#pragma once #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #pragma warning(disable: 4244) // int to float #pragma warning(disable: 4800) // int to bool #pragma warning(disable: 4838) // narrowing conversion #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // POSIX names #ifdef __MWERKS__ #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS // so we get UINT32_MAX etc #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef __MWERKS__ #define AUDIO_MSS #define RWLIBS // codewarrior doesn't support project level defines - so not even this is enough, but still catches most ifdefs #endif #if !defined RW_D3D9 && defined LIBRW #undef WITHD3D #undef WITHDINPUT #endif #if (defined WITHD3D && !defined LIBRW) #define WITHWINDOWS #endif #if defined _WIN32 && defined WITHWINDOWS && !defined _INC_WINDOWS #include <windows.h> #endif #ifdef WITHD3D #ifdef LIBRW #define WITH_D3D // librw includes d3d9 itself via this right now #else #ifndef USE_D3D9 #include <d3d8.h> #else #include <d3d9.h> #endif #endif #endif #ifdef WITHDINPUT #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #include <dinput.h> #endif #include <rwcore.h> #include <rpworld.h> // gotta put this somewhere #ifdef LIBRW #define STREAMPOS(str) ((str)->tell()) #define STREAMFILE(str) (((rw::StreamFile*)(str))->file) #define HIERNODEINFO(hier) ((hier)->nodeInfo) #define HIERNODEID(hier, i) ((hier)->nodeInfo[i].id) #define HANIMFRAME(anim, i) ((RwUInt8*)(anim)->keyframes + (i)*(anim)->interpInfo->animKeyFrameSize) #else #define RWHALFPIXEL // always d3d #define STREAMPOS(str) ((str)->Type.memory.position) #define STREAMFILE(str) ((str)->Type.file.fpFile) #define HIERNODEINFO(hier) ((hier)->pNodeInfo) #define HIERNODEID(hier, i) ((hier)->pNodeInfo[i].nodeID) #define HANIMFRAME(anim, i) ((RwUInt8*)(anim)->pFrames + (i)*(anim)->interpInfo->keyFrameSize) #define RpHAnimStdInterpFrame RpHAnimStdKeyFrame #endif #ifdef RWHALFPIXEL #define HALFPX (0.5f) #else #define HALFPX (0.0f) #endif #define rwVENDORID_ROCKSTAR 0x0253F2 #define Max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define Min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) // Use this to add const that wasn't there in the original code #define Const const typedef uint8_t uint8; typedef int8_t int8; typedef uint16_t uint16; typedef int16_t int16; #ifndef __MWERKS__ typedef uint32_t uint32; typedef int32_t int32; #else typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef int int32; #endif typedef uintptr_t uintptr; typedef intptr_t intptr; typedef uint64_t uint64; typedef int64_t int64; // hardcode ucs-2 typedef uint16_t wchar; typedef uint8 bool8; typedef uint16 bool16; typedef uint32 bool32; #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__MWERKS__) typedef ptrdiff_t ssize_t; #endif #ifndef nil #define nil NULL #endif #include "config.h" #ifdef PED_SKIN #include <rphanim.h> #include <rpskin.h> #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define TYPEALIGN(n) __attribute__ ((aligned (n))) #else #ifdef _MSC_VER #define TYPEALIGN(n) __declspec(align(n)) #else #define TYPEALIGN(n) // unknown compiler...ignore #endif #endif #define ALIGNPTR(p) (void*)((((uintptr)(void*)p) + sizeof(void*)-1) & ~(sizeof(void*)-1)) // PDP-10 like byte functions #define MASK(p, s) (((1<<(s))-1) << (p)) inline uint32 dpb(uint32 b, uint32 p, uint32 s, uint32 w) { uint32 m = MASK(p,s); return (w & ~m) | ((b<<p) & m); } inline uint32 ldb(uint32 p, uint32 s, uint32 w) { return w>>p & (1<<s)-1; } #include "skeleton.h" #include "Draw.h" #if defined(PROPER_SCALING) || defined(PS2_HUD) #ifdef FORCE_PC_SCALING #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH (640) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (448) #else #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH (640) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (480) #endif #elif defined(GTA_PS2) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH (640) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (480) #else //elif defined(GTA_PC) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH (640) #define DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT (448) #endif #define DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO (4.0f/3.0f) #define DEFAULT_VIEWWINDOW (0.7f) // game uses maximumWidth/Height, but this probably won't work // with RW windowed mode #ifdef GTA_PS2 #ifdef GTA_PAL #define SCREEN_WIDTH ((float)640) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT ((float)512) #else #define SCREEN_WIDTH ((float)640) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT ((float)448) #endif #else #define SCREEN_WIDTH ((float)RsGlobal.width) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT ((float)RsGlobal.height) #endif #define SCREEN_HEIGHT_PAL ((float)512) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT_NTSC ((float)448) #define SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO (CDraw::GetAspectRatio()) #define SCREEN_VIEWWINDOW (Tan(DEGTORAD(CDraw::GetScaledFOV() * 0.5f))) // This scales from PS2 pixel coordinates to the real resolution #define SCREEN_STRETCH_X(a) ((a) * (float) SCREEN_WIDTH / DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH) #define SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a) ((a) * (float) SCREEN_HEIGHT / DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT) #define SCREEN_STRETCH_FROM_RIGHT(a) (SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_STRETCH_X(a)) #define SCREEN_STRETCH_FROM_BOTTOM(a) (SCREEN_HEIGHT - SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a)) // This scales from PS2 pixel coordinates while optionally maintaining the aspect ratio #define SCREEN_SCALE_X(a) SCREEN_SCALE_AR(SCREEN_STRETCH_X(a)) #define SCREEN_SCALE_Y(a) SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a) #define SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_RIGHT(a) (SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_SCALE_X(a)) #define SCREEN_SCALE_FROM_BOTTOM(a) (SCREEN_HEIGHT - SCREEN_SCALE_Y(a)) #ifdef ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE #define SCREEN_SCALE_AR(a) ((a) * DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO / SCREEN_ASPECT_RATIO) #define SCALE_AND_CENTER_X(x) ((SCREEN_WIDTH == DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (x) : (SCREEN_WIDTH - SCREEN_SCALE_X(DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH)) / 2 + SCREEN_SCALE_X((x))) #ifdef PROPER_SCALING #ifndef FORCE_PC_SCALING #undef SCREEN_SCALE_Y #define SCREEN_SCALE_Y(a) CDraw::ScaleY(SCREEN_STRETCH_Y(a)) #endif #endif #else #define SCREEN_SCALE_AR(a) (a) #define SCALE_AND_CENTER_X(x) SCREEN_STRETCH_X(x) #endif #include "maths.h" #include "Vector.h" #ifdef GTA_PS2 #include "VuVector.h" #define CVUVECTOR CVuVector #else #define CVUVECTOR CVector #endif #include "Vector2D.h" #include "Matrix.h" #include "Rect.h" class CRGBA { public: union { uint32 color32; struct { uint8 r, g, b, a; }; struct { uint8 red, green, blue, alpha; }; #ifdef RWCORE_H struct { RwRGBA rwRGBA; }; #endif }; CRGBA(void) { } CRGBA(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) { } bool operator ==(const CRGBA &right) { return this->r == right.r && this->g == right.g && this->b == right.b && this->a == right.a; } bool operator !=(const CRGBA &right) { return !(*this == right); } CRGBA &operator =(const CRGBA &right) { this->r = right.r; this->g = right.g; this->b = right.b; this->a = right.a; return *this; } #ifdef RWCORE_H operator RwRGBA &(void) { return rwRGBA; } operator RwRGBA *(void) { return &rwRGBA; } operator RwRGBA (void) const { return rwRGBA; } CRGBA &operator =(const RwRGBA &right) { this->r = right.red; this->g = right.green; this->b = right.blue; this->a = right.alpha; return *this; } #endif }; #if (defined(_MSC_VER)) extern int strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2); #endif extern wchar *AllocUnicode(const char*src); #define Clamp(v, low, high) ((v)<(low) ? (low) : (v)>(high) ? (high) : (v)) inline float sq(float x) { return x*x; } #define SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) #ifdef __MWERKS__ #define M_E 2.71828182845904523536 // e #define M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340736 // log2(e) #define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651 // log10(e) #define M_LN2 0.693147180559945309417 // ln(2) #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 // ln(10) #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // pi #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 // pi/2 #define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309616 // pi/4 #define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671538 // 1/pi #define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581343076 // 2/pi #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 // 2/sqrt(pi) #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 // sqrt(2) #define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524401 // 1/sqrt(2) #endif #define PI (float)M_PI #define TWOPI (PI*2) #define HALFPI (PI/2) #define DEGTORAD(x) ((x) * PI / 180.0f) #define RADTODEG(x) ((x) * 180.0f / PI) #ifdef USE_PS2_RAND #define MYRAND_MAX 65535 #else #define MYRAND_MAX 32767 #endif int myrand(void); void mysrand(unsigned int seed); void re3_debug(const char *format, ...); void re3_trace(const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func, const char *format, ...); void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func); void re3_usererror(const char *format, ...); #define DEBUGBREAK() __debugbreak(); // Switch to enable development messages. #if 1 #define DEV(f, ...) #else #define DEV(f, ...) re3_debug("[DEV]: " f, ## __VA_ARGS__) #endif #ifdef __MWERKS__ void debug(char *f, ...); void Error(char *f, ...); __inline__ void TRACE(char *f, ...) { } // this is re3 only, and so the function needs to be inline - this way no call actually gets placed // USERERROR only gets used in oal builds ... once #else #define debug(f, ...) re3_debug("[DBG]: " f, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define Error(f, ...) re3_debug("[ERROR]: " f, ## __VA_ARGS__) #ifndef MASTER #define TRACE(f, ...) re3_trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, f, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define USERERROR(f, ...) re3_usererror(f, ## __VA_ARGS__) #else #define TRACE(f, ...) #define USERERROR(f, ...) #endif #endif #ifndef MASTER #define assert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (re3_assert(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__), 0) ) #else #define assert(_Expression) (_Expression) #endif #define ASSERT assert #ifdef __MWERKS__ #define static_assert(bool_constexpr, message) #endif #define _TODO(x) #define _TODOCONST(x) (x) #ifdef CHECK_STRUCT_SIZES template<int s, int t> struct check_size { static_assert(s == t, "Invalid structure size"); }; #define VALIDATE_SIZE(struc, size) check_size<sizeof(struc), size> struc ## Check #else #define VALIDATE_SIZE(struc, size) #endif #define VALIDATE_OFFSET(struc, member, offset) static_assert(offsetof(struc, member) == offset, "The offset of " #member " in " #struc " is not " #offset "...") #define PERCENT(x, p) ((float(x) * (float(p) / 100.0f))) #define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) #define BIT(num) (1<<(num)) #define ABS(a) (((a) < 0) ? (-(a)) : (a)) #define norm(value, min, max) (((value) < (min)) ? 0 : (((value) > (max)) ? 1 : (((value) - (min)) / ((max) - (min))))) #define lerp(norm, min, max) ( (norm) * ((max) - (min)) + (min) ) #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define STR(x) STRINGIFY(x) #define CONCAT_(x,y) x##y #define CONCAT(x,y) CONCAT_(x,y)