shift);
+ Operand initialD = d;
+ n = EmitExtractScalar(context, n, op.Vn, doubleSize);
+ m = EmitExtractScalar(context, m, op.Vm, doubleSize);
+ d = EmitExtractScalar(context, d, op.Vd, doubleSize);
+ Operand res = scalarFunc(d, n, m);
+ // Insert scalar into vector.
+ res = EmitScalarInsert(context, initialD, res, op.Vd, doubleSize);
+ context.Copy(initialD, res);
+ }
+ public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdRegS op = (OpCode32SimdRegS)context.CurrOp;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ EmitScalarTernaryOpSimd32(context, (d, n, m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst, d, n, m));
+ }
+ // Pairwise
+ public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, Intrinsic inst32)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
+ inst32 |= Intrinsic.Arm64V64 | Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat;
+ EmitVectorBinaryOpSimd32(context, (n, m) => context.AddIntrinsic(inst32, n, m), 0);
+ }
+ public static void EmitVcmpOrVcmpe(ArmEmitterContext context, bool signalNaNs)
+ {
+ OpCode32SimdS op = (OpCode32SimdS)context.CurrOp;
+ bool cmpWithZero = (op.Opc & 2) != 0;
+ Intrinsic inst = signalNaNs ? Intrinsic.Arm64FcmpeS : Intrinsic.Arm64FcmpS;
+ inst |= ((op.Size & 1) != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ bool doubleSize = (op.Size & 1) != 0;
+ int shift = doubleSize ? 1 : 2;
+ Operand n = GetVecA32(op.Vd >> shift);
+ Operand m = GetVecA32(op.Vm >> shift);
+ n = EmitExtractScalar(context, n, op.Vd, doubleSize);
+ m = cmpWithZero ? Const(0) : EmitExtractScalar(context, m, op.Vm, doubleSize);
+ Operand nzcv = context.AddIntrinsicInt(inst, n, m);
+ Operand one = Const(1);
+ SetFpFlag(context, FPState.VFlag, context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(nzcv, Const(28)), one));
+ SetFpFlag(context, FPState.CFlag, context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(nzcv, Const(29)), one));
+ SetFpFlag(context, FPState.ZFlag, context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(nzcv, Const(30)), one));
+ SetFpFlag(context, FPState.NFlag, context.BitwiseAnd(context.ShiftRightUI(nzcv, Const(31)), one));
+ }
+ public static void EmitCmpOpF32(ArmEmitterContext context, CmpCondition cond, bool zero)
+ {
+ OpCode32Simd op = (OpCode32Simd)context.CurrOp;
+ int sizeF = op.Size & 1;
+ Intrinsic inst;
+ if (zero)
+ {
+ inst = cond switch
+ {
+ CmpCondition.Equal => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmeqVz,
+ CmpCondition.GreaterThan => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmgtVz,
+ CmpCondition.GreaterThanOrEqual => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmgeVz,
+ CmpCondition.LessThan => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmltVz,
+ CmpCondition.LessThanOrEqual => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmleVz,
+ _ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ inst = cond switch
+ {
+ CmpCondition.Equal => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmeqV,
+ CmpCondition.GreaterThan => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmgtV,
+ CmpCondition.GreaterThanOrEqual => Intrinsic.Arm64FcmgeV,
+ _ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
+ };
+ }
+ inst |= (sizeF != 0 ? Intrinsic.Arm64VDouble : Intrinsic.Arm64VFloat) | Intrinsic.Arm64V128;
+ if (zero)
+ {
+ EmitVectorUnaryOpSimd32(context, (m) =>
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(inst, m);
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitVectorBinaryOpSimd32(context, (n, m) =>
+ {
+ return context.AddIntrinsic(inst, n, m);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file