using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader
/// <summary>
/// Shader info structure builder.
/// </summary>
class ShaderInfoBuilder
private const int TotalSets = 4;
private const int UniformSetIndex = 0;
private const int StorageSetIndex = 1;
private const int TextureSetIndex = 2;
private const int ImageSetIndex = 3;
private const ResourceStages SupportBufferStages =
ResourceStages.Compute |
ResourceStages.Vertex |
private const ResourceStages VtgStages =
ResourceStages.Vertex |
ResourceStages.TessellationControl |
ResourceStages.TessellationEvaluation |
private readonly GpuContext _context;
private int _fragmentOutputMap;
private readonly int _reservedConstantBuffers;
private readonly int _reservedStorageBuffers;
private readonly List<ResourceDescriptor>[] _resourceDescriptors;
private readonly List<ResourceUsage>[] _resourceUsages;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new shader info builder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">GPU context that owns the shaders that will be added to the builder</param>
/// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
public ShaderInfoBuilder(GpuContext context, bool tfEnabled)
_context = context;
_fragmentOutputMap = -1;
_resourceDescriptors = new List<ResourceDescriptor>[TotalSets];
_resourceUsages = new List<ResourceUsage>[TotalSets];
for (int index = 0; index < TotalSets; index++)
_resourceDescriptors[index] = new();
_resourceUsages[index] = new();
AddDescriptor(SupportBufferStages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, UniformSetIndex, 0, 1);
AddUsage(SupportBufferStages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, ResourceAccess.Read, UniformSetIndex, 0, 1);
_reservedConstantBuffers = 1; // For the support buffer.
if (!context.Capabilities.SupportsTransformFeedback && tfEnabled)
_reservedStorageBuffers = 5;
AddDescriptor(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, StorageSetIndex, 0, 5);
AddUsage(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, ResourceAccess.Read, StorageSetIndex, 0, 1);
AddUsage(VtgStages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, ResourceAccess.Write, StorageSetIndex, 1, 4);
_reservedStorageBuffers = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Adds information from a given shader stage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">Shader stage information</param>
public void AddStageInfo(ShaderProgramInfo info)
if (info.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
_fragmentOutputMap = info.FragmentOutputMap;
int stageIndex = GpuAccessorBase.GetStageIndex(info.Stage switch
ShaderStage.TessellationControl => 1,
ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation => 2,
ShaderStage.Geometry => 3,
ShaderStage.Fragment => 4,
_ => 0,
ResourceStages stages = info.Stage switch
ShaderStage.Compute => ResourceStages.Compute,
ShaderStage.Vertex => ResourceStages.Vertex,
ShaderStage.TessellationControl => ResourceStages.TessellationControl,
ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation => ResourceStages.TessellationEvaluation,
ShaderStage.Geometry => ResourceStages.Geometry,
ShaderStage.Fragment => ResourceStages.Fragment,
_ => ResourceStages.None,
int uniformsPerStage = (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumUniformBuffersPerStage;
int storagesPerStage = (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumStorageBuffersPerStage;
int texturesPerStage = (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumTexturesPerStage;
int imagesPerStage = (int)_context.Capabilities.MaximumImagesPerStage;
int uniformBinding = _reservedConstantBuffers + stageIndex * uniformsPerStage;
int storageBinding = _reservedStorageBuffers + stageIndex * storagesPerStage;
int textureBinding = stageIndex * texturesPerStage * 2;
int imageBinding = stageIndex * imagesPerStage * 2;
AddDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.UniformBuffer, UniformSetIndex, uniformBinding, uniformsPerStage);
AddDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.StorageBuffer, StorageSetIndex, storageBinding, storagesPerStage);
AddDualDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.TextureAndSampler, ResourceType.BufferTexture, TextureSetIndex, textureBinding, texturesPerStage);
AddDualDescriptor(stages, ResourceType.Image, ResourceType.BufferImage, ImageSetIndex, imageBinding, imagesPerStage);
AddUsage(info.CBuffers, stages, UniformSetIndex, isStorage: false);
AddUsage(info.SBuffers, stages, StorageSetIndex, isStorage: true);
AddUsage(info.Textures, stages, TextureSetIndex, isImage: false);
AddUsage(info.Images, stages, ImageSetIndex, isImage: true);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a resource descriptor to the list of descriptors.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stages">Shader stages where the resource is used</param>
/// <param name="type">Type of the resource</param>
/// <param name="setIndex">Descriptor set number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="binding">Binding number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="count">Number of resources bound at the binding location</param>
private void AddDescriptor(ResourceStages stages, ResourceType type, int setIndex, int binding, int count)
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
_resourceDescriptors[setIndex].Add(new ResourceDescriptor(binding + index, 1, type, stages));
/// <summary>
/// Adds two interleaved groups of resources to the list of descriptors.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stages">Shader stages where the resource is used</param>
/// <param name="type">Type of the first interleaved resource</param>
/// <param name="type2">Type of the second interleaved resource</param>
/// <param name="setIndex">Descriptor set number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="binding">Binding number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="count">Number of resources bound at the binding location</param>
private void AddDualDescriptor(ResourceStages stages, ResourceType type, ResourceType type2, int setIndex, int binding, int count)
AddDescriptor(stages, type, setIndex, binding, count);
AddDescriptor(stages, type2, setIndex, binding + count, count);
/// <summary>
/// Adds buffer usage information to the list of usages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stages">Shader stages where the resource is used</param>
/// <param name="type">Type of the resource</param>
/// <param name="access">How the resource is accessed by the shader stages where it is used</param>
/// <param name="setIndex">Descriptor set number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="binding">Binding number where the resource will be bound</param>
/// <param name="count">Number of resources bound at the binding location</param>
private void AddUsage(ResourceStages stages, ResourceType type, ResourceAccess access, int setIndex, int binding, int count)
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
_resourceUsages[setIndex].Add(new ResourceUsage(binding + index, type, stages, access));
/// <summary>
/// Adds buffer usage information to the list of usages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffers">Buffers to be added</param>
/// <param name="stages">Stages where the buffers are used</param>
/// <param name="setIndex">Descriptor set index where the buffers will be bound</param>
/// <param name="isStorage">True for storage buffers, false for uniform buffers</param>
private void AddUsage(IEnumerable<BufferDescriptor> buffers, ResourceStages stages, int setIndex, bool isStorage)
foreach (BufferDescriptor buffer in buffers)
_resourceUsages[setIndex].Add(new ResourceUsage(
isStorage ? ResourceType.StorageBuffer : ResourceType.UniformBuffer,
buffer.Flags.HasFlag(BufferUsageFlags.Write) ? ResourceAccess.ReadWrite : ResourceAccess.Read));
/// <summary>
/// Adds texture usage information to the list of usages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textures">Textures to be added</param>
/// <param name="stages">Stages where the textures are used</param>
/// <param name="setIndex">Descriptor set index where the textures will be bound</param>
/// <param name="isImage">True for images, false for textures</param>
private void AddUsage(IEnumerable<TextureDescriptor> textures, ResourceStages stages, int setIndex, bool isImage)
foreach (TextureDescriptor texture in textures)
bool isBuffer = (texture.Type & SamplerType.Mask) == SamplerType.TextureBuffer;
ResourceType type = isBuffer
? (isImage ? ResourceType.BufferImage : ResourceType.BufferTexture)
: (isImage ? ResourceType.Image : ResourceType.TextureAndSampler);
_resourceUsages[setIndex].Add(new ResourceUsage(
texture.Flags.HasFlag(TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore) ? ResourceAccess.ReadWrite : ResourceAccess.Read));
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new shader information structure from the added information.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">Optional pipeline state for background shader compilation</param>
/// <param name="fromCache">Indicates if the shader comes from a disk cache</param>
/// <returns>Shader information</returns>
public ShaderInfo Build(ProgramPipelineState? pipeline, bool fromCache = false)
var descriptors = new ResourceDescriptorCollection[TotalSets];
var usages = new ResourceUsageCollection[TotalSets];
for (int index = 0; index < TotalSets; index++)
descriptors[index] = new ResourceDescriptorCollection(_resourceDescriptors[index].ToArray().AsReadOnly());
usages[index] = new ResourceUsageCollection(_resourceUsages[index].ToArray().AsReadOnly());
ResourceLayout resourceLayout = new(descriptors.AsReadOnly(), usages.AsReadOnly());
if (pipeline.HasValue)
return new ShaderInfo(_fragmentOutputMap, resourceLayout, pipeline.Value, fromCache);
return new ShaderInfo(_fragmentOutputMap, resourceLayout, fromCache);
/// <summary>
/// Builds shader information for shaders from the disk cache.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">GPU context that owns the shaders</param>
/// <param name="programs">Shaders from the disk cache</param>
/// <param name="pipeline">Optional pipeline for background compilation</param>
/// <param name="tfEnabled">Indicates if the graphics shader is used with transform feedback enabled</param>
/// <returns>Shader information</returns>
public static ShaderInfo BuildForCache(
GpuContext context,
IEnumerable<CachedShaderStage> programs,
ProgramPipelineState? pipeline,
bool tfEnabled)
ShaderInfoBuilder builder = new(context, tfEnabled);
foreach (CachedShaderStage program in programs)
if (program?.Info != null)
return builder.Build(pipeline, fromCache: true);
/// <summary>
/// Builds shader information for a compute shader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">GPU context that owns the shader</param>
/// <param name="info">Compute shader information</param>
/// <param name="fromCache">True if the compute shader comes from a disk cache, false otherwise</param>
/// <returns>Shader information</returns>
public static ShaderInfo BuildForCompute(GpuContext context, ShaderProgramInfo info, bool fromCache = false)
ShaderInfoBuilder builder = new(context, tfEnabled: false);
return builder.Build(null, fromCache);