path: root/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs
diff options
authorMary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone>2024-03-02 12:51:05 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-03-02 12:51:05 +0100
commitec6cb0abb4b7669895b6e96fd7581c93b5abd691 (patch)
tree128c862ff5faea0b219467656d4023bee7faefb5 /src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs
parent53b5985da6b9d7b281d9fc25b93bfd1d1918a107 (diff)
infra: Make Avalonia the default UI (#6375)1.1.1216
* misc: Move Ryujinx project to Ryujinx.Gtk3 This breaks release CI for now but that's fine. Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone> * misc: Move Ryujinx.Ava project to Ryujinx This breaks CI for now, but it's fine. Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone> * infra: Make Avalonia the default UI Should fix CI after the previous changes. GTK3 isn't build by the release job anymore, only by PR CI. This also ensure that the test-ava update package is still generated to allow update from the old testing channel. Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone> * Fix missing copy in create_app_bundle.sh Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone> * Fix syntax error Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone> --------- Signed-off-by: Mary Guillemard <mary@mary.zone>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs')
1 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs b/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33a9af5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx/UI/Windows/MainWindow.axaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+using Avalonia;
+using Avalonia.Controls;
+using Avalonia.Controls.Primitives;
+using Avalonia.Interactivity;
+using Avalonia.Threading;
+using FluentAvalonia.UI.Controls;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.Common.Locale;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.Input;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Applet;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Helpers;
+using Ryujinx.Ava.UI.ViewModels;
+using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.FileSystem;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS;
+using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Account.Acc;
+using Ryujinx.Input.HLE;
+using Ryujinx.Input.SDL2;
+using Ryujinx.Modules;
+using Ryujinx.UI.App.Common;
+using Ryujinx.UI.Common;
+using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Configuration;
+using Ryujinx.UI.Common.Helper;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Runtime.Versioning;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Windows
+ public partial class MainWindow : StyleableWindow
+ {
+ internal static MainWindowViewModel MainWindowViewModel { get; private set; }
+ private bool _isLoading;
+ private UserChannelPersistence _userChannelPersistence;
+ private static bool _deferLoad;
+ private static string _launchPath;
+ private static bool _startFullscreen;
+ internal readonly AvaHostUIHandler UiHandler;
+ public VirtualFileSystem VirtualFileSystem { get; private set; }
+ public ContentManager ContentManager { get; private set; }
+ public AccountManager AccountManager { get; private set; }
+ public LibHacHorizonManager LibHacHorizonManager { get; private set; }
+ public InputManager InputManager { get; private set; }
+ internal MainWindowViewModel ViewModel { get; private set; }
+ public SettingsWindow SettingsWindow { get; set; }
+ public static bool ShowKeyErrorOnLoad { get; set; }
+ public ApplicationLibrary ApplicationLibrary { get; set; }
+ public MainWindow()
+ {
+ ViewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
+ MainWindowViewModel = ViewModel;
+ DataContext = ViewModel;
+ SetWindowSizePosition();
+ InitializeComponent();
+ Load();
+ UiHandler = new AvaHostUIHandler(this);
+ ViewModel.Title = $"Ryujinx {Program.Version}";
+ // NOTE: Height of MenuBar and StatusBar is not usable here, since it would still be 0 at this point.
+ double barHeight = MenuBar.MinHeight + StatusBarView.StatusBar.MinHeight;
+ Height = ((Height - barHeight) / Program.WindowScaleFactor) + barHeight;
+ Width /= Program.WindowScaleFactor;
+ if (Program.PreviewerDetached)
+ {
+ InputManager = new InputManager(new AvaloniaKeyboardDriver(this), new SDL2GamepadDriver());
+ this.GetObservable(IsActiveProperty).Subscribe(IsActiveChanged);
+ this.ScalingChanged += OnScalingChanged;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnApplyTemplate(TemplateAppliedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ base.OnApplyTemplate(e);
+ NotificationHelper.SetNotificationManager(this);
+ }
+ private void IsActiveChanged(bool obj)
+ {
+ ViewModel.IsActive = obj;
+ }
+ private void OnScalingChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Program.DesktopScaleFactor = this.RenderScaling;
+ }
+ private void ApplicationLibrary_ApplicationAdded(object sender, ApplicationAddedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() =>
+ {
+ ViewModel.Applications.Add(e.AppData);
+ });
+ }
+ private void ApplicationLibrary_ApplicationCountUpdated(object sender, ApplicationCountUpdatedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ LocaleManager.Instance.UpdateAndGetDynamicValue(LocaleKeys.StatusBarGamesLoaded, e.NumAppsLoaded, e.NumAppsFound);
+ Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() =>
+ {
+ ViewModel.StatusBarProgressValue = e.NumAppsLoaded;
+ ViewModel.StatusBarProgressMaximum = e.NumAppsFound;
+ if (e.NumAppsFound == 0)
+ {
+ StatusBarView.LoadProgressBar.IsVisible = false;
+ }
+ if (e.NumAppsLoaded == e.NumAppsFound)
+ {
+ StatusBarView.LoadProgressBar.IsVisible = false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void Application_Opened(object sender, ApplicationOpenedEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (args.Application != null)
+ {
+ ViewModel.SelectedIcon = args.Application.Icon;
+ string path = new FileInfo(args.Application.Path).FullName;
+ ViewModel.LoadApplication(path).Wait();
+ }
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ internal static void DeferLoadApplication(string launchPathArg, bool startFullscreenArg)
+ {
+ _deferLoad = true;
+ _launchPath = launchPathArg;
+ _startFullscreen = startFullscreenArg;
+ }
+ public void SwitchToGameControl(bool startFullscreen = false)
+ {
+ ViewModel.ShowLoadProgress = false;
+ ViewModel.ShowContent = true;
+ ViewModel.IsLoadingIndeterminate = false;
+ if (startFullscreen && ViewModel.WindowState != WindowState.FullScreen)
+ {
+ ViewModel.ToggleFullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ public void ShowLoading(bool startFullscreen = false)
+ {
+ ViewModel.ShowContent = false;
+ ViewModel.ShowLoadProgress = true;
+ ViewModel.IsLoadingIndeterminate = true;
+ if (startFullscreen && ViewModel.WindowState != WindowState.FullScreen)
+ {
+ ViewModel.ToggleFullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ private void Initialize()
+ {
+ _userChannelPersistence = new UserChannelPersistence();
+ VirtualFileSystem = VirtualFileSystem.CreateInstance();
+ LibHacHorizonManager = new LibHacHorizonManager();
+ ContentManager = new ContentManager(VirtualFileSystem);
+ LibHacHorizonManager.InitializeFsServer(VirtualFileSystem);
+ LibHacHorizonManager.InitializeArpServer();
+ LibHacHorizonManager.InitializeBcatServer();
+ LibHacHorizonManager.InitializeSystemClients();
+ ApplicationLibrary = new ApplicationLibrary(VirtualFileSystem);
+ // Save data created before we supported extra data in directory save data will not work properly if
+ // given empty extra data. Luckily some of that extra data can be created using the data from the
+ // save data indexer, which should be enough to check access permissions for user saves.
+ // Every single save data's extra data will be checked and fixed if needed each time the emulator is opened.
+ // Consider removing this at some point in the future when we don't need to worry about old saves.
+ VirtualFileSystem.FixExtraData(LibHacHorizonManager.RyujinxClient);
+ AccountManager = new AccountManager(LibHacHorizonManager.RyujinxClient, CommandLineState.Profile);
+ VirtualFileSystem.ReloadKeySet();
+ ApplicationHelper.Initialize(VirtualFileSystem, AccountManager, LibHacHorizonManager.RyujinxClient);
+ }
+ [SupportedOSPlatform("linux")]
+ private static async Task ShowVmMaxMapCountWarning()
+ {
+ LocaleManager.Instance.UpdateAndGetDynamicValue(LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountWarningTextSecondary,
+ LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCount, LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount);
+ await ContentDialogHelper.CreateWarningDialog(
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountWarningTextPrimary],
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountWarningTextSecondary]
+ );
+ }
+ [SupportedOSPlatform("linux")]
+ private static async Task ShowVmMaxMapCountDialog()
+ {
+ LocaleManager.Instance.UpdateAndGetDynamicValue(LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary,
+ LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount);
+ UserResult response = await ContentDialogHelper.ShowTextDialog(
+ $"Ryujinx - {LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle]}",
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary],
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary],
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogButtonUntilRestart],
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogButtonPersistent],
+ LocaleManager.Instance[LocaleKeys.InputDialogNo],
+ (int)Symbol.Help
+ );
+ int rc;
+ switch (response)
+ {
+ case UserResult.Ok:
+ rc = LinuxHelper.RunPkExec($"echo {LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount} > {LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCountPath}");
+ if (rc == 0)
+ {
+ Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"vm.max_map_count set to {LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCount} until the next restart.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unable to change vm.max_map_count. Process exited with code: {rc}");
+ }
+ break;
+ case UserResult.No:
+ rc = LinuxHelper.RunPkExec($"echo \"vm.max_map_count = {LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount}\" > {LinuxHelper.SysCtlConfigPath} && sysctl -p {LinuxHelper.SysCtlConfigPath}");
+ if (rc == 0)
+ {
+ Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"vm.max_map_count set to {LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCount}. Written to config: {LinuxHelper.SysCtlConfigPath}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unable to write new value for vm.max_map_count to config. Process exited with code: {rc}");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task CheckLaunchState()
+ {
+ if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux() && LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCount < LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount)
+ {
+ Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"The value of vm.max_map_count is lower than {LinuxHelper.RecommendedVmMaxMapCount}. ({LinuxHelper.VmMaxMapCount})");
+ if (LinuxHelper.PkExecPath is not null)
+ {
+ await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(ShowVmMaxMapCountDialog);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(ShowVmMaxMapCountWarning);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ShowKeyErrorOnLoad)
+ {
+ if (_deferLoad)
+ {
+ _deferLoad = false;
+ ViewModel.LoadApplication(_launchPath, _startFullscreen).Wait();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowKeyErrorOnLoad = false;
+ await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () => await UserErrorDialog.ShowUserErrorDialog(UserError.NoKeys));
+ }
+ if (ConfigurationState.Instance.CheckUpdatesOnStart.Value && Updater.CanUpdate(false))
+ {
+ await Updater.BeginParse(this, false).ContinueWith(task =>
+ {
+ Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Updater Error: {task.Exception}");
+ }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
+ }
+ }
+ private void Load()
+ {
+ StatusBarView.VolumeStatus.Click += VolumeStatus_CheckedChanged;
+ ApplicationGrid.ApplicationOpened += Application_Opened;
+ ApplicationGrid.DataContext = ViewModel;
+ ApplicationList.ApplicationOpened += Application_Opened;
+ ApplicationList.DataContext = ViewModel;
+ }
+ private void SetWindowSizePosition()
+ {
+ PixelPoint savedPoint = new(ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowPositionX,
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowPositionY);
+ ViewModel.WindowHeight = ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowSizeHeight * Program.WindowScaleFactor;
+ ViewModel.WindowWidth = ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowSizeWidth * Program.WindowScaleFactor;
+ ViewModel.WindowState = ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowMaximized.Value ? WindowState.Maximized : WindowState.Normal;
+ if (CheckScreenBounds(savedPoint))
+ {
+ Position = savedPoint;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool CheckScreenBounds(PixelPoint configPoint)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < Screens.ScreenCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (Screens.All[i].Bounds.Contains(configPoint))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "Failed to find valid start-up coordinates. Defaulting to primary monitor center.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void SaveWindowSizePosition()
+ {
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowSizeHeight.Value = (int)Height;
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowSizeWidth.Value = (int)Width;
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowPositionX.Value = Position.X;
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowPositionY.Value = Position.Y;
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.WindowStartup.WindowMaximized.Value = WindowState == WindowState.Maximized;
+ MainWindowViewModel.SaveConfig();
+ }
+ protected override void OnOpened(EventArgs e)
+ {
+ base.OnOpened(e);
+ Initialize();
+ ViewModel.Initialize(
+ ContentManager,
+ StorageProvider,
+ ApplicationLibrary,
+ VirtualFileSystem,
+ AccountManager,
+ InputManager,
+ _userChannelPersistence,
+ LibHacHorizonManager,
+ UiHandler,
+ ShowLoading,
+ SwitchToGameControl,
+ SetMainContent,
+ this);
+ ApplicationLibrary.ApplicationCountUpdated += ApplicationLibrary_ApplicationCountUpdated;
+ ApplicationLibrary.ApplicationAdded += ApplicationLibrary_ApplicationAdded;
+ ViewModel.RefreshFirmwareStatus();
+ LoadApplications();
+#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
+ CheckLaunchState();
+#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
+ }
+ private void SetMainContent(Control content = null)
+ {
+ content ??= GameLibrary;
+ if (MainContent.Content != content)
+ {
+ MainContent.Content = content;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void UpdateGraphicsConfig()
+ {
+#pragma warning disable IDE0055 // Disable formatting
+ GraphicsConfig.ResScale = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.ResScale == -1 ? ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.ResScaleCustom : ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.ResScale;
+ GraphicsConfig.MaxAnisotropy = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.MaxAnisotropy;
+ GraphicsConfig.ShadersDumpPath = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.ShadersDumpPath;
+ GraphicsConfig.EnableShaderCache = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.EnableShaderCache;
+ GraphicsConfig.EnableTextureRecompression = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.EnableTextureRecompression;
+ GraphicsConfig.EnableMacroHLE = ConfigurationState.Instance.Graphics.EnableMacroHLE;
+#pragma warning restore IDE0055
+ }
+ private void VolumeStatus_CheckedChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var volumeSplitButton = sender as ToggleSplitButton;
+ if (ViewModel.IsGameRunning)
+ {
+ if (!volumeSplitButton.IsChecked)
+ {
+ ViewModel.AppHost.Device.SetVolume(ViewModel.VolumeBeforeMute);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ViewModel.VolumeBeforeMute = ViewModel.AppHost.Device.GetVolume();
+ ViewModel.AppHost.Device.SetVolume(0);
+ }
+ ViewModel.Volume = ViewModel.AppHost.Device.GetVolume();
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnClosing(WindowClosingEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (!ViewModel.IsClosing && ViewModel.AppHost != null && ConfigurationState.Instance.ShowConfirmExit)
+ {
+ e.Cancel = true;
+ ConfirmExit();
+ return;
+ }
+ ViewModel.IsClosing = true;
+ if (ViewModel.AppHost != null)
+ {
+ ViewModel.AppHost.AppExit -= ViewModel.AppHost_AppExit;
+ ViewModel.AppHost.AppExit += (sender, e) =>
+ {
+ ViewModel.AppHost = null;
+ Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() =>
+ {
+ MainContent = null;
+ Close();
+ });
+ };
+ ViewModel.AppHost?.Stop();
+ e.Cancel = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ SaveWindowSizePosition();
+ ApplicationLibrary.CancelLoading();
+ InputManager.Dispose();
+ Program.Exit();
+ base.OnClosing(e);
+ }
+ private void ConfirmExit()
+ {
+ Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
+ {
+ ViewModel.IsClosing = await ContentDialogHelper.CreateExitDialog();
+ if (ViewModel.IsClosing)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public void LoadApplications()
+ {
+ ViewModel.Applications.Clear();
+ StatusBarView.LoadProgressBar.IsVisible = true;
+ ViewModel.StatusBarProgressMaximum = 0;
+ ViewModel.StatusBarProgressValue = 0;
+ LocaleManager.Instance.UpdateAndGetDynamicValue(LocaleKeys.StatusBarGamesLoaded, 0, 0);
+ ReloadGameList();
+ }
+ public void ToggleFileType(string fileType)
+ {
+ _ = fileType switch
+ {
+#pragma warning disable IDE0055 // Disable formatting
+ "NSP" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NSP.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NSP,
+ "PFS0" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.PFS0.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.PFS0,
+ "XCI" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.XCI.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.XCI,
+ "NCA" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NCA.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NCA,
+ "NRO" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NRO.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NRO,
+ "NSO" => ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NSO.Value = !ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.ShownFileTypes.NSO,
+ _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(fileType),
+#pragma warning restore IDE0055
+ };
+ ConfigurationState.Instance.ToFileFormat().SaveConfig(Program.ConfigurationPath);
+ LoadApplications();
+ }
+ private void ReloadGameList()
+ {
+ if (_isLoading)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _isLoading = true;
+ Thread applicationLibraryThread = new(() =>
+ {
+ ApplicationLibrary.LoadApplications(ConfigurationState.Instance.UI.GameDirs, ConfigurationState.Instance.System.Language);
+ _isLoading = false;
+ })
+ {
+ Name = "GUI.ApplicationLibraryThread",
+ IsBackground = true,
+ };
+ applicationLibraryThread.Start();
+ }
+ }