path: root/src/Ryujinx.Cpu/AddressSpace.cs
blob: 0e27b158239bf9ef8c9888bcd181f10e1f857d2f (plain) (tree)









using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Collections;
using Ryujinx.Memory;
using System;

namespace Ryujinx.Cpu
    public class AddressSpace : IDisposable
        private const ulong PageSize = 0x1000;

        private const int DefaultBlockAlignment = 1 << 20;

        private enum MappingType : byte

        private class Mapping : IntrusiveRedBlackTreeNode<Mapping>, IComparable<Mapping>
            public ulong Address { get; private set; }
            public ulong Size { get; private set; }
            public ulong EndAddress => Address + Size;
            public MappingType Type { get; private set; }

            public Mapping(ulong address, ulong size, MappingType type)
                Address = address;
                Size = size;
                Type = type;

            public Mapping Split(ulong splitAddress)
                ulong leftSize = splitAddress - Address;
                ulong rightSize = EndAddress - splitAddress;

                Mapping left = new Mapping(Address, leftSize, Type);

                Address = splitAddress;
                Size = rightSize;

                return left;

            public void UpdateState(MappingType newType)
                Type = newType;

            public void Extend(ulong sizeDelta)
                Size += sizeDelta;

            public int CompareTo(Mapping other)
                if (Address < other.Address)
                    return -1;
                else if (Address <= other.EndAddress - 1UL)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;

        private class PrivateMapping : IntrusiveRedBlackTreeNode<PrivateMapping>, IComparable<PrivateMapping>
            public ulong Address { get; private set; }
            public ulong Size { get; private set; }
            public ulong EndAddress => Address + Size;
            public PrivateMemoryAllocation PrivateAllocation { get; private set; }

            public PrivateMapping(ulong address, ulong size, PrivateMemoryAllocation privateAllocation)
                Address = address;
                Size = size;
                PrivateAllocation = privateAllocation;

            public PrivateMapping Split(ulong splitAddress)
                ulong leftSize = splitAddress - Address;
                ulong rightSize = EndAddress - splitAddress;

                (var leftAllocation, PrivateAllocation) = PrivateAllocation.Split(leftSize);

                PrivateMapping left = new PrivateMapping(Address, leftSize, leftAllocation);

                Address = splitAddress;
                Size = rightSize;

                return left;

            public void Map(MemoryBlock baseBlock, MemoryBlock mirrorBlock, PrivateMemoryAllocation newAllocation)
                baseBlock.MapView(newAllocation.Memory, newAllocation.Offset, Address, Size);
                mirrorBlock.MapView(newAllocation.Memory, newAllocation.Offset, Address, Size);
                PrivateAllocation = newAllocation;

            public void Unmap(MemoryBlock baseBlock, MemoryBlock mirrorBlock)
                if (PrivateAllocation.IsValid)
                    baseBlock.UnmapView(PrivateAllocation.Memory, Address, Size);
                    mirrorBlock.UnmapView(PrivateAllocation.Memory, Address, Size);

                PrivateAllocation = default;

            public void Extend(ulong sizeDelta)
                Size += sizeDelta;

            public int CompareTo(PrivateMapping other)
                if (Address < other.Address)
                    return -1;
                else if (Address <= other.EndAddress - 1UL)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;

        private readonly MemoryBlock _backingMemory;
        private readonly PrivateMemoryAllocator _privateMemoryAllocator;
        private readonly IntrusiveRedBlackTree<Mapping> _mappingTree;
        private readonly IntrusiveRedBlackTree<PrivateMapping> _privateTree;

        private readonly object _treeLock;

        private readonly bool _supports4KBPages;

        public MemoryBlock Base { get; }
        public MemoryBlock Mirror { get; }

        public ulong AddressSpaceSize { get; }

        public AddressSpace(MemoryBlock backingMemory, MemoryBlock baseMemory, MemoryBlock mirrorMemory, ulong addressSpaceSize, bool supports4KBPages)
            if (!supports4KBPages)
                _privateMemoryAllocator = new PrivateMemoryAllocator(DefaultBlockAlignment, MemoryAllocationFlags.Mirrorable | MemoryAllocationFlags.NoMap);
                _mappingTree = new IntrusiveRedBlackTree<Mapping>();
                _privateTree = new IntrusiveRedBlackTree<PrivateMapping>();
                _treeLock = new object();

                _mappingTree.Add(new Mapping(0UL, addressSpaceSize, MappingType.None));
                _privateTree.Add(new PrivateMapping(0UL, addressSpaceSize, default));

            _backingMemory = backingMemory;
            _supports4KBPages = supports4KBPages;

            Base = baseMemory;
            Mirror = mirrorMemory;
            AddressSpaceSize = addressSpaceSize;

        public static bool TryCreate(MemoryBlock backingMemory, ulong asSize, bool supports4KBPages, out AddressSpace addressSpace)
            addressSpace = null;

            MemoryAllocationFlags asFlags = MemoryAllocationFlags.Reserve | MemoryAllocationFlags.ViewCompatible;

            ulong minAddressSpaceSize = Math.Min(asSize, 1UL << 36);

            // Attempt to create the address space with expected size or try to reduce it until it succeed.
            for (ulong addressSpaceSize = asSize; addressSpaceSize >= minAddressSpaceSize; addressSpaceSize >>= 1)
                MemoryBlock baseMemory = null;
                MemoryBlock mirrorMemory = null;

                    baseMemory = new MemoryBlock(addressSpaceSize, asFlags);
                    mirrorMemory = new MemoryBlock(addressSpaceSize, asFlags);
                    addressSpace = new AddressSpace(backingMemory, baseMemory, mirrorMemory, addressSpaceSize, supports4KBPages);

                catch (OutOfMemoryException)

            return addressSpace != null;

        public void Map(ulong va, ulong pa, ulong size, MemoryMapFlags flags)
            if (_supports4KBPages)
                Base.MapView(_backingMemory, pa, va, size);
                Mirror.MapView(_backingMemory, pa, va, size);


            lock (_treeLock)
                ulong alignment = MemoryBlock.GetPageSize();
                bool isAligned = ((va | pa | size) & (alignment - 1)) == 0;

                if (flags.HasFlag(MemoryMapFlags.Private) && !isAligned)
                    Update(va, pa, size, MappingType.Private);
                    // The update method assumes that shared mappings are already aligned.

                    if (!flags.HasFlag(MemoryMapFlags.Private))
                        if ((va & (alignment - 1)) != (pa & (alignment - 1)))
                            throw new InvalidMemoryRegionException($"Virtual address 0x{va:X} and physical address 0x{pa:X} are misaligned and can't be aligned.");

                        ulong endAddress = va + size;
                        va = BitUtils.AlignDown(va, alignment);
                        pa = BitUtils.AlignDown(pa, alignment);
                        size = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddress, alignment) - va;

                    Update(va, pa, size, MappingType.Shared);

        public void Unmap(ulong va, ulong size)
            if (_supports4KBPages)
                Base.UnmapView(_backingMemory, va, size);
                Mirror.UnmapView(_backingMemory, va, size);


            lock (_treeLock)
                Update(va, 0UL, size, MappingType.None);

        private void Update(ulong va, ulong pa, ulong size, MappingType type)
            Mapping map = _mappingTree.GetNode(new Mapping(va, 1UL, MappingType.None));

            Update(map, va, pa, size, type);

        private Mapping Update(Mapping map, ulong va, ulong pa, ulong size, MappingType type)
            ulong endAddress = va + size;

            for (; map != null; map = map.Successor)
                if (map.Address < va)

                if (map.EndAddress > endAddress)
                    Mapping newMap = map.Split(endAddress);
                    map = newMap;

                switch (type)
                    case MappingType.None:
                        if (map.Type == MappingType.Shared)
                            ulong startOffset = map.Address - va;
                            ulong mapVa = va + startOffset;
                            ulong mapSize = Math.Min(size - startOffset, map.Size);
                            ulong mapEndAddress = mapVa + mapSize;
                            ulong alignment = MemoryBlock.GetPageSize();

                            mapVa = BitUtils.AlignDown(mapVa, alignment);
                            mapEndAddress = BitUtils.AlignUp(mapEndAddress, alignment);

                            mapSize = mapEndAddress - mapVa;

                            Base.UnmapView(_backingMemory, mapVa, mapSize);
                            Mirror.UnmapView(_backingMemory, mapVa, mapSize);
                            UnmapPrivate(va, size);
                    case MappingType.Private:
                        if (map.Type == MappingType.Shared)
                            throw new InvalidMemoryRegionException($"Private mapping request at 0x{va:X} with size 0x{size:X} overlaps shared mapping at 0x{map.Address:X} with size 0x{map.Size:X}.");
                            MapPrivate(va, size);
                    case MappingType.Shared:
                        if (map.Type != MappingType.None)
                            throw new InvalidMemoryRegionException($"Shared mapping request at 0x{va:X} with size 0x{size:X} overlaps mapping at 0x{map.Address:X} with size 0x{map.Size:X}.");
                            ulong startOffset = map.Address - va;
                            ulong mapPa = pa + startOffset;
                            ulong mapVa = va + startOffset;
                            ulong mapSize = Math.Min(size - startOffset, map.Size);

                            Base.MapView(_backingMemory, mapPa, mapVa, mapSize);
                            Mirror.MapView(_backingMemory, mapPa, mapVa, mapSize);

                map = TryCoalesce(map);

                if (map.EndAddress >= endAddress)

            return map;

        private Mapping TryCoalesce(Mapping map)
            Mapping previousMap = map.Predecessor;
            Mapping nextMap = map.Successor;

            if (previousMap != null && CanCoalesce(previousMap, map))
                map = previousMap;

            if (nextMap != null && CanCoalesce(map, nextMap))

            return map;

        private static bool CanCoalesce(Mapping left, Mapping right)
            return left.Type == right.Type;

        private void MapPrivate(ulong va, ulong size)
            ulong endAddress = va + size;

            ulong alignment = MemoryBlock.GetPageSize();

            // Expand the range outwards based on page size to ensure that at least the requested region is mapped.
            ulong vaAligned = BitUtils.AlignDown(va, alignment);
            ulong endAddressAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(endAddress, alignment);

            ulong sizeAligned = endAddressAligned - vaAligned;

            PrivateMapping map = _privateTree.GetNode(new PrivateMapping(va, 1UL, default));

            for (; map != null; map = map.Successor)
                if (!map.PrivateAllocation.IsValid)
                    if (map.Address < vaAligned)

                    if (map.EndAddress > endAddressAligned)
                        PrivateMapping newMap = map.Split(endAddressAligned);
                        map = newMap;

                    map.Map(Base, Mirror, _privateMemoryAllocator.Allocate(map.Size, MemoryBlock.GetPageSize()));

                if (map.EndAddress >= endAddressAligned)

        private void UnmapPrivate(ulong va, ulong size)
            ulong endAddress = va + size;

            ulong alignment = MemoryBlock.GetPageSize();

            // Shrink the range inwards based on page size to ensure we won't unmap memory that might be still in use.
            ulong vaAligned = BitUtils.AlignUp(va, alignment);
            ulong endAddressAligned = BitUtils.AlignDown(endAddress, alignment);

            if (endAddressAligned <= vaAligned)

            ulong alignedSize = endAddressAligned - vaAligned;

            PrivateMapping map = _privateTree.GetNode(new PrivateMapping(va, 1UL, default));

            for (; map != null; map = map.Successor)
                if (map.PrivateAllocation.IsValid)
                    if (map.Address < vaAligned)

                    if (map.EndAddress > endAddressAligned)
                        PrivateMapping newMap = map.Split(endAddressAligned);
                        map = newMap;

                    map.Unmap(Base, Mirror);
                    map = TryCoalesce(map);

                if (map.EndAddress >= endAddressAligned)

        private PrivateMapping TryCoalesce(PrivateMapping map)
            PrivateMapping previousMap = map.Predecessor;
            PrivateMapping nextMap = map.Successor;

            if (previousMap != null && CanCoalesce(previousMap, map))
                map = previousMap;

            if (nextMap != null && CanCoalesce(map, nextMap))

            return map;

        private static bool CanCoalesce(PrivateMapping left, PrivateMapping right)
            return !left.PrivateAllocation.IsValid && !right.PrivateAllocation.IsValid;

        public void Dispose()