path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs
diff options
authorgdk <gab.dark.100@gmail.com>2019-10-13 03:02:07 -0300
committerThog <thog@protonmail.com>2020-01-09 02:13:00 +0100
commit1876b346fea647e8284a66bb6d62c38801035cff (patch)
tree6eeff094298cda84d1613dc5ec0691e51d7b35f1 /Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs
parentf617fb542a0e3d36012d77a4b5acbde7b08902f2 (diff)
Initial work
Diffstat (limited to 'Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs')
1 files changed, 669 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56dff9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu/Image/TextureManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+using Ryujinx.Common;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Texture;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
+using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture;
+using System;
+namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Image
+ class TextureManager
+ {
+ private GpuContext _context;
+ private BufferManager _bufferManager;
+ private SamplerPool _samplerPool;
+ private ulong _texturePoolAddress;
+ private int _texturePoolMaximumId;
+ private TexturePoolCache _texturePoolCache;
+ private Texture[] _rtColors;
+ private Texture _rtColor3D;
+ private Texture _rtDepthStencil;
+ private ITexture[] _rtHostColors;
+ private ITexture _rtHostDs;
+ private RangeList<Texture> _textures;
+ private AutoDeleteCache _cache;
+ private TextureBindingInfo[][] _bindings;
+ private struct TextureStatePerStage
+ {
+ public ITexture Texture;
+ public ISampler Sampler;
+ }
+ private TextureStatePerStage[][] _textureState;
+ private int _textureBufferIndex;
+ public TextureManager(GpuContext context, BufferManager bufferManager)
+ {
+ _context = context;
+ _bufferManager = bufferManager;
+ _texturePoolCache = new TexturePoolCache(context, this);
+ _rtColors = new Texture[Constants.TotalRenderTargets];
+ _rtHostColors = new ITexture[Constants.TotalRenderTargets];
+ _textures = new RangeList<Texture>();
+ _cache = new AutoDeleteCache();
+ _bindings = new TextureBindingInfo[Constants.TotalShaderStages][];
+ _textureState = new TextureStatePerStage[Constants.TotalShaderStages][];
+ }
+ public void BindTextures(int stage, TextureBindingInfo[] bindings)
+ {
+ _bindings[stage] = bindings;
+ _textureState[stage] = new TextureStatePerStage[bindings.Length];
+ }
+ public void SetTextureBufferIndex(int index)
+ {
+ _textureBufferIndex = index;
+ }
+ public void SetSamplerPool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId)
+ {
+ ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(gpuVa);
+ if (_samplerPool != null)
+ {
+ if (_samplerPool.Address == address)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _samplerPool.Dispose();
+ }
+ _samplerPool = new SamplerPool(_context, address, maximumId);
+ }
+ public void SetTexturePool(ulong gpuVa, int maximumId)
+ {
+ ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(gpuVa);
+ _texturePoolAddress = address;
+ _texturePoolMaximumId = maximumId;
+ }
+ public void SetRenderTargetColor(int index, Texture color)
+ {
+ _rtColors[index] = color;
+ _rtColor3D = null;
+ }
+ public void SetRenderTargetColor3D(Texture color)
+ {
+ _rtColor3D = color;
+ }
+ public void SetRenderTargetDepthStencil(Texture depthStencil)
+ {
+ _rtDepthStencil = depthStencil;
+ }
+ public void CommitBindings()
+ {
+ UpdateTextures();
+ UpdateRenderTargets();
+ }
+ private void UpdateTextures()
+ {
+ TexturePool texturePool = _texturePoolCache.FindOrCreate(
+ _texturePoolAddress,
+ _texturePoolMaximumId);
+ for (ShaderStage stage = ShaderStage.Vertex; stage <= ShaderStage.Fragment; stage++)
+ {
+ int stageIndex = (int)stage - 1;
+ if (_bindings[stageIndex] == null)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int index = 0; index < _bindings[stageIndex].Length; index++)
+ {
+ TextureBindingInfo binding = _bindings[stageIndex][index];
+ int packedId = ReadPackedId(stageIndex, binding.Handle);
+ int textureId = (packedId >> 0) & 0xfffff;
+ int samplerId = (packedId >> 20) & 0xfff;
+ Texture texture = texturePool.Get(textureId);
+ ITexture hostTexture = texture?.GetTargetTexture(binding.Target);
+ if (_textureState[stageIndex][index].Texture != hostTexture)
+ {
+ _textureState[stageIndex][index].Texture = hostTexture;
+ _context.Renderer.GraphicsPipeline.BindTexture(index, stage, hostTexture);
+ }
+ Sampler sampler = _samplerPool.Get(samplerId);
+ ISampler hostSampler = sampler?.HostSampler;
+ if (_textureState[stageIndex][index].Sampler != hostSampler)
+ {
+ _textureState[stageIndex][index].Sampler = hostSampler;
+ _context.Renderer.GraphicsPipeline.BindSampler(index, stage, hostSampler);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateRenderTargets()
+ {
+ bool anyChanged = false;
+ if (_rtHostDs != _rtDepthStencil?.HostTexture)
+ {
+ _rtHostDs = _rtDepthStencil?.HostTexture;
+ anyChanged = true;
+ }
+ if (_rtColor3D == null)
+ {
+ for (int index = 0; index < _rtColors.Length; index++)
+ {
+ ITexture hostTexture = _rtColors[index]?.HostTexture;
+ if (_rtHostColors[index] != hostTexture)
+ {
+ _rtHostColors[index] = hostTexture;
+ anyChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (anyChanged)
+ {
+ _context.Renderer.GraphicsPipeline.SetRenderTargets(_rtHostColors, _rtHostDs);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_rtHostColors[0] != _rtColor3D.HostTexture)
+ {
+ _rtHostColors[0] = _rtColor3D.HostTexture;
+ anyChanged = true;
+ }
+ if (anyChanged)
+ {
+ _context.Renderer.GraphicsPipeline.SetRenderTargets(_rtColor3D.HostTexture, _rtHostDs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int ReadPackedId(int stage, int wordOffset)
+ {
+ ulong address = _bufferManager.GetGraphicsUniformBufferAddress(stage, _textureBufferIndex);
+ address += (uint)wordOffset * 4;
+ return BitConverter.ToInt32(_context.PhysicalMemory.Read(address, 4));
+ }
+ public Texture FindOrCreateTexture(CopyTexture copyTexture)
+ {
+ ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(copyTexture.Address.Pack());
+ if (address == MemoryManager.BadAddress)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ int gobBlocksInY = copyTexture.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInY();
+ int gobBlocksInZ = copyTexture.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInZ();
+ FormatInfo formatInfo = copyTexture.Format.Convert();
+ TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(
+ address,
+ copyTexture.Width,
+ copyTexture.Height,
+ copyTexture.Depth,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ copyTexture.Stride,
+ copyTexture.LinearLayout,
+ gobBlocksInY,
+ gobBlocksInZ,
+ 1,
+ Target.Texture2D,
+ formatInfo);
+ Texture texture = FindOrCreateTexture(info, TextureSearchFlags.IgnoreMs);
+ texture.SynchronizeMemory();
+ return texture;
+ }
+ public Texture FindOrCreateTexture(RtColorState colorState, int samplesInX, int samplesInY)
+ {
+ ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(colorState.Address.Pack());
+ if (address == MemoryManager.BadAddress)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ bool isLinear = colorState.MemoryLayout.UnpackIsLinear();
+ int gobBlocksInY = colorState.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInY();
+ int gobBlocksInZ = colorState.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInZ();
+ Target target;
+ if (colorState.MemoryLayout.UnpackIsTarget3D())
+ {
+ target = Target.Texture3D;
+ }
+ else if ((samplesInX | samplesInY) != 1)
+ {
+ target = colorState.Depth > 1
+ ? Target.Texture2DMultisampleArray
+ : Target.Texture2DMultisample;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ target = colorState.Depth > 1
+ ? Target.Texture2DArray
+ : Target.Texture2D;
+ }
+ FormatInfo formatInfo = colorState.Format.Convert();
+ int width, stride;
+ // For linear textures, the width value is actually the stride.
+ // We can easily get the width by dividing the stride by the bpp,
+ // since the stride is the total number of bytes occupied by a
+ // line. The stride should also meet alignment constraints however,
+ // so the width we get here is the aligned width.
+ if (isLinear)
+ {
+ width = colorState.WidthOrStride / formatInfo.BytesPerPixel;
+ stride = colorState.WidthOrStride;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ width = colorState.WidthOrStride;
+ stride = 0;
+ }
+ TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(
+ address,
+ width,
+ colorState.Height,
+ colorState.Depth,
+ 1,
+ samplesInX,
+ samplesInY,
+ stride,
+ isLinear,
+ gobBlocksInY,
+ gobBlocksInZ,
+ 1,
+ target,
+ formatInfo);
+ Texture texture = FindOrCreateTexture(info);
+ texture.SynchronizeMemory();
+ return texture;
+ }
+ public Texture FindOrCreateTexture(RtDepthStencilState dsState, Size3D size, int samplesInX, int samplesInY)
+ {
+ ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(dsState.Address.Pack());
+ if (address == MemoryManager.BadAddress)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ int gobBlocksInY = dsState.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInY();
+ int gobBlocksInZ = dsState.MemoryLayout.UnpackGobBlocksInZ();
+ Target target = (samplesInX | samplesInY) != 1
+ ? Target.Texture2DMultisample
+ : Target.Texture2D;
+ FormatInfo formatInfo = dsState.Format.Convert();
+ TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(
+ address,
+ size.Width,
+ size.Height,
+ size.Depth,
+ 1,
+ samplesInX,
+ samplesInY,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ gobBlocksInY,
+ gobBlocksInZ,
+ 1,
+ target,
+ formatInfo);
+ Texture texture = FindOrCreateTexture(info);
+ texture.SynchronizeMemory();
+ return texture;
+ }
+ public Texture FindOrCreateTexture(TextureInfo info, TextureSearchFlags flags = TextureSearchFlags.None)
+ {
+ bool isSamplerTexture = (flags & TextureSearchFlags.Sampler) != 0;
+ // Try to find a perfect texture match, with the same address and parameters.
+ Texture[] sameAddressOverlaps = _textures.FindOverlaps(info.Address);
+ foreach (Texture overlap in sameAddressOverlaps)
+ {
+ if (overlap.IsPerfectMatch(info, flags))
+ {
+ if (!isSamplerTexture)
+ {
+ // If not a sampler texture, it is managed by the auto delete
+ // cache, ensure that it is on the "top" of the list to avoid
+ // deletion.
+ _cache.Lift(overlap);
+ }
+ else if (!overlap.SizeMatches(info))
+ {
+ // If this is used for sampling, the size must match,
+ // otherwise the shader would sample garbage data.
+ // To fix that, we create a new texture with the correct
+ // size, and copy the data from the old one to the new one.
+ overlap.ChangeSize(info.Width, info.Height, info.DepthOrLayers);
+ }
+ return overlap;
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate texture sizes, used to find all overlapping textures.
+ SizeInfo sizeInfo;
+ if (info.IsLinear)
+ {
+ sizeInfo = SizeCalculator.GetLinearTextureSize(
+ info.Stride,
+ info.Height,
+ info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sizeInfo = SizeCalculator.GetBlockLinearTextureSize(
+ info.Width,
+ info.Height,
+ info.GetDepth(),
+ info.Levels,
+ info.GetLayers(),
+ info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth,
+ info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight,
+ info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel,
+ info.GobBlocksInY,
+ info.GobBlocksInZ,
+ info.GobBlocksInTileX);
+ }
+ // Find view compatible matches.
+ ulong size = (ulong)sizeInfo.TotalSize;
+ Texture[] overlaps = _textures.FindOverlaps(info.Address, size);
+ Texture texture = null;
+ foreach (Texture overlap in overlaps)
+ {
+ if (overlap.IsViewCompatible(info, size, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel))
+ {
+ if (!isSamplerTexture)
+ {
+ info = AdjustSizes(overlap, info, firstLevel);
+ }
+ texture = overlap.CreateView(info, sizeInfo, firstLayer, firstLevel);
+ // The size only matters (and is only really reliable) when the
+ // texture is used on a sampler, because otherwise the size will be
+ // aligned.
+ if (!overlap.SizeMatches(info, firstLevel) && isSamplerTexture)
+ {
+ texture.ChangeSize(info.Width, info.Height, info.DepthOrLayers);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // No match, create a new texture.
+ if (texture == null)
+ {
+ texture = new Texture(_context, info, sizeInfo);
+ // We need to synchronize before copying the old view data to the texture,
+ // otherwise the copied data would be overwritten by a future synchronization.
+ texture.SynchronizeMemory();
+ foreach (Texture overlap in overlaps)
+ {
+ if (texture.IsViewCompatible(overlap.Info, overlap.Size, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel))
+ {
+ TextureInfo overlapInfo = AdjustSizes(texture, overlap.Info, firstLevel);
+ TextureCreateInfo createInfo = GetCreateInfo(overlapInfo, _context.Capabilities);
+ ITexture newView = texture.HostTexture.CreateView(createInfo, firstLayer, firstLevel);
+ overlap.HostTexture.CopyTo(newView);
+ overlap.ReplaceView(texture, overlapInfo, newView);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sampler textures are managed by the texture pool, all other textures
+ // are managed by the auto delete cache.
+ if (!isSamplerTexture)
+ {
+ _cache.Add(texture);
+ }
+ _textures.Add(texture);
+ return texture;
+ }
+ private static TextureInfo AdjustSizes(Texture parent, TextureInfo info, int firstLevel)
+ {
+ // When the texture is used as view of another texture, we must
+ // ensure that the sizes are valid, otherwise data uploads would fail
+ // (and the size wouldn't match the real size used on the host API).
+ // Given a parent texture from where the view is created, we have the
+ // following rules:
+ // - The view size must be equal to the parent size, divided by (2 ^ l),
+ // where l is the first mipmap level of the view. The division result must
+ // be rounded down, and the result must be clamped to 1.
+ // - If the parent format is compressed, and the view format isn't, the
+ // view size is calculated as above, but the width and height of the
+ // view must be also divided by the compressed format block width and height.
+ // - If the parent format is not compressed, and the view is, the view
+ // size is calculated as described on the first point, but the width and height
+ // of the view must be also multiplied by the block width and height.
+ int width = Math.Max(1, parent.Info.Width >> firstLevel);
+ int height = Math.Max(1, parent.Info.Height >> firstLevel);
+ if (parent.Info.FormatInfo.IsCompressed && !info.FormatInfo.IsCompressed)
+ {
+ width = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(width, parent.Info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth);
+ height = BitUtils.DivRoundUp(height, parent.Info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight);
+ }
+ else if (!parent.Info.FormatInfo.IsCompressed && info.FormatInfo.IsCompressed)
+ {
+ width *= info.FormatInfo.BlockWidth;
+ height *= info.FormatInfo.BlockHeight;
+ }
+ int depthOrLayers;
+ if (info.Target == Target.Texture3D)
+ {
+ depthOrLayers = Math.Max(1, parent.Info.DepthOrLayers >> firstLevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ depthOrLayers = info.DepthOrLayers;
+ }
+ return new TextureInfo(
+ info.Address,
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrLayers,
+ info.Levels,
+ info.SamplesInX,
+ info.SamplesInY,
+ info.Stride,
+ info.IsLinear,
+ info.GobBlocksInY,
+ info.GobBlocksInZ,
+ info.GobBlocksInTileX,
+ info.Target,
+ info.FormatInfo,
+ info.DepthStencilMode,
+ info.SwizzleR,
+ info.SwizzleG,
+ info.SwizzleB,
+ info.SwizzleA);
+ }
+ public static TextureCreateInfo GetCreateInfo(TextureInfo info, Capabilities caps)
+ {
+ FormatInfo formatInfo = info.FormatInfo;
+ if (!caps.SupportsAstcCompression)
+ {
+ if (formatInfo.Format.IsAstcUnorm())
+ {
+ formatInfo = new FormatInfo(Format.R8G8B8A8Unorm, 1, 1, 4);
+ }
+ else if (formatInfo.Format.IsAstcSrgb())
+ {
+ formatInfo = new FormatInfo(Format.R8G8B8A8Srgb, 1, 1, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ int width = info.Width / info.SamplesInX;
+ int height = info.Height / info.SamplesInY;
+ int depth = info.GetDepth() * info.GetLayers();
+ return new TextureCreateInfo(
+ width,
+ height,
+ depth,
+ info.Levels,
+ info.Samples,
+ formatInfo.BlockWidth,
+ formatInfo.BlockHeight,
+ formatInfo.BytesPerPixel,
+ formatInfo.Format,
+ info.DepthStencilMode,
+ info.Target,
+ info.SwizzleR,
+ info.SwizzleG,
+ info.SwizzleB,
+ info.SwizzleA);
+ }
+ public Texture Find2(ulong address)
+ {
+ Texture[] ts = _textures.FindOverlaps(address, 1);
+ if (ts.Length == 2)
+ {
+ return ts[1];
+ }
+ if (ts.Length == 0)
+ {
+ ts = _textures.FindOverlaps(address - 1, 2);
+ }
+ if (ts.Length == 0)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return ts[0];
+ }
+ public void InvalidateRange(ulong address, ulong size)
+ {
+ Texture[] overlaps = _textures.FindOverlaps(address, size);
+ foreach (Texture overlap in overlaps)
+ {
+ overlap.Invalidate();
+ }
+ _samplerPool?.InvalidateRange(address, size);
+ _texturePoolCache.InvalidateRange(address, size);
+ }
+ public void Flush()
+ {
+ foreach (Texture texture in _cache)
+ {
+ if (texture.Info.IsLinear && texture.Modified)
+ {
+ texture.Flush();
+ texture.Modified = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void RemoveTextureFromCache(Texture texture)
+ {
+ _textures.Remove(texture);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file