path: root/src/Ryujinx.Cpu/Jit/HostTracked/NativePageTable.cs
blob: e3174e3fc5c4f430011b033eb7a1c38dd1ef8604 (plain) (tree)

using Ryujinx.Cpu.Signal;
using Ryujinx.Memory;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Ryujinx.Cpu.Jit.HostTracked
    sealed class NativePageTable : IDisposable
        private delegate ulong TrackingEventDelegate(ulong address, ulong size, bool write);

        private const int PageBits = 12;
        private const int PageSize = 1 << PageBits;
        private const int PageMask = PageSize - 1;

        private const int PteSize = 8;

        private readonly int _bitsPerPtPage;
        private readonly int _entriesPerPtPage;
        private readonly int _pageCommitmentBits;

        private readonly PageTable<ulong> _pageTable;
        private readonly MemoryBlock _nativePageTable;
        private readonly ulong[] _pageCommitmentBitmap;
        private readonly ulong _hostPageSize;

        private readonly TrackingEventDelegate _trackingEvent;

        private bool _disposed;

        public IntPtr PageTablePointer => _nativePageTable.Pointer;

        public NativePageTable(ulong asSize)
            ulong hostPageSize = MemoryBlock.GetPageSize();

            _entriesPerPtPage = (int)(hostPageSize / sizeof(ulong));
            _bitsPerPtPage = BitOperations.Log2((uint)_entriesPerPtPage);
            _pageCommitmentBits = PageBits + _bitsPerPtPage;

            _hostPageSize = hostPageSize;
            _pageTable = new PageTable<ulong>();
            _nativePageTable = new MemoryBlock((asSize / PageSize) * PteSize + _hostPageSize, MemoryAllocationFlags.Reserve);
            _pageCommitmentBitmap = new ulong[(asSize >> _pageCommitmentBits) / (sizeof(ulong) * 8)];

            ulong ptStart = (ulong)_nativePageTable.Pointer;
            ulong ptEnd = ptStart + _nativePageTable.Size;

            _trackingEvent = VirtualMemoryEvent;

            bool added = NativeSignalHandler.AddTrackedRegion((nuint)ptStart, (nuint)ptEnd, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_trackingEvent));

            if (!added)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of allowed tracked regions exceeded.");

        public void Map(ulong va, ulong pa, ulong size, AddressSpacePartitioned addressSpace, MemoryBlock backingMemory, bool privateMap)
            while (size != 0)
                _pageTable.Map(va, pa);


                if (privateMap)
                    _nativePageTable.Write((va / PageSize) * PteSize, GetPte(va, addressSpace.GetPointer(va, PageSize)));
                    _nativePageTable.Write((va / PageSize) * PteSize, GetPte(va, backingMemory.GetPointer(pa, PageSize)));

                va += PageSize;
                pa += PageSize;
                size -= PageSize;

        public void Unmap(ulong va, ulong size)
            IntPtr guardPagePtr = GetGuardPagePointer();

            while (size != 0)
                _nativePageTable.Write((va / PageSize) * PteSize, GetPte(va, guardPagePtr));

                va += PageSize;
                size -= PageSize;

        public ulong Read(ulong va)
            ulong pte = _nativePageTable.Read<ulong>((va / PageSize) * PteSize);

            pte += va & ~(ulong)PageMask;

            return pte + (va & PageMask);

        public void Update(ulong va, IntPtr ptr, ulong size)
            ulong remainingSize = size;

            while (remainingSize != 0)

                _nativePageTable.Write((va / PageSize) * PteSize, GetPte(va, ptr));

                va += PageSize;
                ptr += PageSize;
                remainingSize -= PageSize;

        private void EnsureCommitment(ulong va)
            ulong bit = va >> _pageCommitmentBits;

            int index = (int)(bit / (sizeof(ulong) * 8));
            int shift = (int)(bit % (sizeof(ulong) * 8));

            ulong mask = 1UL << shift;

            ulong oldMask = _pageCommitmentBitmap[index];

            if ((oldMask & mask) == 0)
                lock (_pageCommitmentBitmap)
                    oldMask = _pageCommitmentBitmap[index];

                    if ((oldMask & mask) != 0)

                    _nativePageTable.Commit(bit * _hostPageSize, _hostPageSize);

                    Span<ulong> pageSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ulong>(_nativePageTable.GetSpan(bit * _hostPageSize, (int)_hostPageSize));

                    Debug.Assert(pageSpan.Length == _entriesPerPtPage);

                    IntPtr guardPagePtr = GetGuardPagePointer();

                    for (int i = 0; i < pageSpan.Length; i++)
                        pageSpan[i] = GetPte((bit << _pageCommitmentBits) | ((ulong)i * PageSize), guardPagePtr);

                    _pageCommitmentBitmap[index] = oldMask | mask;

        private IntPtr GetGuardPagePointer()
            return _nativePageTable.GetPointer(_nativePageTable.Size - _hostPageSize, _hostPageSize);

        private static ulong GetPte(ulong va, IntPtr ptr)
            Debug.Assert((va & PageMask) == 0);

            return (ulong)ptr - va;

        public ulong GetPhysicalAddress(ulong va)
            return _pageTable.Read(va) + (va & PageMask);

        private ulong VirtualMemoryEvent(ulong address, ulong size, bool write)
            if (address < _nativePageTable.Size - _hostPageSize)
                // Some prefetch instructions do not cause faults with invalid addresses.
                // Retry if we are hitting a case where the page table is unmapped, the next
                // run will execute the actual instruction.
                // The address loaded from the page table will be invalid, and it should hit the else case
                // if the instruction faults on unmapped or protected memory.

                ulong va = address * (PageSize / sizeof(ulong));


                return (ulong)_nativePageTable.Pointer + address;
                throw new InvalidMemoryRegionException();

        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!_disposed)
                if (disposing)


                _disposed = true;

        public void Dispose()
            Dispose(disposing: true);