using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL;
using System;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory
/// <summary>
/// Manages flushing ranges from buffers in advance for easy access, if they are flushed often.
/// Typically, from device local memory to a host mapped target for cached access.
/// </summary>
internal class BufferPreFlush : IDisposable
private const ulong PageSize = MemoryManager.PageSize;
/// <summary>
/// Threshold for the number of copies without a flush required to disable preflush on a page.
/// </summary>
private const int DeactivateCopyThreshold = 200;
/// <summary>
/// Value that indicates whether a page has been flushed or copied before.
/// </summary>
private enum PreFlushState
/// <summary>
/// Flush state for each page of the buffer.
/// Controls whether data should be copied to the flush buffer, what sync is expected
/// and unflushed copy counting for stopping copies that are no longer needed.
/// </summary>
private struct PreFlushPage
public PreFlushState State;
public ulong FirstActivatedSync;
public ulong LastCopiedSync;
public int CopyCount;
/// <summary>
/// True if there are ranges that should copy to the flush buffer, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
public bool ShouldCopy { get; private set; }
private readonly GpuContext _context;
private readonly Buffer _buffer;
private readonly PreFlushPage[] _pages;
private readonly ulong _address;
private readonly ulong _size;
private readonly ulong _misalignment;
private readonly Action<BufferHandle, ulong, ulong> _flushAction;
private BufferHandle _flushBuffer;
public BufferPreFlush(GpuContext context, Buffer parent, Action<BufferHandle, ulong, ulong> flushAction)
_context = context;
_buffer = parent;
_address = parent.Address;
_size = parent.Size;
_pages = new PreFlushPage[BitUtils.DivRoundUp(_size, PageSize)];
_misalignment = _address & (PageSize - 1);
_flushAction = flushAction;
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that the flush buffer exists.
/// </summary>
private void EnsureFlushBuffer()
if (_flushBuffer == BufferHandle.Null)
_flushBuffer = _context.Renderer.CreateBuffer((int)_size, BufferAccess.HostMemory);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a page range from an address and size byte range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">Range address</param>
/// <param name="size">Range size</param>
/// <returns>A page index and count</returns>
private (int index, int count) GetPageRange(ulong address, ulong size)
ulong offset = address - _address;
ulong endOffset = offset + size;
int basePage = (int)(offset / PageSize);
int endPage = (int)((endOffset - 1) / PageSize);
return (basePage, 1 + endPage - basePage);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an offset and size range in the parent buffer from a page index and count.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startPage">Range start page</param>
/// <param name="count">Range page count</param>
/// <returns>Offset and size range</returns>
private (int offset, int size) GetOffset(int startPage, int count)
int offset = (int)((ulong)startPage * PageSize - _misalignment);
int endOffset = (int)((ulong)(startPage + count) * PageSize - _misalignment);
offset = Math.Max(0, offset);
endOffset = Math.Min((int)_size, endOffset);
return (offset, endOffset - offset);
/// <summary>
/// Copy a range of pages from the parent buffer into the flush buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startPage">Range start page</param>
/// <param name="count">Range page count</param>
private void CopyPageRange(int startPage, int count)
(int offset, int size) = GetOffset(startPage, count);
_context.Renderer.Pipeline.CopyBuffer(_buffer.Handle, _flushBuffer, offset, offset, size);
/// <summary>
/// Copy a modified range into the flush buffer if it's marked as flushed.
/// Any pages the range overlaps are copied, and copies aren't repeated in the same sync number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">Range address</param>
/// <param name="size">Range size</param>
public void CopyModified(ulong address, ulong size)
(int baseIndex, int count) = GetPageRange(address, size);
ulong syncNumber = _context.SyncNumber;
int startPage = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int pageIndex = baseIndex + i;
ref PreFlushPage page = ref _pages[pageIndex];
if (page.State > PreFlushState.None)
// Perform the copy, and update the state of each page.
if (startPage == -1)
startPage = pageIndex;
if (page.State != PreFlushState.HasCopied)
page.FirstActivatedSync = syncNumber;
page.State = PreFlushState.HasCopied;
else if (page.CopyCount++ >= DeactivateCopyThreshold)
page.CopyCount = 0;
page.State = PreFlushState.None;
if (page.LastCopiedSync != syncNumber)
page.LastCopiedSync = syncNumber;
else if (startPage != -1)
CopyPageRange(startPage, pageIndex - startPage);
startPage = -1;
if (startPage != -1)
CopyPageRange(startPage, (baseIndex + count) - startPage);
/// <summary>
/// Flush the given page range back into guest memory, optionally using data from the flush buffer.
/// The actual flushed range is an intersection of the page range and the address range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">Address range start</param>
/// <param name="size">Address range size</param>
/// <param name="startPage">Page range start</param>
/// <param name="count">Page range count</param>
/// <param name="preFlush">True if the data should come from the flush buffer</param>
private void FlushPageRange(ulong address, ulong size, int startPage, int count, bool preFlush)
(int pageOffset, int pageSize) = GetOffset(startPage, count);
int offset = (int)(address - _address);
int end = offset + (int)size;
offset = Math.Max(offset, pageOffset);
end = Math.Min(end, pageOffset + pageSize);
if (end >= offset)
BufferHandle handle = preFlush ? _flushBuffer : _buffer.Handle;
_flushAction(handle, _address + (ulong)offset, (ulong)(end - offset));
/// <summary>
/// Flush the given address range back into guest memory, optionally using data from the flush buffer.
/// When a copy has been performed on or before the waited sync number, the data can come from the flush buffer.
/// Otherwise, it flushes the parent buffer directly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="address">Range address</param>
/// <param name="size">Range size</param>
/// <param name="syncNumber">Sync number that has been waited for</param>
public void FlushWithAction(ulong address, ulong size, ulong syncNumber)
// Copy the parts of the range that have pre-flush copies that have been completed.
// Run the flush action for ranges that don't have pre-flush copies.
// If a range doesn't have a pre-flush copy, consider adding one.
(int baseIndex, int count) = GetPageRange(address, size);
bool rangePreFlushed = false;
int startPage = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int pageIndex = baseIndex + i;
ref PreFlushPage page = ref _pages[pageIndex];
bool flushPage = false;
page.CopyCount = 0;
if (page.State == PreFlushState.HasCopied)
if (syncNumber >= page.FirstActivatedSync)
// After the range is first activated, its data will always be copied to the preflush buffer on each sync.
flushPage = true;
else if (page.State == PreFlushState.None)
page.State = PreFlushState.HasFlushed;
ShouldCopy = true;
if (flushPage)
if (!rangePreFlushed || startPage == -1)
if (startPage != -1)
FlushPageRange(address, size, startPage, pageIndex - startPage, false);
rangePreFlushed = true;
startPage = pageIndex;
else if (rangePreFlushed || startPage == -1)
if (startPage != -1)
FlushPageRange(address, size, startPage, pageIndex - startPage, true);
rangePreFlushed = false;
startPage = pageIndex;
if (startPage != -1)
FlushPageRange(address, size, startPage, (baseIndex + count) - startPage, rangePreFlushed);
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the flush buffer, if present.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (_flushBuffer != BufferHandle.Null)