path: root/Ryujinx.Audio/Renderer/Dsp/FloatingPointHelper.cs
blob: 6645e20a32d1a4b7bad3b88965847d63686570aa (plain) (tree)



using System;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp
    public static class FloatingPointHelper
        public static float MultiplyRoundDown(float a, float b)
            return RoundDown(a * b);

        public static float RoundDown(float a)
            return MathF.Round(a, 0);

        public static float RoundUp(float a)
            return MathF.Round(a);

        public static float MultiplyRoundUp(float a, float b)
            return RoundUp(a * b);

        public static float Pow10(float x)
            // NOTE: Nintendo implementation uses Q15 and a LUT for this, we don't.
            // As such, we support the same ranges as Nintendo to avoid unexpected behaviours.
            if (x >= 0.0f)
                return 1.0f;
            else if (x <= -5.3f)
                return 0.0f;

            return MathF.Pow(10, x);

        public static float Log10(float x)
            // NOTE: Nintendo uses an approximation of log10, we don't.
            // As such, we support the same ranges as Nintendo to avoid unexpected behaviours.
            return MathF.Pow(10, MathF.Max(x, 1.0e-10f));

        public static float MeanSquare(ReadOnlySpan<float> inputs)
            float res = 0.0f;

            foreach (float input in inputs)
                res += (input * input);

            res /= inputs.Length;

            return res;

        /// <summary>
        /// Map decibel to linear.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The decibel value to convert</param>
        /// <returns>Converted linear value/returns>
        public static float DecibelToLinear(float db)
            return MathF.Pow(10.0f, db / 20.0f);

        /// <summary>
        /// Map decibel to linear in [0, 2] range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The decibel value to convert</param>
        /// <returns>Converted linear value in [0, 2] range</returns>
        public static float DecibelToLinearExtended(float db)
            float tmp = MathF.Log2(DecibelToLinear(db));

            return MathF.Truncate(tmp) + MathF.Pow(2.0f, tmp - MathF.Truncate(tmp));

        public static float DegreesToRadians(float degrees)
            return degrees * MathF.PI / 180.0f;

        public static float Cos(float value)
            return MathF.Cos(DegreesToRadians(value));

        public static float Sin(float value)
            return MathF.Sin(DegreesToRadians(value));