path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan/CommandBufferPool.cs
blob: a27b63a09e5c6bf351408fcdf3382e75503a19e9 (plain) (tree)

using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Thread = System.Threading.Thread;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
    class CommandBufferPool : IDisposable
        public const int MaxCommandBuffers = 16;

        private int _totalCommandBuffers;
        private int _totalCommandBuffersMask;

        private readonly Vk _api;
        private readonly Device _device;
        private readonly Queue _queue;
        private readonly object _queueLock;
        private readonly CommandPool _pool;
        private readonly Thread _owner;

        public bool OwnedByCurrentThread => _owner == Thread.CurrentThread;

        private struct ReservedCommandBuffer
            public bool InUse;
            public bool InConsumption;
            public CommandBuffer CommandBuffer;
            public FenceHolder Fence;
            public SemaphoreHolder Semaphore;

            public List<IAuto> Dependants;
            public HashSet<MultiFenceHolder> Waitables;
            public HashSet<SemaphoreHolder> Dependencies;

            public void Initialize(Vk api, Device device, CommandPool pool)
                var allocateInfo = new CommandBufferAllocateInfo()
                    SType = StructureType.CommandBufferAllocateInfo,
                    CommandBufferCount = 1,
                    CommandPool = pool,
                    Level = CommandBufferLevel.Primary

                api.AllocateCommandBuffers(device, allocateInfo, out CommandBuffer);

                Dependants = new List<IAuto>();
                Waitables = new HashSet<MultiFenceHolder>();
                Dependencies = new HashSet<SemaphoreHolder>();

        private readonly ReservedCommandBuffer[] _commandBuffers;

        private readonly int[] _queuedIndexes;
        private int _queuedIndexesPtr;
        private int _queuedCount;
        private int _inUseCount;

        public unsafe CommandBufferPool(Vk api, Device device, Queue queue, object queueLock, uint queueFamilyIndex, bool isLight = false)
            _api = api;
            _device = device;
            _queue = queue;
            _queueLock = queueLock;
            _owner = Thread.CurrentThread;

            var commandPoolCreateInfo = new CommandPoolCreateInfo()
                SType = StructureType.CommandPoolCreateInfo,
                QueueFamilyIndex = queueFamilyIndex,
                Flags = CommandPoolCreateFlags.CommandPoolCreateTransientBit |

            api.CreateCommandPool(device, commandPoolCreateInfo, null, out _pool).ThrowOnError();

            // We need at least 2 command buffers to get texture data in some cases.
            _totalCommandBuffers = isLight ? 2 : MaxCommandBuffers;
            _totalCommandBuffersMask = _totalCommandBuffers - 1;

            _commandBuffers = new ReservedCommandBuffer[_totalCommandBuffers];

            _queuedIndexes = new int[_totalCommandBuffers];
            _queuedIndexesPtr = 0;
            _queuedCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                _commandBuffers[i].Initialize(api, device, _pool);

        public void AddDependant(int cbIndex, IAuto dependant)

        public void AddWaitable(MultiFenceHolder waitable)
            lock (_commandBuffers)
                for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                    ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[i];

                    if (entry.InConsumption)
                        AddWaitable(i, waitable);

        public void AddDependency(int cbIndex, CommandBufferScoped dependencyCbs)
            var semaphoreHolder = _commandBuffers[dependencyCbs.CommandBufferIndex].Semaphore;

        public void AddWaitable(int cbIndex, MultiFenceHolder waitable)
            ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[cbIndex];
            waitable.AddFence(cbIndex, entry.Fence);

        public bool HasWaitableOnRentedCommandBuffer(MultiFenceHolder waitable, int offset, int size)
            lock (_commandBuffers)
                for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                    ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[i];

                    if (entry.InUse &&
                        entry.Waitables.Contains(waitable) &&
                        waitable.IsBufferRangeInUse(i, offset, size))
                        return true;

            return false;

        public bool IsFenceOnRentedCommandBuffer(FenceHolder fence)
            lock (_commandBuffers)
                for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                    ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[i];

                    if (entry.InUse && entry.Fence == fence)
                        return true;

            return false;

        public FenceHolder GetFence(int cbIndex)
            return _commandBuffers[cbIndex].Fence;

        private int FreeConsumed(bool wait)
            int freeEntry = 0;

            while (_queuedCount > 0)
                int index = _queuedIndexes[_queuedIndexesPtr];

                ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[index];

                if (wait || !entry.InConsumption || entry.Fence.IsSignaled())

                    wait = false;
                    freeEntry = index;

                    _queuedIndexesPtr = (_queuedIndexesPtr + 1) % _totalCommandBuffers;

            return freeEntry;

        public CommandBufferScoped ReturnAndRent(CommandBufferScoped cbs)
            return Rent();

        public CommandBufferScoped Rent()
            lock (_commandBuffers)
                int cursor = FreeConsumed(_inUseCount + _queuedCount == _totalCommandBuffers);

                for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                    ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[cursor];

                    if (!entry.InUse && !entry.InConsumption)
                        entry.InUse = true;


                        var commandBufferBeginInfo = new CommandBufferBeginInfo()
                            SType = StructureType.CommandBufferBeginInfo

                        _api.BeginCommandBuffer(entry.CommandBuffer, commandBufferBeginInfo).ThrowOnError();

                        return new CommandBufferScoped(this, entry.CommandBuffer, cursor);

                    cursor = (cursor + 1) & _totalCommandBuffersMask;

            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Out of command buffers (In use: {_inUseCount}, queued: {_queuedCount}, total: {_totalCommandBuffers})");

        public void Return(CommandBufferScoped cbs)
            Return(cbs, null, null, null);

        public unsafe void Return(
            CommandBufferScoped cbs,
            ReadOnlySpan<Semaphore> waitSemaphores,
            ReadOnlySpan<PipelineStageFlags> waitDstStageMask,
            ReadOnlySpan<Semaphore> signalSemaphores)
            lock (_commandBuffers)
                int cbIndex = cbs.CommandBufferIndex;

                ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[cbIndex];

                Debug.Assert(entry.CommandBuffer.Handle == cbs.CommandBuffer.Handle);
                entry.InUse = false;
                entry.InConsumption = true;

                var commandBuffer = entry.CommandBuffer;


                fixed (Semaphore* pWaitSemaphores = waitSemaphores, pSignalSemaphores = signalSemaphores)
                    fixed (PipelineStageFlags* pWaitDstStageMask = waitDstStageMask)
                        SubmitInfo sInfo = new SubmitInfo()
                            SType = StructureType.SubmitInfo,
                            WaitSemaphoreCount = waitSemaphores != null ? (uint)waitSemaphores.Length : 0,
                            PWaitSemaphores = pWaitSemaphores,
                            PWaitDstStageMask = pWaitDstStageMask,
                            CommandBufferCount = 1,
                            PCommandBuffers = &commandBuffer,
                            SignalSemaphoreCount = signalSemaphores != null ? (uint)signalSemaphores.Length : 0,
                            PSignalSemaphores = pSignalSemaphores

                        lock (_queueLock)
                            _api.QueueSubmit(_queue, 1, sInfo, entry.Fence.GetUnsafe()).ThrowOnError();

                int ptr = (_queuedIndexesPtr + _queuedCount) % _totalCommandBuffers;
                _queuedIndexes[ptr] = cbIndex;

        private void WaitAndDecrementRef(int cbIndex, bool refreshFence = true)
            ref var entry = ref _commandBuffers[cbIndex];

            if (entry.InConsumption)
                entry.InConsumption = false;

            foreach (var dependant in entry.Dependants)

            foreach (var waitable in entry.Waitables)
                waitable.RemoveFence(cbIndex, entry.Fence);

            foreach (var dependency in entry.Dependencies)


            if (refreshFence)
                entry.Fence = new FenceHolder(_api, _device);
                entry.Fence = null;

        public unsafe void Dispose()
            for (int i = 0; i < _totalCommandBuffers; i++)
                WaitAndDecrementRef(i, refreshFence: false);

            _api.DestroyCommandPool(_device, _pool, null);