path: root/Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader/CodeGen/Spirv/CodeGenContext.cs
blob: 41afdf1884d1f1ea13c1dc53b4103420de340729 (plain) (tree)
































using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using Spv.Generator;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static Spv.Specification;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Spirv
    using IrConsts = IntermediateRepresentation.IrConsts;
    using IrOperandType = IntermediateRepresentation.OperandType;

    partial class CodeGenContext : Module
        private const uint SpirvVersionMajor = 1;
        private const uint SpirvVersionMinor = 3;
        private const uint SpirvVersionRevision = 0;
        private const uint SpirvVersionPacked = (SpirvVersionMajor << 16) | (SpirvVersionMinor << 8) | SpirvVersionRevision;

        public StructuredProgramInfo Info { get; }

        public ShaderConfig Config { get; }

        public int InputVertices { get; }

        public Dictionary<int, Instruction> UniformBuffers { get; } = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();
        public Instruction SupportBuffer { get; set; }
        public Instruction UniformBuffersArray { get; set; }
        public Instruction StorageBuffersArray { get; set; }
        public Instruction LocalMemory { get; set; }
        public Instruction SharedMemory { get; set; }
        public Instruction InputsArray { get; set; }
        public Instruction OutputsArray { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<TextureMeta, SamplerType> SamplersTypes { get; } = new Dictionary<TextureMeta, SamplerType>();
        public Dictionary<TextureMeta, (Instruction, Instruction, Instruction)> Samplers { get; } = new Dictionary<TextureMeta, (Instruction, Instruction, Instruction)>();
        public Dictionary<TextureMeta, (Instruction, Instruction)> Images { get; } = new Dictionary<TextureMeta, (Instruction, Instruction)>();
        public Dictionary<int, Instruction> Inputs { get; } = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();
        public Dictionary<int, Instruction> Outputs { get; } = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();
        public Dictionary<int, Instruction> InputsPerPatch { get; } = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();
        public Dictionary<int, Instruction> OutputsPerPatch { get; } = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();

        public Instruction CoordTemp { get; set; }
        private readonly Dictionary<AstOperand, Instruction> _locals = new Dictionary<AstOperand, Instruction>();
        private readonly Dictionary<int, Instruction[]> _localForArgs = new Dictionary<int, Instruction[]>();
        private readonly Dictionary<int, Instruction> _funcArgs = new Dictionary<int, Instruction>();
        private readonly Dictionary<int, (StructuredFunction, Instruction)> _functions = new Dictionary<int, (StructuredFunction, Instruction)>();

        private class BlockState
            private int _entryCount;
            private readonly List<Instruction> _labels = new List<Instruction>();

            public Instruction GetNextLabel(CodeGenContext context)
                return GetLabel(context, _entryCount);

            public Instruction GetNextLabelAutoIncrement(CodeGenContext context)
                return GetLabel(context, _entryCount++);

            public Instruction GetLabel(CodeGenContext context, int index)
                while (index >= _labels.Count)

                return _labels[index];

        private readonly Dictionary<AstBlock, BlockState> _labels = new Dictionary<AstBlock, BlockState>();

        public Dictionary<AstBlock, (Instruction, Instruction)> LoopTargets { get; set; }

        public AstBlock CurrentBlock { get; private set; }

        public SpirvDelegates Delegates { get; }

        public CodeGenContext(
            StructuredProgramInfo info,
            ShaderConfig config,
            GeneratorPool<Instruction> instPool,
            GeneratorPool<LiteralInteger> integerPool) : base(SpirvVersionPacked, instPool, integerPool)
            Info = info;
            Config = config;

            if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
                InputTopology inPrimitive = config.GpuAccessor.QueryPrimitiveTopology();

                InputVertices = inPrimitive switch
                    InputTopology.Points => 1,
                    InputTopology.Lines => 2,
                    InputTopology.LinesAdjacency => 2,
                    InputTopology.Triangles => 3,
                    InputTopology.TrianglesAdjacency => 3,
                    _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid input topology \"{inPrimitive}\".")


            SetMemoryModel(AddressingModel.Logical, MemoryModel.GLSL450);

            Delegates = new SpirvDelegates(this);

        public void StartFunction()

        public void EnterBlock(AstBlock block)
            CurrentBlock = block;

        public Instruction GetFirstLabel(AstBlock block)
            return GetBlockStateLazy(block).GetLabel(this, 0);

        public Instruction GetNextLabel(AstBlock block)
            return GetBlockStateLazy(block).GetNextLabel(this);

        private BlockState GetBlockStateLazy(AstBlock block)
            if (!_labels.TryGetValue(block, out var blockState))
                blockState = new BlockState();

                _labels.Add(block, blockState);

            return blockState;

        public Instruction NewBlock()
            var label = Label();
            return label;

        public Instruction[] GetMainInterface()
            var mainInterface = new List<Instruction>();


            if (InputsArray != null)

            if (OutputsArray != null)

            return mainInterface.ToArray();

        public void DeclareLocal(AstOperand local, Instruction spvLocal)
            _locals.Add(local, spvLocal);

        public void DeclareLocalForArgs(int funcIndex, Instruction[] spvLocals)
            _localForArgs.Add(funcIndex, spvLocals);

        public void DeclareArgument(int argIndex, Instruction spvLocal)
            _funcArgs.Add(argIndex, spvLocal);

        public void DeclareFunction(int funcIndex, StructuredFunction function, Instruction spvFunc)
            _functions.Add(funcIndex, (function, spvFunc));

        public Instruction GetFP32(IAstNode node)
            return Get(AggregateType.FP32, node);

        public Instruction GetFP64(IAstNode node)
            return Get(AggregateType.FP64, node);

        public Instruction GetS32(IAstNode node)
            return Get(AggregateType.S32, node);

        public Instruction GetU32(IAstNode node)
            return Get(AggregateType.U32, node);

        public Instruction Get(AggregateType type, IAstNode node)
            if (node is AstOperation operation)
                var opResult = Instructions.Generate(this, operation);
                return BitcastIfNeeded(type, opResult.Type, opResult.Value);
            else if (node is AstOperand operand)
                return operand.Type switch
                    IrOperandType.Argument => GetArgument(type, operand),
                    IrOperandType.Attribute => GetAttribute(type, operand.Value & AttributeConsts.Mask, (operand.Value & AttributeConsts.LoadOutputMask) != 0),
                    IrOperandType.AttributePerPatch => GetAttributePerPatch(type, operand.Value & AttributeConsts.Mask, (operand.Value & AttributeConsts.LoadOutputMask) != 0),
                    IrOperandType.Constant => GetConstant(type, operand),
                    IrOperandType.ConstantBuffer => GetConstantBuffer(type, operand),
                    IrOperandType.LocalVariable => GetLocal(type, operand),
                    IrOperandType.Undefined => GetUndefined(type),
                    _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid operand type \"{operand.Type}\".")

            throw new NotImplementedException(node.GetType().Name);

        public Instruction GetWithType(IAstNode node, out AggregateType type)
            if (node is AstOperation operation)
                var opResult = Instructions.Generate(this, operation);
                type = opResult.Type;
                return opResult.Value;
            else if (node is AstOperand operand)
                switch (operand.Type)
                    case IrOperandType.LocalVariable:
                        type = operand.VarType;
                        return GetLocal(type, operand);
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid operand type \"{operand.Type}\".");

            throw new NotImplementedException(node.GetType().Name);

        private Instruction GetUndefined(AggregateType type)
            return type switch
                AggregateType.Bool => ConstantFalse(TypeBool()),
                AggregateType.FP32 => Constant(TypeFP32(), 0f),
                AggregateType.FP64 => Constant(TypeFP64(), 0d),
                _ => Constant(GetType(type), 0)

        public Instruction GetAttributeElemPointer(int attr, bool isOutAttr, Instruction index, out AggregateType elemType)
            var storageClass = isOutAttr ? StorageClass.Output : StorageClass.Input;
            var attrInfo = AttributeInfo.From(Config, attr, isOutAttr);

            int attrOffset = attrInfo.BaseValue;
            AggregateType type = attrInfo.Type;

            Instruction ioVariable, elemIndex;

            Instruction invocationId = null;

            if (Config.Stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl && isOutAttr)
                invocationId = Load(TypeS32(), Inputs[AttributeConsts.InvocationId]);

            bool isUserAttr = attr >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && attr < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd;

            if (isUserAttr &&
                ((!isOutAttr && Config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.IaIndexing)) ||
                (isOutAttr && Config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.OaIndexing))))
                elemType = AggregateType.FP32;
                ioVariable = isOutAttr ? OutputsArray : InputsArray;
                elemIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), attrInfo.GetInnermostIndex());
                var vecIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), (attr - AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase) >> 4);

                bool isArray = AttributeInfo.IsArrayAttributeSpirv(Config.Stage, isOutAttr);

                if (invocationId != null && isArray)
                    return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, index, vecIndex, elemIndex);
                else if (invocationId != null)
                    return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, vecIndex, elemIndex);
                else if (isArray)
                    return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, index, vecIndex, elemIndex);
                    return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, vecIndex, elemIndex);

            bool isViewportInverse = attr == AttributeConsts.SupportBlockViewInverseX || attr == AttributeConsts.SupportBlockViewInverseY;

            if (isViewportInverse)
                elemType = AggregateType.FP32;
                elemIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), (attr - AttributeConsts.SupportBlockViewInverseX) >> 2);
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, TypeFP32()), SupportBuffer, Constant(TypeU32(), 2), elemIndex);

            elemType = attrInfo.Type & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask;

            if (isUserAttr && Config.TransformFeedbackEnabled &&
                ((isOutAttr && Config.LastInVertexPipeline) ||
                (!isOutAttr && Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)))
                attrOffset = attr;
                type = elemType;

                if (Config.LastInPipeline && isOutAttr)
                    int components = Info.GetTransformFeedbackOutputComponents(attr);

                    if (components > 1)
                        attrOffset &= ~0xf;
                        type = components switch
                            2 => AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.FP32,
                            3 => AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.FP32,
                            4 => AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32,
                            _ => AggregateType.FP32

                        attrInfo = new AttributeInfo(attrOffset, (attr - attrOffset) / 4, components, type, false);

            ioVariable = isOutAttr ? Outputs[attrOffset] : Inputs[attrOffset];

            bool isIndexed = AttributeInfo.IsArrayAttributeSpirv(Config.Stage, isOutAttr) && (!attrInfo.IsBuiltin || AttributeInfo.IsArrayBuiltIn(attr));

            if ((type & (AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.ElementCountMask)) == 0)
                if (invocationId != null)
                    return isIndexed
                        ? AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, index)
                        : AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId);
                    return isIndexed ? AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, index) : ioVariable;

            elemIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), attrInfo.GetInnermostIndex());

            if (invocationId != null && isIndexed)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, index, elemIndex);
            else if (invocationId != null)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, elemIndex);
            else if (isIndexed)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, index, elemIndex);
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, elemIndex);

        public Instruction GetAttributeElemPointer(Instruction attrIndex, bool isOutAttr, Instruction index, out AggregateType elemType)
            var storageClass = isOutAttr ? StorageClass.Output : StorageClass.Input;

            Instruction invocationId = null;

            if (Config.Stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl && isOutAttr)
                invocationId = Load(TypeS32(), Inputs[AttributeConsts.InvocationId]);

            elemType = AggregateType.FP32;
            var ioVariable = isOutAttr ? OutputsArray : InputsArray;
            var vecIndex = ShiftRightLogical(TypeS32(), attrIndex, Constant(TypeS32(), 2));
            var elemIndex = BitwiseAnd(TypeS32(), attrIndex, Constant(TypeS32(), 3));

            bool isArray = AttributeInfo.IsArrayAttributeSpirv(Config.Stage, isOutAttr);

            if (invocationId != null && isArray)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, index, vecIndex, elemIndex);
            else if (invocationId != null)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, invocationId, vecIndex, elemIndex);
            else if (isArray)
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, index, vecIndex, elemIndex);
                return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, vecIndex, elemIndex);

        public Instruction GetAttribute(AggregateType type, int attr, bool isOutAttr, Instruction index = null)
            if (!AttributeInfo.Validate(Config, attr, isOutAttr: false))
                return GetConstant(type, new AstOperand(IrOperandType.Constant, 0));

            var elemPointer = GetAttributeElemPointer(attr, isOutAttr, index, out var elemType);
            var value = Load(GetType(elemType), elemPointer);

            if (Config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
                if (attr == AttributeConsts.PositionX || attr == AttributeConsts.PositionY)
                    var pointerType = TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, TypeFP32());
                    var fieldIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), 4);
                    var scaleIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), 0);

                    var scaleElemPointer = AccessChain(pointerType, SupportBuffer, fieldIndex, scaleIndex);
                    var scale = Load(TypeFP32(), scaleElemPointer);

                    value = FDiv(TypeFP32(), value, scale);
                else if (attr == AttributeConsts.FrontFacing && Config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostHasFrontFacingBug())
                    // Workaround for what appears to be a bug on Intel compiler.
                    var valueFloat = Select(TypeFP32(), value, Constant(TypeFP32(), 1f), Constant(TypeFP32(), 0f));
                    var valueAsInt = Bitcast(TypeS32(), valueFloat);
                    var valueNegated = SNegate(TypeS32(), valueAsInt);

                    value = SLessThan(TypeBool(), valueNegated, Constant(TypeS32(), 0));

            return BitcastIfNeeded(type, elemType, value);

        public Instruction GetAttributePerPatchElemPointer(int attr, bool isOutAttr, out AggregateType elemType)
            var storageClass = isOutAttr ? StorageClass.Output : StorageClass.Input;
            var attrInfo = AttributeInfo.FromPatch(Config, attr, isOutAttr);

            int attrOffset = attrInfo.BaseValue;
            Instruction ioVariable = isOutAttr ? OutputsPerPatch[attrOffset] : InputsPerPatch[attrOffset];

            elemType = attrInfo.Type & AggregateType.ElementTypeMask;

            if ((attrInfo.Type & (AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.ElementCountMask)) == 0)
                return ioVariable;

            var elemIndex = Constant(TypeU32(), attrInfo.GetInnermostIndex());
            return AccessChain(TypePointer(storageClass, GetType(elemType)), ioVariable, elemIndex);

        public Instruction GetAttributePerPatch(AggregateType type, int attr, bool isOutAttr)
            if (!AttributeInfo.ValidatePerPatch(Config, attr, isOutAttr: false))
                return GetConstant(type, new AstOperand(IrOperandType.Constant, 0));

            var elemPointer = GetAttributePerPatchElemPointer(attr, isOutAttr, out var elemType);
            return BitcastIfNeeded(type, elemType, Load(GetType(elemType), elemPointer));

        public Instruction GetAttribute(AggregateType type, Instruction attr, bool isOutAttr, Instruction index = null)
            var elemPointer = GetAttributeElemPointer(attr, isOutAttr, index, out var elemType);
            return BitcastIfNeeded(type, elemType, Load(GetType(elemType), elemPointer));

        public Instruction GetConstant(AggregateType type, AstOperand operand)
            return type switch
                AggregateType.Bool => operand.Value != 0 ? ConstantTrue(TypeBool()) : ConstantFalse(TypeBool()),
                AggregateType.FP32 => Constant(TypeFP32(), BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(operand.Value)),
                AggregateType.FP64 => Constant(TypeFP64(), (double)BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(operand.Value)),
                AggregateType.S32 => Constant(TypeS32(), operand.Value),
                AggregateType.U32 => Constant(TypeU32(), (uint)operand.Value),
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid type \"{type}\".")

        public Instruction GetConstantBuffer(AggregateType type, AstOperand operand)
            var i1 = Constant(TypeS32(), 0);
            var i2 = Constant(TypeS32(), operand.CbufOffset >> 2);
            var i3 = Constant(TypeU32(), operand.CbufOffset & 3);

            Instruction elemPointer;

            if (UniformBuffersArray != null)
                var ubVariable = UniformBuffersArray;
                var i0 = Constant(TypeS32(), operand.CbufSlot);

                elemPointer = AccessChain(TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, TypeFP32()), ubVariable, i0, i1, i2, i3);
                var ubVariable = UniformBuffers[operand.CbufSlot];

                elemPointer = AccessChain(TypePointer(StorageClass.Uniform, TypeFP32()), ubVariable, i1, i2, i3);

            return BitcastIfNeeded(type, AggregateType.FP32, Load(TypeFP32(), elemPointer));

        public Instruction GetLocalPointer(AstOperand local)
            return _locals[local];

        public Instruction[] GetLocalForArgsPointers(int funcIndex)
            return _localForArgs[funcIndex];

        public Instruction GetArgumentPointer(AstOperand funcArg)
            return _funcArgs[funcArg.Value];

        public Instruction GetLocal(AggregateType dstType, AstOperand local)
            var srcType = local.VarType;
            return BitcastIfNeeded(dstType, srcType, Load(GetType(srcType), GetLocalPointer(local)));

        public Instruction GetArgument(AggregateType dstType, AstOperand funcArg)
            var srcType = funcArg.VarType;
            return BitcastIfNeeded(dstType, srcType, Load(GetType(srcType), GetArgumentPointer(funcArg)));

        public (StructuredFunction, Instruction) GetFunction(int funcIndex)
            return _functions[funcIndex];

        public Instruction GetType(AggregateType type, int length = 1)
            if ((type & AggregateType.Array) != 0)
                return TypeArray(GetType(type & ~AggregateType.Array), Constant(TypeU32(), length));
            else if ((type & AggregateType.ElementCountMask) != 0)
                int vectorLength = (type & AggregateType.ElementCountMask) switch
                    AggregateType.Vector2 => 2,
                    AggregateType.Vector3 => 3,
                    AggregateType.Vector4 => 4,
                    _ => 1

                return TypeVector(GetType(type & ~AggregateType.ElementCountMask), vectorLength);

            return type switch
                AggregateType.Void => TypeVoid(),
                AggregateType.Bool => TypeBool(),
                AggregateType.FP32 => TypeFP32(),
                AggregateType.FP64 => TypeFP64(),
                AggregateType.S32 => TypeS32(),
                AggregateType.U32 => TypeU32(),
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid attribute type \"{type}\".")

        public Instruction BitcastIfNeeded(AggregateType dstType, AggregateType srcType, Instruction value)
            if (dstType == srcType)
                return value;

            if (dstType == AggregateType.Bool)
                return INotEqual(TypeBool(), BitcastIfNeeded(AggregateType.S32, srcType, value), Constant(TypeS32(), 0));
            else if (srcType == AggregateType.Bool)
                var intTrue  = Constant(TypeS32(), IrConsts.True);
                var intFalse = Constant(TypeS32(), IrConsts.False);

                return BitcastIfNeeded(dstType, AggregateType.S32, Select(TypeS32(), value, intTrue, intFalse));
                return Bitcast(GetType(dstType, 1), value);

        public Instruction TypeS32()
            return TypeInt(32, true);

        public Instruction TypeU32()
            return TypeInt(32, false);

        public Instruction TypeFP32()
            return TypeFloat(32);

        public Instruction TypeFP64()
            return TypeFloat(64);