// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "citra_qt/debugger/graphics/graphics_surface.h" #include "citra_qt/util/spinbox.h" #include "common/color.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/memory.h" #include "video_core/gpu.h" #include "video_core/pica/pica_core.h" #include "video_core/texture/texture_decode.h" #include "video_core/utils.h" SurfacePicture::SurfacePicture(QWidget* parent, GraphicsSurfaceWidget* surface_widget_) : QLabel(parent), surface_widget(surface_widget_) {} SurfacePicture::~SurfacePicture() = default; void SurfacePicture::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { // Only do something while the left mouse button is held down if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) return; const QPixmap pixmap = this->pixmap(Qt::ReturnByValue); if (pixmap.isNull()) { return; } if (surface_widget) { const auto pos = event->position().toPoint(); surface_widget->Pick(pos.x() * pixmap.width() / width(), pos.y() * pixmap.height() / height()); } } void SurfacePicture::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { // We also want to handle the event if the user moves the mouse while holding down the LMB mousePressEvent(event); } GraphicsSurfaceWidget::GraphicsSurfaceWidget(Core::System& system_, std::shared_ptr debug_context, QWidget* parent) : BreakPointObserverDock(debug_context, tr("Pica Surface Viewer"), parent), system{system_}, surface_source(Source::ColorBuffer) { setObjectName(QStringLiteral("PicaSurface")); surface_source_list = new QComboBox; surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Color Buffer")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Depth Buffer")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Stencil Buffer")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Texture 0")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Texture 1")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Texture 2")); surface_source_list->addItem(tr("Custom")); surface_source_list->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(surface_source)); surface_address_control = new CSpinBox; surface_address_control->SetBase(16); surface_address_control->SetRange(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); surface_address_control->SetPrefix(QStringLiteral("0x")); unsigned max_dimension = 16384; // TODO: Find actual maximum surface_width_control = new QSpinBox; surface_width_control->setRange(0, max_dimension); surface_height_control = new QSpinBox; surface_height_control->setRange(0, max_dimension); surface_picker_x_control = new QSpinBox; surface_picker_x_control->setRange(0, max_dimension - 1); surface_picker_y_control = new QSpinBox; surface_picker_y_control->setRange(0, max_dimension - 1); // Color formats sorted by Pica texture format index const QStringList surface_formats{ QStringLiteral("RGBA8"), QStringLiteral("RGB8"), QStringLiteral("RGB5A1"), QStringLiteral("RGB565"), QStringLiteral("RGBA4"), QStringLiteral("IA8"), QStringLiteral("RG8"), QStringLiteral("I8"), QStringLiteral("A8"), QStringLiteral("IA4"), QStringLiteral("I4"), QStringLiteral("A4"), QStringLiteral("ETC1"), QStringLiteral("ETC1A4"), QStringLiteral("D16"), QStringLiteral("D24"), QStringLiteral("D24X8"), QStringLiteral("X24S8"), tr("Unknown"), }; surface_format_control = new QComboBox; surface_format_control->addItems(surface_formats); surface_info_label = new QLabel(); surface_info_label->setWordWrap(true); surface_picture_label = new SurfacePicture(0, this); surface_picture_label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); surface_picture_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); surface_picture_label->setScaledContents(false); auto scroll_area = new QScrollArea(); scroll_area->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Dark); scroll_area->setWidgetResizable(false); scroll_area->setWidget(surface_picture_label); save_surface = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-save")), tr("Save")); // Connections connect(this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::Update, this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnUpdate); connect(surface_source_list, qOverload(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceSourceChanged); connect(surface_address_control, &CSpinBox::ValueChanged, this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceAddressChanged); connect(surface_width_control, qOverload(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceWidthChanged); connect(surface_height_control, qOverload(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceHeightChanged); connect(surface_format_control, qOverload(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceFormatChanged); connect(surface_picker_x_control, qOverload(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfacePickerXChanged); connect(surface_picker_y_control, qOverload(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfacePickerYChanged); connect(save_surface, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &GraphicsSurfaceWidget::SaveSurface); auto main_widget = new QWidget; auto main_layout = new QVBoxLayout; { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Source:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_source_list); main_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Physical Address:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_address_control); main_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Width:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_width_control); main_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Height:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_height_control); main_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Format:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_format_control); main_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } main_layout->addWidget(scroll_area); auto info_layout = new QHBoxLayout; { auto xy_layout = new QVBoxLayout; { { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("X:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_picker_x_control); xy_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } { auto sub_layout = new QHBoxLayout; sub_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Y:"))); sub_layout->addWidget(surface_picker_y_control); xy_layout->addLayout(sub_layout); } } info_layout->addLayout(xy_layout); surface_info_label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); info_layout->addWidget(surface_info_label); } main_layout->addLayout(info_layout); main_layout->addWidget(save_surface); main_widget->setLayout(main_layout); setWidget(main_widget); // Load current data - TODO: Make sure this works when emulation is not running if (debug_context && debug_context->at_breakpoint) { emit Update(); widget()->setEnabled(debug_context->at_breakpoint); } else { widget()->setEnabled(false); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnBreakPointHit(Pica::DebugContext::Event event, const void* data) { emit Update(); widget()->setEnabled(true); } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnResumed() { widget()->setEnabled(false); } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceSourceChanged(int new_value) { surface_source = static_cast(new_value); emit Update(); } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceAddressChanged(qint64 new_value) { if (surface_address != new_value) { surface_address = static_cast(new_value); surface_source_list->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(Source::Custom)); emit Update(); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceWidthChanged(int new_value) { if (surface_width != static_cast(new_value)) { surface_width = static_cast(new_value); surface_source_list->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(Source::Custom)); emit Update(); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceHeightChanged(int new_value) { if (surface_height != static_cast(new_value)) { surface_height = static_cast(new_value); surface_source_list->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(Source::Custom)); emit Update(); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfaceFormatChanged(int new_value) { if (surface_format != static_cast(new_value)) { surface_format = static_cast(new_value); surface_source_list->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(Source::Custom)); emit Update(); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfacePickerXChanged(int new_value) { if (surface_picker_x != new_value) { surface_picker_x = new_value; Pick(surface_picker_x, surface_picker_y); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnSurfacePickerYChanged(int new_value) { if (surface_picker_y != new_value) { surface_picker_y = new_value; Pick(surface_picker_x, surface_picker_y); } } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::Pick(int x, int y) { surface_picker_x_control->setValue(x); surface_picker_y_control->setValue(y); if (x < 0 || x >= static_cast(surface_width) || y < 0 || y >= static_cast(surface_height)) { surface_info_label->setText(tr("Pixel out of bounds")); surface_info_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); return; } const u8* buffer = system.Memory().GetPhysicalPointer(surface_address); if (!buffer) { surface_info_label->setText(tr("(unable to access pixel data)")); surface_info_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); return; } const u32 nibbles_per_pixel = GraphicsSurfaceWidget::NibblesPerPixel(surface_format); const u32 stride = nibbles_per_pixel * surface_width / 2; const bool nibble_mode = (nibbles_per_pixel == 1); const u32 bytes_per_pixel = [&] { if (nibble_mode) { // As nibbles are contained in a byte we still need to access one byte per nibble return 1u; } else { return nibbles_per_pixel / 2; } }(); const u32 coarse_y = y & ~7; const u32 offset = VideoCore::GetMortonOffset(x, y, bytes_per_pixel) + coarse_y * stride; const u8* pixel = buffer + (nibble_mode ? (offset / 2) : offset); const auto get_text = [offset](Format format, const u8* pixel) { switch (format) { case Format::RGBA8: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRGBA8(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2, Blue: %3, Alpha: %4") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.b(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.a(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::RGB8: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRGB8(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2, Blue: %3") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.b(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::RGB5A1: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRGB5A1(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2, Blue: %3, Alpha: %4") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.b(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.a(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::RGB565: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRGB565(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2, Blue: %3") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.b(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::RGBA4: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRGBA4(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2, Blue: %3, Alpha: %4") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.b(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.a(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::IA8: return QStringLiteral("Index: %1, Alpha: %2").arg(pixel[0], pixel[1]); case Format::RG8: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeRG8(pixel) / 255.0f; return QStringLiteral("Red: %1, Green: %2") .arg(QString::number(value.r(), 'f', 2), QString::number(value.g(), 'f', 2)); } case Format::I8: return QStringLiteral("Index: %1").arg(*pixel); case Format::A8: return QStringLiteral("Alpha: %1").arg(QString::number(*pixel / 255.0f, 'f', 2)); case Format::IA4: return QStringLiteral("Index: %1, Alpha: %2").arg(*pixel & 0xF, (*pixel & 0xF0) >> 4); case Format::I4: { const u8 i = (*pixel >> ((offset % 2) ? 4 : 0)) & 0xF; return QStringLiteral("Index: %1").arg(i); } case Format::A4: { const u8 a = (*pixel >> ((offset % 2) ? 4 : 0)) & 0xF; return QStringLiteral("Alpha: %1").arg(QString::number(a / 15.0f, 'f', 2)); } case Format::ETC1: case Format::ETC1A4: // TODO: Display block information or channel values? return QStringLiteral("Compressed data"); case Format::D16: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeD16(pixel); return QStringLiteral("Depth: %1").arg(QString::number(value / (float)0xFFFF, 'f', 4)); } case Format::D24: { const auto value = Common::Color::DecodeD24(pixel); return QStringLiteral("Depth: %1") .arg(QString::number(value / (float)0xFFFFFF, 'f', 4)); } case Format::D24X8: case Format::X24S8: { const auto values = Common::Color::DecodeD24S8(pixel); return QStringLiteral("Depth: %1, Stencil: %2") .arg(QString::number(values[0] / (float)0xFFFFFF, 'f', 4), values[1]); } case Format::Unknown: return QStringLiteral("Unknown format"); default: return QStringLiteral("Unhandled format"); } }; QString nibbles; for (u32 i = 0; i < nibbles_per_pixel; i++) { u32 nibble_index = i; if (nibble_mode) { nibble_index += (offset % 2) ? 0 : 1; } const u8 byte = pixel[nibble_index / 2]; const u8 nibble = (byte >> ((nibble_index % 2) ? 0 : 4)) & 0xF; nibbles.append(QString::number(nibble, 16).toUpper()); } surface_info_label->setText( QStringLiteral("Raw: 0x%3\n(%4)").arg(nibbles, get_text(surface_format, pixel))); surface_info_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::OnUpdate() { QPixmap pixmap; const auto& regs = system.GPU().PicaCore().regs.internal; switch (surface_source) { case Source::ColorBuffer: { // TODO: Store a reference to the registers in the debug context instead of accessing them // directly... const auto& framebuffer = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer; surface_address = framebuffer.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress(); surface_width = framebuffer.GetWidth(); surface_height = framebuffer.GetHeight(); switch (framebuffer.color_format) { case Pica::FramebufferRegs::ColorFormat::RGBA8: surface_format = Format::RGBA8; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::ColorFormat::RGB8: surface_format = Format::RGB8; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::ColorFormat::RGB5A1: surface_format = Format::RGB5A1; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::ColorFormat::RGB565: surface_format = Format::RGB565; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::ColorFormat::RGBA4: surface_format = Format::RGBA4; break; default: surface_format = Format::Unknown; break; } break; } case Source::DepthBuffer: { const auto& framebuffer = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer; surface_address = framebuffer.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress(); surface_width = framebuffer.GetWidth(); surface_height = framebuffer.GetHeight(); switch (framebuffer.depth_format) { case Pica::FramebufferRegs::DepthFormat::D16: surface_format = Format::D16; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::DepthFormat::D24: surface_format = Format::D24; break; case Pica::FramebufferRegs::DepthFormat::D24S8: surface_format = Format::D24X8; break; default: surface_format = Format::Unknown; break; } break; } case Source::StencilBuffer: { const auto& framebuffer = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer; surface_address = framebuffer.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress(); surface_width = framebuffer.GetWidth(); surface_height = framebuffer.GetHeight(); switch (framebuffer.depth_format) { case Pica::FramebufferRegs::DepthFormat::D24S8: surface_format = Format::X24S8; break; default: surface_format = Format::Unknown; break; } break; } case Source::Texture0: case Source::Texture1: case Source::Texture2: { unsigned texture_index; if (surface_source == Source::Texture0) texture_index = 0; else if (surface_source == Source::Texture1) texture_index = 1; else if (surface_source == Source::Texture2) texture_index = 2; else { qDebug() << "Unknown texture source " << static_cast(surface_source); break; } const auto texture = regs.texturing.GetTextures()[texture_index]; auto info = Pica::Texture::TextureInfo::FromPicaRegister(texture.config, texture.format); surface_address = info.physical_address; surface_width = info.width; surface_height = info.height; surface_format = static_cast(info.format); if (surface_format > Format::MaxTextureFormat) { qDebug() << "Unknown texture format " << static_cast(info.format); } break; } case Source::Custom: { // Keep user-specified values break; } default: qDebug() << "Unknown surface source " << static_cast(surface_source); break; } surface_address_control->SetValue(surface_address); surface_width_control->setValue(surface_width); surface_height_control->setValue(surface_height); surface_format_control->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(surface_format)); // TODO: Implement a good way to visualize alpha components! QImage decoded_image(surface_width, surface_height, QImage::Format_ARGB32); const u8* buffer = system.Memory().GetPhysicalPointer(surface_address); if (!buffer) { surface_picture_label->hide(); surface_info_label->setText(tr("(invalid surface address)")); surface_info_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); surface_picker_x_control->setEnabled(false); surface_picker_y_control->setEnabled(false); save_surface->setEnabled(false); return; } if (surface_format == Format::Unknown) { surface_picture_label->hide(); surface_info_label->setText(tr("(unknown surface format)")); surface_info_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); surface_picker_x_control->setEnabled(false); surface_picker_y_control->setEnabled(false); save_surface->setEnabled(false); return; } surface_picture_label->show(); if (surface_format <= Format::MaxTextureFormat) { // Generate a virtual texture Pica::Texture::TextureInfo info; info.physical_address = surface_address; info.width = surface_width; info.height = surface_height; info.format = static_cast(surface_format); info.SetDefaultStride(); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < surface_height; ++y) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < surface_width; ++x) { Common::Vec4 color = Pica::Texture::LookupTexture(buffer, x, y, info, true); decoded_image.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), color.a())); } } } else { // We handle depth formats here because DebugUtils only supports TextureFormats // TODO(yuriks): Convert to newer tile-based addressing unsigned nibbles_per_pixel = GraphicsSurfaceWidget::NibblesPerPixel(surface_format); unsigned stride = nibbles_per_pixel * surface_width / 2; ASSERT_MSG(nibbles_per_pixel >= 2, "Depth decoder only supports formats with at least one byte per pixel"); unsigned bytes_per_pixel = nibbles_per_pixel / 2; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < surface_height; ++y) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < surface_width; ++x) { const u32 coarse_y = y & ~7; u32 offset = VideoCore::GetMortonOffset(x, y, bytes_per_pixel) + coarse_y * stride; const u8* pixel = buffer + offset; Common::Vec4 color = {0, 0, 0, 0}; switch (surface_format) { case Format::D16: { u32 data = Common::Color::DecodeD16(pixel); color.r() = data & 0xFF; color.g() = (data >> 8) & 0xFF; break; } case Format::D24: { u32 data = Common::Color::DecodeD24(pixel); color.r() = data & 0xFF; color.g() = (data >> 8) & 0xFF; color.b() = (data >> 16) & 0xFF; break; } case Format::D24X8: { Common::Vec2 data = Common::Color::DecodeD24S8(pixel); color.r() = data.x & 0xFF; color.g() = (data.x >> 8) & 0xFF; color.b() = (data.x >> 16) & 0xFF; break; } case Format::X24S8: { Common::Vec2 data = Common::Color::DecodeD24S8(pixel); color.r() = color.g() = color.b() = data.y; break; } default: qDebug() << "Unknown surface format " << static_cast(surface_format); break; } decoded_image.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), 255)); } } } pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(decoded_image); surface_picture_label->setPixmap(pixmap); surface_picture_label->resize(pixmap.size()); // Update the info with pixel data surface_picker_x_control->setEnabled(true); surface_picker_y_control->setEnabled(true); Pick(surface_picker_x, surface_picker_y); // Enable saving the converted pixmap to file save_surface->setEnabled(true); } void GraphicsSurfaceWidget::SaveSurface() { const QString png_filter = tr("Portable Network Graphic (*.png)"); const QString bin_filter = tr("Binary data (*.bin)"); QString selected_filter; const QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr("Save Surface"), QStringLiteral("texture-0x%1.png").arg(QString::number(surface_address, 16)), QStringLiteral("%1;;%2").arg(png_filter, bin_filter), &selected_filter); if (filename.isEmpty()) { // If the user canceled the dialog, don't save anything. return; } if (selected_filter == png_filter) { const QPixmap pixmap = surface_picture_label->pixmap(Qt::ReturnByValue); ASSERT_MSG(!pixmap.isNull(), "No pixmap set"); QFile file{filename}; if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to open file '%1'").arg(filename)); return; } if (!pixmap.save(&file, "PNG")) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to save surface data to file '%1'").arg(filename)); } } else if (selected_filter == bin_filter) { const u8* const buffer = system.Memory().GetPhysicalPointer(surface_address); ASSERT_MSG(buffer, "Memory not accessible"); QFile file{filename}; if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to open file '%1'").arg(filename)); return; } const int size = surface_width * surface_height * NibblesPerPixel(surface_format) / 2; const QByteArray data(reinterpret_cast(buffer), size); if (file.write(data) != data.size()) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to completely write surface data to file. The saved data will " "likely be corrupt.")); } } else { UNREACHABLE_MSG("Unhandled filter selected"); } } unsigned int GraphicsSurfaceWidget::NibblesPerPixel(GraphicsSurfaceWidget::Format format) { if (format <= Format::MaxTextureFormat) { return Pica::TexturingRegs::NibblesPerPixel( static_cast(format)); } switch (format) { case Format::D24X8: case Format::X24S8: return 4 * 2; case Format::D24: return 3 * 2; case Format::D16: return 2 * 2; default: UNREACHABLE_MSG("GraphicsSurfaceWidget::BytesPerPixel: this should not be reached as this " "function should be given a format which is in " "GraphicsSurfaceWidget::Format. Instead got {}", static_cast(format)); return 0; } }