path: root/Ryujinx/Ui/Windows/AboutWindow.Designer.cs
blob: fa1a0657824cee81e068960d6533fa47442981de (plain) (tree)












using Gtk;
using Pango;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Configuration;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Ryujinx.Ui.Windows
    public partial class AboutWindow : Window
        private Box            _mainBox;
        private Box            _leftBox;
        private Box            _logoBox;
        private Image          _ryujinxLogo;
        private Box            _logoTextBox;
        private Label          _ryujinxLabel;
        private Label          _ryujinxPhoneticLabel;
        private EventBox       _ryujinxLink;
        private Label          _ryujinxLinkLabel;
        private Label          _versionLabel;
        private Label          _disclaimerLabel;
        private EventBox       _amiiboApiLink;
        private Label          _amiiboApiLinkLabel;
        private Box            _socialBox;
        private EventBox       _patreonEventBox;
        private Box            _patreonBox;
        private Image          _patreonLogo;
        private Label          _patreonLabel;
        private EventBox       _githubEventBox;
        private Box            _githubBox;
        private Image          _githubLogo;
        private Label          _githubLabel;
        private Box            _discordBox;
        private EventBox       _discordEventBox;
        private Image          _discordLogo;
        private Label          _discordLabel;
        private EventBox       _twitterEventBox;
        private Box            _twitterBox;
        private Image          _twitterLogo;
        private Label          _twitterLabel;
        private Separator      _separator;
        private Box            _rightBox;
        private Label          _aboutLabel;
        private Label          _aboutDescriptionLabel;
        private Label          _createdByLabel;
        private TextView       _createdByText;
        private EventBox       _contributorsEventBox;
        private Label          _contributorsLinkLabel;
        private Label          _patreonNamesLabel;
        private ScrolledWindow _patreonNamesScrolled;
        private TextView       _patreonNamesText;

        private void InitializeComponent()

#pragma warning disable CS0612

            // AboutWindow
            CanFocus       = false;
            Resizable      = false;
            Modal          = true;
            WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Center;
            DefaultWidth   = 800;
            DefaultHeight  = 450;
            TypeHint       = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Dialog;

            // _mainBox
            _mainBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0);

            // _leftBox
            _leftBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0)
                Margin      = 15,
                MarginLeft  = 30,
                MarginRight = 0

            // _logoBox
            _logoBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0);

            // _ryujinxLogo
            _ryujinxLogo = new Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_Ryujinx.png", 100, 100))
                Margin     = 10,
                MarginLeft = 15

            // _logoTextBox
            _logoTextBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);

            // _ryujinxLabel
            _ryujinxLabel = new Label("Ryujinx")
                MarginTop  = 15,
                Justify    = Justification.Center,
                Attributes = new AttrList()
            _ryujinxLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrScale(2.7f));

            // _ryujinxPhoneticLabel
            _ryujinxPhoneticLabel = new Label("(REE-YOU-JINX)")
                Justify = Justification.Center

            // _ryujinxLink
            _ryujinxLink = new EventBox()
                Margin = 5
            _ryujinxLink.ButtonPressEvent += RyujinxButton_Pressed;

            // _ryujinxLinkLabel
            _ryujinxLinkLabel = new Label("www.ryujinx.org")
                TooltipText = "Click to open the Ryujinx website in your default browser.",
                Justify     = Justification.Center,
                Attributes  = new AttrList()
            _ryujinxLinkLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Underline.Single));

            // _versionLabel
            _versionLabel = new Label(Program.Version)
                Expand  = true,
                Justify = Justification.Center,
                Margin  = 5

            // _disclaimerLabel
            _disclaimerLabel = new Label("Ryujinx is not affiliated with Nintendo™,\nor any of its partners, in any way.")
                Expand     = true,
                Justify    = Justification.Center,
                Margin     = 5,
                Attributes = new AttrList()
            _disclaimerLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrScale(0.8f));

            // _amiiboApiLink
            _amiiboApiLink = new EventBox()
                Margin = 5
            _amiiboApiLink.ButtonPressEvent += AmiiboApiButton_Pressed;

            // _amiiboApiLinkLabel
            _amiiboApiLinkLabel = new Label("AmiiboAPI (www.amiiboapi.com) is used\nin our Amiibo emulation.")
                TooltipText = "Click to open the AmiiboAPI website in your default browser.",
                Justify     = Justification.Center,
                Attributes  = new AttrList()
            _amiiboApiLinkLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrScale(0.9f));

            // _socialBox
            _socialBox = new Box(Orientation.Horizontal, 0)
                Margin       = 25,
                MarginBottom = 10

            // _patreonEventBox
            _patreonEventBox = new EventBox()
                TooltipText = "Click to open the Ryujinx Patreon page in your default browser."
            _patreonEventBox.ButtonPressEvent += PatreonButton_Pressed;

            // _patreonBox
            _patreonBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);

            // _patreonLogo
            _patreonLogo = new Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_Patreon_Light.png", 30, 30))
                Margin = 10

            // _patreonLabel
            _patreonLabel = new Label("Patreon")
                Justify = Justification.Center

            // _githubEventBox
            _githubEventBox = new EventBox()
                TooltipText = "Click to open the Ryujinx GitHub page in your default browser."
            _githubEventBox.ButtonPressEvent += GitHubButton_Pressed;

            // _githubBox
            _githubBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);

            // _githubLogo
            _githubLogo = new Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_GitHub_Light.png", 30, 30))
                Margin = 10

            // _githubLabel
            _githubLabel = new Label("GitHub")
                Justify = Justification.Center

            // _discordBox
            _discordBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);

            // _discordEventBox
            _discordEventBox = new EventBox()
                TooltipText = "Click to open an invite to the Ryujinx Discord server in your default browser."
            _discordEventBox.ButtonPressEvent += DiscordButton_Pressed;

            // _discordLogo
            _discordLogo = new Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_Discord_Light.png", 30, 30))
                Margin = 10

            // _discordLabel
            _discordLabel = new Label("Discord")
                Justify = Justification.Center

            // _twitterEventBox
            _twitterEventBox = new EventBox()
                TooltipText = "Click to open the Ryujinx Twitter page in your default browser."
            _twitterEventBox.ButtonPressEvent += TwitterButton_Pressed;

            // _twitterBox
            _twitterBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0);

            // _twitterLogo
            _twitterLogo = new Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ConfigurationState)), "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_Twitter_Light.png", 30, 30))
                Margin = 10

            // _twitterLabel
            _twitterLabel = new Label("Twitter")
                Justify = Justification.Center

            // _separator
            _separator = new Separator(Orientation.Vertical)
                Margin = 15

            // _rightBox
            _rightBox = new Box(Orientation.Vertical, 0)
                Margin    = 15,
                MarginTop = 40

            // _aboutLabel
            _aboutLabel = new Label("About :")
                Halign     = Align.Start,
                Attributes = new AttrList()
            _aboutLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Weight.Bold));
            _aboutLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Underline.Single));

            // _aboutDescriptionLabel
            _aboutDescriptionLabel = new Label("Ryujinx is an emulator for the Nintendo Switch™.\n" +
                                               "Please support us on Patreon.\n" +
                                               "Get all the latest news on our Twitter or Discord.\n" +
                                               "Developers interested in contributing can find out more on our GitHub or Discord.")
                Margin = 15,
                Halign = Align.Start

            // _createdByLabel
            _createdByLabel = new Label("Maintained by :")
                Halign     = Align.Start,
                Attributes = new AttrList()
            _createdByLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Weight.Bold));
            _createdByLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Underline.Single));

            // _createdByText
            _createdByText = new TextView()
                WrapMode      = Gtk.WrapMode.Word,
                Editable      = false,
                CursorVisible = false,
                Margin        = 15,
                MarginRight   = 30
            _createdByText.Buffer.Text = "gdkchan, Ac_K, Thog, rip in peri peri, LDj3SNuD, emmaus, Thealexbarney, Xpl0itR, GoffyDude, »jD« and more...";

            // _contributorsEventBox
            _contributorsEventBox = new EventBox();
            _contributorsEventBox.ButtonPressEvent += ContributorsButton_Pressed;

            // _contributorsLinkLabel
            _contributorsLinkLabel = new Label("See All Contributors...")
                TooltipText = "Click to open the Contributors page in your default browser.",
                MarginRight = 30,
                Halign      = Align.End,
                Attributes  = new AttrList()
            _contributorsLinkLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Underline.Single));

            // _patreonNamesLabel
            _patreonNamesLabel = new Label("Supported on Patreon by :")
                Halign     = Align.Start,
                Attributes = new AttrList()
            _patreonNamesLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Weight.Bold));
            _patreonNamesLabel.Attributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Underline.Single));

            // _patreonNamesScrolled
            _patreonNamesScrolled = new ScrolledWindow()
                Margin      = 15,
                MarginRight = 30,
                Expand      = true,
                ShadowType  = ShadowType.In
            _patreonNamesScrolled.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Never, PolicyType.Automatic);

            // _patreonNamesText
            _patreonNamesText = new TextView()
                WrapMode = Gtk.WrapMode.Word
            _patreonNamesText.Buffer.Text = "Loading...";
            _patreonNamesText.SetProperty("editable", new GLib.Value(false));

#pragma warning restore CS0612


        private void ShowComponent()














