path: root/src/Spv.Generator/Instruction.cs
blob: 8ecfe6839bddfde924f20e4aebc4e3377125c2a5 (plain) (tree)







using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;

namespace Spv.Generator
    public sealed class Instruction : Operand, IEquatable<Instruction>
        public const uint InvalidId = uint.MaxValue;

        public Specification.Op Opcode { get; private set; }
        private Instruction _resultType;
        private InstructionOperands _operands;

        public uint Id { get; set; }

        public Instruction() { }

        public void Set(Specification.Op opcode, uint id = InvalidId, Instruction resultType = null)
            Opcode = opcode;
            Id = id;
            _resultType = resultType;

            _operands = new InstructionOperands();

        public void SetId(uint id)
            Id = id;

        public OperandType Type => OperandType.Instruction;

        public ushort GetTotalWordCount()
            ushort result = WordCount;

            if (Id != InvalidId)

            if (_resultType != null)
                result += _resultType.WordCount;

            Span<Operand> operands = _operands.AsSpan();
            for (int i = 0; i < operands.Length; i++)
                result += operands[i].WordCount;

            return result;

        public ushort WordCount => 1;

        public void AddOperand(Operand value)
            Debug.Assert(value != null);

        public void AddOperand(Operand[] value)
            foreach (Operand instruction in value)

        public void AddOperand(LiteralInteger[] value)
            foreach (LiteralInteger instruction in value)

        public void AddOperand(LiteralInteger value)

        public void AddOperand(Instruction[] value)
            foreach (Instruction instruction in value)

        public void AddOperand(Instruction value)

        public void AddOperand(string value)
            AddOperand(new LiteralString(value));

        public void AddOperand<T>(T value) where T: Enum

        public void Write(BinaryWriter writer)
            // Word 0


            if (Id != InvalidId)

            Span<Operand> operands = _operands.AsSpan();
            for (int i = 0; i < operands.Length; i++)

        public void WriteOperand(BinaryWriter writer)
            Debug.Assert(Id != InvalidId);

            if (Id == InvalidId)
                string methodToCall;

                if (Opcode == Specification.Op.OpVariable)
                    methodToCall = "AddLocalVariable or AddGlobalVariable";
                else if (Opcode == Specification.Op.OpLabel)
                    methodToCall = "AddLabel";
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Id wasn't bound to the module, please make sure to call {methodToCall}");


        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj is Instruction instruction && Equals(instruction);

        public bool Equals(Instruction cmpObj)
            bool result = Type == cmpObj.Type && Id == cmpObj.Id;

            if (result)
                if (_resultType != null && cmpObj._resultType != null)
                    result &= _resultType.Equals(cmpObj._resultType);
                else if (_resultType != null || cmpObj._resultType != null)
                    return false;

            if (result)
                result &= EqualsContent(cmpObj);

            return result;

        public bool EqualsContent(Instruction cmpObj)
            Span<Operand> thisOperands = _operands.AsSpan();
            Span<Operand> cmpOperands = cmpObj._operands.AsSpan();

            if (thisOperands.Length != cmpOperands.Length)
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < thisOperands.Length; i++)
                if (!thisOperands[i].Equals(cmpOperands[i]))
                    return false;

            return true;

        public bool EqualsResultType(Instruction cmpObj)
            return _resultType.Opcode == cmpObj._resultType.Opcode && _resultType.EqualsContent(cmpObj._resultType);

        public int GetHashCodeContent()
            return DeterministicHashCode.Combine<Operand>(_operands.AsSpan());

        public int GetHashCodeResultType()
            return DeterministicHashCode.Combine(_resultType.Opcode, _resultType.GetHashCodeContent());

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return DeterministicHashCode.Combine(Opcode, Id, _resultType, DeterministicHashCode.Combine<Operand>(_operands.AsSpan()));

        public bool Equals(Operand obj)
            return obj is Instruction instruction && Equals(instruction);
        private static readonly Dictionary<Specification.Op, string[]> _operandLabels = new()
            { Specification.Op.OpConstant, new [] { "Value" } },
            { Specification.Op.OpTypeInt, new [] { "Width", "Signed" } },
            { Specification.Op.OpTypeFloat, new [] { "Width" } }

        public override string ToString()
            var labels = _operandLabels.TryGetValue(Opcode, out var opLabels) ? opLabels : Array.Empty<string>();
            var result = _resultType == null ? string.Empty : $"{_resultType} ";
            return $"{result}{Opcode}{_operands.ToString(labels)}";