# xkcd1172 Rapidly increases CPU temperature when holding down the spacebar. ***https://xkcd.com/1172*** ![xkcd 1172: Workflow](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/workflow.png) ## Installation ```sh $ pip3 install xkcd1172 ``` ### Requirements - Xorg (Wayland works if you are focused on an Xwayland window) - Spacebar - CPU ## Building ```sh $ git clone https://git.dawidpotocki.com/dawid/xkcd1172 $ cd xkcd1172 $ python3 -m build $ pip3 install dist/xkcd1172--py3-none-any.whl ``` ## Running standalone ```sh $ xkcd1172 ``` ### Autostart ```sh $ xkcd1172 -a # Add to XDG autostart $ xkcd1172 -r # Remove from XDG autostart ``` ## Running as a library ```py import xkcd1172 xkcd1172.start_daemon_thread() ```