path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/Translation/ShaderConfig.cs
blob: 2caa8f63895d39fe6d25d4cfbf021cae39fcc75d (plain) (tree)


































































using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
    class ShaderConfig
        // TODO: Non-hardcoded array size.
        public const int SamplerArraySize = 4;

        private const int ThreadsPerWarp = 32;

        public ShaderStage Stage { get; }

        public bool GpPassthrough { get; }
        public bool LastInPipeline { get; private set; }
        public bool LastInVertexPipeline { get; private set; }

        public bool HasLayerInputAttribute { get; private set; }
        public int GpLayerInputAttribute { get; private set; }
        public int ThreadsPerInputPrimitive { get; }

        public OutputTopology OutputTopology { get; }

        public int MaxOutputVertices { get; }

        public int LocalMemorySize { get; }

        public ImapPixelType[] ImapTypes { get; }

        public int OmapTargets { get; }
        public bool OmapSampleMask { get; }
        public bool OmapDepth { get; }

        public IGpuAccessor GpuAccessor { get; }

        public TranslationOptions Options { get; }

        public bool TransformFeedbackEnabled { get; }

        public int Size { get; private set; }

        public byte ClipDistancesWritten { get; private set; }

        public FeatureFlags UsedFeatures { get; private set; }

        public int Cb1DataSize { get; private set; }

        public bool LayerOutputWritten { get; private set; }
        public int LayerOutputAttribute { get; private set; }

        public bool NextUsesFixedFuncAttributes { get; private set; }
        public int UsedInputAttributes { get; private set; }
        public int UsedOutputAttributes { get; private set; }
        public HashSet<int> UsedInputAttributesPerPatch { get; }
        public HashSet<int> UsedOutputAttributesPerPatch { get; }
        public HashSet<int> NextUsedInputAttributesPerPatch { get; private set; }
        public int PassthroughAttributes { get; private set; }
        private int _nextUsedInputAttributes;
        private int _thisUsedInputAttributes;
        private Dictionary<int, int> _perPatchAttributeLocations;

        public UInt128 NextInputAttributesComponents { get; private set; }
        public UInt128 ThisInputAttributesComponents { get; private set; }

        public int AccessibleStorageBuffersMask { get; private set; }
        public int AccessibleConstantBuffersMask { get; private set; }

        private int _usedConstantBuffers;
        private int _usedStorageBuffers;
        private int _usedStorageBuffersWrite;

        private readonly record struct TextureInfo(int CbufSlot, int Handle, bool Indexed, TextureFormat Format);

        private struct TextureMeta
            public bool AccurateType;
            public SamplerType Type;
            public TextureUsageFlags UsageFlags;

        private readonly Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> _usedTextures;
        private readonly Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> _usedImages;

        private BufferDescriptor[] _cachedConstantBufferDescriptors;
        private BufferDescriptor[] _cachedStorageBufferDescriptors;
        private TextureDescriptor[] _cachedTextureDescriptors;
        private TextureDescriptor[] _cachedImageDescriptors;

        private int _firstConstantBufferBinding;
        private int _firstStorageBufferBinding;

        public int FirstConstantBufferBinding => _firstConstantBufferBinding;
        public int FirstStorageBufferBinding => _firstStorageBufferBinding;

        public ShaderConfig(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, TranslationOptions options)
            Stage       = ShaderStage.Compute;
            GpuAccessor = gpuAccessor;
            Options     = options;

            AccessibleStorageBuffersMask  = (1 << GlobalMemory.StorageMaxCount) - 1;
            AccessibleConstantBuffersMask = (1 << GlobalMemory.UbeMaxCount) - 1;

            UsedInputAttributesPerPatch  = new HashSet<int>();
            UsedOutputAttributesPerPatch = new HashSet<int>();

            _usedTextures = new Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta>();
            _usedImages   = new Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta>();

        public ShaderConfig(
            ShaderStage stage,
            OutputTopology outputTopology,
            int maxOutputVertices,
            IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor,
            TranslationOptions options) : this(gpuAccessor, options)
            Stage                    = stage;
            ThreadsPerInputPrimitive = 1;
            OutputTopology           = outputTopology;
            MaxOutputVertices        = maxOutputVertices;
            TransformFeedbackEnabled = gpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled();

            if (Stage != ShaderStage.Compute)
                AccessibleConstantBuffersMask = 0;

        public ShaderConfig(ShaderHeader header, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, TranslationOptions options) : this(gpuAccessor, options)
            Stage                    = header.Stage;
            GpPassthrough            = header.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && header.GpPassthrough;
            ThreadsPerInputPrimitive = header.ThreadsPerInputPrimitive;
            OutputTopology           = header.OutputTopology;
            MaxOutputVertices        = header.MaxOutputVertexCount;
            LocalMemorySize          = header.ShaderLocalMemoryLowSize + header.ShaderLocalMemoryHighSize + (header.ShaderLocalMemoryCrsSize / ThreadsPerWarp);
            ImapTypes                = header.ImapTypes;
            OmapTargets              = header.OmapTargets;
            OmapSampleMask           = header.OmapSampleMask;
            OmapDepth                = header.OmapDepth;
            TransformFeedbackEnabled = gpuAccessor.QueryTransformFeedbackEnabled();
            LastInPipeline           = true;
            LastInVertexPipeline     = header.Stage < ShaderStage.Fragment;

        public int GetDepthRegister()
            // The depth register is always two registers after the last color output.
            return BitOperations.PopCount((uint)OmapTargets) + 1;

        public uint ConstantBuffer1Read(int offset)
            if (Cb1DataSize < offset + 4)
                Cb1DataSize = offset + 4;

            return GpuAccessor.ConstantBuffer1Read(offset);

        public TextureFormat GetTextureFormat(int handle, int cbufSlot = -1)
            // When the formatted load extension is supported, we don't need to
            // specify a format, we can just declare it without a format and the GPU will handle it.
            if (GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsImageLoadFormatted())
                return TextureFormat.Unknown;

            var format = GpuAccessor.QueryTextureFormat(handle, cbufSlot);

            if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown)
                GpuAccessor.Log($"Unknown format for texture {handle}.");

                format = TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm;

            return format;

        private bool FormatSupportsAtomic(TextureFormat format)
            return format == TextureFormat.R32Sint || format == TextureFormat.R32Uint;

        public TextureFormat GetTextureFormatAtomic(int handle, int cbufSlot = -1)
            // Atomic image instructions do not support GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted,
            // and must have a type specified. Default to R32Sint if not available.

            var format = GpuAccessor.QueryTextureFormat(handle, cbufSlot);

            if (!FormatSupportsAtomic(format))
                GpuAccessor.Log($"Unsupported format for texture {handle}: {format}.");

                format = TextureFormat.R32Sint;

            return format;

        public void SizeAdd(int size)
            Size += size;

        public void InheritFrom(ShaderConfig other)
            ClipDistancesWritten |= other.ClipDistancesWritten;
            UsedFeatures |= other.UsedFeatures;

            UsedInputAttributes |= other.UsedInputAttributes;
            UsedOutputAttributes |= other.UsedOutputAttributes;
            _usedConstantBuffers |= other._usedConstantBuffers;
            _usedStorageBuffers |= other._usedStorageBuffers;
            _usedStorageBuffersWrite |= other._usedStorageBuffersWrite;

            foreach (var kv in other._usedTextures)
                if (!_usedTextures.TryAdd(kv.Key, kv.Value))
                    _usedTextures[kv.Key] = MergeTextureMeta(kv.Value, _usedTextures[kv.Key]);

            foreach (var kv in other._usedImages)
                if (!_usedImages.TryAdd(kv.Key, kv.Value))
                    _usedImages[kv.Key] = MergeTextureMeta(kv.Value, _usedImages[kv.Key]);

        public void SetLayerOutputAttribute(int attr)
            LayerOutputWritten = true;
            LayerOutputAttribute = attr;

        public void SetGeometryShaderLayerInputAttribute(int attr)
            HasLayerInputAttribute = true;
            GpLayerInputAttribute = attr;

        public void SetLastInVertexPipeline(bool hasFragment)
            if (!hasFragment)
                LastInPipeline = true;

            LastInVertexPipeline = true;

        public void SetInputUserAttributeFixedFunc(int index)
            UsedInputAttributes |= 1 << index;

        public void SetOutputUserAttributeFixedFunc(int index)
            UsedOutputAttributes |= 1 << index;

        public void SetInputUserAttribute(int index, int component)
            int mask = 1 << index;

            UsedInputAttributes |= mask;
            _thisUsedInputAttributes |= mask;
            ThisInputAttributesComponents |= UInt128.One << (index * 4 + component);

        public void SetInputUserAttributePerPatch(int index)

        public void SetOutputUserAttribute(int index)
            UsedOutputAttributes |= 1 << index;

        public void SetOutputUserAttributePerPatch(int index)

        public void MergeFromtNextStage(ShaderConfig config)
            NextInputAttributesComponents = config.ThisInputAttributesComponents;
            NextUsedInputAttributesPerPatch = config.UsedInputAttributesPerPatch;
            NextUsesFixedFuncAttributes = config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.FixedFuncAttr);
            MergeOutputUserAttributes(config.UsedInputAttributes, config.UsedInputAttributesPerPatch);

            if (UsedOutputAttributesPerPatch.Count != 0)
                // Regular and per-patch input/output locations can't overlap,
                // so we must assign on our location using unused regular input/output locations.

                Dictionary<int, int> locationsMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                int freeMask = ~UsedOutputAttributes;

                foreach (int attr in UsedOutputAttributesPerPatch)
                    int location = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(freeMask);
                    if (location == 32)
                        config.GpuAccessor.Log($"No enough free locations for patch input/output 0x{attr:X}.");

                    locationsMap.Add(attr, location);
                    freeMask &= ~(1 << location);

                // Both stages must agree on the locations, so use the same "map" for both.
                _perPatchAttributeLocations = locationsMap;
                config._perPatchAttributeLocations = locationsMap;

            LastInPipeline = false;

            // We don't consider geometry shaders using the geometry shader passthrough feature
            // as being the last because when this feature is used, it can't actually modify any of the outputs,
            // so the stage that comes before it is the last one that can do modifications.
            if (config.Stage != ShaderStage.Fragment && (config.Stage != ShaderStage.Geometry || !config.GpPassthrough))
                LastInVertexPipeline = false;

        public void MergeOutputUserAttributes(int mask, IEnumerable<int> perPatch)
            _nextUsedInputAttributes = mask;

            if (GpPassthrough)
                PassthroughAttributes = mask & ~UsedOutputAttributes;
                UsedOutputAttributes |= mask;

        public int GetPerPatchAttributeLocation(int index)
            if (_perPatchAttributeLocations == null || !_perPatchAttributeLocations.TryGetValue(index, out int location))
                return index;

            return location;

        public bool IsUsedOutputAttribute(int attr)
            // The check for fixed function attributes on the next stage is conservative,
            // returning false if the output is just not used by the next stage is also valid.
            if (NextUsesFixedFuncAttributes &&
                attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase &&
                attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd)
                int index = (attr - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) >> 4;
                return (_nextUsedInputAttributes & (1 << index)) != 0;

            return true;

        public int GetFreeUserAttribute(bool isOutput, int index)
            int useMask = isOutput ? _nextUsedInputAttributes : _thisUsedInputAttributes;
            int bit = -1;

            while (useMask != -1)
                bit = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(~useMask);

                if (bit == 32)
                    bit = -1;
                else if (index < 1)

                useMask |= 1 << bit;

            return bit;

        public void SetAllInputUserAttributes()
            UsedInputAttributes |= Constants.AllAttributesMask;
            ThisInputAttributesComponents |= ~UInt128.Zero >> (128 - Constants.MaxAttributes * 4);

        public void SetAllOutputUserAttributes()
            UsedOutputAttributes |= Constants.AllAttributesMask;

        public void SetClipDistanceWritten(int index)
            ClipDistancesWritten |= (byte)(1 << index);

        public void SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags flags)
            UsedFeatures |= flags;

        public void SetAccessibleBufferMasks(int sbMask, int ubeMask)
            AccessibleStorageBuffersMask = sbMask;
            AccessibleConstantBuffersMask = ubeMask;

        public void SetUsedConstantBuffer(int slot)
            _usedConstantBuffers |= 1 << slot;

        public void SetUsedStorageBuffer(int slot, bool write)
            int mask = 1 << slot;
            _usedStorageBuffers |= mask;

            if (write)
                _usedStorageBuffersWrite |= mask;

        public void SetUsedTexture(
            Instruction inst,
            SamplerType type,
            TextureFormat format,
            TextureFlags flags,
            int cbufSlot,
            int handle)
            inst &= Instruction.Mask;
            bool isImage = inst == Instruction.ImageLoad || inst == Instruction.ImageStore || inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic;
            bool isWrite = inst == Instruction.ImageStore || inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic;
            bool accurateType = inst != Instruction.Lod && inst != Instruction.TextureSize;
            bool coherent = flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.Coherent);

            if (isImage)
                SetUsedTextureOrImage(_usedImages, cbufSlot, handle, type, format, true, isWrite, false, coherent);
                bool intCoords = flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.IntCoords) || inst == Instruction.TextureSize;
                SetUsedTextureOrImage(_usedTextures, cbufSlot, handle, type, TextureFormat.Unknown, intCoords, false, accurateType, coherent);

            GpuAccessor.RegisterTexture(handle, cbufSlot);

        private void SetUsedTextureOrImage(
            Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> dict,
            int cbufSlot,
            int handle,
            SamplerType type,
            TextureFormat format,
            bool intCoords,
            bool write,
            bool accurateType,
            bool coherent)
            var dimensions = type.GetDimensions();
            var isIndexed = type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed);

            var usageFlags = TextureUsageFlags.None;

            if (intCoords)
                usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.NeedsScaleValue;

                var canScale = Stage.SupportsRenderScale() && !isIndexed && !write && dimensions == 2;

                if (!canScale)
                    // Resolution scaling cannot be applied to this texture right now.
                    // Flag so that we know to blacklist scaling on related textures when binding them.
                    usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ResScaleUnsupported;

            if (write)
                usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore;

            if (coherent)
                usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageCoherent;

            int arraySize = isIndexed ? SamplerArraySize : 1;

            for (int layer = 0; layer < arraySize; layer++)
                var info = new TextureInfo(cbufSlot, handle + layer * 2, isIndexed, format);
                var meta = new TextureMeta()
                    AccurateType = accurateType,
                    Type = type,
                    UsageFlags = usageFlags

                if (dict.TryGetValue(info, out var existingMeta))
                    dict[info] = MergeTextureMeta(meta, existingMeta);
                    dict.Add(info, meta);

        private static TextureMeta MergeTextureMeta(TextureMeta meta, TextureMeta existingMeta)
            meta.UsageFlags |= existingMeta.UsageFlags;

            // If the texture we have has inaccurate type information, then
            // we prefer the most accurate one.
            if (existingMeta.AccurateType)
                meta.AccurateType = true;
                meta.Type = existingMeta.Type;

            return meta;

        public BufferDescriptor[] GetConstantBufferDescriptors()
            if (_cachedConstantBufferDescriptors != null)
                return _cachedConstantBufferDescriptors;

            int usedMask = _usedConstantBuffers;

            if (UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.CbIndexing))
                usedMask |= (int)GpuAccessor.QueryConstantBufferUse();

            return _cachedConstantBufferDescriptors = GetBufferDescriptors(
                out _firstConstantBufferBinding,

        public BufferDescriptor[] GetStorageBufferDescriptors()
            if (_cachedStorageBufferDescriptors != null)
                return _cachedStorageBufferDescriptors;

            return _cachedStorageBufferDescriptors = GetBufferDescriptors(
                out _firstStorageBufferBinding,

        private static BufferDescriptor[] GetBufferDescriptors(
            int usedMask,
            int writtenMask,
            bool isArray,
            out int firstBinding,
            Func<int, int> getBindingCallback)
            firstBinding = 0;
            bool hasFirstBinding = false;
            var descriptors = new BufferDescriptor[BitOperations.PopCount((uint)usedMask)];

            int lastSlot = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.Length; i++)
                int slot = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(usedMask);

                if (isArray)
                    // The next array entries also consumes bindings, even if they are unused.
                    for (int j = lastSlot + 1; j < slot; j++)
                        int binding = getBindingCallback(j);

                        if (!hasFirstBinding)
                            firstBinding = binding;
                            hasFirstBinding = true;

                lastSlot = slot;

                descriptors[i] = new BufferDescriptor(getBindingCallback(slot), slot);

                if (!hasFirstBinding)
                    firstBinding = descriptors[i].Binding;
                    hasFirstBinding = true;

                if ((writtenMask & (1 << slot)) != 0)

                usedMask &= ~(1 << slot);

            return descriptors;

        public TextureDescriptor[] GetTextureDescriptors()
            return _cachedTextureDescriptors ??= GetTextureOrImageDescriptors(_usedTextures, GpuAccessor.QueryBindingTexture);

        public TextureDescriptor[] GetImageDescriptors()
            return _cachedImageDescriptors ??= GetTextureOrImageDescriptors(_usedImages, GpuAccessor.QueryBindingImage);

        private static TextureDescriptor[] GetTextureOrImageDescriptors(Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> dict, Func<int, bool, int> getBindingCallback)
            var descriptors = new TextureDescriptor[dict.Count];

            int i = 0;
            foreach (var kv in dict.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Indexed).OrderBy(x => x.Key.Handle))
                var info = kv.Key;
                var meta = kv.Value;

                bool isBuffer = (meta.Type & SamplerType.Mask) == SamplerType.TextureBuffer;
                int binding = getBindingCallback(i, isBuffer);

                descriptors[i] = new TextureDescriptor(binding, meta.Type, info.Format, info.CbufSlot, info.Handle);

            return descriptors;

        public (TextureDescriptor, int) FindTextureDescriptor(AstTextureOperation texOp)
            TextureDescriptor[] descriptors = GetTextureDescriptors();

            for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.Length; i++)
                var descriptor = descriptors[i];

                if (descriptor.CbufSlot == texOp.CbufSlot &&
                    descriptor.HandleIndex == texOp.Handle &&
                    descriptor.Format == texOp.Format)
                    return (descriptor, i);

            return (default, -1);

        private static int FindDescriptorIndex(TextureDescriptor[] array, AstTextureOperation texOp)
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                var descriptor = array[i];

                if (descriptor.Type == texOp.Type &&
                    descriptor.CbufSlot == texOp.CbufSlot &&
                    descriptor.HandleIndex == texOp.Handle &&
                    descriptor.Format == texOp.Format)
                    return i;

            return -1;

        public int FindTextureDescriptorIndex(AstTextureOperation texOp)
            return FindDescriptorIndex(GetTextureDescriptors(), texOp);

        public int FindImageDescriptorIndex(AstTextureOperation texOp)
            return FindDescriptorIndex(GetImageDescriptors(), texOp);

        public ShaderProgramInfo CreateProgramInfo(ShaderIdentification identification = ShaderIdentification.None)
            return new ShaderProgramInfo(