path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs
diff options
authorgdk <gab.dark.100@gmail.com>2019-10-13 03:02:07 -0300
committerThog <thog@protonmail.com>2020-01-09 02:13:00 +0100
commit1876b346fea647e8284a66bb6d62c38801035cff (patch)
tree6eeff094298cda84d1613dc5ec0691e51d7b35f1 /Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs
parentf617fb542a0e3d36012d77a4b5acbde7b08902f2 (diff)
Initial work
Diffstat (limited to 'Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03ff8818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/StructuredIr/StructuredProgramContext.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.AstHelper;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr
+ class StructuredProgramContext
+ {
+ private HashSet<BasicBlock> _loopTails;
+ private Stack<(AstBlock Block, int EndIndex)> _blockStack;
+ private Dictionary<Operand, AstOperand> _localsMap;
+ private Dictionary<int, AstAssignment> _gotoTempAsgs;
+ private List<GotoStatement> _gotos;
+ private AstBlock _currBlock;
+ private int _currEndIndex;
+ public StructuredProgramInfo Info { get; }
+ public ShaderConfig Config { get; }
+ public StructuredProgramContext(int blocksCount, ShaderConfig config)
+ {
+ _loopTails = new HashSet<BasicBlock>();
+ _blockStack = new Stack<(AstBlock, int)>();
+ _localsMap = new Dictionary<Operand, AstOperand>();
+ _gotoTempAsgs = new Dictionary<int, AstAssignment>();
+ _gotos = new List<GotoStatement>();
+ _currBlock = new AstBlock(AstBlockType.Main);
+ _currEndIndex = blocksCount;
+ Info = new StructuredProgramInfo(_currBlock);
+ Config = config;
+ }
+ public void EnterBlock(BasicBlock block)
+ {
+ while (_currEndIndex == block.Index)
+ {
+ (_currBlock, _currEndIndex) = _blockStack.Pop();
+ }
+ if (_gotoTempAsgs.TryGetValue(block.Index, out AstAssignment gotoTempAsg))
+ {
+ AddGotoTempReset(block, gotoTempAsg);
+ }
+ LookForDoWhileStatements(block);
+ }
+ public void LeaveBlock(BasicBlock block, Operation branchOp)
+ {
+ LookForIfStatements(block, branchOp);
+ }
+ private void LookForDoWhileStatements(BasicBlock block)
+ {
+ // Check if we have any predecessor whose index is greater than the
+ // current block, this indicates a loop.
+ bool done = false;
+ foreach (BasicBlock predecessor in block.Predecessors.OrderByDescending(x => x.Index))
+ {
+ if (predecessor.Index < block.Index)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (predecessor.Index < _currEndIndex && !done)
+ {
+ Operation branchOp = (Operation)predecessor.GetLastOp();
+ NewBlock(AstBlockType.DoWhile, branchOp, predecessor.Index + 1);
+ _loopTails.Add(predecessor);
+ done = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddGotoTempReset(block, GetGotoTempAsg(block.Index));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void LookForIfStatements(BasicBlock block, Operation branchOp)
+ {
+ if (block.Branch == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool isLoop = block.Branch.Index <= block.Index;
+ if (block.Branch.Index <= _currEndIndex && !isLoop)
+ {
+ NewBlock(AstBlockType.If, branchOp, block.Branch.Index);
+ }
+ else if (!_loopTails.Contains(block))
+ {
+ AstAssignment gotoTempAsg = GetGotoTempAsg(block.Branch.Index);
+ IAstNode cond = GetBranchCond(AstBlockType.DoWhile, branchOp);
+ AddNode(Assign(gotoTempAsg.Destination, cond));
+ AstOperation branch = new AstOperation(branchOp.Inst);
+ AddNode(branch);
+ GotoStatement gotoStmt = new GotoStatement(branch, gotoTempAsg, isLoop);
+ _gotos.Add(gotoStmt);
+ }
+ }
+ private AstAssignment GetGotoTempAsg(int index)
+ {
+ if (_gotoTempAsgs.TryGetValue(index, out AstAssignment gotoTempAsg))
+ {
+ return gotoTempAsg;
+ }
+ AstOperand gotoTemp = NewTemp(VariableType.Bool);
+ gotoTempAsg = Assign(gotoTemp, Const(IrConsts.False));
+ _gotoTempAsgs.Add(index, gotoTempAsg);
+ return gotoTempAsg;
+ }
+ private void AddGotoTempReset(BasicBlock block, AstAssignment gotoTempAsg)
+ {
+ AddNode(gotoTempAsg);
+ // For block 0, we don't need to add the extra "reset" at the beginning,
+ // because it is already the first node to be executed on the shader,
+ // so it is reset to false by the "local" assignment anyway.
+ if (block.Index != 0)
+ {
+ Info.MainBlock.AddFirst(Assign(gotoTempAsg.Destination, Const(IrConsts.False)));
+ }
+ }
+ private void NewBlock(AstBlockType type, Operation branchOp, int endIndex)
+ {
+ NewBlock(type, GetBranchCond(type, branchOp), endIndex);
+ }
+ private void NewBlock(AstBlockType type, IAstNode cond, int endIndex)
+ {
+ AstBlock childBlock = new AstBlock(type, cond);
+ AddNode(childBlock);
+ _blockStack.Push((_currBlock, _currEndIndex));
+ _currBlock = childBlock;
+ _currEndIndex = endIndex;
+ }
+ private IAstNode GetBranchCond(AstBlockType type, Operation branchOp)
+ {
+ IAstNode cond;
+ if (branchOp.Inst == Instruction.Branch)
+ {
+ cond = Const(type == AstBlockType.If ? IrConsts.False : IrConsts.True);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cond = GetOperandUse(branchOp.GetSource(0));
+ Instruction invInst = type == AstBlockType.If
+ ? Instruction.BranchIfTrue
+ : Instruction.BranchIfFalse;
+ if (branchOp.Inst == invInst)
+ {
+ cond = new AstOperation(Instruction.LogicalNot, cond);
+ }
+ }
+ return cond;
+ }
+ public void AddNode(IAstNode node)
+ {
+ _currBlock.Add(node);
+ }
+ public GotoStatement[] GetGotos()
+ {
+ return _gotos.ToArray();
+ }
+ private AstOperand NewTemp(VariableType type)
+ {
+ AstOperand newTemp = Local(type);
+ Info.Locals.Add(newTemp);
+ return newTemp;
+ }
+ public AstOperand GetOperandDef(Operand operand)
+ {
+ if (TryGetUserAttributeIndex(operand, out int attrIndex))
+ {
+ Info.OAttributes.Add(attrIndex);
+ }
+ return GetOperand(operand);
+ }
+ public AstOperand GetOperandUse(Operand operand)
+ {
+ if (TryGetUserAttributeIndex(operand, out int attrIndex))
+ {
+ Info.IAttributes.Add(attrIndex);
+ Info.InterpolationQualifiers[attrIndex] = operand.Interpolation;
+ }
+ else if (operand.Type == OperandType.Attribute && operand.Value == AttributeConsts.InstanceId)
+ {
+ Info.UsesInstanceId = true;
+ }
+ else if (operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer)
+ {
+ Info.CBuffers.Add(operand.GetCbufSlot());
+ }
+ return GetOperand(operand);
+ }
+ private AstOperand GetOperand(Operand operand)
+ {
+ if (operand == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (operand.Type != OperandType.LocalVariable)
+ {
+ return new AstOperand(operand);
+ }
+ if (!_localsMap.TryGetValue(operand, out AstOperand astOperand))
+ {
+ astOperand = new AstOperand(operand);
+ _localsMap.Add(operand, astOperand);
+ Info.Locals.Add(astOperand);
+ }
+ return astOperand;
+ }
+ private static bool TryGetUserAttributeIndex(Operand operand, out int attrIndex)
+ {
+ if (operand.Type == OperandType.Attribute)
+ {
+ if (operand.Value >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase &&
+ operand.Value < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd)
+ {
+ attrIndex = (operand.Value - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) >> 4;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (operand.Value >= AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase &&
+ operand.Value < AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorEnd)
+ {
+ attrIndex = (operand.Value - AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase) >> 4;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ attrIndex = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file