path: root/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs
diff options
authorTSR Berry <20988865+TSRBerry@users.noreply.github.com>2023-04-08 01:22:00 +0200
committerMary <thog@protonmail.com>2023-04-27 23:51:14 +0200
commitcee712105850ac3385cd0091a923438167433f9f (patch)
tree4a5274b21d8b7f938c0d0ce18736d3f2993b11b1 /src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs
parentcd124bda587ef09668a971fa1cac1c3f0cfc9f21 (diff)
Move solution and projects to src
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..075d1b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/Window.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.Effects;
+using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
+using Silk.NET.Vulkan.Extensions.KHR;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using VkFormat = Silk.NET.Vulkan.Format;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
+ class Window : WindowBase, IDisposable
+ {
+ private const int SurfaceWidth = 1280;
+ private const int SurfaceHeight = 720;
+ private readonly VulkanRenderer _gd;
+ private readonly SurfaceKHR _surface;
+ private readonly PhysicalDevice _physicalDevice;
+ private readonly Device _device;
+ private SwapchainKHR _swapchain;
+ private Image[] _swapchainImages;
+ private Auto<DisposableImageView>[] _swapchainImageViews;
+ private Semaphore _imageAvailableSemaphore;
+ private Semaphore _renderFinishedSemaphore;
+ private int _width;
+ private int _height;
+ private bool _vsyncEnabled;
+ private bool _vsyncModeChanged;
+ private VkFormat _format;
+ private AntiAliasing _currentAntiAliasing;
+ private bool _updateEffect;
+ private IPostProcessingEffect _effect;
+ private IScalingFilter _scalingFilter;
+ private bool _isLinear;
+ private float _scalingFilterLevel;
+ private bool _updateScalingFilter;
+ private ScalingFilter _currentScalingFilter;
+ public unsafe Window(VulkanRenderer gd, SurfaceKHR surface, PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, Device device)
+ {
+ _gd = gd;
+ _physicalDevice = physicalDevice;
+ _device = device;
+ _surface = surface;
+ CreateSwapchain();
+ var semaphoreCreateInfo = new SemaphoreCreateInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SemaphoreCreateInfo
+ };
+ gd.Api.CreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, out _imageAvailableSemaphore).ThrowOnError();
+ gd.Api.CreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, out _renderFinishedSemaphore).ThrowOnError();
+ }
+ private void RecreateSwapchain()
+ {
+ var oldSwapchain = _swapchain;
+ _vsyncModeChanged = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _swapchainImageViews.Length; i++)
+ {
+ _swapchainImageViews[i].Dispose();
+ }
+ // Destroy old Swapchain.
+ _gd.Api.DeviceWaitIdle(_device);
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.DestroySwapchain(_device, oldSwapchain, Span<AllocationCallbacks>.Empty);
+ CreateSwapchain();
+ }
+ private unsafe void CreateSwapchain()
+ {
+ _gd.SurfaceApi.GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities(_physicalDevice, _surface, out var capabilities);
+ uint surfaceFormatsCount;
+ _gd.SurfaceApi.GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats(_physicalDevice, _surface, &surfaceFormatsCount, null);
+ var surfaceFormats = new SurfaceFormatKHR[surfaceFormatsCount];
+ fixed (SurfaceFormatKHR* pSurfaceFormats = surfaceFormats)
+ {
+ _gd.SurfaceApi.GetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats(_physicalDevice, _surface, &surfaceFormatsCount, pSurfaceFormats);
+ }
+ uint presentModesCount;
+ _gd.SurfaceApi.GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModes(_physicalDevice, _surface, &presentModesCount, null);
+ var presentModes = new PresentModeKHR[presentModesCount];
+ fixed (PresentModeKHR* pPresentModes = presentModes)
+ {
+ _gd.SurfaceApi.GetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModes(_physicalDevice, _surface, &presentModesCount, pPresentModes);
+ }
+ uint imageCount = capabilities.MinImageCount + 1;
+ if (capabilities.MaxImageCount > 0 && imageCount > capabilities.MaxImageCount)
+ {
+ imageCount = capabilities.MaxImageCount;
+ }
+ var surfaceFormat = ChooseSwapSurfaceFormat(surfaceFormats);
+ var extent = ChooseSwapExtent(capabilities);
+ _width = (int)extent.Width;
+ _height = (int)extent.Height;
+ _format = surfaceFormat.Format;
+ var oldSwapchain = _swapchain;
+ var swapchainCreateInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfoKHR()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.SwapchainCreateInfoKhr,
+ Surface = _surface,
+ MinImageCount = imageCount,
+ ImageFormat = surfaceFormat.Format,
+ ImageColorSpace = surfaceFormat.ColorSpace,
+ ImageExtent = extent,
+ ImageUsage = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachmentBit | ImageUsageFlags.TransferDstBit | ImageUsageFlags.StorageBit,
+ ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,
+ ImageArrayLayers = 1,
+ PreTransform = capabilities.CurrentTransform,
+ CompositeAlpha = ChooseCompositeAlpha(capabilities.SupportedCompositeAlpha),
+ PresentMode = ChooseSwapPresentMode(presentModes, _vsyncEnabled),
+ Clipped = true
+ };
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.CreateSwapchain(_device, swapchainCreateInfo, null, out _swapchain).ThrowOnError();
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.GetSwapchainImages(_device, _swapchain, &imageCount, null);
+ _swapchainImages = new Image[imageCount];
+ fixed (Image* pSwapchainImages = _swapchainImages)
+ {
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.GetSwapchainImages(_device, _swapchain, &imageCount, pSwapchainImages);
+ }
+ _swapchainImageViews = new Auto<DisposableImageView>[imageCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < _swapchainImageViews.Length; i++)
+ {
+ _swapchainImageViews[i] = CreateSwapchainImageView(_swapchainImages[i], surfaceFormat.Format);
+ }
+ }
+ private unsafe Auto<DisposableImageView> CreateSwapchainImageView(Image swapchainImage, VkFormat format)
+ {
+ var componentMapping = new ComponentMapping(
+ ComponentSwizzle.R,
+ ComponentSwizzle.G,
+ ComponentSwizzle.B,
+ ComponentSwizzle.A);
+ var aspectFlags = ImageAspectFlags.ColorBit;
+ var subresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange(aspectFlags, 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ var imageCreateInfo = new ImageViewCreateInfo()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.ImageViewCreateInfo,
+ Image = swapchainImage,
+ ViewType = ImageViewType.Type2D,
+ Format = format,
+ Components = componentMapping,
+ SubresourceRange = subresourceRange
+ };
+ _gd.Api.CreateImageView(_device, imageCreateInfo, null, out var imageView).ThrowOnError();
+ return new Auto<DisposableImageView>(new DisposableImageView(_gd.Api, _device, imageView));
+ }
+ private static SurfaceFormatKHR ChooseSwapSurfaceFormat(SurfaceFormatKHR[] availableFormats)
+ {
+ if (availableFormats.Length == 1 && availableFormats[0].Format == VkFormat.Undefined)
+ {
+ return new SurfaceFormatKHR(VkFormat.B8G8R8A8Unorm, ColorSpaceKHR.PaceSrgbNonlinearKhr);
+ }
+ foreach (var format in availableFormats)
+ {
+ if (format.Format == VkFormat.B8G8R8A8Unorm && format.ColorSpace == ColorSpaceKHR.PaceSrgbNonlinearKhr)
+ {
+ return format;
+ }
+ }
+ return availableFormats[0];
+ }
+ private static CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR ChooseCompositeAlpha(CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR supportedFlags)
+ {
+ if (supportedFlags.HasFlag(CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.OpaqueBitKhr))
+ {
+ return CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.OpaqueBitKhr;
+ }
+ else if (supportedFlags.HasFlag(CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.PreMultipliedBitKhr))
+ {
+ return CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.PreMultipliedBitKhr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.InheritBitKhr;
+ }
+ }
+ private static PresentModeKHR ChooseSwapPresentMode(PresentModeKHR[] availablePresentModes, bool vsyncEnabled)
+ {
+ if (!vsyncEnabled && availablePresentModes.Contains(PresentModeKHR.ImmediateKhr))
+ {
+ return PresentModeKHR.ImmediateKhr;
+ }
+ else if (availablePresentModes.Contains(PresentModeKHR.MailboxKhr))
+ {
+ return PresentModeKHR.MailboxKhr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return PresentModeKHR.FifoKhr;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Extent2D ChooseSwapExtent(SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR capabilities)
+ {
+ if (capabilities.CurrentExtent.Width != uint.MaxValue)
+ {
+ return capabilities.CurrentExtent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint width = Math.Max(capabilities.MinImageExtent.Width, Math.Min(capabilities.MaxImageExtent.Width, SurfaceWidth));
+ uint height = Math.Max(capabilities.MinImageExtent.Height, Math.Min(capabilities.MaxImageExtent.Height, SurfaceHeight));
+ return new Extent2D(width, height);
+ }
+ }
+ public unsafe override void Present(ITexture texture, ImageCrop crop, Action swapBuffersCallback)
+ {
+ _gd.PipelineInternal.AutoFlush.Present();
+ uint nextImage = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ var acquireResult = _gd.SwapchainApi.AcquireNextImage(
+ _device,
+ _swapchain,
+ ulong.MaxValue,
+ _imageAvailableSemaphore,
+ new Fence(),
+ ref nextImage);
+ if (acquireResult == Result.ErrorOutOfDateKhr ||
+ acquireResult == Result.SuboptimalKhr ||
+ _vsyncModeChanged)
+ {
+ RecreateSwapchain();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ acquireResult.ThrowOnError();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var swapchainImage = _swapchainImages[nextImage];
+ _gd.FlushAllCommands();
+ var cbs = _gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent();
+ Transition(
+ cbs.CommandBuffer,
+ swapchainImage,
+ 0,
+ AccessFlags.TransferWriteBit,
+ ImageLayout.Undefined,
+ ImageLayout.General);
+ var view = (TextureView)texture;
+ UpdateEffect();
+ if (_effect != null)
+ {
+ view = _effect.Run(view, cbs, _width, _height);
+ }
+ int srcX0, srcX1, srcY0, srcY1;
+ float scale = view.ScaleFactor;
+ if (crop.Left == 0 && crop.Right == 0)
+ {
+ srcX0 = 0;
+ srcX1 = (int)(view.Width / scale);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcX0 = crop.Left;
+ srcX1 = crop.Right;
+ }
+ if (crop.Top == 0 && crop.Bottom == 0)
+ {
+ srcY0 = 0;
+ srcY1 = (int)(view.Height / scale);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcY0 = crop.Top;
+ srcY1 = crop.Bottom;
+ }
+ if (scale != 1f)
+ {
+ srcX0 = (int)(srcX0 * scale);
+ srcY0 = (int)(srcY0 * scale);
+ srcX1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(srcX1 * scale);
+ srcY1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(srcY1 * scale);
+ }
+ if (ScreenCaptureRequested)
+ {
+ if (_effect != null)
+ {
+ _gd.CommandBufferPool.Return(
+ cbs,
+ null,
+ stackalloc[] { PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutputBit },
+ null);
+ _gd.FlushAllCommands();
+ cbs.GetFence().Wait();
+ cbs = _gd.CommandBufferPool.Rent();
+ }
+ CaptureFrame(view, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1 - srcX0, srcY1 - srcY0, view.Info.Format.IsBgr(), crop.FlipX, crop.FlipY);
+ ScreenCaptureRequested = false;
+ }
+ float ratioX = crop.IsStretched ? 1.0f : MathF.Min(1.0f, _height * crop.AspectRatioX / (_width * crop.AspectRatioY));
+ float ratioY = crop.IsStretched ? 1.0f : MathF.Min(1.0f, _width * crop.AspectRatioY / (_height * crop.AspectRatioX));
+ int dstWidth = (int)(_width * ratioX);
+ int dstHeight = (int)(_height * ratioY);
+ int dstPaddingX = (_width - dstWidth) / 2;
+ int dstPaddingY = (_height - dstHeight) / 2;
+ int dstX0 = crop.FlipX ? _width - dstPaddingX : dstPaddingX;
+ int dstX1 = crop.FlipX ? dstPaddingX : _width - dstPaddingX;
+ int dstY0 = crop.FlipY ? dstPaddingY : _height - dstPaddingY;
+ int dstY1 = crop.FlipY ? _height - dstPaddingY : dstPaddingY;
+ if (_scalingFilter != null)
+ {
+ _scalingFilter.Run(
+ view,
+ cbs,
+ _swapchainImageViews[nextImage],
+ _format,
+ _width,
+ _height,
+ new Extents2D(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1),
+ new Extents2D(dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1)
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _gd.HelperShader.BlitColor(
+ _gd,
+ cbs,
+ view,
+ _swapchainImageViews[nextImage],
+ _width,
+ _height,
+ 1,
+ _format,
+ false,
+ new Extents2D(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1),
+ new Extents2D(dstX0, dstY1, dstX1, dstY0),
+ _isLinear,
+ true);
+ }
+ Transition(
+ cbs.CommandBuffer,
+ swapchainImage,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ImageLayout.General,
+ ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr);
+ _gd.CommandBufferPool.Return(
+ cbs,
+ stackalloc[] { _imageAvailableSemaphore },
+ stackalloc[] { PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutputBit },
+ stackalloc[] { _renderFinishedSemaphore });
+ // TODO: Present queue.
+ var semaphore = _renderFinishedSemaphore;
+ var swapchain = _swapchain;
+ Result result;
+ var presentInfo = new PresentInfoKHR()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.PresentInfoKhr,
+ WaitSemaphoreCount = 1,
+ PWaitSemaphores = &semaphore,
+ SwapchainCount = 1,
+ PSwapchains = &swapchain,
+ PImageIndices = &nextImage,
+ PResults = &result
+ };
+ lock (_gd.QueueLock)
+ {
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.QueuePresent(_gd.Queue, presentInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void SetAntiAliasing(AntiAliasing effect)
+ {
+ if (_currentAntiAliasing == effect && _effect != null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _currentAntiAliasing = effect;
+ _updateEffect = true;
+ }
+ public override void SetScalingFilter(ScalingFilter type)
+ {
+ if (_currentScalingFilter == type && _effect != null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _currentScalingFilter = type;
+ _updateScalingFilter = true;
+ }
+ private void UpdateEffect()
+ {
+ if (_updateEffect)
+ {
+ _updateEffect = false;
+ switch (_currentAntiAliasing)
+ {
+ case AntiAliasing.Fxaa:
+ _effect?.Dispose();
+ _effect = new FxaaPostProcessingEffect(_gd, _device);
+ break;
+ case AntiAliasing.None:
+ _effect?.Dispose();
+ _effect = null;
+ break;
+ case AntiAliasing.SmaaLow:
+ case AntiAliasing.SmaaMedium:
+ case AntiAliasing.SmaaHigh:
+ case AntiAliasing.SmaaUltra:
+ var quality = _currentAntiAliasing - AntiAliasing.SmaaLow;
+ if (_effect is SmaaPostProcessingEffect smaa)
+ {
+ smaa.Quality = quality;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _effect?.Dispose();
+ _effect = new SmaaPostProcessingEffect(_gd, _device, quality);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_updateScalingFilter)
+ {
+ _updateScalingFilter = false;
+ switch (_currentScalingFilter)
+ {
+ case ScalingFilter.Bilinear:
+ case ScalingFilter.Nearest:
+ _scalingFilter?.Dispose();
+ _scalingFilter = null;
+ _isLinear = _currentScalingFilter == ScalingFilter.Bilinear;
+ break;
+ case ScalingFilter.Fsr:
+ if (_scalingFilter is not FsrScalingFilter)
+ {
+ _scalingFilter?.Dispose();
+ _scalingFilter = new FsrScalingFilter(_gd, _device);
+ }
+ _scalingFilter.Level = _scalingFilterLevel;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void SetScalingFilterLevel(float level)
+ {
+ _scalingFilterLevel = level;
+ _updateScalingFilter = true;
+ }
+ private unsafe void Transition(
+ CommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+ Image image,
+ AccessFlags srcAccess,
+ AccessFlags dstAccess,
+ ImageLayout srcLayout,
+ ImageLayout dstLayout)
+ {
+ var subresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange(ImageAspectFlags.ColorBit, 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ var barrier = new ImageMemoryBarrier()
+ {
+ SType = StructureType.ImageMemoryBarrier,
+ SrcAccessMask = srcAccess,
+ DstAccessMask = dstAccess,
+ OldLayout = srcLayout,
+ NewLayout = dstLayout,
+ SrcQueueFamilyIndex = Vk.QueueFamilyIgnored,
+ DstQueueFamilyIndex = Vk.QueueFamilyIgnored,
+ Image = image,
+ SubresourceRange = subresourceRange
+ };
+ _gd.Api.CmdPipelineBarrier(
+ commandBuffer,
+ PipelineStageFlags.TopOfPipeBit,
+ PipelineStageFlags.AllCommandsBit,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ 1,
+ barrier);
+ }
+ private void CaptureFrame(TextureView texture, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool isBgra, bool flipX, bool flipY)
+ {
+ byte[] bitmap = texture.GetData(x, y, width, height);
+ _gd.OnScreenCaptured(new ScreenCaptureImageInfo(width, height, isBgra, bitmap, flipX, flipY));
+ }
+ public override void SetSize(int width, int height)
+ {
+ // Not needed as we can get the size from the surface.
+ }
+ public override void ChangeVSyncMode(bool vsyncEnabled)
+ {
+ _vsyncEnabled = vsyncEnabled;
+ _vsyncModeChanged = true;
+ }
+ protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing)
+ {
+ unsafe
+ {
+ _gd.Api.DestroySemaphore(_device, _renderFinishedSemaphore, null);
+ _gd.Api.DestroySemaphore(_device, _imageAvailableSemaphore, null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _swapchainImageViews.Length; i++)
+ {
+ _swapchainImageViews[i].Dispose();
+ }
+ _gd.SwapchainApi.DestroySwapchain(_device, _swapchain, null);
+ }
+ _effect?.Dispose();
+ _scalingFilter?.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Dispose()
+ {
+ Dispose(true);
+ }
+ }